“, ??rebeca”?? the hard live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

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“, ??rebeca”??, 27 y.o.


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160 thoughts on ““, ??rebeca”?? the hard live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Lol. Oh, he will go on a 10 minute deep dive about everything for example The Shining and how many takes the elevator blood took, or how Kubrick tortured Shelly Duvall to get her scared for a scene, he will know interesting tidbits and I enjoy it. I get many just want to watch the movie all through, like I said in all things you have to find your one.

  2. Especially because i was over at his place that day anyway and just went home bc he said he didnt have time bc of uni

  3. It came out in a panic, I don’t think she wanted to share it with anyone.

    She is very close to her parents and sister which I found very surprising she didn’t even inform them of her past. I’m the only person she’s ever told about it.

    I think she does need time to process it. Although she’s said to me numerous times during the last conversation how I’m the best thing that’s ever happened to her. She just needs time to heal and get better for the sake of our relationship.

  4. It’s what you think that matters. If I told you I see no problem with this it doesn’t negate your feelings or validate hers. What I’m getting at is a relationship is two people, if you feel a certain way communicate it, if the other party doesn’t accept/respect your feelings or want to compromise then you’re with the wrong person

  5. Drop the dead weight that is him. Thanks to my health issues my weight kind of balloons, my partner doesn’t care if I’m stick thin or chunky, you’ll find the right guy but this ain’t it

  6. Completely justified, he is easy to anger and gets violent. He needs to be seeking mental health assistance to avoid hurting himself, you or others.

  7. OP, read your own comments.

    You forced “help” on him. You didn’t ask him “Do you want this?” You didn’t ask him for his opinion on things like support staff members, nor did you respect his opinion when voiced.

  8. You could try telling him you've been thinking about things lately, and want to let him know that if he ever feels like it you'd love for him to call you Dad, but completely understand if he isn't comfortable like that.

  9. Ugh this is my worst fear in relationships. I’m far too trusting for stories like this hah. What can you do besides split? After something like this you’ll always be suspicious everytime he goes out of town or does anything without you. It’s crazy-making potential that will probably not end well unless you genuinely believe you can forgive and forget

  10. one, your bf isn't holding up his end of the bargain and doesn't trust you, two that so called friend tried to use your struggles as an excuse to target you. You might want to ditch both of those people.

  11. “I’m worried about your weight gain – if you turn into your mother, that’s a dealbreaker.”

    Guys, my partner isn't attracted to me, and i HAVE NO IDEA WHY!!?

    Also, I do not want my nude texts left on “seen” for 12 hours

    So, you're sending unsolicited nudes? that's kinda frowned upon these days, so I've been told.

    but we no longer exchange flirtatious texts because that rejection hurt bad.

    still so confused on why my partner isn't attracted to me anymore bites donut

    “if you want to meet your need, I probably won’t reject you.” Wow – Who else is aroused?

    Not him lol Honestly, it's nude to be in a relationship with someone you're not attracted to. This happens to members of both genders/sexes.

    How do you push past constant rejection, assert your needs, and seed romance?

    What I would tell a man in this same situation is the answer they don't want to hear. You can try to negotiate your way into your SO being attracted to you all you want, but it isn't going to work. you should work on making yourself attractive. Once you do that, you'll have options, and you can choose to stay with your SO or leave them based on how they treat you and what you're willing to accept in your relationship. Honestly, as a woman, you probably have options now, but you'll likely run into a lot more situations where you get slept with and then ignored if you're not taking care of yourself physically than if you were.

    Him stating the whole weight thing being a dealbreaker was his attempt to discuss exactly what you say you want to discuss very directly. It probably didn't go so well, and now he feels like he can't communicate with you without offending you. You can choose to be offended by me again stating the obvious and go on ignoring what is right in front of your face, or you can choose to listen and take steps to improve your life.

  12. Get reimbursed by the family since they are offering and feel compelled to make it right.

    And go ahead and press charges. If your ex refuses treatment and has episodes like these in the future—and unfortunately it’s all too common—there is a paper trail that proves a pattern of behavior and can pet the appropriate agencies step in

  13. The fact that you said he doesn't even try to please you is really upsetting to me. He is totally using you. Take it from those that have more experience. I'm sorry that this is nude for you, but you'll thank us all later when you're having amazing sex with somebody who wants to please you!!!!

