Dee Holiday & Clark Dent the very hot on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

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Dee Holiday & Clark Dent on-line sex chat

2 thoughts on “Dee Holiday & Clark Dent the very hot on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. I don’t need to repeat what everyone else has been saying, because the top comments have it right about being patient while your wife is healing and helping her find treatment BUT:

    If you’re making bank, hire a maid to clean.

  2. You can certainly say something, but I'm not sure he would leave her at this point. People in toxic, controlling relationships like that aren't likely to take it to heart any good intentions you and your friends may have.

    I could be wrong, but people get blinded by these relationships and it's suddenly the norm for them to agree with their abuser (even if a small part of them thinks their abuser is a tad unfair), they don't want to make their abuser angry.

    If you do talk with him, perhaps staggering one at a time would be better, so he doesn't feel ambushed? And be gentle with him. Remember that logic and reasoning can be used but they're not always effective in these situations. Also make sure to reassure him that he can have a place with you if he needs to talk or for anything (if you do have a place, or make sure one of your other mutual friends has a place for him).


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