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54 thoughts on “Lain the nude online sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. You already talked to her and she has already given you an answer. Your “I need to talk to her” is just you trying to bypass her boundaries and get her to agree to what you want. Let it go.

  2. If you don't tell her she will think you are cheating. And you will be lying by omitting. It will obviously be worse.

    You need to tell her, reassure her and deal with what happens. Ask how you can make her feel better about this, maybe check in with her before and after, FaceTime, etc. And apologize for not saying anything before and say it won't happen again. Is this concert that important to screw the relationship if it comes to that?

    Also, I don't understand how you buying this hasn't come up in conversation. I have friends and just bought a reasonably expensive ticket for a concert and they know because I tend to share my future plans, especially if they are out of the ordinary, with people I care about.

  3. He could be a walking truckload of trauma. But remember the onus on him is to take action and look after himself and stick to his word

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  6. Unless your mother is supportive, you should absolutely move home asap.

    Relationships like this can emotionally ruin people. Get out as soon as you can, even if that means packing a bag with your essentials and taking a short-term loan from family.

  7. I hope that’s the case. I’m just worried that she might be upset. I never meant to cause her any pain.

  8. Her coworker. She's only had this job for 4 months. I suspected they were hanging out on weeknights at the office and drinking together. Then a week ago they had a business trip, and she ignored me for hours that night and didn't get back to me till like 1am. So they obviously slept together. Yesterday, she went to get lunch at a hotel and met him there. That's when she finally admitted it.

    For what its worth, she quit her job this morning.

  9. You're totally fine….sounds like your ex conditioned you to believe that “real men” only did certain type of behavior (don't bake, don't cry, etc.). You just don't know how to be with someone that's not so critical of your so-called manliness.

    It sounds like you met someone that really gets you and the feelings are overwhelming b/c you're not used to that. She's so supportive of you…she sounds like a keeper.

  10. Yes I might just have him at visitation and child support if I’m honest because if he’s that insecure I don’t want him teaching that to our baby. If he comes around and is an adult about everything then I will either raise them with him or do custody agreement

  11. This has got to be a joke…OP can't be this stupid. You don't talk to her about this or actually maybe you do that way she can see what an asshole you are and she get rid of you quicker. She gained 10 pounds so what she weighs 113? She is tinny! She needs to find someone that isn't this shallow!

  12. Dog if I was with her I would not care what snapmap said. It has me in a bad bad way though because I didn’t see the other girl and afaik I wasn’t near her at all.

  13. I consider sugar stuff sex work, prostitution.

    I think sex work is ok if it is not forced, you make sure you get paid and are able to ensure your physical safety.

    That said, I would not date or be friends with soneone who did sex work as a choice (eg if it wasn't because of desperate poverty).

  14. Age will temper your libido, along with having children. I was just like you! Now that I am 60, I feel the same way again about my 65-yr-old boyfriend. Can’t get enough of him – he is so cute and sexy! Due to our ages though, we simply don’t have the stamina to go at it like teenagers.

    Enjoy it while you have it, and be sure to pee after sex to help prevent UTIs. I had a lot of UTIs at that age, which my Dr. jokingly referred to as the Honeymoon Disease.

  15. no, absolutely not. I commented elsewhere, we had a nice birthday, deciding to do a fancy dinner another night. But, in lieu of that I got her thoughtful gifts which she loved as well as baked her a cake.

  16. So if one of your staffs partners was planning a surprise getaway for their birthday/anniversary/earth day and came to you to coordinate days off and what days would and wouldn't work, that would be wildly inappropriate to you? Unprofessional? Boundary crossing? Interesting. As a business owner I've experienced this a few times and I never once questioned the appropriateness of it. Its much more responsible than surprising them and then they have to go into work and say “I need 5 days off…starting tomorrow… Sorry my wife didn't communicate with you beforehand but she didn't want to be WILDLY inappropriate.” And OP chose that day because his partner wanted him to be more spontaneous. So he was. And then she hated it. Me thinks there's something else afoot here, and it's not her being upset over missing work.

  17. Do you think he sent it to himself? He really doesn’t seem like the type but at the point I’m scared to even talk to him on Facetime outta shock. He said he just went through my messages and not my photos.