  14. Is there perhaps something else you wanted more? Or did she get you other things as well. From everyone’s comments I suddenly want one too, as a 53 yo woman who isn’t into mechanics and runs almost no risk of needing to jump my car. Sounds handy for power outages

  15. You most definitely did the right thing.

    You need to protect yourself, you oldest daughter, and you other children.

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  17. I can’t imagine. I’m so sorry you went through that. I hope you have more upstanding people in your life now, no one deserves to go through that.

  18. Hell to the no. You deserve so much better. Your son will be ok. He didn’t care about his son when he left and was fucking the 20 year old. Girl, continue to coparent in a positive way and date the new guy. Move forward, do not go back to this guy. He’ll leave you again for the next plaything.

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  20. Dog training is all about training the owners. You can't send the dog to pet school and not your wife. Although you could send her without the dog

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  24. You think not being married somehow insures you against those statistics? You're just as likely to break up, whether it is termed a break up or a divorce. Either way, you need to put the work in for the relationship to survive. “The work” meaning being honest with yourself and your partner about your fears, your desires etc and being able to talk about them and deal with them together. The simple fact of just not getting married doesn't give you a pass on that.

  25. They’re aren’t any divorce papers yet. I have been trusting him that I am not the side chick. Lol Actually that’s what brought up this whole thing, because I was feeling really insecure and shitty about the whole divorce thing not being well on its way and I guess he had been feeling really upset about that past thing with my friends and then it all just came about.

    Realistically it wasn’t the brightest thing to do. But I really haven’t doubted him that his relationship is over romantically. I appreciate your insight.

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  28. Thanks I appreciate this. I think I’m confused in regards to our libido because he says he wants to but he doesn’t initiate it and I plan a lot of things in our relationship. I’d definitely say I’ve tried to take a step back to allow him to show his masculine energy but it hasn’t really been working. His honestly the type to just Netflix and chill but without the fucking part lol

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  32. Don’t apologize when you haven’t done anything wrong. And reframe the conversation to why she’s now trying to control you regarding something you both had agreed was not an issue. She needs to examine her own feelings here and not dump this on you.

  33. No, if I got hit by a bus, my wife has several friends and relatives that on-line nearby. She also has her own income. You wouldn't have those things.

  34. I think his penis needs to not be a part of their sex sessions.

    That's such a rude thing to say. It's like you don't even care about his sexual pleasure, only care about the woman's.

  35. Ok well u do seem cooler than most about it but buying a home still a vastly more prudish investment than getting married (for a guy) so that shouldn’t surprise u. Some men also just can’t be bothered with the pomp of it all. Great that you’re cool with a pre nuo but I’m guessing that involves lawyers and fees and paperwork as well, some of us guys just want a simple life, which u can walk out on in 15mins if things turn sour, not two years of deposits and arguments about colors of bridesmaid dresses etc. + altho everyone says “oh small so is fine”, wedding costs usually do spiral way beyond initial planned budget. All I can say that his misgivings are just financial and it’s not just that he doesn’t wanna marry u specifically. Signed, hopeless romantic

  36. How do I leave? My boyfriend and I have been dating for 2 years and very much love each other. Do I tell his mom? Do we stop seeing his family altogether?

  37. “Yet” being the keyword here. It starts with the camera and screensharing and will only progress a d get worse. What if he wants to see your bank statements monthly? You can't even SLEEP without him feeling the nees to watch you? That's neither healthy nor normal.

    And he knows it's not okay, he proved that when he asked you to keep this a secret

  38. I feel him doing it in the shower will probably bother her less because it would work that way for me. Simple because it feels more like a private moment and less like a waiting for you to fall asleep and sneaking out moment. I have no reason to think this other than my own opinion. Just trying to help here.

  39. I always felt like it happened more than once but I’ve been too scared to ask. I’m afraid of the honest answer

  40. He's punishing her by…. going off and masturbating? I…. what does this even mean? He's not masturbating at her, he just wants to get off and she's not interested so he went and tended to his own needs by himself. Isn't that what you're supposed to do when you're horny and your partner doesn't want to have sex?

  41. If you haven’t tried therapy, you could do individual (so she can work through her childhood trauma) and couples. At least, if she’s open to it, you could work on your relationship issues.

    However, if she or you are not willing to work on it then it would be time to find a lawyer and figure out your options. Then you leave before she does.

  42. “…I’m the only friend he has and […] if I wasn’t in his life, he’d have nothing to on-line for (which he’s told me before).”

