Virginiawett online sex chats for YOU!

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45 thoughts on “Virginiawett online sex chats for YOU!

  1. They will. You started dating too soon. I recently had this happen to me and it sucks. But I understood. I knew her circumstances and I should have listened to myself and not started dating her. Be the decent person and break it off with him, but do so honestly. He may be upset but it's better you don't waste his time any longer.

  2. How chivalrous of him to take a hit on the money..what about your portion, is he going to pay you back? You've been together for 4 years, you've had 2 kids the entire time, and now he can't handle it? Nope. You and your children are a package deal. Period.

  3. The tests came back negative. Obviously she’s lying…. Move on, this woman is absolutely crazy. Don’t let her weak attempt at entrapment work. Let her move onto the next sucker.

  4. However, it's important to be respectful of each other's cultures

    Agreed but the problem in this context is her comment was followed by him laughing about her beans and tortillas and even going as far as criticizing these foods. These are part of her culture including the ways and how they eat. Respect of cultures cuts both ways, and him making a joke out of her cultures eating habits earned him the joke in return. Lesson for the day. If one can't handle jokes about their cultural food they should not be joking about some one else's.

  5. You gotta recognize what your time is worth If you give everything that you would in a relationship for free, then she would never need to date you. You are a convenience and a plan B.

    From what you said, it's blatantly obvious that she only needs you when she has a problem, and that's probably a standard since you dated.

    You gotta tell her you're nobody's #2 and the fact that her feelings bipolar makes you think she's not someone you can take seriously.

    Wish her well and leave or forgive her and stay true to the principal you established. Don't be led on by false promises

  6. Lol I’m not normal to begin with. It’s not like I left and never talked to her. People continue jumping to conclusions.

    If you had the opportunity to go on a life changing trip and your SO didn’t support you in doing so then it’s probably not worth being with them.

  7. u/Sad-Ad5367, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  8. This is not overweight, or at least not if you are slightly taller. I have a feeling, there is more to this story than you tell us. This is more than just weight issue.

  9. Completely disagree.

    If you're have to ask this question then your instinct is alerting you for a reason. A break up in April this year is very quick to have moved on with someone new. She's still talks to her RX, yes this is a huge red flag.

    Ignore this JMarie's unwarranted advice. You are not being insecure or controlling.

    Trust your instinct, set your boundaries and if they don't match what she wants then thank you next.

  10. u/blackwafflez1, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

    The right way to do it is to create a brand new Reddit account that begins with ThrowRA.

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  11. He’s your best friend? Your best friend wouldn’t treat you like that. Is this the way you want your daughter to grow up thinking a relationship should look? At the very least, start your own bank account he can’t access.

  12. this is just a 18 year old kid, he’s like a baby.

    I'm sure I'm not going to be the only one in here reminding you, but you are every bit as much of a baby as an 18 year old is. In fact, you are closer in age to that 18 year old than my wife of nearly 20 years is to me.

    I'd be upset if I was your fiance. Why didn't you go stay somewhere else?

    he’s tall and he’s a trainer mixed martial artist.

    Oh, so someone your fiance should be worried about. Sorry, siding with him on this.

  13. Anyone is allowed to say no to sex. I'm sorry that you feel that you can't, but at a minimum, quit telling other people they can't.

  14. Sorry but I don't think someone who is capable of verbally saying “I'll knock your teeth down your throat” is worthy of your love

  15. Then talk to her, no use being worried about something you haven’t even spoken to her about. Have a meaningful conversation with your sister (as equals) and reassess.

  16. He should’ve been there for you. You were in a situation that troubled you he should’ve calmed you down and reassure you. He will never have your back unless HE judges it’s worth it.

    Not a good partner you took the right decision to break up.

  17. It is not OK to treat your partner like an emotional support animal. She is not in your life to keep you from committing suicide. If you feel that you want to harm yourself or end your life, you need professional help that your partner cannot provide. But you are going to have to take the steps to get it and ask for help from a professional.

  18. He’s not poly- he’s 22 and wants to fuck around. Look, you’re not “throwing away five years”. Your brain is still developing and you deserve a chance to develop in a manner you’re comfortable with. One aspect would be to know your boundaries.

    Watch what happens when he says “sure, let’s invite another dude”. All of a sudden, he’ll backtrack because HE wants to be the center of the universe. He likely already has someone in mind and wants to be “poly” to avoid cheating.

    You’re better off saying “I don’t feel comfortable and it’s likely our paths separate from here.” Poly is t a sexuality, it’s a lifestyle choice and you don’t have to be ok with it

  19. Very good.

    Now, all you need is a new boyfriend.

    This man is asking you to become some sort of wife to him, all the while knowing he will never marry you. Please don't waste your time with him.

  20. I want to ask him but I need to know if this is even a valid concern or am I tripping over nothing.

    Only he can answer that.

