Our ( 38F ) sweetheart ( 34M )of three years doesn’t let me use their phone or laptop. Items came to a head and am snooped.

He' s never let me use his phone or laptop throughout the relationship, but I in no way particularly cared. I have my own. Things changed this past 7 days though.

We' ve been housesitting together in an region that has no cell services. The other day I' d forgotten my phone at my location, so I had no way to contact anyone. I asked him if I could use his phone to sign into messenger and quickly send a note to a friend of mine who I was meeting later. He was sitting to the couch opposite me making use of his phone and he informs me that I can use the laptop computer in the office. Thos laptop belongs to the owner of the house. I' m already explored that choice and told my boyfriend there was a password onto it. He then said he' m find his old ipad tablet and I could use that. WHILST HOLDING HOS PHONE 2 FEET AWAY FROM ME! I actually let that go.

Yesterday, I pointed at their laptop and said that I' d like to print a couple of things. He immediately told me that I should use the laptop computer in the office. I again told him that it was password safeguarded. He says, " I can physique the password out. " I again left it alone. Later, he phone calls the homeowner in PANAMA AND NICARAGUA , where they' re on a break to get the password for their notebook….. while his laptop sat right there on the table. I told him that the situation was really fucked up and visited bed.

This morning I made a decision to take my things plus go back to my place to consider things. He was at work. I was packing my some misconception and grabbed a grocery bag that I thought had my books in it. This didn' t: it a new small laptop and a few folded away pages of paper. I pulled out the paper and it was a list of his security passwords.

I sat and thought about this for three hours plus whether I should/would spy. I finally did thinking about the past week. One of the passwords opened the laptop plus…. there was nothing nefarious onto it. Opened his two email messages… nothing. Facebook…. nothing.

The reason why was he so insistent on keeping these things personal? Obviously, I need to leave your pet because I totally violated his privacy… but the reason why wouldn' t he just let me use the stupid laptop computer or phone?

submitted by /u/ThrowRA2970243
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