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15 thoughts on “the naked live sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. Once is an accident.

    This is hurting you on purpose.

    He knows he’s doing it. He knows it bothers you. HE DOESN’T CARE.

    Start figuring out how you’re going to escape this abuse.

  2. u/thelivingdeadrise, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  3. Hello /u/therealslmshadi,

    Your post was removed for the following reason(s):

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  4. Why would you even want to marry into this? Postponing the wedding until the end of times seems like a better idea- you know, since your fiancé wants to marry his brother, not you.

  5. Are you okay with him making those tiny step towards verbal abuse?

    I know it seems like I'm reaching, but something similar was with my “friend”. Not romantically bit still. It started okay, we were roommates, clicked together nice as friends. And then she started taking offence at every single thing that was not to her liking. A dumb joke she didn't like? Offended as if I've spit on her mom. Sentence she took out of context, made a story in her head how I said that deliberately to hurt her? Fatal offence. And so on.

    The problem was with me taking that close to heart and basically begging for forgiveness. It took me a while to realise that she did everything to make me be the bad guy at fault every single day.

    One example I still remember is when I reminded her about her own promise to wash her (HER!!!) dishes before she goes to her boyfriend for a sleepover and she went into full hysterics blaming me for not wanting her to have a relationship with that dude. It's been decades since and I still got no idea how dirty dishes have any connection to her then boyfriend…

  6. We have been dating for 1 year and might get married soon. He asked me to marry him after 4 months of dating but I wasn’t sure.

    Opening with “that is crazy fast and likely a terrible idea”.

    He was v upset by this and we had a lot of fights. In many fights he would say he’ll find someone else, other girls keep hitting on him and I don’t know how lucky I am that he’s faithful to me.

    Following a close second with “Yikes” and also….well let him? If you're fighting so hard over something which is way too soon as well as bearing in mind this is you laying a boundary, that you are not OK with it – why is he arguing against that?

    Even when not fighting he keeps telling me abt how some girl hit on him and was ready to sleep with him (she conveyed this thru signals) but he didn’t cheat and I’m lucky to have a loyal bf. But he might one day.

    ….why are you still with a guy who constantly threatens you like this and is manipulating you into doing what he wants?

    Some weeks back we had a fight after which he sent me screenshots of his profile on a dating site and asked me which dp is best. I broke up with him but got back after he said he was only doing it to make me get back with him.

    You shouldn't have gotten back with him, simple.

    Should I continue in this relationship?

    No. Run. Fly. Walk. Crawl. Whatever you need to do, leave this guy and stay away. Cut contact, do not speak to him, see him, talk to him, think of him – you'd have a more fulfilling experience with a pillow you drew a face on.

    At least it isn't going to try and emotionally manipulate you into marriage by threatening to and nearly actually cheating on you. You'll be an emotional wreck and waste your life if you stay.


    He committed a crime by stealing your identity, then committed another crime by using said identity and not filing taxes on income he earned. He's literally fucking up your life and not taking it serious.

    If he did this to you, and you don't report him, then what's stopping him from doing the same damned thing to his other kids?

    I've had my identity stolen and it was a legal nightmare trying to sort, made worse because I didn't know it was happening, so I didn't report it (until I was tied up in hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of debt). Do not make the same mistake.

  8. You both doesn’t meant to be for each other … leave and move on with your life , he will never trust you anymore.

  9. BTW, if he's unwilling to bite on the phone addiction problem, it might be easier to get him to buy into the idea that it's at least a big problem within the confines of your relationship, and you want to at least see a couples counselor for that.

  10. Life gets busy. I have lived with my husband for 6 years and there have been plenty of times in our relationship where, even living together, we barely saw each other due to work schedules. Make the best out of the time you get to spend together instead of worrying about the frequency. Express how you feel when it comes to having to be the one to initiate time together. He might not even realize that it has been that way.

  11. “Dont worry, my relationship sucks too” is not a thing I would tell my freshly divorced friend.

    Dont know how it's supposed to help

  12. Your boyfriend is telling you a lot about his thought process and you need to listen. He is telling you the following: 1. If you are ever sexually harassed or assaulted he will blame you. 2. He sexualizes other women he sees who are just going about their lives, and he thinks that’s fine. 3. He will be sexually inappropriate with another woman if he hasn’t yet, and he will place all the blame on her.

  13. If he's cheating and it isn't an open relationship, then he would have all the reason in the world to lie. He hid things from you initially; that in itself should make you wonder about the situation and question the accuracy of things he tells you about their relationship. Does the girlfriend know about you at all?

  14. Sounds like ya'll got another issue of what are other ways to make each other feel less shameful.

    Because restricting porn seems to causing more rifts than it does bridges.


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