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Blonde Rider, 93 y.o.


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Blonde Rider live sex chat

24 thoughts on “Blonde Rider the nude live sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. Is it really not easy for guys to just use their imagination? Women do it all the time, am I the only person that feels like porn is not good?

  2. If you wanted to be a brat, you could “alter” them into something else entirely. You are just a hobbiest. Make a costume or a skirt or a stuffed animal… Just not fitting pants lol . I don't actually suggest this, but you could tease him with it if he's so dense to your skill level.

  3. I mean, of I were you I would confront him about it. Staying in a relationship that isn't equal isn't worth it. The fact you have kids, they can pick up stuff like that. He may put on a front, but kids have a very good perception of picking up on stuff we dont/can't.

    You also have to ask yourself, how can you give your all to someone who has always had one foot out and settled? Can you truly look at him everyday, smile and love him with all your heart after that? Going back to kids, it is not better for kids to stay in a relationship that isn't genuine. Plenty of studies that have shown it is better to be raised in a dual household than one that is hollow.

    Of course this is all if he doesn't fight for your love and seek redemption.

  4. Not sure if there's anything you can do to fix that callous disregard for human decency. It's sad he showed his true colors now and not 7 years ago.

  5. Mary and I are both 28. We have talked about this tension before when both of us were single. She talks real big about things that could happen then suddenly pushes me away before anything significant can happen. Even this latest time there was a bit of discussion, but it didn’t go very deep due to my relationship status.

    I honestly felt it was just a casual visit until it wasn’t. I do understand what you mean by “setting myself up for failure.” I’ll keep that in mind. Thanks for your insight.

  6. Hello /u/SuperSaver104,

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  7. She doesn't see your concern here. You do care for her and you are worried for her, but in the end if she doesn't want to she doesn't have to. She isn't comfortable talking about her weight, but it shouldn't end in a fight as soon as it comes up. It's not healthy. Its not normal either. If she isn't willing to reason here, you are meeting a stone wall.

    Now you have choices to make. Do you really wanna worry about her and walk on eggshells or is it time to maybe move on? You can't wait for her to make up her mind or maybe change her views here. You would be resentful about it and maybe just flush down your time and efforts down the toilet. You are young and there is so much more out there. Don't get stuck here.

  8. You did the right thing. She’s lying to everyone and it’s not your fault for being honest.

    Don’t be upset that a person like that is now out of your life.

    Plus if I were your BF, I would lose trust in you if I found out you knew about this and never said anything.

  9. Did it matter in that very moment? Was it possible you could’ve said “oh, I didn’t know that” and then when you double checked it later, IF you were right, you could’ve gently told her “oh I looked into that because I was curious and it turns out actually xyzz”

  10. They aren't your child. You don't get to punish them for an argument. If you aren't willing to properly communicate then you are not ready for a serious relationship

  11. Saying that she has a BF is not a good strategy. Men will then say “then let me be your dirty secret” or “I'll show you such a good time you'll break up with him pronto”.

    But most of all, I don't like your attitude. Like, she's not going to give them the time of day because she's already taken? Like, you have ownership? That's not how it works. Your GF is free to dump you and go out with another guy any time she likes.

    With your owner attitude, that might happen sooner than you'd hope.

  12. I’m not trying to but he said yes he even came up to me another time to make sure he got my number right he told me he was looking forward to our date and now all I get is a “thanks :)” no texts after that no apology or hopes of rescheduling

  13. Ultimately, this is a matter of consent. She had a choice to tell you before you were intimate so you could make an informed choice about having sex with her; and she actively decided to take your choices away. You were robbed of your informed consent and bodily autonomy. I don't think I could forgive someone that manipulated their way into my bed and knowingly put my body at risk like this.

    Putting someone through something like this, where their long-term health now hangs in the balance as a result of your deception, is so traumatising. This was a truly abhorrent thing to do and I'd be feeling exactly the same as you, except I wouldn't want to see this person again.

  14. This is all about your money. Your grandmother may be counting on you helping her out with your money when she gets older and needs more help. If you spend it on things she feels are frivolous, there will be less money for her. Your mom's partner is up front about wanting a share of money for himself, your grandmother, uncle and cousins. The money is yours and they shouldn't get any of it except perhaps as birthday or Christmas gifts.

    It is your money. If you choose to fritter it all away, they have no say in that. I know you won't do that but when you are told to do something, just say “no, that won't work for me.” “No, that's not possible”. “No, I am not doing that; I am doing this.”

  15. Did she ask him what he liked? Did she make sure he got to orgasm, even if he didn't? Or did she just throw in the towel and call it quits?

    I swear people on this sub expect men to do everything and be perfect at all times.


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