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sexxykimm chat

283 thoughts on “sexxykimm

  1. Mhmm, what I'm saying is; there's plenty of women out there who would actually be excited about his size, and he wouldn't need someone like you or his gf who are in fact settling their big dick desires/preferences in a trade off for other aspects.

    I'm sure she wants all those benefits of a loving caring dude, I'm not denying that, same with you. I'm saying HE or any other dude doesn't have to put up with someone who doesn't actually find him sexually attractive just because some woman wants those things. That's how you end up with dead bedrooms.

    I snowboard. I grew with a hill that's about 700 ft high, it gets icy, the lines can be long sometimes, but every now and then it's a wonderful powder day and you can really hit some awesome jumps. But I don't go there anymore. Because eventually I tried the 7,000 ft high mountains, the lines are fast, it's a bit more dangerous, but you can spend an hour just getting down the hill. I've ruined the experience of small hills. Everyone knows this feeling in some way. The funny thing is, I have friends that will skip work to go spend the day on the tiny long line hill, and have the best fucking day they could imagine.

    See what I'm saying. May all your dicks be big hills from here on, but you won't be truly happy again with an average one.

  2. It’s definitely not a deal breaker! As long as my partner isn’t lazy, I don’t care what degree they possess!

  3. I can’t tell you if you’re wrong or right, because your argument doesn’t make sense. You’re saying that you’re about to not see each other for a couple weeks so maybe you’ve taken things too fast.

    How are these events related? It seems like the “issue” is simply that you have a fear. What’s going on? Let us know.

  4. Pinworms are very common and easily spread. Especially with kids. I’d just do treatments, wash hands frequently. And clean bathroom a few times a day.

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  6. If it mirrors the treatment you had as a child, your nervous system is attuned to that kind of treatment and it feels like “home” to you. That's why a lot of people stay in terrible relationships. Do the radical self love choice and take a different path. It will create a new pathway in your brain that says you are worthy of more. Pathways in the brain are like carvings in the snow from repeated sleds going down. Yeah there's a major one that everyone is using, but you could be brave and take the path less traveled and make a new route. Keep doing that and eventually that route will be just as deep and fun as the first one that was made, new snowfall may even start to cover the original path to where you can't see it anymore

  7. Oof, okay there are two major things to unpack here.

    One, the “prank.” Drawing up divorce papers is not a prank and I don't know who on earth would actually find that funny. Was this a prank orchestrated by your sister or your husband or both together? If it was just your sister, she needs a SERIOUS talk about how unacceptable this was. Yes she's a teenager but she's growing into adulthood and needs to understand the consequences of her actions. If it was your husband…I don't know if this would be enough for me to leave right away, but I would certainly take some time on my own to think. If he did this to you, it was deeply cruel.

    Second, your reaction. The fact that divorce papers had you asking for a gun immediately and seriously is incredibly concerning. Do you have a therapist? What's your mental health history? I'm really worried for you if you have no reason to live outside of your husband. I think that it is vital for you to reach out to a therapist and get some support.

    Don't worry about what your family thought of your reaction right now. That is the lowest matter of importance on the list of urgent things to address.

  8. I wouldn’t know how to bring that up organically,

    “Hey, Laura! This is Mel, Mel, Laura! This is my best friend we had sex once upon a time ago it was years ago and we didn’t click as love interest but we are good friends. It shouldn’t be awkward at unless you aren’t secure that I’m loyal to you now. Just to be clear it happened once and will not happen again.”

    Typing it out only made it worse for you and me OP

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  10. I bought coins to give you an award – this is, without question, some of the B E S T advice ever seen on this sub. OP, follow this to the letter. It’s advice that my MFT gave my ex and I, and it kept us afloat for a while.

  11. It sounds like you’ve been in a relationship with him but he’s in a relationship with someone else or the relationship is strictly on his terms. You’ve reached out to him enough, it’s time for you to cut your losses and let him go.

  12. Here's a simple test – if you have to ask, you're probably being used. You are probably in a relationship with a selfish person who is self-centered who believes relationships are all about what they get out of it and that's it. If you reflect back on your year and find nothing of value you can point to (outside of sex, because that is mutual), then, yea – you're dealing with someone who is a taker.

    What you do next is up to you.

    Good luck.

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  14. I just want to point out that OP has since commented that this 40lbs weight gain has mostly been due to alcohol.

    It's def about health, but not in the way he thinks it is because yikes.

  15. Clearly they’re having a torrid affair. They’ve hidden it from you for as long as they can but in the Christmas spirit, lost control and gave each other a dry kiss in your presence. Repost them to all agencies you can! This shall not stand. /s

    Look, different families have different dynamics. In theirs, kissing on the lips is probably completely normal and you’re blowing this out of proportion, while accusing him of incest. Get over your insecurities. You bring this up to him, he’s going to (rightly) dump you.

    Spend your time figuring out WHY when you see two siblings kiss on the lips, you immediately jump to incest.

  16. If it seems insane for you to throw it all away because of shower times, then maybe you are the one who needs to let it go.

    As much as you don’t want to admit it, this is not actually a health concern but a psychological OCD issue. And this issue is yours and not hers or anyone else’s that you date, so it’s something you are going to need to get over if you want to make this relationship work.

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  18. well, yes. thats the conclusion i always end up with in the end to. yet, i cant keep this feeling that i am missing out in the great love of my life and just settling for something good and safe and peaceful. i know this is a very romantic and irrealistic point of view in life, but is just a thought that keeps nagging my mind from time to time and i cant never seem ro get rid of it completely.

  19. It’s totally normal and understandable to have feelings that come and go like that when it comes to things like this. Do you have ways that you’re able to cope/process things when those feelings come up? Or is there something that would help you to feel supported/more secure when those feelings come up?

  20. Boyfriend/girlfriend is a temporary thing and his baby needs a mother. But he needs to wait to bring you around his daughter until you are married to him if that’s where this thing is going. This is really messed up. He has to correct the child. If it doesn’t work out she will have been left by another women in her life.

  21. Oh – you're back. With this. It's been a minute. Please go back to where you've been …. don't start this again. Please.

  22. She doesn’t want to go all the way. You do. Both people need to want to in order to do it.

    What do you want advice about?

