YuMoonSoul live! sex chats for YOU!

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27 thoughts on “YuMoonSoul live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. Really? So much bullshit. Of course it’s inappropriate to get on another man’s shoulders when she’s in a relationship. If she truly doesn’t understand that, she’s too immature to be in an adult relationship.

  2. No I wasn’t trying to get pregnant from the second I got my diagnosis I was seeing if there was a chance for me in the future to have children I never planned on getting pregnant because I never thought I could and that was what I was figuring out with my doctors if I wanted to have a child the minute I got my diagnoses I could’ve gone on fertility medication but I am too young for that I found out I had ovarian cancer when I was 19 and I recently found out that I am expecting at the age of 22 so no I was not actively trying to have a child you only know a small portion of what I put in that Reddit post and you’re drawing a lot of false conclusions and making a bunch of crazy accusations

  3. I'm really sorry, but you are bringing strung along by this guy. My cousin’s daughter got in a “long term” relationship when she was 23. She wanted kids and a family. Her BF delayed and delayed and then left her when she was 35 with no family, not even the dog (the BF took it). Their relationship was a great way for him to string her along, have sex and other serves cheap, until he was ready to move on. She was not the only one, but was the latest relative this happened to.

    Leave this guy and don't look back.

  4. I work in healthcare. I am aware. The pill of often prescribed as a first line of BC because it’s easily accessible and can be stopped at any time. As I said, OP should discuss other forms of BC with her doctor. Depo being one option.

    you are missing the point of what I am saying and trying to argue a point that you and I already agree on. So to continue this conversation is pointless.

    Take care.

  5. We have a lot in common and I’ve always been youthful and playful. We just match up well personality wise. You would have to be us to know that. But I understand you have your opinion.

  6. you do know your post history is public right? And you seem to be doing a lot of one hit replies

    I'm sorry what were you expecting, scientific literature?

    not a lot of defending your previous statements…

    Because I honestly think you're dumb or something. I want you to try and think really naked about these two statements. Try really hot please. “Wants to have sex but can't. Wants to have sex but chooses not to.” Now I want to to explain to me how the first part of that statement is an example of manipulation.

    Don't dodge the question or say some dumb shit please just answer.

  7. Now is a great time to ditch them all before they dump taking care of your elderly parents on you. You know it is coming and so do your parents. Do the 180, Walk away and don't look back. None of them deserve you.

  8. I absolutely hate this kind of shit. It paints bisexual people so badly and reinforces all the stereotypes and propaganda that we're all cheaters and whores. Bisexuality is not a free pass to ruin lives and break hearts.

    I'm sorry OP that this happened to you. Your wife's sexuality and the stereotypes around bisexuality are no reason nor excuse for her behaviour. Millions of bisexual people are in monogamous relationships without cheating on their significant others or having threesomes or exploring the options out there. Many of them partake in polyamorous relationships and encounters ethically.

    Your wife isn't a fool. She likely knew exactly what she was doing was contemptible otherwise she wouldn't have hidden it or framed it under the guise of a threesome.

    I wish I had the perfect advice for you. The trust is broken but the bends and breaks may be repaired with time and a good dose of counseling. Betrayals like this sting and there's lots of emotions and ups and downs. Chin up lad! You can make it through this. There's always the Reddit void you can vent your frustration at and escape to, ready to lend an ear.

  9. I suspect he's going to want to have sex more than he's going to be able to achieve with random side hookups. Are you OK with him having a consistent fwb? Is he OK with that?

  10. My next question tho is would it be a little unfair if I asked him to do a little more around the house than me. Since he effectively doesn’t pay rent or anything?

  11. Hey, I was thinking about it and trying to get my head around it. So I think the part I’m missing is, what would you consider “random” in these circumstances?

  12. It's insane to me that she would want you to “be the father your child needs” and simultaneously move the rest of your kids cross country to remove them from their father. That is not in the kids' best interest in any way.

  13. Not an overreaction. This is a core value to you. You feel conflicted because you suddenly noticed how many around you do not share this value.

    Dump the lot of ‘em if that’s what your heart needs to do.

  14. I see 2 real possibilities here:

    1) your bf’s family is disrespecting you and your relationship. He’s unwilling to defend you, and wants you to not defend yourself either. A miserable situation which I’d walk away from.


    2) your bf is making things up for who knows what reason. To make you feel insecure? To cause drama between you and his family? To set it up so they dislike you for “standoffish” behaviour? Whatever it is, is it’s this option then you’ve got a bf who’s being pointlessly manipulative. A miserable situation which I’d walk away from.

  15. Yea and I kind of got upset about him and his behavior it was so confusing. I know I ruined my chances with him. I just felt like he wasn’t attracted enough to me so that’s why he couldn’t decide. He couldn’t even commit to just catching up.

    Kind of think I won’t find one at all at this age…

  16. You absolutely are being cheated on buddy. It may not be physical yet, but it will be soon enough. Honestly just cut your losses and leave her.

  17. I certainly don't want an affair, it's just naked to deny the feelings that are there I guess.

    I haven't tried counseling as of yet, have tried just about everything else short of it, but even before meeting this other woman I was feeling out of love regardless of what was tried.

    It isn't fair to her or the children, and obviously I want best for them, but does that mean staying around suppressing my unhappiness wondering what if? What does that teach them? I'm lost

  18. You can't trust her when she lies about an “innocent” lunch. It's not the first time she's lied about interactions with him. She's having an affair with her boss. Whether it's crossed into physical, or not, do you really want to be the 3rd wheel in your relationship? He's the one who brings her special treats when she's sick. He's the one who takes her to expensive birthday lunches. I'm guessing he probably has bought her presents, as well.

    I'd gather the evidence, break up with her, and send all the copies of receipts and texts to his wife. Maybe HR, if you are angry enough. This isn't a friendly employee/employer relationship.

  19. I agree with this. I think it’s important.

    I’d like to add two things. Even if they didn’t already have a history it’s natural (& common) that a bond or connection would developed between a person in distress and her “saviour”. If ex does get help from your fiancé’s family it needs to be without his communication. Taking in her dog doesn’t just add stress and work for you but also tethers their relationship. It’s better imo, not give any reason for communication or interaction between them.

  20. What do I do about my relationship and About him??

    I would suggest that you break up with him. He cheated on you. It may only be a an on-line thing, but he entered into it with the intention of being mentally/emotionally sexual with some other person.

  21. Be bitter towards him, not the female that didn’t know he was in a relationship. You’ve both been duped. It’s not fair to tear her down, but still communicate with him. Know your worth and kick him to the curb.

  22. Same as others I suggest breaking up with her. She's clearly not respecting your relationship and it's really rude. I would probably just tell her that as well. Like look, you're doing this thing, which isn't ok. I'm not going to put up with this and it's clear you don't value our relationship much if you're willing to do this. Wish her well, and block. You deserve someone that will compromise and she's clearly not going to do that


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