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Room for live! sex video chat Anna_devill

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43 thoughts on “Anna_devilllive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. There was a bestofredditorupdates posted within the last few hours very similar. Dude was in a long term relationship, unhappy with the sex life, she wants to get engaged, everyone told him to break up. The update was now they’re married and he’s cheating on his wife because it never got better.

    Don’t fall into that. She’s asexual. Sex is important to you. This is a major incompatibility. Break up.

  2. You are most certainly not to blame for HER cheating. Its one her and her only. Shes gaslighting and blame shifting.

    She fully expects you to forgive her. But hers the thing…theres a good reason the phrase once a cheater always a cheater and in her case its literal.

    She created the “you” her coworkers described in such eloquent terms. She made you out to be a monster, that way when they gave their opinions of you their views matched hers (gee wonder why) and she gave herself an excuse to cheat because they all saw how “bad” as person you were.

    Dude, run the fuck away. She needs IC or she will never be a safe partner for you or anyone else. She needs help, you need someone else.

  3. Sounds like she wants you, just doesn't want you right now. She knows you're a great catch but wants to have her fun right now and she's letting you have yours. Stay in touch with her if you could see yourself with her in the future. Use this time to build a friendship so strong nothing could break it, then start saving for that ring.

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  6. I think the question you need to ask yourself is “what will I do if I reach out and she isn’t ok?”

    Although the general consensus is that people put their highlights reel on Facebook, you’re making a lot of assumptions based on the little information you have from her social media. And a lot of them are quite misogynistic. Oh no, she’s gained weight and doesn’t post photos with a man! She must be really unhappy /s

    It’s entirely possible that she kicked her man out, and is living her best life as a single mum. Maybe she’s too focussed on her child to have any interest in dating.

    I think you’re getting caught up in being a white knight, and you need to take a step back and consider that your presence in her life (and now lack of presence in her life) isn’t as much of a defining factor as you think it is. And maybe you put a lot more weight on the goals that the two of you spoke about than she did.

  7. I think it's tough for anyone to say what right approach in this scenario. You should objectively think about it and put your interest forward before his. There is no right or wrong approach. If you leave him on his death bed you may not forgive yourself forever or if you stay back you could never forget about his infidelity. I suggest see it for the next few days how he's doing and what you're feeling inside. Whatever decision you feel is right by you, you should take it.

  8. Yes, I offered her to go which she also mentioned that she has second thoughts since she might have work on those days. And yes, planning to get married but it's not a priority right now since we are not yet financially stable.

  9. Romantic attraction and sexual desire are two absolutely different things. Dry spells when it comes to sex happen, losing all romantic attraction is a lot more bothersome.

    Sure, it could be depression, but honestly, long distance can also wear people down. It's just different when you can't really share your life and what you experience day to day with a partner; even if you see each other pretty often, it makes keeping the bond more difficult.

    Is he open to therapy? If he is currently struggling in life, then therapy could help him in many ways, not just relationship-wise.

    In the end, though, the decision is his'. A relationship means choosing your partner anew every single day and if he doesn't want to do that anymore – no matter for what reason – then that's it. The reason doesn't matter. But since he said that he doesn't want to break up, there might still be hope (in moderation, if he just keeps you around without really being in a relationship anymore, that would be horribly selfish of him). I do recommend therapy above all else – it seems he has to figure some things out, but there is only so much you can do to help him.

  10. A lot of you aren't really geting the point that we still have problems to work through.

    Yet you decided to bring a child into this world. That's literally the last thing you should have done while you are still working on things. Not saying you should get married but all your reasonings for not getting married you completely shit the bed on in regards to bringing an innocent child into the middle of it.

    Maybe get her a promise ring or something as a compromise

  11. You both need to want to address this for their to be any chance of salvaging this. Touch matters. Sex matters. Time to have a real discussion about whether to keep going or not. It would take a big commitment from both of you.

