Sylvieclaire live webcams for YOU!

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8 thoughts on “Sylvieclaire live webcams for YOU!

  1. The shitty thing about being an addict is that your terms and conditions don’t matter. You have to do what other people ask if you to get that trust and respect back. If you don’t want to fine. You’re still the untrustworthy one.

  2. Ive said this before, my ex cried a lot. He had a lot of shit he was dealing with. Not once did it change how I felt about him or how I saw him. He is human with emotions and I'd rather see a man cry than seeing him have violent out bursts

  3. As others have said, just be aware that he might try again in the future if you let any kind of barriers down. Stay firm with the boundaries you’ve set and don’t mistake any future friendliness for growth. I’ve been in a similar situation myself with this type of person and I’ve always regretted giving them the benefit of the doubt!

  4. Yep, John Wayne Gacy used to do similar, his “handcuff trick”. I'd be backing away from this dude at light speed.

  5. a) i want the brand of your swim dress – you look like a super model in it, its adorable!! Ive never seen a swim dress like this before!

    b) this is 9 year old behaviour on your bfs part. Like honestly a 15 year old wouldn't be this insecure about his 'coolness' in front of his boys that he has to pretend he's dating pamela anderson 1999 to his buddies,… and actually think they will believe it.

    c) this guy is clearly showing he doesn't think you guys are longterm prospects. does he expect his mates to never ever ever meet you in real-life ever? He certainly cant be planning on ever marrying you or having a family because then the boob illusion will be broken.

    d) omfg he used pictures of your SISTER!!!??????????

    op – your clearly drop dead fucking stunning and superficially could get almost any guy you want – you seem lovely and cool in your post too. What on earth are you actually doing with such an insecure, fragile, delusional little weasle?

    He'll hopefully never get to see your boobs in person again, and whoever you fall in love with next will rightfully see you as the gorgeous human you are.

    + please dont let this gutter crab make you feel bad about your physicality. Please dont give him that power! Youre gorgeous!.

  6. Run.

    Run while you still can, before the abuse gets worse.

    He should be encouraging you, not trying to trap and isolate you.


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