    Your “friend” is emotionally blackmailing you. They are 30 years old, which is more than enough time on this planet to accumulate more than one friend. They clearly want a codependent relationship with you (the weird “hypothetical” game) and it seems pretty obvious that you’re not up for that.

    You’ve already put some boundaries out there – I think it’s time you enforce them a little more firmly. Tell them you need a break from them for a while. If you’re ok with being honest about it I think that would be the best approach. But if you’re not ready for that or are afraid of how they might react feel free to come up with another excuse – you have a really big project you were just given at work, a family emergency came up, etc. You just need some time. And then take that time completely without them – a few weeks or a month or however long it takes you to feel like you actually want to spend time with this person again.

    And on the off chance that they decide to escalate and start messaging you about dark thoughts or suicidal ideation redirect them to professional resources – you are NOT their therapist, even if you do have professional expertise in that area. This person has invested a lot of effort into trying to make you feel responsible for their mental health and well-being, and that’s not your job. Unfortunately, that means that they may do something drastic when you withdraw – but that is their choice to make. Trying to reshape your life in order to prevent that from happening means putting yourself at the mercy of their wants and needs, and that’s not fair to yourself. Don’t make yourself smaller just because they’re not willing to put in the work to get better.

  43. You don’t need a reason to break up with him. You don’t have to feel guilty. Just tell him you’re not feeling it anymore and you need to move on. Don’t even give him any BS reasons like “I’m at a different place in my life”.

    Just give him NOTHING to argue against. You just don’t like him anymore and you ALREADY have everything lined up to leave (if living together). Otherwise block block block. “I’m blocking you now, please do not contact me or I will be in touch with the police”

  44. Don't be so rude. When my mother goes on holidays, usually for 3 months at a time, we call and talk to each other every night, and if not every night then every 2nd night. Some people enjoy keeping in contact with their loved ones otherwise they become hermits which I believe you must be with that statement of yours.

  45. There was a chick here yesterday you should hook up with, she's recently single after also being a complete dumbass and asking for a hallpass for a work trip.

  46. I guess the words “in sickness and in health, for better or for worse…” would’ve been lost on you. Give the guy space and support, not a dang count down!

  47. girl, give him a 30 day notice and call it a day.

    he's a bum and is using u. and has told u he wont love u.

    why tf is this man still in ur house.



  48. Maybe find a show or book series you guys can watch / read in tandem and both enjoy, and then you can dish about it

  49. Why not both? I can make sure we're compatible and part of that is dating someone who knows they want to get married to their partner at some point.

  50. I will say, as a woman, if you want kids, there is absolutely a ticking clock. Pregnancy is risky at any stage, and people need to plan these things ahead. Especially if you want to juggle a relationship, motherhood and a professional career.

    That said, you both need to sit down and discuss what both your timelines look like, because then she can decide if spending time with you will get her what she wants.

    There is nothing wrong with either of you wanting different things, but you need to make sure to have these conversations early, especially since you don't want to on-line together nor have kids in the next year or two

  51. You’ll do whatever they want to feel safe and secure…. Like, install an app on your phone that tells them where you are all the time? Share your text/app/search history in real time? Forever? Don’t you see how insulting that is? If there’s no trust, there’s no relationship.

  52. Do you think she's going to give him more than half custody? Do you think a judge will deem her incompetent and take away her right to custody?


  53. Something I caught in your post, OP – she says she wants to be “taken care of.” When I've encountered this wording before, it's usually by a person that is looking for a partner that will be the sole breadwinner. Women that want to be SAHMs, men that want to be mothered or babied, etc.

    I feel you need to sit down for a bigger talk about finances in the future. That you're interested in both of you pulling your own weight, financially, and that you expect her to participate in paying bills and occasionally for leisure activities like dates and vacations. Emphasize that you expect fund-sharing in marriage and that you don't want to be the solo breadwinner.

    Though I don't expect her to take it well, it's something you need to get on the table way before the relationship hits proposal territory.

  54. Man, some of you are on here acting like narcissistic sociopaths/psychopaths don’t exist. “Get a ring camera, a chain lock, pepper spray”. It’s easy as fuck to say when you don’t have to deal with it.

    My ex-wife literally broke into my hotel room when I left her….I wasn’t there, she was armed, and had an active restraining order on her from me. All because I found out that she was screwing some dude and I wanted out. Yes, getting cheated on sucks. But if you don’t need to be apart of the blow up, then stay out of it.

  55. If he can’t handle having kids and being a father and husband why did he bother in the first place?

    People need to be more honest with themselves about what they want man.

