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3 thoughts on “kj bennet the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. The question is how do you are in a relationship with a person you can't ask a basic question that he should be doing anyway?

  2. He sounds like someone who wants to tear other people down.

    A decent bf would want you to be happy even on days when he can't. Not want you to be miserable just because he is.

    Asking you to miss out on something that has such a lot of significance for you and your mother, is really horrible, selfish, and destructive.

  3. Please go to r/personalfinance and allow them to tell you what an incredibly, monumentally horrible decision it is to buy a house with someone you’re not married to, and not even with your own money. Unless you’re prepared for the reality of an incredibly nasty breakup x100, or can get the house in your name ONLY, don’t do this.


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