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SwimmerBoi, 18 y.o.


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SwimmerBoi on-line sex chat

42 thoughts on “SwimmerBoi the naked on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. I'm doing pretty well income wise but like yeah, its nothing compared to her wealth. I think she appreciates that I'm treating her like a regular girl though, so I'm not going to change our plans

  2. You need to go stay with your parents or really anywhere besides with them. If you can't put down boundries, stick to them, and make your own independent choices now you aren't ever going to be a good parent. Quit being a spineless, pathetic, doormat and grow up. If you let this go now you might as well just hand the baby to mil and fcuk off. Unless you are ok with just being an unpaid surrogate for your bf and his mother's baby? Get off the internet, put your foot down, and start making plans to get somewhere safe.

  3. I suppose there is probably a reason why you don’t want to talk with anyone you know? Maybe because they already told you that you need to leave this man..

  4. Why would the wife not be entitled to on-line her life as young and single? Tf? She married young and has changed since then. That’s fine. People grow and change that is a part of life and I don’t see a problem with her wanting what she didn’t get when she was 20.

  5. Not to be rude but in your replies you sound very immature. You say he makes lots of rape jokes? Knowing what happened to you? Frankly, he is a piece of shit. You deserve so much better. You should definitely seek counselling specific to your experiences. You are worth so much more than the situation you are in now and there are so many people out there who would treat you with respect and compassion instead of whatever this guy is doing.

  6. That’s not the way ethical nonmonogamy should ever work. I’m not here to tell you what to do, however I can tell you that as someone who’s in an amazing ethically nonmonogamous relationship – we both wanted it, we are both this way, and we are more of a team than anything. You said earlier that you know what you need to do but you aren’t ready to do so. That’s okay. This relationship sounds like it has a power imbalance. It sounds like you’re still learning who you are, especially as you work through healing from violence and abuse. Perhaps – may I suggest that you turn all the love you have inside of you right now and focus all of it on you, and on getting to know you – not on this other person who sounds like he is taking from you rather than giving to you. Best of luck. I wish healing for you. I wish for you the ability to find that powerful center and tap into that beautiful person you are.

  7. Hello /u/douxgck,

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  8. Yea I think your trying to feed us this bullsh!y story so you can cheat on your gf without being dragged through the dirt on Reddit.

  9. This is huge. She's been hiding this from you and that's a betrayal. My advice would be to not marry her until you can figure out her money situation in such a way that YOU aren't the solution to her financial issues.

    Her employment situation is also concerning. A responsible person finds a new job before quitting the one they don't like.

    These are huge red flags. Don't end up married to her and on-the-hook for her debt and lack of employment.

  10. No fair enough in this case out of principle I would refuse to. I am more talking about in an idealised world paternity tests would just be done when you get your blood work taken during your checkups.

  11. That is the dream! I've talked to my gyno about doing the same thing cause I want them OUT, but then she left the practice and now I have to find a new doc! Good luck to you! This Internet stranger is sending you best wishes!

  12. Don't waste your time. He may promise you the sun, moon, and stars; what you will get is the same old story with side of grief.

  13. I don’t know but this doesn’t sound weird to me? He did tell you when you asked. I think you’re making it about you when it has nothing to do with you. As you said his relationship with his mother is strained as someone with a strained parent relationship I would absolutely not want my partner to meet that parent. Nothing would come from it. He should be comfortable talking to you about these things, but maybe he doesn’t like talking about it? I know I don’t like talking about my parent or our relationship, but if asked I’ll talk about it.

  14. I feel like everything that was rough in our relationship this one simple day would’ve made it 100x better

    Why do people think that one Good day, should excuse an overall horrible relationship. Like at least most of these stories that make somewhat sense to why they're not dipping out after what they explained in the story happen cuz they typically say that the rest of the relationship is completely fine or overall the relationship is great or overall the partner is great. She just told us over all the relationship and the guy is not great and still after the one day that supposedly was supposed to make everything better didn't happen she's still questioning if this relationship should end?!?!

  15. It’s certainly not part of “normal girl talk” to invade a persons privacy and distribute their nudes without consent. I would be very worried if my partner was okay with stuff like this. Don’t send her nudes.

  16. If he won't take counselling seriously I'm not sure you have many other options. He has trust/insecurity issues that you can't talk your way out of. He needs help, but he needs to want to be better or it won't stick.

  17. Stop picking him up. Flat out refuse. Tell him to find a ride. Or better yet, break up with him for wasting your time.

  18. This is great news, he told you he was a cheater and now you don't have to waste anymore time in this relationship.

  19. “I was in a stable condition ever since we started dating, and I think she needs to understand that I'm not as strong as her”

    You have to take care of your mental health to enter a romantic relationship. I’d date to say even a co-parenting and/or a co-habituating relationship without sex or romance.

    You’re not as equipped as she is to set aside your grief for your lost loved one yet. You could get there if you seek help.

