❤️Bia? and ?Adam? the very hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

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❤️Bia? and ?Adam?, 24 y.o.


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❤️Bia? and ?Adam? live sex chat

84 thoughts on “❤️Bia? and ?Adam? the very hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. Sounds like I could have written this for myself and my situation. It's never easy but reminding ourselves all the time of our self worth helps for sure. Self love self care is where it's at. Big hugs!

  2. Ouch, well that is very unfortunate. In some ways depending on pov both of your mothers were better and worse than the other.

    Just for reference, your father is still hurting from this 40 years later. He has suffered for all that time. She stayed with him and he had to accept her for financial reasons. If that wasn't the case it is very likely that your mother could have done the same thing that your husband's mother did.

    As for visitation on your grandchildren, it is different because his issue with his mom is also tied with abandonment. So it might not make his issue on visitation flare.

    I would suggest that you just be open and upfront with your husband on what he wants to do and ask him if you should talk to your dad about what you learned. Maybe your sister as well.

    I dont think rug sweeping is a good idea by any means as evident by your dad still hurting. You don't get resolutions. You hiding this will make you feel guilty. Talk with your husband as this is as much for him to decide as well. Remember that you married this man and he is your partner in all things.

  3. You can't help your feelings, you also can't do anything about them interacting.

    If I were you I'd try to understand why I'm feeling this way and work through letting it go.

  4. Why? That’s not her kid. Why should she be responsible for him? Unless she raised him as her own, then you can’t really be mad.

  5. INFO Does he know where you online?

    Block him & move on. Do not, PLEASE DO NOT, put anymore time into this person. Send a welfare check out & call it quits after that.

    Please take the advice you're being given, some of us have been in your shoes and unfortunately didn't make the wise choice & would love so much to go back and redo things and save us time, mental wellbeing & trauma.

    It's not your fault. I promise. Take care of YOU.

  6. Soo how long should he carry her if she dosent take him in to considerarion? He gives alot. What does he recieve? Your whole life is a transaction. Remember that.

  7. “My boyfriend wants to play Russian Roulette with a revolver, but should I trust that he knows his own limits? I don't want to seem pushy or controlling.”


  8. Its basically change of schedule. You both are kids not mature. And now he is taking his life seriously with a job. This is what actually happens when one gets responsibilities. You have to be more understanding about it. 4 years being together and now not having that level of communication is making you a bit frustrated. Use the time he is away and focus on your studies or your goal.

  9. Junk food is physically addictive (by design) and some people just can't overcome that draw. So this may be a battle that's not worth fighting. Unless her habits/weight are dealbreakers for you it might be best to just stop giving her advice. She knows why she can't lose weight. Your only real power in this is to either stay with her or break up with her. Unfortunately you can't change people who don't want to change.

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  12. Danger! Danger! Right now I see it as a bonus that you haven’t fully committed to this guy, because he is some combination of mamma’s boy and “not that into you”, and that’s fine if you want something casual, but you have to know that this guy is not commitment material.

  13. I know living over there is expensive but with that you can start renting while STILL saving up, I do feel same as the other fellow redditor, he is just comfy with mommy and daddy and doesnt want to move out

  14. This is why you shouldn't have a child until you're fully ready and absolutely want one.

    I child is not a plant or a dog that you can stop taking care of once you've tried it and found out you were allergic, didn't like it or weren't good at it.

    It's not something you can “power through”.

    You are a parent until you die, even if your child dies before you.

    The only thing you have control over once they're born is whether you are a good, bad or absent parent.

    Being a stay-at-home mom doesn't have value in a capitalist country but if you calculate what you would have to pay a stranger to do what a S.a.H. mother does you realize the bill gets pretty big, pretty quick.

    Even if you start doing most of it yourself, like cleaning, shopping, laundry, dishes, cooking, etc. it still costs you time.

    Being a S.a.H. parent is never something I would do personally but I make sure to stop myself from ever looking down on them, because while it may seem like a walk in the park compared to our monotonous clocking in and clocking out day after day endlessly, we go home at the end of a day or a deployment.