  23. The birth control thing is totally normal, as others have mentioned. It's all about timing. I took mine literally at dinner on one date because we ate later than I usually do. Her taking it was just a matter-of-fact feature of her day.

    The rest of it would be a bit much for me personally, but I think it's more just that she's more into you than you are her. And that's ok. But you can make the decision that this is more intense than you're ready for at the moment and take the opportunity to bow out gracefully without making it about her behavior being off or whatever lol

  24. Do what you didn’t do 13 years ago and tell her how you feel. If you’ve been best friends for half your life, and you really want to be with her, it’s worth asking about.

    Yeah, if she’s not interested then it’ll be awkward for a while. But your friendship has likely gone through much tougher times than you respectfully sharing how you feel and asking if she’d be interested in dating.

  25. Because it’s not that way. Men know what they think when they watch porn. Whether they watch an individual woman getting off or a man and woman having sex – in neither case do they fantasise about their girlfriend taking the place of the woman.

    Your men folk just aren’t thinking about you when they watch any kind of porn, that’s the reality (though they might get some ideas for stuff to try on/with you)

  26. Leave this asshole. I am so sorry you've been taken advantage of by different men over the years, but that's not your fault for assuming better nature in these people, that is completely on them for being shitty people.

    Unfortunately this guy is just another one of these shitty people. You should be able to be open and vulnerable with your partner, and if he can't be understanding or kind to you, he's not worth the energy. Also, the alcoholism and racism coming from him are major red flags to leave, but so is the general misogyny with the vile things coming out of his vile mouth.

    Leave for your own well-being❤

  27. Why should you get over it? Time to end this “complicated history” and move on…. this will always be between you and he's so nonchalant about it that would piss me off. He's gaslighting you like a pro. Get out of this merry-go-round toxic cycle.

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  29. Um. If you care about your kid you wouldn’t stay. You know how many kids wish parents made a choice like that? If you dont leave her you’re failing your kid. You may not see it yet but others are warning you. Listen

  30. First, I want to say what a lovely person you seem to be. Your focus on the positive is wonderful.

    I was raised the same way it sounds like your girlfriend was raised. You'd do anything for people. The problems begin when you don't tell someone who has unreturned feelings 'no.' Then if you tell them no repeatedly and they still won't stop with attention and gifts, truly the kindest thing you can do is tell them to jump off. With certain people, a head nod in their direction will mean they have a chance to be with you. When you really get to the root of it, you're not doing the kindest thing by accepting those. I've had a number of stalkers and people that don't give up over the years because I never wanted to be unkind (not that I think I'm all that, I'm not). But it truly wasn't kind to do anything but discontinue all contact. Their mental health is not your responsibility but allowing that to continue instead of them spending that time moving forward or getting help…not the kindest thing. I have stories for days about this, if you think any might help your beautiful souled girlfriend.

    There are two more factors, though. First, it is okay to prioritize yourself. That's not selfish or wrong. It can be very very hot to realize that you don't believe that putting yourself first is the right thing to do. And it's confusing when you're trying your best to consider everyone's feelings and you truly don't see what's best. But a friend is not a good friend when they say, “my need, that is making you uncomfortable, and putting myself before your relationship, is more important to me.” He knows her enough to know that he's the one who is causing her to hurt. He's playing on her kindness, and that's not very kind of him.

    The other factor is that she might want (trying to avoid the terms 'need' or 'should') to prioritize your relationship. I feel like you think you may be asking too much or are worried you seem jealous or controlling. I don't think you are. From everything you've told us, your gut is yelling at you. Trust your gut. Your girlfriend trusts you and you have an outside perspective that she doesn't.

    There is a ton of emotional labor that goes into this kind of decision when you're like me. But it is possible to cut through all of it and just say, “be kind and draw those boundaries. Prioritize your own well-being and that of your relationship.”

  31. I stopped at the first sentence please why does this happen. I’m 18 and I’m still wondering how teenagers can see an older person flirting with and “dating” them as anything buy predatory. I feel so bad for these people and I really hope OP can see through this one day.

  32. Why not have the BIL talk to him? Tell the BIL that your boyfriend intends to wear those raggedy clothes if he’s hired and have the BIL sit him down and tell him that it’s not appropriate.

  33. So basically the toxic relationship just became a toxic triangle. It is really easy to overlook toxicity when you like someone, but it doesn't change that they are toxic. There is nothing good that comes from being involved with toxic girls and situations. What she needs is mental help professionals and facility. Not have people enable her toxic dependency.

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  36. He’s gaslighting you. You are absolutely right to get out now that he has shown you who he is because people don’t really change

  37. Ok but what if you were married and you had a child and your wife suddenly got very sick or was in an accident and needed an extended stay in hospital. What you gonna feed yourself and your kid? You can’t just feed them takeaways every meal for a long period.

  38. He's allowed to break up with you if he doesn't want to be with you. He doesn't want to be with you. Why do you want to be with someone who doesn't like you? You're 20, far too young to be worrying about people like him.

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  40. Your friend just had a breakup and is looking for safety. Probably give her the benefit of the doubt now that it's been completely shut down. If she starts it up again, and it's not something that interests you, then it will be time to cut her off.

  41. His course of actions are wrong. He has every right to put it as a boundary in a calm respective manner. And you then decide what's more important to you, your relationship or the modeling job. He's shitty for giving you orders and taking your phone. A big no. He need learn some communication. You're right, he cant forbid you anything. You listen to his concerns and decide then. And based on your decision he can walk away or stay

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  45. She fucked around.

    She’s about to find out.

    He’s hopefully going to leave her, for damned good reason.

    Who wants an uppity petty child as a partner?

    Why would a guy wife that or have a child with that?

    Think about what kind of mother she would prove to be.

    She needs to lose this relationship in order to fully understand that her actions have consequences. Too many guys let things go and don’t hold their girls accountable for shitty narcissistic behaviour.

  46. I’m a bit wary of both of my parents because of their loveless marriage. It seriously messed me up seeing them fight for years. Other than being culturally divided from my dad, I’m not as close to him because i find some of his views to be more…conservative? He’s a bit racist and homophobic. Although my mom isn’t necessarily an ally either, she at least doesn’t mind people of other races or identities.

