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You know, even the “manlyest” of men sometimes just need a hug and love. Sometimes we are down and need some gentle love and affection and aren't horny. It genuinely feels like a “but he was asking for it” and we have to perform our masculinity. Some of us grow up and realise performing gender is stupid, we don't have to act like other men and can just tell our partners how we feel, but it's naked when we get it from other guys and women
Thanks man, really appreciate your input!
thank you for your response!! i am allowed to buy my own food, but as much as i would love to hide food and eat it, my parents would still notice if i gained weight if that makes sense lol. also, because of my eating disorder, i feel really embarrassed/guilty when i buy or eat unhealthy foods so there arent that many high calorie options apart from nuts and avocado. sometimes i eat more when i'm home alone. or i buy cashews on my way to school. i read that fats can restore my menstrual cycle and might promote some healthy weight gain. i intend to gain some weight this month, and wear baggy clothes so it isn't as noticeable. as for the friends idea, i don't have any friends at all, so this wouldn't work, and i dont want to grt my parents into trouble because i think they genuinely don't know they're doing anything wrong. thanks for your response though. a
More of a girth guy I think
The decent thing would be to move on and mind your own business. But it sounds like you’re gonna go from doing something pretty shitty, to actually being a piece of shit. I can tell because your replies to people here so far has mostly been about how to manage possible blowback, and not about whether this is the right thing to do. Real sociopath vibes.
I had a different post planned, but when I read some of your responses I realised this chip ceremony is not really the issue. It appears your girlfriend doesn't like your mum for some reason (refusing to go to dinner with her) or has extreme parent anxiety. Whilst the chip ceremony has probably brought out some underlying unease you had about this, you need to focus on the broader issue.
I actually do, that’s a pretty big gap for that age. 60 and 54, who cares—but 21 and 27 is sus. At 27, I didn’t have any friends still in college. Most people who are 21 are juniors or seniors in college.
I agree you need therapy. You only “love” women you never went on a date with. Like that’s not normal. And the whole taking someone you known is in love with you on dates, but in your head tell yourself it’s not a date and then are all pikachu shocked that she thought it was dates.
Your whole posted is all kinds of fucked up with regards to what you’ve done. Do her a favor and remove yourself from her life.
They are! My friend has a pet pig and she is super cuddly!
It’s awful to hear that you’re going through this but I’m glad that you’ve already started proceeding through the proper channels to protect your baby.
Remember to take some deep breaths. A lot of it is biding your time but make sure she doesn’t go anywhere with the baby on her own either. You just, “wanna have some good dad to baby quality time so mama can rest!” Don’t do too many nice/out of the ordinary things.
If she looks at your phone take the photos off of it and put it on a USB and hide those. Make a new email if you have to sent them to yourself on google docs. Just in case she snoops on you. Make another USB to give to your lawyer as a back up.
It's not cheating if she's literally telling you to do it
So why did she decide to tell you this?
Considering you two explicitly stated you were exclusive and she lied at the start it's not that silly. Consider this. If you knew or found out sooner, would you still be with her? Probably not.
This is not that dumb to be upset about. Trust me things like this get posted often on this sub and get guess what. Sometimes it ends relationships that have been going on for years.
If you're still sure you want to be with her which it sounds like you are take some time to process it and be honest with her if you trust her a little bit less so you can work on it.
If she truly felt guilty she would have told you about the affair 2 years ago after it happened. She’s only sad about it because she was caught. Right now you have no moral obligation to stay with her. She has a lot to do to earn back your trust and without trust there’s no relationship.
Can she change and be faithful? Yes. She engaged in a pattern of destructive behavior, unless she takes responsibility for it without blaming you in any way and understands why she did what she did, she can’t reasonably guarantee it won’t happen again.
I'm sorry you had to experience this!
If you think it would help, then I think you should bring it up. It is such a heavy subject matter and they may have their own feelings (guilt, shame, etc.) about this. That is important to consider too, and might be reasons why they don't want to talk about it. If you're close friends, I can't imagine it going badly.
You can say something like “Hey, I've been working through this incident/trauma. I would appreciate it if we could have an open conversation about what happened and debrief.”
Do whatever will help you. Speak about it in whatever way will make you feel comfortable (coffee, phone, at home, etc). Dragging it out just ups everyone's anxiety and awkwardness. It's naked, but I've always found it easier to just get into it when having difficult conversations.
If they say no, or that they don't want to talk about it, that is in no way a reflection on you.
Also I didn’t say anything about asking him for shower sex that was someone else.