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25 thoughts on “the nude live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. He likes to include her. It’s not like he thinks she needs us to take care of her every second. She takes time to herself at times and goes out with friends which is when my partner is okay with us having some us time. I just don’t like the fact that we can never say no to her for the sake of having some romance. She’s a social girl and likes me, which is great, so she tends to want to do things with us when she has no other plans, and I’m fine with this a lot of the time but not ALL the time.

    I think that my partner probably never witnessed his parents having date nights as they didn’t get along, so it’s probably a new concept for him, and he thinks it’s rude to his daughter to say she can’t come. The reality is she absolutely would want to come if we went out for a dinner or a walk, and it’s sweet to be liked by her, but it means my needs aren’t being met in the relationship.

    I guess the difference in our opinions is my partner thinks he would be hurting her by saying no, whereas I think it’s just setting a normal boundary to have some adult only time.

  2. 20 years from now ol’ boy’s brain is gonna go “Oh. OHHHHHHHH! Well shit.”

    What the hell man? Does she need to accidentally fall on your dick to make it clear or what?

  3. She is an ex for a reason. Looks like you listed many. She might have worked on one of them in 6 months but no way she has worked on all of them.

  4. I do too! I think there’s a strong ethical argument against having biological kids. My issue is when parents treat adoption like a consolation prize and have “replacement babies.” I’m not saying every parent that adopts after fertility issues are unethical, but I see a lot of, “Well, we tried so it’s plan B” attitudes.

    If you’ve done the research, have the right mindset, and chose an ethical agency that doesn’t pressure birth mothers, it’s not unethical at all!

  5. In your shoes I'd bring her a suitcase and wish her the best in her new life

    If you dont live together I'd just say “appears you dont understand how relationships and basic respect work, so this one is done”

    Unless she is literally stupid, she knows what she is doing even if she's playing dumb and acting like it isn't an issue

    I dont think I'd even bother discussing or trying to stop her, the decision is already made so what's the point

  6. Yeah he 100 percent assumed you'd change your mind once the kid was born. Guaranteed. Oh well if I just FORCE her to have the kid, once she sees the baby, it'll be cool, right? And he fucked around and found out. You need a lawyer.

  7. Even if it was true, she shouldn't have said that . She is either stupid or too honest to even confess that.

    She has successfully wrecked the relationship without actually committing adultery.

    However, you must decide and figure how much you going to let it wreck you.

    Personally, I know that certain things needn't be asked or known like in your case. It's a blissful in being ignorant sometimes. I don't pry things that cannot be put back or is destructive.

    The only way to come out of this is a little powerplay which is being confident yet making your wife stew on it for a while. Let her absorb her consequences and learn. Or ” perhaps, I must think about our neighbour while we are doing it. “

    I know it sounds petty but desperate times ,desperate measures….

  8. Even if it was true, she shouldn't have said that . She is either stupid or too honest to even confess that.

    She has successfully wrecked the relationship without actually committing adultery.

    However, you must decide and figure how much you going to let it wreck you.

    Personally, I know that certain things needn't be asked or known like in your case. It's a blissful in being ignorant sometimes. I don't pry things that cannot be put back or is destructive.

    The only way to come out of this is a little powerplay which is being confident yet making your wife stew on it for a while. Let her absorb her consequences and learn. Or ” perhaps, I must think about our neighbour while we are doing it. “

    I know it sounds petty but desperate times ,desperate measures….

  9. You need to break up bc you’re leading him on and giving him false hope of a serious relationship along with wasting both y’all time.

  10. Thanks for such a wonderful reply! TheGratitudeBot has been reading millions of comments in the past few weeks, and you’ve just made the list of some of the most grateful redditors this week! Thanks for making Reddit a wonderful place to be 🙂

  11. you're itching for a restraining order. if she was interested in this (entirely one-sided, even though you're convinced you're doing it for her and not just yourself) fantasy, she would have responded.

  12. How long have you been on this sub? This sub is one story after another about some type of lie. “He won't marry me.” “Now he/she doesn't want kids.” “I went through my partner's phone and found something I don't like.” Etc, etc, etc.

    The difference is that I can see it, you can't.

  13. I want to add onto this as a mother who always wanted kids, my views changed drastically the older I got especially with the way my country is going. I’ve cried so many tears and I’m pissed to be raising daughters in a country that doesn’t value their voice, or bodily autonomy. Having kids isn’t a cute accessory you tote around. They’re whole ass human beings that are learning how to human and need to be loved and supported no matter what. It’s a lot of hot conversations and protecting them.

  14. If she's attractive I would turn this into a purely physical relationship until things inevitiably break off.

  15. active 1 hour ago?? that means she opened the app an hour before. it doesn’t automatically log her on, if it did it would constantly say active

  16. Before you do – let's rehearse and review.

    What is the issue that you're trying to convey? Is it that you don't want to be touched? Or is it that you don't like how sexualized you're feeling?

  17. cut off this friendship and tell your wife immediately. If she finds out that this happened three weeks or three years down the road i can promise she will feel betrayed to some degree. Also, you need to get into therapy. Don't make excuses.

    And what is this: “It seems unfair that after opening up about my traumatic past i now find myself feeling like the bad guy” ?????? BRO, you can have sexual trauma and still make shitty decisions. Your wife isn't making you feel bad about this she doesn't even know! You feel bad because you know what you're engaging in is risky and not good. Time to start taking responsibility for your own actions and your own healing.

  18. Yeah, they don't get looser at all, but like male genitalia, there are different sizes as well, some more or less accommodating than others, maybe they just aren't a match.


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