  18. When I was about your age I was in a relationship with someone who did the same pushing for intimacy. He never got ‘angry’ when I said no, but he’d get pushy or grabby or try to prevent me from leaving, or other manipulative things. It wasn’t until I was well out of the relationship that I saw it for how abusive it truly was. That’s without any of the aggression or pain your SO is putting you through.

    Leave. Leave now. It’s the best decision I ever made, and I wish I would’ve done it months and months earlier.

  19. Why would you assume it’s control? Men go through ups and downs just like women do. He could of been stressed, over worked or depressed. He could have felt like shit about his body, he could be healthier now.

  20. I think some people need to make mistakes on their own. When they have a friend who they know will argue against what they're doing, they don't need to make that argument in their own head, so they kind of give away responsibility for the act. If the friend isn't there to debate it with then they have to take full responsibility, and have that argument in their own mind.

  21. Thanks for your reply. Yes it could be that, as hormones change with age and would explain why it’s getting worse. What prompted you to get help for it? I’m terrified to even suggest it, anything coming from me I feel will get thrown back in my face and dismissed

  22. You really want to get him back? Call him up, invite him to lunch and just talk about life. Then thank him for sleeping with your wife because when you found out it made you feel petty and small, but now you know he was the weak one and you felt like someone who would do that needs a friend to take him out to lunch. Then tip your cap and move on with your fucking life.

  23. Dude stop whining, stop wanting someone to take care of you. What is wrong with starting over. You want the easy way out and if that case shut up and marriage her.

  24. You don't need to articulate anything. You're broken up and you owe him nothing else. Dude is just trying to control you. Next time he reaches out, tell him that you've said what you've needed to say and you don't want to talk about it or to him anymore. Tell him to stop contacting you. Then block him everywhere. If he continues to try contacting you, reach out to a trusted friend or even the police. Dude sounds unhinged and you dodged a bullet.

  25. My ex was perpetually late for everything and constantly forgot about plans he had with me… in the end I, too, expressed disappointment like OP’s partner because when it’s constant it builds up. Not saying OP is always constantly late, but little things add up.

  26. He was on medication but recently tapered off of it due to negative side effects. (This also makes me nervous!)

  27. You should leave her. If you stay you will be miserable. Leaving her will be painful temporary, staying with her will be torment for the rest of your life. If she spirals into depression, so be it. She has done to herself alone.

  28. Your husband is using you to have a great life whilst you are miserable. Tell him to fuck off. You deserve to do what you want and have joy in your life. You are not his doormat and bangmaid. You are a successful, vivacious, hardworking, wonderful woman. Get rid of the deadbeat and go live your best life.

  29. Absolutely do not pay for the upkeep of a grown man that will be your ex… You need to cut the cord & he needs to grow up and support himself. All the best OP. Rooting for you.

  30. That's…not the point they are making. Men live in every country. So saying he doesn't trust other men on your trip doesn't really hold water. He trusts other men in your day to day life here, but not there?

    Your boyfriend honestly sounds like an extremely fragile, manipulative tool. He's trying to make you feel like crap for a totally normal thing, even threatening to quit his job over it.

    Going on a trip for 5 days is not crazy or unusual, especially since you already told you about your intentions to do so.

    Be very on guard when talking to him, because he will try flip the script and make you seem like the crazy and unreasonable one and make himself the victim when you are the only victim here.

  31. Thank you, makes a lot of sense, not sure why my brain didn't click on that one. Sorry about that.

    For advice I think maybe you should talk to him about it again and firmly state how important that kind of thing is for you. If he loves you he'll at least try and talk to you about it and meet some sort of compromise.

  32. With my ex, he would go through my phone at night when I was sleep only to find nothing. It used to annoy the life out of me to wake up and he's scrolling through my entire phone. It felt like an invasion of privacy and even though I told him my phone password and said he could use it, in future relationships I will not be doing this. I've learned that my annoyance came from the lack of trust and respect, not him checking it. I also became annoyed that my friends would text me personal stuff and he would read it while checking my phone. That's not fair to my friends, they didn't sign up for my boyfriend to know all their business when they tell me personal stuff.

    I feel like phone checking and constant location checking is so unnecessary in a relationship that's supposed to be trusting. If you feel the need to check his phone, communicate with him why and if the bad gut feelings stay, then decide if you want to be in a relationship where you don't trust your partner.


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