    Judging the way she grieves is not acceptable. It reads like you’re asking her to respond to your similar traumas in a way that is familiar to you so you can feel good about the way you process your own grief. That reads as trying to make her grief over her deceased spouse about you. How would you feel if she asked you to make your grief for Emily about her?

    Progress is not a linear journey as you can slip backwards. Talking to someone about your thoughts, fears, and wants is important.

  20. Maybe he can't be helped. Maybe he doesn't want to change. Before you get married, decide if this is something you want to on-line with for life.

  21. Saying this first because I have to- Children are not tools for revenge. DO NOT get pregnant because you're jealous. This will hurt EVERYONE. I'm saying this as an unwanted child, and it sounds as if you are considering doing this. The fact that you are feeling this way at all means that you need to move on. This relationship isn't worth the hardships that will come along with a revenge pregnancy. It is not a solution.

    Now that I got that out of the way- that is a SHITTY situation. All around. He lied to you about something HUGE, which is a total red flag. That's all I'd need to know – especially if the feelings you have aren't dwindling, but getting sharper. That's called resentment. It doesn't get better from here unless all parties put in TONS of work- and you have to decide if the relationship is worth that.

    For what it's worth, as much as a random internet stranger can know about your situation, I'd say break it off. Go do your thing, whatever makes you happy, fall in love with someone who's earned it, and start a family when and if that's what everyone wants.

  22. You don't want to lose him?? This man's a fucking psycho! He threatened your cat's life, changed idea about wanting to wait for sex a million times, proposed to you and then used it to blackmail you into giving in to sex, didn't care at all about your bday and has shown an overall lack of care about your feelings, needs and boundaries. Plus he clearly has serious rage management issues from what you wrote, to that add that he's military and he's got easy access to guns and you have the full picture of the man you're dating.

    I'd cut ties with him immediately but please protect yourself in doing so. He sounds like a scary dude. Have someone from your family and friends get you the support you need and be there even when that happens.

    Take care, wishing you the best.

  23. It's just me, I get it, just me.

    I am the biggest cynical asshole in the world.

    I wish everyone to have a wonderful life and I do not believe I have a hateful bone in my body towards people and who they are and what thew want to be but come on…

    Does no one else see the proliferation of these posts as agenda based? Not a single person who is in this kind of surprise genitals has any problem or issue with it at all and just wants to know how to bump uglies and be “kind”? No one questions how these amazing young adults who are so in touch with their feelings and emotions and are able to expertly navigate the otherwise harsh reality of young adulthood even with people who aren't lying to them?

    No one seems to care that every post has the same theme?

    Young, in love, didn't have sex, waited a year, op not concerned about deception in the slightest when they find out and instead sharing a low stress, not really a need to ask for advice on this sub post? Conveniently didn't want kids anyway… yadda yadda.

    Then the cascade of positive posts of people “so proud of you”??

    Just me right? Gotcha.

    That said, on the off case that this is true, which it isn't I think it's also important for people who go into this thinking everything is exactly the same with a transitioning person. it's not. This kind of fairy tale can lead someone down the wrong path and ultimately to a dark place. These threads are giving young people who are already dealing with a lot false hope that they can date someone, ask them to marry or whatever and then the day before the not is tied, the “deed” is planned spring it on their partner and they'll be totally ok with it. (and they are!) You know instead of the other 99 times out of 100 where it turns out badly?

    Also, just for the record, bottom surgery doesn't gain you a penis, nor a vagina that can pass for either, your partner will know and it's never a good idea to hide anything from anyone for any reason. it is NOT something you can just take lightly, at all. But here you all are, checking this stuff on and the only other person to say something not rose and positive is downvoted into oblivion.

    I fear for society in 20 years and it has nothing to do with anyone's identity… it's how we are sweeping things under the rug and spraying rose scents above it. it's almost as bad as the bullying.

    I'll slink away into my hateful hole now… I'll probably be dead of natural causes in 20 years anyway.

  24. Fucking literally just read about a 18yo that just turned 18 btw “so it's legal” dating a 27yo asking if the age gap is a good idea.

    Wtf is happening to the world? ??‍♀️

  25. I was cheated on in a similar way. He has a cute picture of his “friend” and an emoji after her name. He texted her all the time and was holding out hope they’d be together some day – this is called an emotional affair.

    He is having an emotional affair with this woman and chances are that if she were to reciprocate his feelings, he’d break up with you to pursue her further. The only reason they’re not together is most likely because she rejects him, thus they are just “friends.” You’re fooling yourself if you stick around and accept this behavior.

  26. Thanks. I will do this tommorow. This is not the way i want it, but it seems she will keep acting like this, nobody will ever know why. But i have no other options anymore then call lawyer

  27. You sound like you have your life together.

    In a couple months you’ll be surprised at the life you have when you don’t have the dead weight tying you down.


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