Valeera-Evans live webcams for YOU!

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31 thoughts on “Valeera-Evans live webcams for YOU!

  1. I think that you need to have an honest discussion with your GF about what you've been going through and how it has impacted on you, because I don't think that she really understands.

    Then, I would recommend actually agreeing to abstain from sex for a while (for example a month) and agreeing that during this time, neither of you pressure each other into sex. And if you feel horny during this time, you can take care of yourselves (masturbate).

    During this time, you also need to make sure that while you abstain from sexual intimacy, you do not abstain from emotional intimacy. For example, you go on dates, you cuddle, you kiss, you hold hands, watch movies together, chill, chat and more. In effect, you get to re-discover each other and recalibrate your relationship with the affection that it needs, away from the pressure and expectation of sex.

    Only after this period, would I recommend starting to deal with the sex issue again. I think you should consult your doctor too about better pain relief and physiotherapy options, as well and see what you can do to improve your lifestyle. The other posters suggestion of mutual masturbation is good, and there are a lot number of other ways that you could find ways to sexually satisfy each other without triggering the symptoms of your disability so much.

  2. This is horrible, I would start insisting that pops come with me to volunteer with the soup kitchen or refugee families on Christmas. But maybe he would be weird about that and god knows those folks don't deserve to be around an entitled jerk dad!

    But even if he can't serve food to folks surely he can buy toys for Ukrainian kids or some such endeavor. How has your mom not murdered him?

  3. Lmao you're comparing the costs of airbnb with staying on a friend's sofa? I hope OP cuts contact too, now he's paid off his debt. He thinks because his friend earns more than him, he shouldn't have to pay for the items he throws away. Awful mentality, like the people who borrow money from friends and feel they don't don't have to pay it back because their friend has more money than they do. His friend deserves better, and the best outcome is for OP to cut ties.

  4. When he is on holiday remove any shit that is yours from the flat , I would also take one sock from each pair that he has to annoy him

    Break lease , pay the fine and move on

    Never tolerate an asshole

  5. Well now you have a first insight on how he’ll be when it comes to life changing. Events that range from child birth and supporting you and the child or a loved one passing.

    He isn’t seeking help on his own therefore he’s not a reliable partner you can count on

  6. If you can’t afford the ring she wants but she can, let her buy it. She cares more about having that particular ring than a surprise proposal. You can do something special for her after she gets the ring. But she will be very upset if she loses it.

  7. I only said the matching thing because I have all I want two boys two girls. Also there is literally no room for the new child

  8. This BAFFLES me.

    OP first off, you are lucky you were not mutilated as a child, I’ve been with both circumcised and uncircumcised, they do look different, but the latter is way better, for the owner and their sexual partner. Just wanted to state that first and foremost.

    Either way I still can’t believe this disgusting practice is the norm for baby boys. It’s sad and it’s sick.

    But aside from that, I cannot believe this woman claims to love you and spoke to you like that.

    Please talk to her, but honestly I could not stay with someone who can be that cruel and not realize it themselves – if it was an offhand remark, or her trying to be goofy or playful (and FULL ON missing the mark) and she has not already come to you with remorse, that is terrible behavior from a partner. (But I also am not in your relationship and do not know her otherwise, PLEASE TALK TO HER, IF YOU CAN PROCREATE WITH SOMEONE YOU SHOULD BE ABLE TO TALK TO THEM).

    Please do not feel less than for your anatomy just because you have fallen for assholes in the past and your current partner either knowingly or unknowingly is also an asshole.

    Last thing, as a person with no gender preference in their sexuality, all genitals look weird. I think all genitals are strange visually – does not stop me from wanting to touch them. But even if they all look kinda weird, saying they look like a “nasty wrinkled” anything is cruel and completely unnecessary.

    I’m so sorry you’re having to deal with this.

  9. Nah, that’s kinda selfish if you want my honest opinion 🙁 He’s putting himself over your wants, dreams, and job. You’re definitely not in the wrong at all. I’d stay in Washington (or at least tell him you are) and see how he reacts. The way he reacts will be very telling Imo

  10. I think you need to build a complete tree with everyone in that family, because sometimes the % are not exact and there could be other potential candidates. You also have nothing to go on from your mom.

    If this man married his HS sweetheart and hasn't moved, then you can try to figure out all the places your mom lived to see if they were in the same area.

    I'd also try to find family members of who you thought was your biodad and figure out why he left. Did he leave because she cheated?

    And instead of doing DNA tests through 23 & Me, I would get hair from your mom and three siblings, and test all of them. Make sure she is your bio-mom and then get who shares a father.

    Did you get matches to your mom's family? Because that's another thing you should explore. There's family gossip and they probably know things you don't know.

