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40 thoughts on “WitchSexFiend online sex cams for YOU!

  1. I think he's feeling you out. Shoot him a message. What do you have to lose? Just say, hi, you saw him and ask him how he is doing.

  2. Doesn't matter if he hasn't had sex with anyone. If you think him sending/ receiving nudes is cheating then it's cheating.

    Had my first bf cheat on me by exchanging nudes with some woman online. He knew what I felt about that and still did it. So he cheated on me. Broke my trust. Even if he never actually slept with that person.

  3. If I were you, I’d go ahead and file a report. He’s been testing strangling on women without permission. He’s admitting to assaulting not just you but others as well.

    So what happens when he actually kill’s someone bc he strangled too long or they struggled. He obviously thinks he’s absolutely in the right and any self defense is wrong.

    He’ll keep doing it and one women might end up dead. He’ll have the ‘defense’ that they were doing kink stuff and have references if women that said they liked it.

    Or no woman ends up dead but plenty will feel violated and manipulated into thinking they were wrong for not liking it.

    Report this guy. He’s a menace at best and dangerous at worse.

  4. Yeah. You do. When my ex cheated I wanted him to admit it, so we could get passed it. He admitted it once then changed his mind. Finally, I had to leave. It was the best decision I ever made. I'm in the healthiest relationship I've ever been in.

  5. YOur dad is in the wrong. Your mom needs to tell him to stop coming over, since it is her house. YOU need to stop letting him in the house.

    Your bf needs to just breath. Your bf is not wrong, and I would want to hit them too.

    They are in someone else's home, over staying their welcome (which friend didn't have), eating food YOU brought, drinking your MOM's drink. They are users.

  6. How is any of that made up? He does value the friendship as he said it’s fairly close and that it works because of the inherent platonic boundaries.

  7. There's also PLENTY of comments on posts about women sexually assaulting men and boys on which fellow men will say the guy was lucky or should have enjoyed it or should man up. Male victims not being taken seriously is too often painted as an issue solely caused by women while ignoring how often men are also failed by other men because of how they've been socialized.

  8. She doesn't care about wasting the money because she doesn't have to work for it. It is just given to her. I would not move in with her. Paying $225 a month is just the start of what expenses you'll both have. Are you planning to just pay for everything?

    You see that having a job and going to school are both possible at the same time.

  9. My initial thought was that the custody battle with his ex stressed him over the boiling point and he sees a new kid as just another battle. However, I'm not sure this guy has even fought battles. You don't paint him in a flattering light so it's hard to see why you are with him at all. He demands sex, struggles with mental health that he refuses to get treatment for to the point that he's become psychotic or broken with reality, he blames you for everything, rewrites history, gaslights, verbally abusive, worst of all is openly hostile to his innocent child, and a baby at that. This guy doesn't sound like a soulmate, he sounds like a demon. I'm disgusted by him trying to force you to give up the child to save your relationship. I'm beginning to think his “terrible” ex might not be such a terrible person and probably endured the same abuse when she had his first child.

  10. Good for you. It sounds like assertiveness here didn't come easy for you so pause and give yourself credit for finding the courage.

    The way you described your situation it sounded to me like this guy was taking advantage of and bullying you.

    You will be much happier single than with that turd.

  11. Well don’t worry about what he’s doing. I mean maybe he brought it up to make you jealous or maybe because he felt bad about it, but just remember you both are hurting and it’s what he’s doing to deal with the situation.

    I know it sucks and it’s a time that you’re not feeling your best, but this pain will pass. And yeah it might feel like a low moment but I’m sure you’re attractive and there’s someone else out there that’s gonna be super into you.

  12. I feel like Amy was just waiting on an excuse to leave. No offense to her, but if your relationship was that perfect, and since you did adopt children, she wouldn't be leaving over a child that wasn't hers. You could be in his life and hers, but she decided to not be in your life altogether. It's strange, but ultimately, she doesn't want to be with you anymore, and you need to respect that and hire a lawyer to set up custody for your children

  13. Y'all don't online together so why would you sleep at his or vice versa when you know you had an exam? Simple solution is don't do that anymore.

  14. Unless he has an MD after his name, he is unqualified to offer medical advice. Listen to your doctor, not an anti-pharmaceutical boyfriend who spent 5 minutes on Google. Again, he's not a doctor and he has no right to tell you what you should or shouldn't do regarding your health.

  15. he is tired of not getting respect in his life and is about to rage. He storms away, yells “STOP MOVIGN MY SHIT” after ruffling some things around, goes out and punches his car and screams at the top of his lungs in his car

    This would be enough to make me leave immediately

    Punching a car over laundry? What's it gonna take for it to be your face?

  16. Have you seen all the dudes that say things like “I like women without makeup” and then post examples of women with full face coverage?

    I think saying he “doesn't know what you like at all” for getting the wrong makeup items is really unfair. Think of a hobby you have absolutely no insight into and imagine yourself buying the wrong part for building a computer or restoring a car, or the wrong ski bindings, or the wrong video game.

    If we knew each other and you got me the interchangeable chiagoo sock knitting set because other knitters like it, I might try to figure out how to exchange it but I wouldn't say you “didn't know me at all” because you didn't know I like fixed circular needles at sock sizes.

    I will agree that the lying was just absolutely fucked up. I'm not sure what to say about that if he's not going to at least apologize for the lying.

  17. She’s already running, lying and making excuses. It needed to start with her you save anything. She’s avoiding responsibility.

    She even was willing to risk the marriage and children for a fling.

    You don’t really know why she did it and therefore can’t really be even remotely certain it won’t happen again.

  18. Girl he's already gone. He is consistently picking her over you by continuing the relationship when he told you he stopped. It doesn't matter if its become physical or not. You are not his number 1 priority anymore.

  19. Some people are overwhelmed with sex, not in a bad way. Just ask him is the sex a good thing or a bad thing your concerned.

  20. Who needs enemies with friends like that?

    This woman was never your friend.

    She used you as a yardstick for her shitty life.

    Now that you two don't measure up, she is looking for a way to drag you back down to her level.

    Block her everywhere. Expect her to stir up some drama or to create hardships for you when she realizes what you have done, cause this lady sounds toxic as hell.

  21. It goes both way in a marriage. If the wife doesn’t want her husband to permanently alter his appearance then he should strongly consider that. It’s not about men controlling women — it’s about being a team mate with your partner.

  22. Your respective ways of coping with hardships are in opposition. This is going to be an issue every time. It doesn’t make sense to be with someone that triggers you, and same goes for him.

  23. She's been caught twice, who knows how many times she has actually lied but he didn't find anything to call her out on it or notice it.

  24. Talk to them. Either it can be sorted or your friend has made it's choice and it's not you and your girlfriend.

    Asking people online to tell you what they're thinking will only end in sadness and confusion.

  25. Some people can comfortably go that long without problem. Is the problem that your boyfriend stinks/is overly greasy?

  26. It is cheating, but why are you engaged to a 23 year old? You’re both at different stages in your life and if he’s doing this already, he’ll continue to do so.

  27. Does your current boyfriend know that you are friends with someone who continues to ask you out even after you've said you're not interested? In a “friendship” it's normal to share personal details about ones life, that's part of being friends. I can't imagine being in a relationship and deciding I wouldn't tell my friends.

  28. I think most would agree that children suffer when their parents resent eachother. Separation is sometimes the best option for the kids.


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