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15 thoughts on “Kate the nude on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. You have 0 idea what you are talking about and are spreading complete misinformation. I’ll leave this here.

  2. there is a lot of missing information here…

    sex doesn't just happen. it's a continuous series of active decisions. what did she say after not wanting to? because unless she CLEARLY expressed having changed her mind, yeah- you raped her.

  3. You have to either accept that that’s her past, or not accept it and move on without her. It’s important to discuss your past with your partner and ask questions about their past very early on. My husband and I began those questions before even being together for 1 month. If you asked her directly and she never mentioned any of this and then it came up as it did now, then that would be an even bigger issue. But, the current issue is you feeling lied to. However, it must not be easy for her to admit to those things due to the way society frowns upon sex work. She obviously loves you and knew you would feel this way and wrongfully wanted to keep this skeleton in the closet.

    Do ask yourself this though: Does this change the woman you know and love?

    We all make mistakes, and we learn from them and grow.

  4. Imagine that, she’s a liar

    I would tell him, he has a right to know what she’s up to and plan accordingly

    I’d try to see if I can find him live and send him the receipts. Make his lawyers job a little easier

  5. I think the search history is as damning as it gets.

    He's into your sister.

    Maybe she knows, maybe she doesn't. But are you okay with staying with him if he's in love with someone that's not you?

    If you can I would suggest therapy, and when you feel comfortable, bring it up. But also screenshot the search so he can't just delete his history and deny.

  6. I don't think I could say this any better. OP, you were assaulted, this is not on you at all, this was totally him. As u/thegodcomplex17 says, you need to get some good sleep. You can't think clearly when you're exhausted.

    If there's anyone you trust and feel comfortable talking to, please do. Best of luck and take care.

  7. It's still a bad idea. Yeah, parents are being jerks about it, but OP is 22 and old enough to manage. My opinion, not being home much is a fine choice.

    Kinda ridiculous that they're complaining she isn't around much, but recording one of their sessions is so far beyond a breach of privacy, this is horrible advice. It would be the fast lane moving out of my home if one of my grown kids tried a stunt like that.

  8. *Showing his face on his food blog is basically him craving for attention from other people*

    Why~~~in the world, would you think he's craving attention from other people, Op?

    According to you, he has THE attention of other people already, correct?

    He is showing his face so people associate his face with his well received blog.

    I see a Silhouette of Alfred Hitchcock and I automatically know who he was. Famous for his suspense and horror tv shows and movies.

    I see a pic of Gordon Ramsey and recognize his as a reknown chef, restaurateur, and tv personality.

    I suspect you are getting a little jealous (and angry) that you dropped out at the beginning. He continued without you and has managed to get recognition and success and you are …pissy?

    Be happy and proud of him, Op.

  9. Couples counseling now! Do not agree to her having sex with Ashley. Do not agree to a threesome, and for the love of God, do not agree to any kind of open relationship.

    At a minimum, your wife only had an emotional affair and if there is a chance for this marriage to be saved, counseling is absolutely necessary, as well as cutting all contact with Ashley immediately.

  10. Thanks for your response. I have told her about separating our relationship and her parents. After that she wasn’t as talkative because like I said they are the focal point of her conversation. It’s not like they are causing her to be this way she is actively choosing it. I actually enjoy her parents and would hang out with them without her but she is so uptight.

  11. My experience, it is a nightmare. I did this for more than a decade and you don’t get those years back. You both deserve your time together and get the chance to be your own family. Her mom probably needs some kind of grief/depression therapy. Mom is only 64 and she may well have 20+ good years ahead of her if she chooses to get her own life in order and live it. 20 years is too long to waste. Mom lives in FL and there are tons of seniors and lots of activities and things to do. And what you said about no working/driving etc is a huge red flag. She is expecting you to be her ATM and be her caregivers. She does not need those things but she wants them.

    This is not fair to either of you or the children you may have. Newly weds, new babies, and a MIL who expects to be catered to is a recipe for disaster. I would say no. Dealbreaker!

  12. It's time for you to look within yourself if this is the right woman for you and do it quickly. She's 37 and doesn't have enough time left. If she's not, then tell her you don't think you'd be ready at the moment or in the near future and feel it's best you both go your separate ways. Think very carefully about this.


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