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16 thoughts on “Yyonglee online sex cams for YOU!

  1. Hello /u/lilaxon,

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  2. From my perspective, the kid having a male Role model that you describe as lazy, messy, unambitious, and emotional detached does her more harm than good.

    It sets her up to think those are okay in a guy and she should be okay with those in relationships. The detachment part sets her up for having daddy issues.

    I think it’s more harmful having the kid around him than having the kid around men that can set a better example.

    Those don’t have to on-line with you or be romantically involved, they can be as simple as trustworthy friends or your friends husbands.

    Even if you don’t have that, nothing there is better for the kid in the long run compared to what he offers her.

  3. You seem like a very caring a mature boyfriend. I dont have any advice for you apart from what everyone else is saying. But you seem like a sweet guy and based on your kind and respectful responses her I think you’ll be able to approach this without hurting her feelings too much.

  4. What a strange post? You don’t love him. None of this was said with even respect for him let alone love. You might be comfortable or in a routine with him.

    So what is the question? Should you both stay in this mutually unloving toxic relationship? I would say no..

    The real question you need to work on is why have you created a narrative that you just love him so much you can’t leave. I don’t think thats the truth. Something else holds you there and you need to figure out what you need to fix in yourself that you allow this to continue.

    I’m sorry you have experienced such emotional put downs.

  5. Actually, two months is a short time. May say more about his relationship with his parents than it does about you. But you guys are just getting to know each other, and if he’s not comfortable discussing it, give me a time. In fact, because of all the things she wrote, I would go really slow with this person.

  6. And after that he took advantage of her being sad so he could fuck her… because, as he himself said: “his male hormons took over”

  7. I think she's an awesome and fun girl so I'm thinking of doing just that, but how exactly should I go about asking her? Through text (she doesn't text much) or in-person (though I only see her at work)? Also would texting her that I had a legitimately great time with her be a good idea?

  8. It's totally normal. What isn't normal is the level of honesty the two have. That is novel. But if OP's fiancée doesn't want to get married she will tell him. He can trust her.

  9. He basically admitted, through his own words “both (LoL and the relationship) are a lost cause” and his actions (you always planning the dates and him canceling anything he planned to go play the game), that the relationship is over.

    It takes two to make a relationship work, and he is doing absolutely nothing. He was great, and now that he got you in a relationship with him, he doesn't need to put in the effort anymore.

    If you still want to try, see if he can be able to stick to a schedule. Set time aside for the relationship, and time for you guys to do your own thing. That way, a fair compromise is made. If he won't stick with it, then I'd suggest you call it off. He may be a good friend, but not a good boyfriend. If he can, then there's hope for the relationship.

    Even though I play games a lot, there's a time for everything. I do my social work, my house work, my job and then my games after everything is taken cared of. If I have something big coming up, whether it be a vacation, a lot of overtime at work, or a game I want to no-life, I always communicate that to others ahead of time.

  10. Fascinating. I learn something new every day. You’re a human being first and his wife second. You deserve to be self-actualized. If he can’t see this, maybe a marriage counselor can help put it in terms he can appreciate. Estimated time of arrival to marriage counselor: asap

  11. She doesn't believe it when anyone compliments her. She thinks it's not sincere, or she's being made fun of. I'm sorry, if she doesn't want to go to therapy all I can think is love and reassurance.

  12. If their friendship pre-dates you, you just need to accept it and move forward.

    Being friends with an ex doesn't mean that she'll cheat on you, the two things are quite distinct.

    If she wants to cheat on you, she will – and if she doesn't, she won't. The presence of exes is not really relevant.


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