    Home is work for them, they never leave work for more than a couple hours, and an excuse is always required(hair, nails, brunch, events, etc.) they can't just take a break because they're tired or go in vacation from it.

    It IS hot labor, it's emotionally and physically taxing, it constantly presents new academic, spiritual and ethical challenges that require split-second decisions and constant adaption.

    Have you ever started getting paid to do something you love? Eventually you start to love it a little less, or maybe you still love it but wish you could take a break or just complain about how naked it is every once and a while.

    It's something you are required to do by law and it's a job that's looked down on and earns no gratitude or money, especially from the child themself, and that's ok.

    However, when you have a partner, someone who is willing to share the burden with you and help you in times of need for the same in return, there it a trust that starts to build.

    When a child is introduced, that trust is now worth life or death.

    More than half of girls are born with the proper anatomy to carry a child but no one is born a mother.

    Everything that she has shown you, like how to change a diaper, warm formula, baby-proof, which food is best, what's unsafe, pick up and put down a safely, etc. She learned by herself, she took the time and energy to seek out that information and become a better parent actively, every day.

    From what I hear and my own feelings I'd say she's not angry you left your baby in the car, you responded in the best way possible, you immediately recognized the mistake, reported and corrected it.

    She's probably mad because you don't see what she does as very hot work, you thought it didn't require any preparation or effort so you didn't put any in.

    Personally I don't see a man making one mistake, I see the one time she was exhausted enough to finally ask a man who made the decision to become a parent with her for help, he failed in a way that put your baby's life in danger.

    Yes the baby lived this time and you're both so lucky.

    But now the ability to ask for help is damaged because the trust in you as someone who will put effort into being a mindful parent is damaged.

    Yes, you are providing money… And what else?

    You have an opportunity to share the load with her and you put in minimal, begrudged effort.

    You have the opportunity to remind her you appreciate that you don't have to do this alone but it seems(from here), you don't.

    You have the opportunity to try to be a good father but all you can think about is that you didn't want this child in the first place.

    This is why you shouldn't have a child until you're fully ready and absolutely want one.

    It's too late to complain about not being sure or being tired.

    The child exists.

    It's time to step up or step out.

    Having one foot in your roll as a father and one foot in “what-if” is a sure-fire way to be a terrible father and husband, if you want to leave this behind and can't handle fatherhood and equal partnership then I strongly suggest you leave now while she has time to adapt, pay your child support for 16 years and marry a woman who works and doesn't want kids.

    Otherwise, it's time to work harder than you thought anyone could, and show that you're ready to put in real effort.

    You fucked up the one time she asked for help, it's a bigger deal than you think.

    _ I may seem harsh but it's too late to be talking about whether you wanted a kid or not.

    I don't dislike people who don't want children(I don't want children.)

    But I do hate people who don't want kids and have them anyway.

    When I tell you that the child and mother are better off with you gone over being half-assed I really do mean it. Whether you decide to be better or leave? I really hope this is your wake-up call.

  15. I believe it’s proof of low intelligence to have no empathy as well. I could not care less if you think I’m dumb or not, but I do care about general human rights and trans rights. I also just hate people like you that love to take any evidence that proves their bias correct and then run with it.

  16. Do you want to spend your lives together? Because that's what it's actually about. Not the proposal, not the wedding day (tho obviously it's fun to have a party). The important day is every day after that, when you get to stay together and grow together.

    My now husband proposed to me on a Skype call. I told him to come and ask me in person before I gave him an answer. No it wasn't super romantic but we're still together eleven years later.

  17. So many before you have walked this path, and regretted it. It doesn’t work. It’s not going to work. You are fundamentally not compatible.

    I’m trying to find a thread for you where Muslim people explain it better than I could, if I can I’ll comment it to you. Every once in a while someone comes here with almost exactly this post and kindly people who are Muslim offer really important insight into how this works in a devoutly Muslim family….seriously, you’re choosing to believe something that isn’t true because you love him. I’m really sorry but this isn’t going to end how you want it to.

  18. I’d be getting ahold of her academic advisor or the dean of her department for a meeting – she has behaved incredibly unethically with you. And you’re someone she (assumedly) cares about. Imagine what she’ll do to people she doesn’t know to feed her ego.