    I love them both but there’s a lot of issues between our family that I can’t change. And thank you for your insight!

  47. You already lied to him about something that didn’t need to be hidden for 1 and a half years. Even though his reason is hilariously stupid maybe for him he feels you’ve lied about who you are and he’s spent 1.5 years living a lie.

  48. My cheapass security system when I lived in a bad neighborhood was a dog bowl with some water in just outside the front door.

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  50. You need to do what's best for you, you don't want kids now, then don t have them, your choice, and you definitely need to kick this idiot to the curb. He's a walking red flag .

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  52. Okay, whichever troll has been posting age gap/mommy to his kids posts for days now, please choose a different topic to rage bait us all over. This is getting beyond old.

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  54. It actually is especially since she stole his credit card to buy it with. He can easily say that she cheated and didn’t want to get pregnant from it so she stole his card to buy the plan b.

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  56. Because they obviously know better because they are sooo mature for their age /s I am getting tired too. I have a daughter myself and I am terrified she will end up being this gullible as well.

  57. Thank you for the advice. I think I’ll try not to feel too bad about my own actions and just see if she needs any support from my end.

  58. You barely know each other and you're going to be apart for long periods of time. Marriage is not a solution to either of these problems.

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  60. Nobody said she was infatuated. She loves his movies as she said and thinks he’s attractive but that only came out after the bf pushed her about it. I can say I love Morgan Freeman and by that I mean I love his voice and his acting. I don’t think he’s attractive but different strokes for different folks.She certainly didn’t say she was in love with him. In your example the person is a bit obsessed.

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  62. Tell her that you want to know who she kissed. And also it must have been really good because the guy liked it! Don't put up with her lies ,kissing is cheating and she cheated,. She can't be trusted now ,trust is broken. Make her sleep in another room or on the couch, or make her leave, she would be doing the same thing to you!! Hold her accountable for her actions and let her know that this is a deal breaker

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  65. !!You do not need to wash your vagina with soap!!

    Vaginas are self-cleaning; if you use soap it can actually upset the natural balance of bacteria and causes vaginosis, yeast infections and irritation. Still see your doctor about it as they can prescribe a cream/internal pessary to help clear it up, and in future only use water to wash that region, focusing on the vulva and outer lips- do not try and force water into you, your body will take care of maintaining that.

    It's entirely possible that all the sex where you weren't getting enough/any foreplay hadn't helped, especially since you're still sore, so there's possibly some internal irration as well. Keep the doctor appointment and mention that to them as well.

  66. So questions

    When you normally walk, how different are your strides and walking speeds?

    And was this a walk, like couples walking along the beach (but with snow) or was this a walk, like a hike/ exercise?

    Cause if you are normally slower, and have shorter strides than him, and this was an exercise/hike situation, then he didn’t do anything wrong, he didn’t do anything right either, and you should talk to him about it, and how it made you feel.

    Now if your walking speed and strides are similar, and this was a couples walk, then break up is a possibility.

  67. One thing you never put here… why? Why is that his requirement? Does he think you / him won't be able to adequately take care of the kids whilst both working? What's his reasoning behind this request?

  68. It's a good thing you don't have kids. All my memories of my dad growing up were of him gaming on the pc. My parents finally divorced 5 years ago, the only reason my mom stayed with him so long was because she didn't want to upset us kids. Pretty sure all of us wish it happened sooner because he's finally starting to try and get to know us.

  69. Bullshit about the exes, of course you knew. They’re not really consensual if you’ve been asked to delete them. Why’d she ask you to delete them?

  70. Your husband can't read your mind, and when you start expecting him to you will begin to resent him thinking he's not paying attention to your needs when you never actually communicate them to him. And yes I think it's unreasonable to make him “share your pregnancy experiences” and I'm not even sure what “join the pregnancy” means. When I was pregnant I couldn't imagine trying to tell my husband he couldn't go out because he needed to experience the pregnancy with me. Being considerate would be making sure you're cared for properly, making sure you have everything you need, seeing to it that you're comfortable and not stressed during this time, etc…not pumping the brakes on life just because you're pregnant. He's going to have A LOT less free time soon, he won't be going out much when he's helping care for a new baby, so I'd keep my jealousy to myself and let him have his fun while he can.

  71. He can mistreat you because you have nothing you can do about it. He likes mistreating you.

    Talk to an advisor at uni and see what you can do about student loans- tell the advisor “I may have my funding pulled, what would it take for me to complete my degree”.

    Once you have that ready, you can decide whether your father paying for you to go to uni is worth what he does to you. If you decide it’s not worth it, you get to stand up to him. Then he will either treat you better or you will go it alone, and either option would be better than what’s happening right now.

  72. No offense meant, but your old friends are trash. Being lonely sucks but use this as a lesson to become a better person. Surround yourself with better people. Personally I would call all of them sexuql harassers repeatedly in public. Demanding you date someone you have zero interest in and pressuring you to this level is text book sexual harassment. Say it loudly, say it often, say it until the school itself has to confront you. Then flip it on the school and ask them why they won't protect you.

  73. High school is very hot enough with all the bullies. Rumor starters.. Ones that want to fight.. We had gangs at ours the girls glued razor blades to their nails.

    Any chance you can ask for a meeting with your ex friends?

    Explain to them your just not interested in dating .

    Some folks are attracted to others but that does not mean who they are attracted to feels the same way .

    And if you force a person to go out with you it is the same as rape..being assaulted.. by a bully..the very thing we stand against.

    So and so came out.. Was happy for her untill she assaulted me tried to force herself on me.

    See if they listen and you can talk it out

    Other wise it will only get worse

    You can always try the school board ask for a meeting with the whole school to attend and explain about school bulling. And sexual mental and physical assault..

    Bulling no matter if its fighting or forcing a person to go out with you. Is wrong.

    Forcing someone to date you is sexually assaulting them Mentally and physical .

    Also talk to your parents tell them whats going on Ask them for help too.

    Maybe they can talk to the school too.

  74. My God…. You’re the problem. You don’t understand grey rock at all and you allow her to weaponize the kids. At some point, you need to stop being a nice guy and do what’s right for your kids. You are the issue here.

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  76. You gave him an ultimatum. He didn't do what you wanted, despite asking questions about it. You two obviously don't want the same things. I would leave.