  11. So many people here identify with your boyfriend but I’m deeply offended on your behalf. My spouse and I have a low drama relationship but we would never call it boring. We both grew up in homes with screaming parents and wanted the opposite. It took a lot of work but we learned to communicate our needs with each other without drama. We don’t see each other as boring, though. We use the word peaceful and empathetic. These are some of the best qualities about our marriage.

    Are YOU content with someone who sees you this way? Do you trust that he won’t stray to find that excitement? As much of a shock this revelation is to you, you have a glimpse into his unspoken feelings towards you. Forget what he wants for a moment and think of what you want. A year is not very long in the scheme of things. You deserve someone who cherishes your qualities and loves you for them, not despite them. If he’s worth your devotion, he should be able to explain to you what he means in a way that you feel adored, not that he’s settling for you. Maybe he has some growing up to do before he can appreciate you, but you should decide if he deserves your kindness and devotion. You have the qualities that people in long term relationships value.

  12. So now you know he’s not ever going to be a good gift giver.

    Time to change your expectations or your BF.

    If you eventually married, expect to be equally dissatisfied. Can you live with it?

  13. There are plenty of alternatives to try before divorce. They're not wrong, you guys are insufferably presumptuous.

  14. I texted him and asked for a call. His texts went through and about 5 mins later I sent another text and it was green and did not go through, which just added to my stress and anger because now he’s not texting? Ugh idk.

  15. Just explain all of this to him, maybe even ask your Dr too! It may not be a good idea with your condition.

  16. Big yikes. Maybe consider if you want to spend the rest of your life with someone that has no financial intelligence, is selfish, is EXTREMELY materialistic, and doesn’t compromise.

    I wouldn’t.

    I’m a woman and I think spending that much on a (likely blood) diamond is one of the stupidest wastes of money possible. ESP when you literally can’t afford it. She just wants to show off to people who literally don’t actually gaf anyway.

  17. So how do I bring it up without sounding like “I’m jealous” or “I don’t trust you to have male friends”?

    Jealousy is normal. You can feel jealousy and envy and sometimes it's 100% justified and appropriate.

    Just talk about it. Don't make demands. Don't accuse. Be very specific about the behaviors and how they make you feel. Don't bring a manic, panicked energy to the conversation.

    “Hey, I've got some jealousy eating at me and I want to talk to you about it. You're talking a lot about Jacob, when we're out together you seem to pay a ton of attention to him, and it seems different to me than how you treat other men you're friends with. No accusations here. No shaming or scolding, just sharing how I feel. Do you think I'm totally misreading things?”

  18. It's clear you understand on some level that you messed up, but it also sounds like you don't really grasp the severity of your mistake.

    You're not her father anymore, and won't be for a while. You're just some person who said something that is too horrible to ever take back.

    The ONLY thing you can really do is be patient and wait. IF she decides to let you back into her life, it will be strictly on her terms whenever she's ready, and frankly you have no say in the matter, nor is there anything you can do about it.

  19. Reddit is so bad for this, it’s so annoying. As if people aren’t allowed to have their own boundaries we all have to think as a collective and all follow the same rules and the #1 rule to never be insecure in our lives when it comes to our partner or we’re controlling manipulative narcissists lol.

  20. He is using your mouth as a flash light.

    Also: You should nevrr feel uncomfortable to say no to a sex act. Only yes means yes and consent should always be enthusiastic and without a doubt.

  21. So you’ve hurt her at least three times. Proven your untrustworthy…. What the heck do you want from her? She’s a queen for realizing her worth.

    Learn that you can’t get your pencil wet outside your relationship and better yourself.

  22. He was making a million dollars? Then tax evaded. Couldn’t of been legit or legal what he was doing.

    I mean it’s obvious you are there for the money, but it’s replaceable.

    You’ll find another sugar daddy. Most of them are broken weirdos.

    Best of luck.

  23. When I’m bored I eat… Guess he does the same thing. Girl, you are worth more than that. He is lying. Do yourself a favor and see through his lies. I’m 37 and only realizing this.

  24. Her parents can't afford to retire as is without her and her sisters contributing to their retirement.

    When we segwayed the conversation to how to go on about joint accounts, she initially said all money from both parties should go through the joint account. Which I completely disagree with. My position was that we each contribute enough to joint account to cover our expenses and the remainder of the money is owers to do with as we please.

    She then complicated this by saying something like it should be a percentage of income or some such thing and it was basically what I was saying but she just wasn't getting that the budget would have buffers built in. This is why I am attributing her perspective to lack of practice/know how on how to handle money as opposed to malice.

  25. Nothing here for bothering acting normal, this ain’t normal girl, like wtf. Not just receiving nudes, but from his foster sister? ??


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