    I would honestly do this if she continues to gossip about your condition to others. It's incredibly unethical to want to treat someone you are also spreading gossip about.

  19. If he doesn’t shut down weird behavior from her side and buys her fancy gifts vs. kitchen appliances for the house in your name, that’s quite telling.

  20. Hiring someone wouldn’t cost him more. We started the business together but I do all the work so technically, it will cost me

  21. >>he basically had said on more than one occasion that i am not as hot as other girls,

    Naw, he was straight up negging you. People with self-proclaimed “no filter” just want to say whatever they want to say with no negative repercussions. And here you are wishing for “better genetics” (wtf, friend).

  22. I certainly agree that he's done much more than many divorced fathers do, and I definitely don't disagree that he has difficulty processing emotions. But even with that, it feels like a betrayal to have had a “secret family” without telling us. I mean, for all I know we are a “secret family” as to his wife and step-kid.

    I suppose I could be open to speaking with him in a friendly way, every now and again. But part of me knows that he's hoping to have some sort of deep father/son relationship that's not really possible anymore.

    Still, I appreciate your thoughts on this. I'll certainly have to think it over some more. Perhaps I'll reach out and at least get a dialogue started.

  23. You haven’t failed he has. Maybe it is normal to fancy your partners mum. What’s not normal is rifling through there underwear, collecting photos and sending them to other people, and creating a situation where you get someone to send you kink photos. He has failed by doing all of these things that cross expected boundaries.

  24. Bro you dated as Children. The likelihood this relationship works out at all is minimal. You dated as different people.

  25. Sorry to hear about your struggles here.

    In order for your bf to find himself and figure out what he really wants to do, he opted to remove the main thing that would influence his life-changing decisions. His relationship. His attachment to you, and his desire to take your needs into account. Now he is free to work through his mid-life crises, or whatever you'd call this, unimpeded.

    I would take his most recent words as the truth, even if he goes back on them again — he should have been able to commit to you without having so much anxiety over it. Thats a sign that something isn't right – either with him, or the relationship. The panic attacks and frequency of his flip-flopling are indicative of that as well, and he would probably benefit from some professional help.

    The bottom line is that you cannot fix this. Its something he has to work through. All you can do is weather the storm, and if he cant get his head on straight you will have to move on.

  26. That’s a lot to unpack. In this fight it sounds like she resents you. She essentially lost a job, when you could have watched your child. If a situation got down to potentially losing a job, or my husband watching our child in a job like you explain. I would 100% expect my husband to watch our child, even if that meant calling out sick for a few hours.

    The question then becomes, how often is your wife sacrificing herself to make a situation more beneficial for you? Because as a 26F who has been married for 7 years, I have done that a lot. Until it got to the point where I told my husband we can’t do this anymore, we have to communicate. And that, is the root of your issue. You don’t know how to communicate, not just listen.

    This situation does have a solution today, it’s long gone, so today you couldn’t have done much to avoid it. The best solution would have probably been saying let’s look together to find a daycare and nanny we trust, get adequate childcare so this doesn’t happen again. Then when next coaching season comes she reaches out to the coach and explains she’s in a better place with family life now and can fully commit.

    I suggest you reflect on these fights and see if you have been often selfish, putting your needs before hers, and your child’s. If you have the solution is communicate better so these problems don’t happen. Also if she is a SAHM I suggest recommending she have a day to go out a pamper herself if she hasn’t recently. It is mentally exhausting to be stuck in a house all day only communicating with a child. It will literally drive you mad. See if she wants to get out and do something, maybe she’d rather you all go out to dinner.

    Best of luck.

  27. BF is being awfully naive in his insecurities. Does he think your bedroom or your roommate’s bedroom are the only available places in the entire city suitable for fucking? If you were inclined to cheat, you would cheat, and not being in the same household wouldn’t even slow you down. The idea that putting your friend on the other side of town would somehow make that any safer is naive.

  28. Tell him it's the English language and that there are Wetherspoons pubs older than his country. You're right, he's American.