  77. Also just an FYI for all the “But think of the child” responses: A child in an unhappy home will know that something is wrong and will therefore also grow up unhappy. Better to remove the child from the inactive partner (that would be the one that ignored the ultimatum) and move to a single parent home than to force a one and a half parent home environment where someone is unhappy.

  78. Some just don't want a marriage. It's not that big of a deal, you still have a wonderful family and that should be the most important thing

  79. You are abusive and manipulative.

    It is not a problem that you are a sex worker, but it is absolutely a problem that you are withholding that info from someone with whom you are in a relationship and are having sex.

    He should not be going through your phone. The fact he did shows there is no trust in the relationship. He also should not have slapped you back, he should have broken up with you before it even got to the point of you physically abusing him. Heck, he should have left before you got verbally abusive. But he spent hours begging your forgiveness, so I guess you won’t have to worry about him dumping you or even fighting back against any future abuse.

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  82. That was response from her when I asked why you doing so. When I asked, do you want to do it, she said I could not do so, if you want and admited that is weird thing do to, when I asked if she would be happy if I would send my pictures to one of my female friend. And now in addition adding this situation from today, more questions raising.

  83. Please text him with an equally lovely term of endearment that you are done with his abuse and are done with him.

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  85. Your claim you knew he didn't have a weapon is nonsense by the way, impossible for you to know that short of him being stood there very hot.

  86. Listen, just hear me out. I need you to understand that, even with or without you realizing it, the moment she told you she cheated your behavior changed. Because you're feelings changed, and it more than likely is showing itself. Trust me I've got a lot of experience unfortunately. You may not notice it but trust me, she did. I understand yes this is a bad time, but you need to understand your only hurting her and yourself by putting on this false charade, that let's be honest, your more than likely not even good at (you seem like an average human).

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  88. Agreed. I have a friend who's almost 5'9″ and her sister is 5'1. I've seen NBA players whose parents are short. Perhaps coloring and facial features are a bit more likely to make someone wonder, but most people I know don't look all that much like their parents. Maybe he has always had doubts about his ex. Maybe he cheated on her and thought she was cheating, too. That might be where some of his doubts originated.

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  92. Also need to take in account the money she normally would invest into a pension (not sure what that’s called in other countries, but the thing you build up for retirement)

  93. He isn’t perfect in any other way. Someone who cannot hear no and respect it, is not someone you need to waste your time on.

    You’ve known him a short time, move on.

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  95. I’d guarantee you “like him so much” because he’s mirroring you. It’s not real. You’ll realize it once you’re away from him.

  96. Right and his feelings are not any more valid than the partner's. No one is saying you can't have the test, just that partner has a right to react how she reacts. Everyone gets what they want. Father gets peace of mind in knowing and mother gets peace of mind knowing this is not the man she wants to spend a lifetime with. All hearts and minds satisfied.

  97. You should talk to her about it without getting worked up and say how it makes you feel. But that's going to show insecurity, make you come off as controlling, and will likely severely change her opinion of you.

    It also puts her on a slippery slope because where does it stop? What's the next thing she'll have to change? How far does it go?

    The root of this issue is insecurity and jealousy, two things that will ruin any relationship over time. Plus being bothered enough to hate that people see her in those clothes is super toxic and should be addressed.

  98. People are responsible for their own decisions. Hopefully she does not self harm, but it isn’t your fault if she does.

  99. Then she hasn’t found therapists she’s found scammers. Unfortunately in my life my brother got married and I don’t have a relationship anymore because he never responds to me when I reach out. She might be afraid of that kind of situation happening but that’s exactly what’s gonna happen if she doesn’t get herself under control and realize she’s not supposed to be attached at the hip anymore and needs her own life outside of her sibling

  100. Think of it this way…asking for consent costs you nothing and benefits her.

    It's a no brainer…ask.

  101. He’s FORCING you to take walks with him and REFUSES to protect you? I hate to say it but dump him. As a young woman, I’ve been told by so many people that walking at night alone is dangerous and I live in what people would call a “safe area”

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  103. mane anybody who doesn’t change their underwear every day is a red flag. tell her to fix her habits or GTFO of there!!

  104. You need to block this guy and move on. He played you. You don't owe him anything and I wouldn't give him that opportunity. I feel for both you and his wife. Both of you deserve better than that. I'm so sorry this happened.

  105. You need to stay out of this one. It’s your fiancé’s side of the family. If he is ok with dad 1 not being there or content on enforcing that boundary to make sure there is no trouble between them, then you need to support your fiancé and accept his decision.

  106. Exactly! Thank you for your common sense. I wish the guy would have ended his friendship with his homewrecking coworker instead of with his significant other. I feel bad for op

  107. The fictional character is apparently also Asian, just pretty tan. There's literally no blackface involved.

  108. Sex is 10% of the relationship, and 90% of why relationships fail…Someone told me that….If you do not set a boundar, resolve this, your relationship will fail. You want sex and at 30 I doubt long term you will choose no sex with her rather than someone who can love you and have sex. So work it out if you can, but libidio differences are real problem.

  109. You should work with a therapist on all this. I’m not 100% sure whether your big secret is dysphoria or drugs or not finding your wife attractive or just spending a long time finding yourself. Either way, you need to talk to someone who can help you gather your thoughts coherently.

  110. You both have your own truths, tell him you want to set up a camera or something, see who's truth pans out.

  111. Granted I wouldn’t consider what she did cheating and I don’t think OP should break up with her, he just needs to have a convo where they clearly define boundaries for the future.

    But this sub gets out of control with the whole “if she wanted to be with him, she would” thing. You really think this? The guy who just tries to fuck her at the end of the night is all of a sudden pinning for a committed relationship? This isn’t good advice, it’s patronizing

  112. It could be possible that you were having what is known as sex insomnia and therefore have no recollection of it. However, your boyfriend has behaved like a complete asshole about it.

  113. It sounds like you are feeling concerned about your relationship and that your partner's behavior is causing you stress and anxiety. It's important to have open and honest communication with your partner and to seek support if you are struggling. Remember to prioritize your own well-being and to make time for self-care. If you need help managing your stress or working through your feelings, consider seeking support from a mental health professional.