  12. On one hand, I get needing your own space. I do. When my in laws visit, by day 2 I’m stressed out. But we don’t have an entire guest bedroom and bathroom, so it’s pretty cramped. When we visit there it’s not as bad. It usually takes 3-4 days before I’m stressed and ready to go again, no spare rooms so we’re all sharing. But I love them so we do it anyways. I think he’s being a little unreasonable. Can you find a happy medium? Say he has to work from home for a few days, and do a hotel or Air BNbB for the first 2-3 days and hang out without husband, so it’s only 4-5 days of him sharing his space. But you can’t just dig your heels in, and neither can he. You both need to find an agreement you can be happy with.

  13. I have an analogy I generally use in these scenarios to tell women like your fiancée why their partners act like you do.

    In the English language, the word love can mean different things depending on how it's being used, but because the meanings are so similar, some people mistake one for the other.

    When I say I love my husband, I mean that I care about his physical and mental wellbeing, it brings be joy to see him happy, I have him on my mind often, and as such often can find little things to do for him or get for him or send him to make him smile because I get the idea while thinking of him. It means that I often compromise on things because my relationship with him is worth way more than trying to get my way on petty things. It means that I often put his needs before mine, and his wants before mine. And he treats me the same way.

    When I say I love cheesecake, I'm not lying, but it's not the same feeling or set of thoughts. I enjoy cheesecake and the physical sensations it gives me when I eat it. It makes me happy to have something to enjoy, and every positive thought I have about it has to do with what it does for me. But I don't have any concept of the cheesecake's wellbeing, or care about it in any way that doesn't relate to me being deprived of it. It's just a commodity to me.

    Some people don't know how to love people the way you're supposed to love people. But they really enjoy the perks that come with dating them- sex, split bills, maybe they cook, not having to worry about a date for events, etc. And because they're so limited, they think that this is what other people mean when they talk about love…but it's not. They don't know that when they say “I love you” it implies a much larger responsibility and emotional investment than they're capable of making. And it causes the healthy partner to tear their hair out because they can't understand how someone could actually love them, then be so completely unconcerned with doing anything for them that isn't self-serving.

    She loves you like people love each other. You love her like cheesecake. Or ice cream, or beer, or whatever it is you love. So nothing she needs, wants or feels is important to you until it threatens your ability to keep and enjoy her. That's why she needs to be ready to blow her top before you will do something that normal men would just do because it's natural in a partnership.

    The only advice I have is for her, which is to find someone who was taught to love properly as a child, and doesn't come from a 100% self-serving place when deciding what to do for her.

  14. They on-line together so she is pretty much always around. Whenever I call, she's in the background so there isn't much privacy in our conversations. I don't exactly like that, but I also don't really mind since I'm never saying anything I wouldn't want her to hear.

    I'm not sure if she's afraid of what he'll say in private but I doubt it.

  15. This excuses wont help the dead or the family left behind. This is the same as drunk driving. No excuse.

  16. I have friends who are chronically late. I couldn't care less. How the hell does if affect me if I don't see them a few mins earlier? If you're hanging out for a couple hours then 8 mins is literally nothing. Loosen up a bit mate.

  17. Everyone is different, personally if I'm in a monogamous relationship and my boyfriend suggests opening the relationship in any way, that's the death toll of the relationship right as the words come out of his mouth. What's been said cannot be unheard and I would never be able to move on from the fact that the thought even crossed his mind, let alone seriously enough to ask me about it.

  18. Dude's almost 30 & isn't doing foreplay. I'd cut my losses. There's better lovers out there and you've only been together a couple weeks.

    If you want, ask. But I would imagine he might do it then let it fizzle out.

    Men his age that are good lovers are good from the beginning. They know perfectly well about foreplay. Why else would he want his dick sucked?

    He just doesn't care.

  19. You’re not stupid! It’s unfortunately a common feeling when you’re a victim of abuse. The abuser wears you down and makes you think you’re overreacting or dumb. It makes you feel like you’re stuck with them and owe them something.

    The first step is realizing there’s an issue. You can do this! We’re all rooting for you

  20. Dan's choice to not spend time with his female friends outside of a group setting is his own. If you were like spending a ton of time with Mike in your apartment and getting intimate dinners at fancy restaurants or something that's kinda different… But you and Mike are in a public place? Eh, I digress.