  29. There is no adult way to make your girlfriend drop a friendship. She's been very clear, repeatedly it sounds like, that this friendship is important to her. You've been very clear here that you completely trust your girlfriend, there is zero fear of infidelity, and you just have hurt feelings that she has a friend you don't approve of. If you want to be an adult, either get a therapist to deal with your insecurities or end the relationship because you aren't comfortable dating someone who is friends with someone they used to fuck. Those are your only two adult options.

    Also of note: you are 27. The older you get, the more and more likely it becomes that the age appropriate women you date will have a past that includes sex. I want to strongly suggest the therapy route, so that you aren't back in this same situation again in the future.

  30. People are saying the message is too nice, but I think it’s fitting. It shows you’re a mature, kind, and thoughtful person and that makes it pretty apparent he’s too shitty to deserve someone like you. Also shows the ability to communicate well, which is key in any meaningful relationship, and is practicing skills for just being a better person/way of learning and growing even from crappy situations

  31. Sending hugs to you, I'm proud of you that you have the courage to meet him and clarified things, and even more proud of you for walking away and blocking him. I'm sure you'll do so much better after this, keep staying safe. Hopefully, he'll realise how wrong those podcasts are, and changes for the better. Of course that is definitely not your responsibility.

  32. He is not going to change. Either you leave or get used to it. The more you complain the sneakier he will become. But he WILL NOT change.

  33. Classic case of fuck around and find out (literally). And your attitude of it's been three years it's time for her to come around isn't helping.

    She is the one who gets to decide when and if it's time to mend that relationship. You made your decision, gotta online with it now.

  34. Not necessarily. If I’m not exclusive with someone I assume they’re sleeping with other people and take precautions; always have them wear a condom and ask for both of us to get tested regularly. I also ask, because I like transparency, but I would never assume exclusivity without talking about it first.

  35. Your bf is a fucking creep. I’m 25 and wouldn’t even date a 20 year old (no offense). But finding a 16 year old hot???? Fucking disgusting. He sucks. I would leave him over that tbh and find someone who doesnt lust after teenagers

  36. You should voice your feelings, but I would also express much of what you just said about him and your recognition of his desire to be a dad someday. Just gauge his response and take it from there. There are options for people, such as hiring a surrogate mother to carry the child to term. It's expensive of course, but for some people it is worth every penny. He could also adopt a child.

  37. Exactly! Context determines everything. If it’s a relative of hers (I’ve got like 20 cousins, most of them are guys, I heart react their stories all the time) or it’s a guy friend of hers posting pics of scenery or his dog or food he’s eating or whatever, then OP is being ridiculous.

    If it’s a dude she knows posting thirst traps, then he would be well within his rights to have a conversation with her about it.

    But the fact that OP won’t share the context and also jumps immediately to dumping her to prevent cheating rather than having a single conversation makes me think he’s just wildly overreacting and controlling.

  38. Same. If there is one thing I don’t led slide is a woman that made me get off leaving without getting off.

    I mean, is there anything more rewarding than that satisfied smile and a big fat strong hug after you made your partner cum? Makes my brain go brrrr.

  39. and then he threatens to kill himself.

    Does this happen often? Do you think he actually would?

    After this happening more than a few times I would switch to being dismissive. “ok, as long as you tidy up first”.

  40. Totally. She’s dealing with the sunk cost fallacy. Which is to say, she’s sunken over a decade into this partnership and to “give up now would mean it was all for nothing.”

    I’ve been there myself mentally and after leaving that relationship, and getting through the grief of it all… I emerged with only one regret – I didn’t do it sooner.

    Toward the end of this relationship exes mom, ironically enough, saw it going nowhere, and privately told me a phrase I found very useful- “there’s never going to be a good time to break up, that’s why the time is now.” (She knew her son would never end the relationship and funny enough, she went from not really liking me to giving me some of the best advice I had ever heard during that relationship).

  41. So instead of assuming your friend is looking out for you , you would assume your friend is jealous? Weirdo behavior… You’re the type to place dick over your friends aren’t you?

  42. No need to be sorry!

    First step is finding out why you feel this way. You can't fix the what until you know why. I wish I could be more help than that, but doing some inward thinking (and maybe even talking to her about it so you can work together to make it work?) Would help a lot.

