Violetta-hot on-line webcams for YOU!

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32 thoughts on “Violetta-hot on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. He says that he has to make up for lost time with BFF because he is gone half the year. And that BFF is lonely. Our dates usually include me trying to have a conversation, while he is texting on his phone. When we go anywhere new, we use my phone for GPS because I believe Husband doesn’t want to be away from his phone for that long. Theres even a group chat that has husband, BFF, another friend, and friend’s girlfriend that I am not included in and wasn’t asked to be included in. When BFF is with us, BFF makes more of an effort to include me than Husband does. I feel like the third wheel.

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  3. Ok, I will admit this is kinda sketch. But I'll play devil's advocate for a second….

    Is it possible that he knows your prescription and went and bought you some sunglasses?

    Now the ONLY reason I say that is because my wife has a pretty strong prescription (without her glasses she can tell it's me in the room because I'm Black and I'm short, that's about it), and her sunglasses are VERY expensive, like $450 for a pair she would wear.

    That is merely a thought I had. Would I say something right on Christmas? I probably wouldn't. But I definitely wouldn't wait too long thereafter if you don't get an answer that is satisfactory to you.

  4. Get out now. STay with anyone who will let you, get a job. If you need an abortion, get one by any means necessary. Frankly document everything he says, record it or write texts….So if he threatens you have proof. Get out immediately this will not get better.

  5. But that wouldn't have started her story about how “amazing” she is and how “supportive of women” she is. This was all about her the whole time. It's unfortunate her true colors didn't come out before the wedding.

  6. When you gift someone jewelry it’s not typically because you like it, it’s because you think they would like it. Why would you buy the complete opposite of what they asked for even if you liked something else better? That’s why I think OP is having the major issue with it, that and her partner knows he is dating a detail oriented person who has shown and told him repeatedly what she envisioned and would love. It’s just a little bizarre, not enough to reject the man but enough to question why it happened.

  7. Whatever your fiancé's family are doing isn't helping his brother. They are enabling his behaviour, and your fiancé himself is stealing from you (giving him your prescription medicine? Is he for real?) and allowing him to disrupt your lives repeatedly when he is justifiably ignored to allow you to have your own space and live your lives (you should not live in the same apartment building).

    If I were you, I would go on the vacation with my friends and probably postpone the wedding indefinetly until you see concrete improvement.

    (Your fiancé not enabling his brother and keeping some sort of healthy boundary with him).

  8. It sounds like your mom is a rug sweeper and you would rather face some uncomfortable truths if it meant you could maybe problem solve together and work on improving your relationship.

    I would suggest if you have a conversation with her about it, don't blame and don't compare. You don't want her defensive and you already know she will deny the comparison.

    Maybe just start with some things you know are true “I would like to see you more”, “Your granddaughter misses you” and then try and offer solutions to what you think the problem is. “Would it be easier if we met at X location?” (Takes your house or the drive out of the equation without making her feel like she has to admit that is an issue) “We have Wednesdays and Fridays open for the next couple of weeks. Do any of those dates line up with your availability?”

    Also, remember that it may be slow to rebuild as you both learn new habits and you both get more comfortable with a new normal. Figure out how far you are willing to go/what you are willing to do/put up with to make it work and then see if you can within your limits. Only you can decide how much work/effort is “worth it” and if you hit your limit, know that you tried and channel that energy into relationships that are more rewarding if you don't like the status quo. Good luck!

  9. Was there seriously no better time for you to discuss your grievances with her best friend 2 weeks before your gf went into labor? Not saying that it justifies the friend's behavior, but let's just say you might not want to bring up something like this when your gf is close to giving birth to not stress her out, you know. And why didn't she like you before the incident?

  10. he's being a jerk. I don't know how close you are with her, but it might be worth reaching out privately and making sure she's okay. weight loss that sudden, especially when the person doesn't want to talk about it, can be a huge red flag for various health issues. it sounds like she might be underweight for her height, as well.

    generally speaking, you should never comment on someone's weight. even if it's a compliment. your husband should know that since he's almost 40

  11. Yeah thank you so much, we are talking after school and I'm gonna ask her about it I've managed to stay relatively calm somehow so I'm not jumping to any conclusions but thank you for your advice I appreciate it ?

  12. Cheaters are some of the worst people out there, that includes the AHs that know about the SO and still screw a “taken” person. So good on your friend for finally realizing how scummy that was. Bad on you for being so willing to be one of the worst people out there. Love actually takes a lot of work. You married someone you supposedly loved and you now want to hurt her as much as you can. Is that who you want to be? Either work on your relationship or divorce, don't be a cheating AH.

  13. No thats not the issue here. Its just a conversation for conversation sake. We already talked about it and she agreed not to tell me, but she also wants to understand why and im having trouble actually describing the why.

  14. No troll.

    When we were dating he never had any issues like this until recently. We have been married for 2 years now

  15. I would ask for her to agree to marriage counseling again, at it a out on the table and make some goals in your marriage-after all-it is not you versus her, it is the two of you versus the problem. And the problem is her. Lol. She needs to get serious help/medication for her depression/anxiety/agoraphobia and start pulling her weight at home while seeking at least part-time employment within 6 months or you will be proceeding forward with divorce, as you cannot alone be the only one trying to improve this currently dissolving marriage.

  16. It should have happened IF he was aware of how he felt about this from the beginning. My advice is based on that assumption. I get that it's an assumption, but I don't think it's unreasonable for me to make that assumption given the context.

    Why? Largely because of something you just pointed out; “it's one things to discuss kids before marriage.” Absolutely. Thing is, they didn't do that. So OP proposed to her partner not yet knowing if he wanted children or not. Of course she wouldn't ask a question specifically around how their children would be educated as literally no one would. But you'd have to believe that if a partner had this strong of an opinion on it, they'd bring it up when a discussion around children happens. That discussion never happened.

    After that, I'm not sure why you're then trying to rationalize why it “maybe” never came up. “Maybe it's a sore subject.” Alright, maybe it is. But we're talking about your future here. Might she have thought he was crazy at the time? Probably. But so be it. If he avoided the topic in hopes of bringing it up when they're “in too deep,” that's someone who's quite a piece of shit.

    Maybe he's avoided thinking about it until reality struck that his life may be changing? In this context, that would be him “waking up” when she proposed. We'd then be saying that the idea of marriage between them was a complete surprise. It definitely wasn't here. That would mean that he saw her as his future wife, knew how he felt about education, and chose not to bring it up.

  17. Pranks are usually of a short duration and most importantly FUNNY. This was neither. It's actually super mean. I'm glad your wife understands your hurt and has offered a solution. A second wedding on your an anniversary may help but honestly I think you need to find a way to separate the prank from the day and focus on the future. A therapist may help because it's not going to be easy. It was a really shitty thing for anyone to do let alone a so called friend.

  18. If he hasn't cheated, he's going to. Not only is he garbage but so is the “friend”. You gotta get out and soon.

  19. Yes but you both need to understand that at 6 months you're still in the 8nfatustion phase. You can certainly start talking long term and explore what each of you wants from a partner in practical terms. Living together? Prioritizing each other? How close does he see his ties with his birth family if you're still together in a year? What time will he spend with you, with them?


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