  114. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    My (33F) husband “Derek” and I have been married for over 6 years, we have a steady relationship and have 1 daughter together. Our s life is decent though not as often as it was at the start of our marriage.

    Over the past year my husband has been spending more time at work and using the excuse of “working late”, I don't think he would cheat on me but recently I found panties and a bra (no tags) in the glove box of his car.

    When I confronted him about it he told me that he'd bought them for me. When I said they're the wrong size (he knows my size) and had no tags he got defensive and called me a snoop. I refused to let the issue go so he left to stay at mother's house. (I called her to check)

    I haven't had a chance to go through his phone yet and I'm afraid of what I might find. Is my husband cheating on me?.

  115. Hey OP. I've been the girlfriend in this situation, but with my boyfriend suggesting the open relationship. I refused because I didn't think that would solve our problems and eventually we broke up due to sexual incompatibility.

    You're both still so young. I think you deserve to find someone who meets your needs, and I think she deserves someone who matches her sex drive better. Maybe therapy and a change of birth control could help, but what if it doesn't? Are you prepared to put your needs below hers for the rest of your life? Are you sure you won't grow resentful?

  116. Risking that I get banned from this sub over a comment to someone who deleted their account: You're a coward. Such a damn coward. Just like my own mother who used to sit by as my step father screamed the living shit out of me for hours straight, over things like me forgetting to put the salt shaker back in the cupboard. I hope once he's an adult he gets out and never looks back like I did, cause I know sure as hell you wouldn't divorce your husband over his cruel treatment of your son, who is literally just a small child who has no idea what he did to make his father hate him. You're weak.

    And thus… If this goes against the rules, I accept the punishment, but I see so much of myself in this little boy, I can't keep my mouth shut.

  117. Your limits are your limits. She was absolutely free to sleep with whomever she wanted. You're absolutely free to cease communication. There's no right or wrong on either side

  118. hahahahahaha that's a riot. So basically, you're his ATM, why should he make the effort to find anyone else?

    Look, Obviously nOt AlL mEn and whatever, but most of the people I've met who do exactly this are men. Women do variations on it, but IME, men will fixate on one person (usually a woman who they perceive as a “perfect vessel for their weighty pontifications and ruminations” (all said in a very proper John Cleese huffy voice) and to them, reflect the image of themselves back at them that they enjoy seeing.

    Basically, you're an ego boost.

    –“do you mean that men don’t understand or participate in polite acknowledgment?–

    I don't mean that “no men do” but I don't think that's what you thought. I do mean that, much like “pink isn't for boys, silly” or “girls don't play with trucks,” that boys are not automatically taught to appease interest the way girls -typically- are. Meaning, you won't find as many men in life who sit down and listen unendingly to another man ramble on about some random topic, unless that man is paying him. But women have been -typically- known to just listen to men ramble, because it's easier than stopping them. ….As you are currently experiencing.

    In a nutshell, one of the measures of appreciation that men have for women, aromantic and romantic relationships alike – is their ability to listen. Granted, both sexes LIKE being listened to, but men specifically feel like a measure of a good woman is that they listen. And they show their appreciation for good women by talking at them about subjects that they think would be beneficial to that woman.

    Hence the lack of interest in talking to a bunch of randos live. How is he supposed to know if any of them really deserve this subject? And to add to it, if this man genuinely likes you (in whatever way) then he does also genuinely think that he's enriching your life in some way, and he does genuinely look forward to bouncing conversational debates on the topic with you, specifically.

    What has not occurred to him is that you might feel differently. Good for you for drawing a line, it's a very healthy thing to do.

    Also, thanks for coming to my TED talk, lol

  119. Read in your comments you're done. Good. Unfortunately you probably were done half a year ago, going by your original post. Your brain just needed to catch up.

    I'd get myself tested for Std's just in case. If he's been a phone junkie for the past 6 months or more he's probably been cheating on you for longer than you think.

  120. This really does not sound like a healthy relationship on both sides. You were pregnant your husband downloaded Grindr found man to have sex with. Got an STI and gave to you. How did you find out he cheated from the STI?

    Then after miscarriage you get pregnant practically straight away.

    What is your husband doing to make his lying cheating and putting your health at risk right. It sounds like he wants to stay with you, have sex regularly and go out like before he cheated. This does not sound like somebody trying to rebuild the trust.

    You are focused on him cheating on you with a man, the slurs are bad you need to stop them. For this you need therapy.

    If he gonna leave he will leave just as easily with a woman as with a man. Who is cheated with is not important is the fact that he lied and deliberately went out to cheat.

    I think you need to ask him to leave the home until you can both work on yourselves. This is really an unhealthy relationship both sides.

  121. I mean. He'll probably co-parent just fine!…If by co-parent you mean handing the kid over to his mom and sitting back while she takes care of both of them.

  122. There is no reason to still be mad: He did what you asked for: unfollow her on twitter. He did. Now you ask: What reason would there be to still be mad? Which sounds like you are mad at him for even following her in the first place and you want to be mad at him for the purpose of being mad

  123. What about you??

    Do YOU feel like you need to date?

    Are you actually missing intimacy, or are you just missing her?

    Maybe a much slower start to dating would be better. Even if it's just making more female friends and seeing where it goes

  124. Maybe discuss with her about expectations. How often does she want to see you? You might just like a lot of time alone. You have to work this out with her.

  125. Because he thinks if the Man earns well so the wife should take care of the things at home but should be educated too

  126. It's the way I work! I'm my psych courses in college I remember the prof saying, “If you don't want to have an affair then don't get close to other people you're attracted to.”

    Clearly your situation is different than my own, but the general rule applies. Also, it's not that I completely lack self control, it's more about avoiding a bad situation in the first place.

  127. Oh she was talking about her new bf I think, but yeah she kind of ascribed it all to me once I said that to her. Which I don’t blame her for. At all. I am a callous a hole. Got no problems with that label. Thanks for the advice. The blinders we put on ourselves to not see reality… ugh. Cus now that you say this all yeah- totally. That’s her mindset.

  128. I’m looking for anything positive about this guy in your post, and not finding it. This is not a boyfriend. You are wasting your time.

  129. Coming next month…same poster complaining that his wife never wants to have sex with him; only wants to make him sandwiches.

