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35 thoughts on “Wendy the nude online sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. There’s nothing wrong with breaking up with her because she no longer identifies as the gender you’re attracted to. That would never make you a bad ally, in fact, it would make you an even better one. It would be much more transphobic to stay in the relationship while continuing to view yourself as straight, as that implies that you don’t see her as her actual gender.

    I am a lesbian and while I don’t date, if I did and the woman I was dating told me they were now a trans man I would end the relationship. I have actually been in situations where I crushed on a friend and then lost that attraction because they came out as trans. It happens. I’m just not attracted to men, and from the sounds of things neither are you.

  2. If she doesn’t have an established friendship with your best friend that pre-dates you and her dating, I think it’s definitely a weird move for them to get dinner together alone like that. But if you’re all from the same preexisting mixed friend group or they were independently friends, I’d say it’s less weird. I’ve been good friends with the gfs and wives of my buddies, but I’d never hit them up for a one on one dinner like that. And I don’t think I’d feel right about her inviting me like that either, at least not without mentioning it to my friend and making sure he’s cool with it.

    But there have been times that when my buddies are out of town, their partners will text me about hangouts with our larger friend group. So I wouldn’t be worried about the group hangout stuff. The fact that you’re out of town for so long and so often complicates things too imo, she could genuinely like your friends and want to spend time with them to foster the connection.

    How ride or die with you is your best friend? If he’s like brother level and really has your back, I wouldn’t be afraid to just casually say something to him about them getting dinner together and you not liking it. You can mention that you’re not accusing anyone of anything, but it just makes you a little uncomfortable. If he’s really your boy, he shouldn’t have a problem with creating a more little distance, and if she presses him about it, saying it’s his own idea and not yours. Or even just bring it up and ask what they talk about and do, and see how he reacts. It could also be a situation where he sees entertaining her while you’re out of town as doing you a solid — just doing something nice for someone his friend cares about.

    At the end of the day though, you’re definitely not a crazy person for feeling this way. Raising the issue with your gf in a polite, non-accusatory manner could also be a good litmus test for how you two can resolve these issues.

  3. “Give me the goddamn parking pass for my car, right now, or I’m finding a different apartment to park myself and the baby.”

  4. queen i've been dealing with this for a year :// it only gets worse 🙁 at this point him and i are nothing, basically forced to JUST be coworkers which is sooo impossible when we were basically in a full on relationship without the labels. but yes we GOTTA get over it,, i strongly suggest to NOT get in too deep like i did, it only makes everything harder 🙁 especially when they don't reciprocate the feelings after ALL THAT.

  5. There is no reason on earth that someone you just started dating needs your location.

    This woman is too much for you. You already said you have nothing to say, you don't initiate contact, and are bored. Why not just stop seeing her?

  6. Why? Girls have showers with each other and bf's don't mind cause they know nothing will happen. Same situation here, he's gay so it's impossible for anything to happen between us.

  7. He sounds like a toddler who only wants a toy once you try to take it away.

    Her feelings are already gone, and in any case, I wouldn't recommend having kids with someone who didn't want them. Chances are too high he would become resentful later, and blame her for ruining his life.

  8. It’s really clear that you did not read my entire post and are here to project your own vitriol. I’m not going to bother trying to refute your baseless points.

  9. It's very hot to say because it is still early days. I'm in a LDR myself too and we've been going on for a few years. LDRs has its ups and downs that are very different from IRL relationships, which is important to consider. You're not spending as much time with each other as you would in person, and that's definitely something you should consider.

    If I had to answer your question, what you're doing is immensely difficult especially from an emotional/mental PoV. You need to ask yourself if this person is worth this anguish and if they're someone that can be consistent with bettering themselves.

  10. Don’t give your time to someone who’s only going to put the effort in when you’re gone.

    You get back together it’ll be nice for a little while and then he’ll slip back into his normal behavior.

  11. That’s not how being salaried works. There is no overtime pay. My paycheck is exactly the same every time whether I work three days or seven.

  12. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    My girlfriend and I are having a baby and I feel like she’s trying to fight over nothing. When it came to my last name being the baby’s last name, she didn’t like the sound of that. She said that she’s the mom and wants her last name to be included, so we settled on hyphenation. By the way, my last name is 6 letters and hers is 10, so it’s gonna be a long-ass last name, but it’s a compromise because we’re going to be doing a lot of that for the rest of our lives since we now have a child on the way.