  21. People are going to have secrets, do what they do, and think what they think. Theres a way to trust people , even when they lie or hide things. There’s a way to accept that we’re all humans and we’re all flawed, and to online people even when they need to learn from their weird freaky mistakes. To me this is more of a “you” problem than it is a “your bf” problem. Try to learn to accept that you’ll never know someone inside and out, and be ok with that. Its such a relief when this idea becomes integrated, and you can relax and hope for the best. If someone is really sketchy you’ll usually be able to tell. Unless you can’t, but what are you going to do? That feeling you described while looking they his stuff is awful, and it can become constant. Figure out a way to be ok with yourself , it’s called serenity by some. Try to find serenity. Also, I think you should tell him, all if this. You’ll feel better, and you might not have to leave him then. I don’t like my gf going thru my laptop (I have nothing to hide, I hate porn, etc) but she likes to fix things and I have too much stuff on there that I’m afraid of loosing. So I don’t want anyone messing with it. My phone I don’t care so much. I actually use it for work so I have a backup incase it’s lost or broken. If I miss a day of calls I could screw things up bad for my work. So there are other reasons besides hiding things to not want someone on your computer. They’re like a massive modern day diary, with everything personal and sacred , embarrassing and important. Try not to worry about it so much. This whole thing isn’t serious enough to spend time stressing over.

  22. This is absolutely a no. What if you seriously hurt her AND she just wakes up to find out she had crazy diarrhea while she was out? Like going unconscious won't stop whatever happens in her stomach after she eats.

    You're both weird and dumb to even consider this. Like wth ?‍♀️

  23. Sorry, I’m just a little drunk when I wrote this. And still am.

    We just go out together. One of the guys I liked was at my job, he said he wanted to get to know me.

    One she was coming to stop by to pickup the house keys (we online together) cause she forgot it. He then sees her and asked me to introduce her to him.

    They start talking and he completely ignores me. I then hear from a coworker of mine about how my crush vibes with my friend more. I shrugged it off, hurt a little but it’s whatever. He’s just human.

    Then this guy, he invited us over to his place but my friend couldn’t make it at the time we were suppose to meet.

    When he invited his friends over, I texted her and asked if she was available now and she said “yes”. I should mention we online like 30 seconds away from him. Such a short walk.

    Anyways, she finally comes over and his attention is to her and I’m completely pushed away.

  24. She is the same person you have known and loved

    Umm, is that the person who had an illicit 6 month affair where she practically lived with an other guy not even 8 months after getting married, or are we talking about some other woman here?

    You do know that this is the same person that OP married.

  25. You spend time together, but is there any quality in the quantity? For example, when was the last time you went on an actual date together? Such as going to a zoo, theme park or museum etc and just enjoying a day of casual fun and feeling happy & relaxed. How much time do you spend chatting with each other and showing a genuine interest in each others lives? Do you know what your partner is up to? Do you have any particular dreams or goals (and are you actively pursuing them)? Please do not go look for sex/intimacy elsewhere outside of this relationship (in any shape or form) as it will really put a coffin nail in what remains of your relationship. The lack of sex is a consequence of both your partners self esteem and anxiety issues (which will become even more compounded if you start looking elsewhere) and the distance between you two. The sex issue will not improve until you deal with the underlying causes of it. Is your partner suffering from depression at all?

  26. Then OP needs to make the facts known “your father got me pregnant then refused to believe you were his babies and refused to help me. He assumed I'd get an abortion but didn't offer to help even with that.”

    OP you don't have to use subjective words like “mean”. If you just recount the facts anyone can see that the guy was mean and a deadbeat. It's important for the kids to make their own minds up about their parentage.

    If you don't let them see him now, you can't stop them from reaching out forever.

  27. Have you, I don’t know, tried talking to him? Why is this her fault if you admit she mirrors people?

  28. The “just a friend” excuse again. Tell him, that’s exactly the problem, she’s just a friend and you are his girlfriend but he’s making you uncomfortable with the frequent lunch, dinner and sleep overs. The sleep overs are inappropriate and your feelings are valid.

    She’s the ex of his best friend but is he supporting his best friend with the break up? Is he giving the best friend the same level of attention and support? If not, you know then where his heart lies.

  29. It’s very clear you’re being difficult on purpose.

    Were you not just calling u/doktorjackoffthemoon a liar for speculating on the author’s intentions?

    To that conversation, whether OP did or didn’t lie is completely unrelated to the point. Which again, is you changing the topic.

    Whether or not you think OP will actually read the book doesn’t diminish the value that sharing the suggestion can have. There are plenty of other people in this thread reading these comments who may now read Why Does He Do That. Whether it is or isn’t performative is besides the point if it helps someone (even if the person helped isn’t OP).

  30. Exactly. How utterly soul destroying, to know that the person you're supposed to be a forever with and raising a baby with won't even stop doing petty, shallow online bullshit for you.

  31. Cooking dinner once in a while is not kindness. Suggesting an activity is not kindness. And all of the other behaviour you list are either mean, aggressive, really dumb or a mix of all that.

    One thing almost everyone regrets in their lives, is spending too much time and energy on people who did not deserved it. Your boyfriend is vicious to his own mom, why do you want to spend even a second of your time with someone like that? You would not make fun of someone disability, you would not antagonize tour partner on purpose just because you felt an emotion you were too dumb to recognize or express, would you? Why are you expecting so little of your partner?


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