  56. Okay so according to your post history you were 26 last year but now you’re 25? And is this the SAME relationship as the one you were in last year? Home boy with the step kids? This man has 2 kids?!

    I wonder if his first wife didn’t work out because of the weight she put on after having two children? And you are LEGITIMATELY CONSIDERING having kids with him?????

  57. Umm… He IS cheating on you AT THE VERY LEAST emotionally. Sounds like you’re nothing but an emotional support animal (and probably a maid if he doesn’t shar chores with you which he sounds like a jerk so I’m pretty sure you’re also his maid) for him.

  58. People doing rehab should be focusing on themselves, not on relationships, for a good long time once sober. He has been an alcoholic for a few years. There are no guarantees of a quick fix. if he is a good guy he will understand that you wish to on-line separately whilst he builds a sober life. If he can't accept that, he isn't the good guy you think he is.

  59. I absolutely came here to say just this! My “type” was skinny long haired “arty” types. My husband of over twenty years was in the army when we first got together. I love him to bits but it always amazes my old friends that we ended up together. You could be a “keeper” OP.

  60. He never blocked me before We talked about the plans we had when he will come home and then he changed them again because he messed up the dates and i said it would be nice if he could write it in a nicer way because for me it means i need to plan everything new, etc. Etc.

  61. Guess he wanted to see if the responses would be different…smh. Teens always think they know best. Sorry OP…your friend is right. You should not being dating a 41 ur old predator. There r plenty of people your age to date who won’t try to groom you

  62. Penatrative sex doesn't need to be the be all end all. Do more foreplay and potentially oral. Also if you're masturbating a lot that can impact your ability to cum having sex.

  63. I think YOU need to pour out extra ketchup, since you use so much.

    I love a lot of ketchup with my fries and when I go out to eat, the first thing I do is spend like 2 minutes squeezing as much out as I possibly can, so I don't have to stop and squeeze again in the middle of eating.

    He might be the same. Going from a big splotch of ketchup to “now I need to squeeze it out again” before he even got a chance to use some… yeah, that's annoying.

  64. Listen to your therapist, since you havve one? You do sound self-sabotaging to me, as well. As someone who has been married, dating and partnered for about 40 years, you have a good thing going. Accept that you will never get everything you want in a relationhship. You gotta find a 7.2 and round that right up to 10, to paraphrase Savage. If you want other experiences with other people anyway, that's valid, but you are kind of being unseemly childish to say “The idea of never pairing off with someone more poetic and creative and sweet breaks my heart.” Maybe this just really does mean you gotta go out there & see what's up, but it's not sure that even if you left them, you would end up with someone with the very specific and vague things you seem to be heartbroken over never experiencing? And given that you know that your anxiety and doubts rise up when you have a new relationship, it's pretty much a given that if you met your poetic, creative and sweet person, you'd freak because they don't share your hobbies or kinks?

    What does your therpaist say about disclosing your doubts to your partner? That's who you should be listening to here.

  65. She’s begging him but she hasn’t explicitly declared that. That being said, I definitely think she’s going to cheat on him and he should leave.

  66. There's no possible way to know what advice to give without further detail. “something that he did” could be anything from crapping his pants to shooting up heroin in the bathroom stalls.

    How can we be expected to offer any sort of insight?

  67. So, supporting your partner with losing weight is an incredibly delicate thing, because it can very easily be read as judgment or as a sign that you're less attracted to him. So I suggest not taking it upon yourself to try out new ways to “support” him. In addition to it being a sensitive thing, there are so many weight loss methods/philosophies and what works (and really doesn't work) for people can be so different!

    I think what you should do is next time he brings up his weight or the conversation goes in that direction, ask him in what ways you can support him. Ask if there's any struggles he has that you can help with. And ask what he thinks might work for him. Like, some people do well with really strict diets with concrete rules. Some people do better with diets that give them a lot of options. Some people do better with having no junk food around ever. Some people do better just cutting back on junk food and having healthier snacks around in addition. He has to figure out what he can keep up with over time.

  68. Plenty of parents make an effort to be an active part of their child’s life even after the other parent moved with them. OP chose not to.

  69. I don’t think it’s weird to have location sharing on with family. You say they aren’t controlling him or anything, seems like they will just use it for emergencies.

  70. I messaged him and told him that I will not be upset if he can't help and that if he ever feels like I'm pushing him to tell me to f-off

  71. I’m so sorry but you’re being really dramatic about this. His reasoning for saying it was valid. He’s also divorced, he’s had a different experience with relationships.