    But you still prefer to work out alone and that's totally fine, it works in your favor and you kinda get two birds with one stone, but I want to just affirm for you that you do not owe anyone any justification or reasoning.

  21. because as a SAHM she is dependent on him, not paying into social security, not paying into a 401K and her job skills are stagnating. If this marriage fails which seems likely if this current situation continues she will be in a very precarious position.

  22. Girl! RED FLAGS EVERYWHERE!!! You guy must be absolutely screaming at you.

    I'm going to suggest – strongly – to at very least postpone your wedding, and do a LOT of digging, starting with contacting that girl.

    Also, please listen to podcast Something was Wrong especially season one.

    Red, red flags…. Especially the part where you have a very good income and he hasn't Guaranteed this guy is spinning all sorts of lies.

    My heart is pounding out of my chest reading your post.

  23. I wouldn't end a 7-year friendship over one conversation that included a possibly bad joke about sharing my partner. We all say some crazy things now and then.

    But I would let a long-term friendship die if the other person was regularly cruel to me, was disinterested in my feelings, and capped things off with a quip about my partner needing a learning disability in order to desire me.

    Don't end the relationship over the “sharing” comment. End it because of all the other shitty things she's done.

    People sometimes outgrow a friend from a darker era…

  24. I wouldn't end a 7-year friendship over one conversation that included a possibly bad joke about sharing my partner. We all say some crazy things now and then.

    But I would let a long-term friendship die if the other person was regularly cruel to me, was disinterested in my feelings, and capped things off with a quip about my partner needing a learning disability in order to desire me.

    Don't end the relationship over the “sharing” comment. End it because of all the other shitty things she's done.

    People sometimes outgrow a friend from a darker era…

  25. He is into her for sure, but what about her? The fact she wouldn't tell you mean she knows and decided to go along with it.

  26. If it were me, I would block him and move on. He is not “sure” he is over his issues.

    But we all have to learn the hot way, and who knows you and he could be the very rare exception. So you need to do some thinking, and figure out how you need him to behave towards you , what are your communication expectations, what you expect from him on initiating communication, planning, gifts, etc. write it down and talk about it with your ex before you decide one way or the other.

  27. Not necessarily; she could feel that they are dilute or insincere and wish he wouldn't be spewing them out all the time but she's keeping her mouth shut to keep him happy…

  28. It's been five months my dude. I'd be surprised if this didn't make HER rethink ya'll. This whole thing sounds really controlling and you'll say 'oh it can't be controlling cause I'm not going to order her to not do it.” no, you're just going to be both passive aggressive and aggressive and basically issue an ultimatum to her. Go out with work friends and have fun but lose your relationship or get to feel cowed by your partner who is treating you like an infant cause he only cares about what he likes and what he wants you to do…

    I'd dodge the bullet tbh. Get therapy about your feelings surrounding your ex.

  29. I’ve had multiple medications humble me from an hour plower to a minute man real quick. Not to mention COMING OFF some meds will do this also amongst your current inquiries.

  30. I feel that at this point in time you've overreacted.

    Your g/f made it clear that he told this girl that he was in a relationship and has talked about you multiple times. Interactions between men and women can be more flirty than interactions between the same sex without being completely inappropriate, so you really need to hear his interactions with her for yourself. Even if he isnt doing a lot about it right now, its a new situation and he's probably a) enjoying it a little (which isnt a terrible thing at this point, and b) isnt sure how to handle it or genuinely thinks the others are overreacting and doesnt see it (some of us guys can be pretty oblivious to this stuff).

    The girl is also new to the server and if she doesnt take his hint that he has a g/f there is opportunity to escalate his response and be firm with her either in public or by sending her a private DM.

    Your b/f may be encouraging her, loving the attention and being inappropriate with her, but I think you also have to take this softly softly at first because you DONT know how they are interacting. He might actually be trying to handle it reasonably and responsibly.

  31. There’s only one answer. Break up with him. You can’t force yourself to be intimate with someone who gives you the ick.

  32. You should at least let her know your thoughts before just flat out dumping her if she decides to go.


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