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34 thoughts on “Xiawa fans.ly/r/xiawaxo \\ wishlist: lovense.com/wish-list/ms2m the naked online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Then don't wait for him to do it. Take the plunge and be free of a relationship that's perhaps dead in the water.

  2. People who come out of rough patches are strong individuals and partners. She seems like she’s in a much better place and growing. Why are you so upset about this?

  3. Happy birthday from Australia OP.

    Life will get better and soon you'll be back to kicking goals in your life. Getting an apartment and a car will be the first steps in your healing so keep looking forward and ignore the crap that has happened in the past.

    Never forget it though but never let it ruin your life.

  4. Wife needs to stand up to her parents and tell them to stop with the rude judgemental commentary. They are actively destroying the relationship with their judgemental comments and weird materialistic sexist ideas.

  5. Possible ideas:

    1) Ice Skating

    2) Cook/Bake something together + movie

    3) Painting date (get some painting supplies, set up a comfy area, play a movie/ music during)

    4) Go Thrifting

    5) Dinner is also good if it’s in your budget!

  6. The narrative you present is not what is written though. She even calls her husband a victim of Jacks violence in a comment. That’s why I set it aside.

    Now between you and me, she should be worried about how he acted. That is not okay and I wouldn’t tolerate it. Honestly, they should sit down and talk about it. If she is really worried about his outbursts, she should tell him about that. If she’s actually worried that he can’t protect her because he is punny, then that is just superficial

  7. It sounds like she doesn't have any problem with him jerking off, it's that he's doing it to other people and he doesn't find her attractive.

    You know that looking at porn is not required for masturbation, right?

  8. I finally found by chance th piece of paper with the login info ro be able to log in and come back here! I can't believe it's been 4 months! thanks again

  9. Someone needs to provide common sense advice.

    There is a mob echo chamber of emotion based advice. Just look at the downvotes.

    If you want mob advice there is plenty that give you what you want.

  10. I'm petty if you helped fuck my relationship I'm definitely coming for yours no matter how big or small your part was

  11. I’m so confused…

    This marriage seems more like a business transaction, instead of a marriage of love.

    It’s not okay for your fiancé to push your boundaries.

    He brought up your 1st marriage because it makes your boundaries seem hypocritical. Sex is a huge part of a relationship, which you obviously know because you’ve admitted you’re not really attracted to your fiancé, but you go on and on about your ex and how good it was and how ‘compatible’ you two were. It’s almost like you want to stay faithful to your cheating ex. How can your fiancé compete with your ex when you’re still holding a flame for your ex?

    Are you just with your fiancé because he’s the first one that agreed to your boundaries, and you are going to marry him so you won’t be alone?

  12. Oh facts , I don’t really cave to any kinda pressure. The amount of girls I’ve lost just because I won’t unfollow other girls is crazy. I’m not gonna be bullied into shit just because of somebodies insecurities

  13. So what if you did back pedal? You are allowed to change your mind. If you are uncomfortable with this, then don’t do it and don’t feel pressured . If it’s a dealbreaker to him that you won’t, let him go

  14. You don’t. One day, they’ll die (hopefully later rather than sooner) and you’ll do what the rest of us have done throughout history…you’ll learn to online with it. You can’t alleviate the grief before its occurred. Your time will come, and you’ll find a way to deal.

  15. He deserves to know what you’ve done. This will never be a healthy/honest relationship if you don’t. He deserves to have all pertinent information so HE can now decide if he wants to stay with you. I mean what would you want if he had done this instead?

  16. So he is still letting you down. He's not taking any responsibility for his failure to protect you after he allowed his mother to abuse you to the point where you developed PTSD

  17. This sounds weird, but I works for me. I just remind myself that my brain won’t let me feel like this forever. Yes, you can be sad and depressed for awhile, but your brain wants to return to an equilibrium. It won’t let you be devastated for long. This intense level of upset will pass and the rest will be more manageable. Ride the wave and you will reach the shore.

  18. That’s not what I said AT ALL. Not in the slightest.

    I’m saying bf isn’t even coordinating meals with small groups like you suggested. He didn’t respond to OP with “we don’t do a big group coordination, but I usually meal plan with bob susan and jerry and everyone figures out their own groups or does their own thing”. He’s just said everyone is an adult. Hasn’t even said “we just need to figure out meals for ourselves and not worry about anyone else”. Is he even planning to coordinate meals with OP? Or do they both fall under being self reliant adults?

    It’s totally too much for OP to want to coordinate 50 adults together and maybe it’s because of that bf is giving OP no info besides location and date, but he’s literally said a location and date is all they need.

  19. He says this is the way he and his friends have always hashed out issues

    and yet OP said “I have been asking him to talk to his friends more and seek their advice or support on things” so I'm wondering who's telling the truth here. Rather inclined to believe OP since the BF comes across as such an AH.

  20. I bet if she seen you having sec with another girl shed magically find all the sexual attraction in the world

  21. Yeah I get that. She’s honestly been the one pushing for the engagement and the house. A lot of our friends have been getting engaged and one of her best friends just found out she’s pregnant. She made a comment about everyone had all this “big life stuff” and she asked when it was going to be her turn.

  22. If she's now saying you have done the same thing as the other family member is it possible it never happened and your mom has some serious underlying issue?

  23. In this age is common to feel unsecured. But it's time to learn to trust your partner and their independence.

    My bf (19M) and I (19F) take each other to many parties we are invited. But we also go to parties alone, it's healthy. You won't be a parte of every social circle she's in, and that's okay, maybe she just doesn't feel you'll be comfortable, or that you'll feel left out.

    Sometimes we need some fun that doesn't include our partner, and it doesn't mean we don't have fun with them, or we don't want them with us.


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