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34 thoughts on “Wendy-woo live sex cams for YOU!

  1. In my opinion, I think he is overreacting, you needed the money, and the job was helping pay off ur debt. You did what you needed to do to help yourself. If he can’t he can’t understand what situation u had, then u deserve someone who will.

  2. Is this a troll for breeding knk or what? Just now i read another post about a guy that wants to impregnate many women just cos he wants to have lots of babies without paying child support….

  3. First off why are y’all having unprotected sex when y’all haven’t even been dating a year? Are y’all not afraid of STDs? Y’all relationship ain’t the healthiest and now y’all are bringing a child into this mess and you might become a single mom… you people need to be smarter and make better decisions good lord

  4. After 4 years if you don't know if there is a future then there likely isn't one. I can understand the divorce part so maybe be upfront about that.

    It seems to me you are scared more of marriage than the actual commitment.

  5. Is he insecure?, doesn’t want you to look attractive to other men, so as not to loose you?, or doesn’t want you to look better than him?

  6. I am divorced and I still think of marriage as something special and I would marry again with, as your mom said, someone I see myself getting old with.

    I wish I had been honest with myself about the state of the relationship and my feelings of my ex before we married. I wasn’t honest with myself, so it was a big learning experience.

  7. You took a “last minute plan(e?) ticket” to go see your family for a MONTH whilst missing his birthday, Christmas and New Year and you wonder why he’s “falling out of love with you”? From the rest of your self pitying post you try to blame and deflect onto him that the reason for it is he has attachment issues as things are fine when you’re together. Guess what? He’s doesn’t, he’s just sick of your bullying crap when you’re together and doesn’t have the self confidence do break up face to face. You weren’t happy as a couple, YOU were happy when did as he was told. If he’s done this a couple of time before it bloody well didn’t come out of nowhere. You TOLD him to wait? Why didn’t you ASK him?

    What’s it going to take for you to realise that he’s finally had enough and that by pissing off and leaving him for a month at short notice you’ve given him the breathing space to make the decision to set himself free?

  8. I have the feeling you love the woman you’ve met and you don’t want to let her go. But the moment she heard that you’re assaulted, kept on drinking and then had sex with another guy after her gay friend left tells you why she doesn’t love and care for you.

    She doesn’t want to be alone, she wants you for the wrong reasons.

  9. u/kmp38, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  10. I’m a poly guy. I’ve actually had to consider asking my partner to close up too. Sometimes self esteem is great, others it’s a hot Fuken mess.

    I had some not great breakups and some heavy life shake ups. The loss just left me so hollow. I’d isolated myself out of my poly community, and stopped seeing anyone outside “us” for almost a year. When I did some soul searching, I realized I’d felt replaceable and expendable. Seeing them happy while feeling miserable and unwanted was just devastating. I was unable to mitigate my own disappointment and it was becoming resentment.

    Then it dawned on me. I’m was only feeling this way, because I was finally feeling like me again. I enjoy being a poly/ENM guy, so I did the work to get back to being comfortable.

  11. There’s not really a strict ruling on monogamy. Some consider porn cheating. Others don’t. It depends on personal boundaries.

    Aren’t tattoo places similar to barbershops? Its like a public area. Just trying to understand her perspective.

    She may actually be okay with the tattooing itself. But maybe she becomes worried that it can turn into something beyond that. “Emotional cheating” as they call it.

    Like obviously nothing would happen in a professional setting. But oh he finds her extremely attractive and she’s going to think he’s so impressive with his work so they’ll exchange info and chase each other outside of the shop. Etc etc.

    It’s definitely an insecurity and additionally it’s most likely a lack of trust. She’s allowed to set boundaries but those should have been set from the start, having already known your occupation.

  12. Hello /u/meijibaby,

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  13. Unless your bf has alcohol dependency issues (still totally possible), this sounds like a relatively benign misalignment of expectations. Had you made it clear that “the kiss” was significant to you? Because that’s not a thing everywhere. I’m also not inclined to hold against him his behavior while semi-passed out.

    Tell him tomorrow that you were hoping to stay up together and that you had discussed not drinking so heavily. If he’s apologetic, and everything else is fine… ?‍♂️. If he’s defensive, or gets “very drunk” regularly, you two might not be compatible (and he may have an alcohol problem). If he’s dismissive, then he’s just kind of a tool.

  14. Came here to say this: HIIT workouts and sex take about the same amount of time and would completely justify why each person was out of breath and sweaty. As long as they aren't super loud, it would be easy to pass off post sex sweat for workout sweat and not raise the suspicion of Husband's MIL.

    No way does someone start working out in your home and your partner neglects to mention it, then claims it's so you “wouldn't feel left out.” Which is it??

    And, seriously, Julia just lost everything in a house fire. How nice would it be to ruin a marriage in the house it takes place in, resulting in the wife not wanting to be there for obvious betrayal reasons, and step into her new house and home? When people are going through tough times, they tend to be at their very worst. She may feel entitled to a little fun after all she's been through. I wouldn't trust her, or the husband, for multiple reasons! Omitting working out together, claiming it's for OPs own good so she doesn't feel left out, getting defensive and shooting an accusation back (“you've made up your mind”) in order to deflect blame back to the one with legit concerns.

    OP, I'd be very surprised if nothing was going on here.

  15. I think if you do decide to move back then make sure she actually does want to be in a relationship its not just the distance that's making her want to break up

  16. I see you and the friend in consideration going to end up getting feelings and you realize why dont I just be with the friend in consideration? And its a good question.

  17. I was definitely flippant in my response, maybe it’s the way the whole post is written…but this really doesn’t strike me as “saving a few locks of hair”. It sounds like baggies full of fur from a ton of dead pets. And consider OP hasn’t answered the peoples asking for clarification I still am majorly creeped out by the situation

  18. Just found his other post where he snapped at his gf for not packing his suitcase. This feels hopeless and the parents are definitely not helping. I also find it strange that OP thinks barely anyone lives away from at home 21. Actually, its far more common for people to not on-line at home at 21 (and especially at 26). He's lucky he has that advantage, but it is not as common as he's claiming.

  19. Your absence will say everything that needs to be said. End of. Snub my gf, you’re snubbing me too.

  20. Is he a person who is clear about asking for what he wants?

    He could have been thinking that if you wanted him to stay you would have said so, and by not saying it you must not be feeling too bad.

    He might be a thoughtless asshole but you might just have different communication styles, which is normally only a small to medium problem but when it comes to illness can be a very large problem.

  21. Do you find his friend attractive when you are not drinking? Seems like a pretty good place to start analyzing your actions…


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