    You’re telling me you’re to throw out an otherwise relationship over something he said in passing because you decided that’s surely what he meant despite him explaining his reasoning.

  72. You're putting the burden on him. Be a mama bear and protect him, don't burden him. Keep the transphobic family away from him. Do your own research on the transition process if you need to. And truly just love him. It's as simple as that. Love him for the amazing person he is. Nothing more and nothing less.

  73. Personally, I would just send a text saying, “FYI, we are over. I really don't care to discuss it. 4 years down the drain. But perhaps if you are going to cheat on your next gf you should remember that you saved all the pictures and videos of yourself cheating. I learned the nude way how much that hurts to just randomly find. At least the spare the next girl those images if you care about women at all. Later homie. Hope I never see you again.”

  74. Thank you for sharing that. Like you, I realized to late, and that video is spot on. This needs to be at the top so more people can see this.

  75. Tbh, it was none of your business to begin with. I NEVER asked my man that nor has he asked me because it’s irrelevant… if you’re happy and she’s happy, who gives a shit how many people she’s been with? And not for nothing, I have forgotten people I’ve slept with lol and I’ve only been with like 10 people at 26. So I would 100% let that shit go or you may lose the relationship. It’s not worth even getting upset over TRUST ME. She may not have lied, or maybe she did. It’s an embarrassing topic! Don’t bring it up lol.

  76. Let her employer worry about her work ethic. How is her behavior in a relationship? Does she put in equal effort?

    Bear in mind that being a workaholic is as much pathological as being lazy.

  77. Oh I know. It’s weird us guys are not allowed to have preferences when it comes to relationships. Women lecture us about expressing ourself and to share our feelings and when we do we are just called insecure and shamed for it.

  78. For sure. But there's a lot of men who think you should just be sitting there waiting for them never having any experiences until they come along. It's a huge red flag and a controlling Behavior

  79. No. It’s because he feels lied to. He just can’t put his finger on it.

    It feels like this was kept from him on purpose. Like it’s her dirty little secret. Like it’s naughty and bad.

  80. I think anything is reason enough for a break up when you're dating. You date to find people you're compatible with, and at 4 months in, you shouldn't have such deep issues that need work to resolve.

    This is when everyone is on their best behavior. It should be rainbows and unicorns and butterflies.

    If it's like this so soon, imagine 4 years in.

    I think if he wants someone thinner, he should date someone thinner. You should find someone who appreciates you as you are, whatever form that is. ❤️

  81. Sounds like you’re pretty aware of the situation given your cultural and religious differences. That can be incredibly tough to navigate. Just by what you have written here I would have a guess that these kinda of things could ruin your relationship, as they have been the cause for countless others to end. Many people break up over far less, unfortunately.

    I would say that if you guys can respect each other, and treat each other fairly (I.e. not one sided) then it could work. Still voice your opinions and how you feel, if she can’t respect the culture then she can respect you and your values. Changing drinking habits is almost impossible but if you have her best interest at heart then all you can do is keep offering advice and hopefully she will eventually take a slither of on board. Could be good for her by the sounds.

    A girls trip to Vegas brings half as many doubts as a boys trip to Vegas would. You wouldn’t be said if you didn’t have some reservations 😉 The birthday thing is just bad timing, don’t make a fuss and see if she makes it up later.

  82. Maybe you could act like you're kicking her to the curb and you're going to be a lot better off without her?

  83. It's not normal for a committed guy to initiate those types of conversations.

    Your feelings are valid.

  84. Seconding this book, “Why Does He Do That?” – I found it on a shelf in a women's shelter almost 20 years ago now and it was life-changing. My ex also threatened to call police on me in a similar situation and would hit objects occasionally, and these behaviors are not normal. For your own safety and happiness, I hope you leave this relationship. And be careful when you leave!

  85. Started Dating in 2016

    Got married in October of 2022?

    But looking to hook up with randoms in Houston last year?


  86. It seems like a good sign of remorse

    It really isn’t. It would have been if after them kissing for the first time (which I doubt was what only happened), she stopped and came right to you to tell you, but that didn’t happen. She repeated that behaviour, and put herself in the position to do it again. She withheld the info from you for a lengthy period of time.

    she did the right thing by coming clean.

    Better late than never? Or being exposed? See above.

    Bruh, this is a rationalization.