  130. I would also say there is a 50% chance that this coworker's partner is unaware of their relationship being open.

  131. Hi, I completely and utterly agree with you. The only thing at the minute for me is that at the time I didn’t have the confidence that I do now so I let all that slide. And now the time has passed and he finally has realised what affect it had on me he’s said how he’d not let that happen again and he would stick up for me so I’m confused now

  132. SMH. You are being intentionally clueless. Cheap trick to reframe the discussion. You are a disingenuous individual, and you know it. Pointless.

  133. You also don't have to make breakfast for your spouse, or go visit their parents. But you do it.

    Also, why isn't sex a present? What's so special and sacred about sex?

  134. 100% agree with you. OPs girlfriend wants to fuck her colleague and continue to benefit from whatever OP provides for her. This relationship is done

  135. What happens if both parents terminate their rights in this situation? That sounds like a single parent situation (aka until there is a step mom or step dad willing to adopt). If both parents want to terminate their rights, is this just where a child would be given up for adoption? Do the parents need to house them until adoption or do they go into a fostering system?

    Kinda crazy. Looks like if you’re in the US this is a state by state thing.

  136. Because it is, the chances of a healthy prosperous relationship with such an age gap are extremely low ( that's if there is any chance at all). I mean just take a teip on the rabbithole of age gap relationship on this subreddit…

  137. I feel like there should be a separate sub for this because we see it about 3 times an hour at this point. Yawn.

  138. What are you talking about? Sharing someone’s nudes is an incredibly shitty thing to do. I certainly would never do it?

  139. Canon or not, the Catholic Church has for centuries now gotten into some creepy shit. Most famously pedophiles among the clergy, but there's plenty more.

    And I'm not saying this particular Catholic Church is to blame in this case, but we cannot rule it out, it could've also been another person at the retreat, or the retreat gave her enough time on her own to conclude she wanted to open up the relationship.

    Either way, it's very hot to believe that the retreat didn't in some way play a (major) part here.

  140. Holy fuck could you imagine if some tired wife asked her husband to make her a meal for her birthday, and he just showed up with his pants down begging for sex instead? And then on top of that threw a temper tantrum when he didn't get his way?

  141. This guy is 35 years old. Jesus Christ. Worrying about dick size should have ended more than a decade ago.

  142. Yeah, I am aware. The fact that he doesn’t want the hotel fee on his credit card is pretty darn telling. He doesn’t want his wife to see it.

  143. Sometimes when you’re so into someone, they look like the most attractive person in the world to you.. but once the infatuation fades, or the rose colored glasses come off, or some fights or annoyances happen.. that feeling can change

  144. You've been apologizing for 4 years? and HE hasn't changed! Ditch him. Why are you with someone so rude to you?

    You can be with someone who speaks to you kindly, supports and respects your goals, and doesn't have a weird and creepy porn habit.

  145. No reddit convincing will help. Get off the internet. Go to the gym. Challenge yourself. Talk to actual women. Use your dick and all of your other assets. Learn how to please a woman and not just yourself. Push yourself physically and academically. Confidence doesn't come from getting your childish, easily bruised ego stroked. It comes from self-actualization. An actual woman won't put up with that shit. “Oh no! I don't have the biggest dick my girlfriend has ever seen! Woe is me!”

    Grow up

  146. Tbh, OP almost certainly looks 30. With the exception of a few very hot drug addicts, every 30+ year old I have talked to about this or heard others gossip about have had people respond in genuine shock to their age because “she looks so much younger.” At some point that’s too many people that “look young for their age” and it’s actually just what the age generally looks like. As a society we don’t know/refuse to acknowledge what 30 year olds actually look like. I am rapidly nearing my late twenties (and never had a “youthful” looking disposition) and still regularly get hit on my older men who end up shocked and unhappy that am old enough to drink and have a bachelors degree.

    Women in their 30s are still by and large young and naked, and without any obvious age markers, most of these dudes that buy into concepts like “the wall” will hit on them until they learn their actual age.

  147. He asked you to be exclusive before knowing how old you are?

    Yes, this is another hallmark of a groomer. He's just so in love! erm no actually, he wants to put that impression across, the girl then feels like she's in control because “he's clearly so much in love”. He's deliberately creating romance to suck her in.

  148. This shit is so fucking wrong that you have deluded yourself into thinking it was okay. It was having a electronic sexual communications with a 15 when he was 22. That is ILLEGAL.

  149. As a woman who dates mostly young guys (not intentionally), I would say that is weird and a serious red flag for me. It is different when the people you meet and click with turn to be couple years younger, but I can't imagine setting my settings intentionally looking for partners who are minimum 7 years younger. That's just predatory

  150. Yeah this isn't going to end well. He's needs constant attention. Constant validation. It's only going to get worse. He needs boundaries. And some maturity.

  151. It sounds like she was very good at just being a manipulative person. Right now she has emotionally manipulated you into thinking that this was your fault. She has done it your entire relationship. You said it. She has no emotional intelligence. It just isn't who she is.

    Breathe and grieve. Your feelings are valid. It will get better.

  152. I could have easily done this the legal route and had complete smooth sailing. I could have terminated this pregnancy at any point, with his written signature I would have been a legal surrogate. Your hypothetical doesn’t hold up.

  153. I won't never understand how people manage their life… Getting married young and then wanting to explore since it's only their second relationship.

    Go explore, farewell.

  154. One time, my boyfriend said to me “hey do you just want me to get out of here for a bit so you can have the house to yourself and do what you need to do/decompress” – this isn’t about you wanting to or not wanting to be around him, it’s you not wanting to be around ANYONE but wanting the comfort of home. You need it to recharge your batteries and the longer you go without having that alone time at home, the harder it is to recharge them. It’s not about HIM, it’s about needing to be by yourself away from people so you can be better and more energized when you are around him! I get why he might take it the wrong way but truly, this isn’t about him at all.

  155. I didn't attend college and I'm 22, but I still have way more responsibilities and choices made in life by myself than what an 17–18-year-old could do. WAY different chapters in life, not near the same.

  156. If they chose to hide something like this from you, then they are not your friends. They don't look out for you or have your interest in mind. They chose her and your ex.

  157. Could be a good way to go about it. From what she's told me, it was toxic af and he's never mentioned in a good light.

