Emily the nude on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

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Emily, 19 y.o.


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3 thoughts on “Emily the nude on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. This is probably the most helpful thing anyone bar my therapist has said to me… thanks! What you suspect aligns with so much of how it went. We were equally head over heals, we spent a lot of time together and we were genuinely happy. Funnily enough conflict resolution was good… she called me out on some toxic behaviours from unhealed wounds. Rather than get defensive and fight I agreed it wasn’t cool, took the feedback away and worked on it with my therapist. But this is when I get the feeling she wanted a fight and not for me to be willing to work on myself… I say this because this was the first time I heard I was too agreeable didn’t it annoy me when I was called out and people always pretend to be something they’re not to get close to me.

    I had a lease coming up on my flat I took 12 months as it was a bit soon to live together, she brought up me changing that while we were on holiday so I cancelled my lease and set in motion moving in. Once it got real she withdrew. Once she withdrew, being the new me who doesn’t tread on eggshells anymore, I called it out, asked what was going on and when the response was “I don’t know” I said that she needed to understand what was going on so we could fix it, it wasn’t something I could fix.

    Basically nothing changed and it fell apart because I wasn’t going to stand by and be with someone who didn’t act like they wanted to be with me.

    So thanks again I think talking it out, I see that she’s maybe had good used against her a few too many times and has some healing of her own to do.

  2. It’s perfectly normal to have a post sex cuddle (or whatever you need). I wouldn’t even have considered it aftercare. It’s just ‘the thing you do’.


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