    Now, she wants our baby to have just her last name because hyphenated last names are a pain and the last name would be too long, but in my opinion, that would be like the baby just having my last name. Just like she wanted our child to have her name in there, I would like the same thing. I feel like this decision is made with no compromise and I really don’t want this to be more complicated than it has to be because we have bigger things to worry about. I am perfectly fine with the hyphenated name, I am not fine with our child having just her last name. And I did check on-line, we do not live in a state where a child automatically takes the mom’s last name. Advice?

  13. self respect would be important to me. I would have done the same.

    Move on from this and on-line your best life ever bro

  14. You did an “audit” on your relationship by following up on suspicious activity. When there is good reason to believe you are being cheated on, going through phones or following someone is the right course of action to protect yourself. Don't ever feel bad about that. It's only an issue when you do it in an unhealthy way to control someone.

  15. The way I always explained it to people was like… when you're pregnant, they give you an anatomy scan and ask if you want to know the sex. Most people do. Congrats, you're having a girl!

    And it doesn't matter what you believe you think about gender. Everyone has a vision, an idea in their head about what “being a girl” means, about what that means they can expect. And they build up their internal (and external!) worlds based on that vision. They buy pink shit. When imagining teaching a teen to shave, they aren't picturing a beard. Shit like that.

    And then you go give birth, and guess what. The little scamp had his junk tucked. It's a boy.

    Sure, you're going to have FEELINGS. But he's a BOY, not a fucking gremlin. It doesn't mean something BAD is happening. You mourn your vision and you adapt. It's still your fucking kid.

    A kid transitioning is like a very late stage surprise of that sort. Oh. We all thought you were a girl. We were told you were a girl. We expected you to be a girl. But you're not. Ah. So erm… what are we gonna call you, son?

  16. I think it is important to distinguish reasonable reactions („I am sad that we don’t do parallel gaming anymore“ „I feel left behind by you“ „I am feeling insecure“) from unreasonable demands and put downs. OPs husband wants her to only spend time with his friends female partners. He is devaluing her career and trying to Second guess herself and value herself less. He is making sexist comments. He is accusing her of cheating.

    All of those things are absolutely unacceptable.

  17. I am not sure if this is real but in case it is, this sounds worrying. Clorox doesnt look like something you should use on anyone's private parts and I am sorry this lady was insensitive to say the least. I don't know if she is

    One thing I have learnt is that men can have a bit of urine come out even after a long while after peeping and sometime this can cause odor, this may be more prominent with some type of pants if this is absorbed.

    Best you can do is ensure you wipe after peeping and if you feel a drop go and dry it and make sure your pants are being washed with good fabric softener. I wouldn't advise any products as for my research a lot of those products, like wipes and so forth can cause irritation long term.

  18. It’s confusing because he has always said he has never cheated and hates people who do. So I fully trusted him but I don’t talk to my friends the way he is talking to this woman. From some of the message he clearly tells me one thing and her another thing so he’s lying to me face sometimes. But I feel I have no other opinions but to come back after my trip. I moved countries to be with him. I have no family here to go to.

  19. Buddy, you may have deleted this and run but it still exists so, your asshole-ness is crystallized for all eternity.

    YTA, you don't get to be frustrated that the person you broke trust with is going to need time to repair it. YOU did this. You're a child if everything in your life has been something people have gotten over quickly enough that you've never learned how to repair relationships over time.

  20. She cheated with at least one man and as many as 3 in that room. Her excuses are ridiculous.

    Before you married her, she told you who she was. You should have believed her.

  21. Yeah I'm confused why everyone thinks this is weird. I definitely do this on work trips.

    But also if my husband face timed me while I was eating drunk 2am pizza in a co-workers hotel room I would be so excited for him to say hi to everyone that it would probably irritate both sides, and I would definitely not be so cagey about it.

  22. Well I met the group of friends before her and introduced them to her early into our relationship. She's had many of her own friends come and go through the years, but this friend group has been the only constant friends she has had. She has said to be in the past that she feels that they are my friends and not hers, but will quickly change her feelings towards it. Hence why they were apart of our wedding, and even her MOH is in said friend group.


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