    And ha, I can't! I haven't brought up my ex once unless she's directly asked me about a previous relationship.

  158. You should introduce your bf to the science around autism and older fathers. If he’s terrified of having an autistic kid, his odds get worse the longer he waits.

  159. Not normal. And his reaction to your comment about him not respecting what's obviously a boundary of yours is even less normal. Let's say a normal guy who just had a lapse of judgment and crossed a boundary as a consequence would be apologetic. And he would certainly not try to manipulate you with that lame “I was just paying attention to you and that's why I forgot to tell you that I messed with your phone”. It's almost like he thinks you're a twenty something malleable young girl who has no business deciding what's acceptable for her or not because he knows best. Wait a minute…

  160. To be honest, not certain to the full extent of the infidelity. Over the last six months, the high points include catching her using WhatsApp and buying new lingerie and packing it for a work trip. When I confronted her on this, what she admitted to what sexting with a male coworker who lives in a different country. Her story was the lingerie was only for her to take pictures with and no one would see them. I am not a fool that there is more to it than this.

    She claims the coworker is gay so there never any physical contact. But they were both at a company conference in November together. Regardless of how much more there is than what she has admitted to, she confessed to emotionally cheating on me.

  161. I would recommend working with a therapist (either on your own if she won't join you, or together, or BOTH) on what the specific issues are (e.g. what does she mean by “she hasn’t been feeling the same way about me and it has felt like we’ve been co-existing for the past couple of years”, how might that have been affected by the ongoing global pandemic) and how she feels these things might be addressed or solved. Does she want more spontaneous activities? (If so, what spontaneous activities does she suggest or instigate?) How are the rest of your lives in terms of routine and comfort? Is she in a professional rut and want to change up her job? Is she bored and a new hobby might wake her up? Do the two of you have hobbies or activities you do together where you learn things?

    it seems like her main suggestion is us calling it quits but she fears that the backlash from family isn’t worth the extra stress and she would rather stay unhappy with me than to let down family

    Is divorce a taboo in your culture? Or would she be embarrassed that she got married when she didn't want to?

    If she isn't willing to do the work then I suggest that you move towards divorce, whether she would be stressed or shamed or not. It is not OK for her to stay unhappy if that is going to drag you down as well.

  162. Oh, I got it.

    You wanna count all the things he directly paid for in a – lemme check the post – long term relationship down to the last spoon?

    Right? That's what you wanna do?

    Twist the story so he's the victim of a treacherous thief?

  163. OP – not all nudity is fully sexual. Depending on cultural socialisation, nudity for swimming etc is very normal and natural

    Yeah it depends on culture and in western culture which op seems like he is, swimming very hot isn't viewed as the norm anywhere. It's why you literally have naked beaches because it's not the norm

  164. Do not sell your house.

    Your girlfriend. Values the life she has regardless of whether or not you are in it.

    You don't need more 'friends'.. Those friends will be associates you tag along with.

    Your girlfriend doesn't want your life and has said you need to change (more associates,).

    You are not compatible at this point.

    If you move in with her, do not sell your house, rent it out. (why does she want you to sell it? >. Has she got ideas about using the equity to rent a bigger flasher apartment?, that throw your money away?!

    If you want to try with her, then

    Agree to rent your place for one year, and she can continue the lease on her apartment, you'll pay half the rent and bills, but only her name on the lease because if it doesn't work out, it's her home and you will move out. Your rental income will go straight to paying off your mortgage.

    Do not sell your home.

  165. Oh h to the double hockey sticks better not have taken a shower in married woman’s bedroom that she barely knows. Even if the husband say it’s okay, common sense should tell her it’s not okay. Take your smelly self back to your own home and properly shower.

  166. Maybe he had a super jealous ex that wanted the same info? Not a clue to be honest. Maybe just take it as is, say OK and move on?

  167. What other women? Since he has the gift of knowing other women who didn't gain much, I think all of us would love to know their secret. Start pointing out all his imperfections, see how he likes it….

  168. That is so unbelievably cruel. He needs to work on himself and anger management. Once you have a child you will be sleep deprived and frustrated and don’t want to deal with him being cruel to you on top of it

  169. She might be regretting that decision when she’s 80, in a nursing home and needs people to wash her/wipe her ass

  170. I don’t blame you. I wouldn’t be supporting a boyfriend while he gets his degree. I would need the commitment of marriage before even considering supporting someone else. Why can’t he work and do his PhD? Most adults work while going to school.

  171. You're doing too much. All of that bullshit “if you could go back and not fuck up your family, would you?” That is so fucking unfair. Would you ask him that if he was a widower?? Would you ask him, “If you could choose for your wife not to die, would you?? Even if it meant never meeting me?”

    Sounds like you're trying all different angles to guilt trip him to get the apartment.

  172. Honestly I feel like our relationship is strong. We are just busy. I’m picking up lots of extra shifts along with taking on extra responsibilities. He’s getting noticed by upper management at his job and getting pushed as a rising star. I suffer from pretty bad social anxiety and I’ve been working to go out and hang out with friends more. And he just got over a pretty bad cold and I had some stomach issues before that. So again it’s just busy.

  173. His inability to control his triggers doesn't mean you have to tiptoe around them for him.

    This will only get worse and escalate. Please, leave while you still can.

  174. You made a mistake by going back with her. All the issues you initially had were never resolved, she was just on good behaviour for a duration of time. You know how she treats you yet you are still with her. Time to end this toxica relationship as she will not change. Just tell her, it is over then block her.

  175. Girls do love drama no doubt about it , from the gossip in the office to the TV shows they watch

    That's why push / pull is a common pickup technique , thats why a bit of dominance in the bedroom is so popular and that's why a lot of woman struggle to get over boyfriends who were a little bit nasty

    They are emotional at their core it's not a secret , that's why they make great mother's and great nurses and great teachers.

    A lot of woman don't like life being super smooth , it's gets boring and they don't like a guy they can just walk all over.

  176. Not sleeping can happen, and I know how shitty that feels (didn't sleep a minute 2 nights ago, and had to work the next day. Shitty, but happens). And it's okay to feel angry because you agreed to a tour you didn't want to – that was the thing you should change in future.