  43. Everytime I read a post like this I think that the dating scene is not good, that is why people like OP bf succeed.

  44. Hey, So I charged his old phone and went through that today. Found emails from yesterday morning where he had reset his passwords for everything. So I went onto his account and changed it again. We ended up talking on the phone (he wouldn’t wait til he got home) and I told him he had to tell me the truth or I was leaving with our baby. I literally had her stuff packed and on the table and was doing my bag as well. When he got home, we sat down and at first he still denied it. I looked him in the eyes and said if he loved me, he’d tell me the truth or I’m getting our daughter and we’re leaving. He took a minute but finally admitted to it. He apologised for lying but said he didn’t want to be judged. And that he’s no bi or gay, just curious. I told him that if it happens again, I will find out and that will be it for us. We’ll be done.

  45. I'm not sure why she married you. Your previous post shows that she hasn't felt the same for some time before the wedding, but still went through with it.

    Infidelity doesn't have to ruin a relationship, but it simply does in most cases. Trust gets shattered and it's never quite the same after that. You always will wonder what she's really doing. It's a really bad way to torture yourself.

    I think you should walk away, for your sake.

  46. Him raging, screaming and punching stuff is a manipulative intimidation tactic to get you to comply with his demands for your domestic servitude. He’s making you fear his violent reactions on purpose, because he is emotionally abusive and controlling. It is likely to escalate into physical abuse one day. Nobody should EVER fear their their lover. If fear is present in your relationship – it is not love, it’s abuse. You are nobody’s bang maid. You deserve respect. This man does not respect you.

  47. Idk, it’s hot for me to see someone as a victim when they dump someone almost immediately after having sex with them for the first time. That’s asshole behavior

  48. 40-something dad here: this is creepy AF and no, 100% not all guys do this. 100% of creepy AF guys do this though.

    Definitely push back against this shit and let your mom know that whatever HER feelings are on the matter, it makes you uncomfortable.

  49. I know you are getting lots of downvotes. You are truly a lovely person. I wish you the best. And perhaps you are the miracle this child needs. Don’t forget about an attorney.

  50. He’s only dating you because it gets him near your sister and it’ll mean his kids still have her DNA

  51. The only thing I'd agree is reasonable is if the money she pays him goes directly into a fund for house maintenance, and anything unspent is returned to her if they break up.

    I believe you're taking this the wrong way or too personal.

    How did you mean it then? It's not personal, I just don't believe that manipulating your partner via test is healthy in any relationship.

  52. Omg it's a break up and you are 27. Act like it.

    You should have this figured out by now. Yes, everyone has went through it. Yes, it sucks. No, there is not a way to speed up bad feelings. Maybe she was sick of explaining normal situations to you like you are a five yo.

  53. You said you don’t want this relationship to fail, but let me point out that it can still be a failed relationship even if you two stay together. Staying together ≠ successful marriage. I would argue that if you have tried everything to connect with her, and she is still rejecting you AND wants to sleep with other people, the relationship has already failed and it’s time to separate.

  54. Your boyfriend isn't being “immature”, he's being an asshole, and one who takes pleasure in the suffering of others. And you're right, that is disturbing. I'd start questioning the safety of being with this dude.

  55. Your ex-wife (35f) went crazy and endangered herself. Get an attorney. Protect your interests and your kids. Because.. even if the 69 year old who does meth is true.. …it's a rando-meth head who's 69. Seriously, WTF.

  56. My husband travels a lot for work. I used to make do meal wise whilst he was away because it seemed to make sense. Then I thought about it & came to the conclusion that he's getting lots of lovely restaurant food whilst he's away, I should treat myself too. So I do. It's a good time to have friends over for a bottle of wine too.

  57. It's okay to not want to be with someone who smokes, vapes, uses drugs, or drinks.

    I think it's weird to make it an ultimatum. Just end it or don't. Don't try to control the other person, but you don't have to be with a user or addict.

  58. >>The only advice I want is to hear how others might interpret her comment.

    Controlling guy with an authority issue is controlling.


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