  87. Two red flags I see here: her double standards are clearly set up for her to do what she wants and limit you, and she is seeking attention / validation from guys other than you. The first is wrong for anyone, the second normally leads to more than just attention seeking.

    Time to let her seek all the attention she wants, but it’s best if you don’t stick around for any of it.

  88. She tried to kiss him, and he rejected her. And he cut contact with him. He was honest, and did what would make you comfortable. I’m not sure why you wouldn’t trust him from this.

    What else has he done that makes you not trust him?

  89. she confessed to me that two years ago at the beginning of our relationship she was given a drink with Xanax in it

    This is bullshit. Xanax isn't water soluble.

  90. she confessed to me that two years ago at the beginning of our relationship she was given a drink with Xanax in it

    This is bullshit. Xanax isn't water soluble.

  91. she confessed to me that two years ago at the beginning of our relationship she was given a drink with Xanax in it

    This is bullshit. Xanax isn't water soluble.

  92. Girl get out and get tested. He disrespected you and broke your trust. If he was interested in others sexually he should have just communicated that. Instead he decided to be a coward. You deserve someone who will communicate with you even if it’s nude.

  93. It's only been three months, you're already been conditioned that you can't bring things up cuz he'll get mad at you. You deserve better and this relationship is only going to get worse.

  94. But I'm not just replying to you. I replied to someone else, and then you inserted yourself in that exchange without reading all of it

  95. Yeah, even with that definition there’s nuance. “A bond between two people that mimics or matched the closeness and emotional intimacy of a romantic relationship”. We don’t have that bond at all. The extent of it all was “I think I may have feelings for you and that sucks because I’m engaged and now I am confused and need to figure things out. Let’s give each other some space while I think about things.” If that’s cheating to you, then very well. You are perfectly allowed that opinion, but to imply that he and I have been flirting and exchanging love letters and intimate moments when we only ever play games and insult each other is annoying. Maybe I shouldn’t have told him, fine. But to say I’m cheating is a biiiig stretch.

  96. Not sure, but it was a relationship in his early 20s and he's said that at that time, he was not good at setting boundaries. The relationship lasted 2 years but ended due to the ex's drinking problem

  97. This. As long as they are genuine, I don't see anything wrong. Don't compliment things she's uncomfortable with, but also don't force yourself to compliment just to compliment.

    My fiance loves it when I compliment her and notices when I don't. Even when I do, she tells me I'm annoying, in a loving and laughing tone. When I don't, she'll always ask if I don't like it or something. So, I suppose she's gotten used to all my complimenting.

    And also, the fact that you are still head over heels for her 9 years later is always a plus!

  98. Simple, you do what she asked. You let it go.

    She was very clear on her expectations and so we’re you.

    Those do not align.

    You need to let go of anything more than a professional relationship. Your only objective now is to change back into thinking and feeling of her as ONLY a coworker.

    Keep in mind, the “mental” age difference between most 24 year olds and most 20 year olds is HUGE. Physically, not much. Mentally… HUGE.

    FTR: this is why you NEVER befriend or become intimate with coworkers. Doing so only leads to headaches at work.

  99. I can guarantee you the experiences he has with you are way more meaningful to him then when he was jacking off in a dark room lol. He probably looks back to those days with shame and disgust and not his golden years. With how much he was doing it, it was more just going through the motions. Trust me, you’re worried for nothing.

  100. Some men know not to watch content of likely trafficked, abused, high, or underage men and women.

    Not everyone has a porn addiction

  101. I don’t even think he said “ok we’re engaged,” I think she said that & he said “no that’s not romantic” and then… I guess did literally nothing else… which to me is even more egregious. OP, I’m really sorry.

  102. Do you want a partner or a child? I think you know what to do here. No woman wants to be with a “man” that needs to be reminded to wash their ass or brush their teeth. Gross. This will likely get worse instead of better.

  103. Just have a conversation with her. She doesn’t see it as a huge deal, it you need to tell her it crosses boundaries. Just communicate

  104. Yessss I whispered this to a foot long meatball sub with perfectly melted mozzarella the other day and it felt like a sin

  105. I think you know he’s coming onto you a bit, and I think you also enjoy it and you’re just posting here because you want to indulge in the drama of it all. What a shame.

  106. Not on a physical attractive scale but our lifestyles and everything i didnt like anything about him i was just attached in some way as my therapist explains it. It was just me trying to want a relationship and this happening kinda disappointing for me. thank you i appreciate it


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