    Being upset at your partner not wanting to be used for sex for sleeping better is not okay. He doesn't owe you sex, and you have to accept a no without getting upset, angry, trying to pressure him etc. If you need to climax to sleep better, masturbate. But don't try to make him sleep with you if he doesn't want to. Wtf.

  177. your girlfriend just got sexually assaulted and you're still friends with him?? why are you fine with someone doing that to the person you supposedly love?

  178. When there is children involved the courts takes a harsh view on what's being said in their environment. I know 3 guys who had their visitation rights limited by what they said about their mother

    . I know one woman who wasn't allowed to have her mother around her children because of the way she spoke about their father. She almost custody because she violated that ruling.

  179. I’m sure there are gold-diggers who would love OP ? But agreed, OP is hardly a catch for anyone else.

    ‘I’m bored of and stringing along my girlfriend of 2 years. I try to make her fund my new, female, damsels in distress. She asks me to cut out my own old female, damsels in distress whom I’m supporting and seeing behind her back.’

    ‘Oh no, she has steamed open my mail.’

    I mean, really?

  180. Nothing wrong with her being trans and if you don’t have an issue with it then it would be fine, but there is everything wrong with her lying about it for four months. I would end the relationship, she knowingly lied to you out of fear you may not accept her if you knew the truth. That’s manipulation, she took the choice away from you until you already had an emotional connection.

  181. Enablers and victims are not mutually exclusive, as almost anyone with experience with these personality types can attest to. Often they are the same because they are the only ones sticking around in the problem person's life.

  182. Consult her for what exactly? It's his money, his income, his choice. And remember if you are not married you are single

  183. When i brought up dna test for the family she had a strange reaction afterwards, maybe Im overthinking

  184. I don't think there can be much reconciliation with someone who despite all that's happened and claims to be remorseful can still referr to you as a “little bitch”. Delete the email, add him to the spam list and move on.

  185. I'd just take it slow. Its great that you've got some common interests, but don't blow it by going balls to the wall right in the beginning.

  186. Sure. Because he's only dealing with it now in social situations and she's dealt with it her entire life.

  187. There is no splitting hairs, he raped you. Tell someone you feel safe telling and do not continue this relationship! He's a violent person and will assault you again.

  188. He knows exactly why he did it. He cares more about jerking off to porn than your relationship or rebuilding your relationship from his cheating.

    I don’t understand why he is upset. You have broken up with him, so he is free to jerk off to as much porn as he wants. He is also free to try and sleep with any women he wants to. You gave him what he wants, now he can go lie in that bed.

  189. Is this how you want to live the next 60 odd years? You're not overreacting. He's a prick, and self involved beyond being able to work on this relationship with you – he'd rather keep his secrets and hurt you, and then blame you for being upset. It's a no from me.

  190. There's nothing much you could do. You have already shown him proof but still, he chose not to believe you. He has already made up his mind that you lied to him, no matter how much your sis or you tried to explain.

    Why would you want to be with such a person?

  191. OP took him to her first family event and she caught him kissing her sister and broke up with him straight away. He tried and tried to get her back, 3 months later sister was pregnant and the family forgave them because of the child.

  192. You absolutely should start therapy asap. This is super unhealthy and is going to destroy all the good stuff you have with him now if you don’t deal with it.

  193. If my wife was doing what you are doing I would leave her. You got yourself a nice emotional affair partner there.

  194. I'm a coward and she's very strong willed so if she disagrees with something I do I will very likely cave and not do it again (even if I love it).

    She's overbearing and has been pushing him to change his choices to suit her preference for a long time.

  195. Social media is not a good gauge of what is considered appropriate.

    This will lead you in circles and to an unsuccessful life.

    If those boundaries had been established it would be cheating. Even in this situation if these boundaries WERE established, it would be a bit of a red flag.

  196. The way I see it, if she is forcing herself to vomit then it's a type of self-harm. It's like she was hitting her head when she doesn't get he way. It's a form of violence, and it's deeply manipulative.

    My advice – stop going to her side. That is the purpose of her behavior, and as long as you are doing it, that means the behavior works. So why would she stop? She will only stop if it stops working for her – if it no longer works, she will have to find another way of coping. Right now you are kinda enabling it.

  197. Interesting. I mean, it’s just an automatic response, right? Like if you got aroused at the doctor during a prostate exam. I would hope she wouldn’t blame you for that.

  198. Get an attorney first and before you make a decision about visitation with her. Call and get an appointment with a family therapist to help you make that best decisions for your daughter and to prepare her and yourselves should the ex go to court for visitation.

  199. I know a few people that use their SOs page to post grateful/effusive/loving posts to THEMSELVES. I figure they are trying prove they are loved to someone, maybe themselves.

  200. Can you offer some context on what he put you through? That seems like it could be important information here.

  201. If he says something like this its a serious red flag. And you need to answer for yourself

    Do you want to be with a man who doesnt see you as his type and isnt always attracted to you. If you wanna get married eventually it doesnt sound like this is the guy to do it with

  202. Before you take any action you speak with a lawyer. Do not leave the house without speaking with a lawyer, keep the evidence in a safe hidden spot

  203. Whether he likes her or not is irrelevant, he’s using her to wind you up and mess with your head. Stop allowing this. Tell him to grow up or get out. If anyone needs a therapist it’s him, not you.

  204. Oh yeah bc I actually gaf right ? There’s no other way for me to look at the sub if I get banned right ?? LMAO go to sleep kid

  205. All you can do is try to explain the issue to him. It sounds like you've tried that in a non-confrontational matter. I guess you keep try but I understand you probably don't want to feel like you are nagging him about something like this. I do think you have to keep trying because sexual incompatibility, if that is what it is, needs to be discovered and addressed.

  206. Yes, but even in thosoe few states that have common law marriage, you need to do several specific things, like telling people you are married, filing taxes as married, etc. Its not a case of “you lived together? Gothcha! You are married”

  207. My ladies like when I ask them to wear a specific color of panties all day, reminds them theyre coming off later. Figured Id tack this onto a comment thread thats isnt vanilla af.

  208. I can handle going places without my dog I just think this whole situation is dumb and unfair plus he does come to my place we tend to just switch houses everyday

  209. But she has asked him to stop talking and asked many times that she likes him but he never went to her??


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