Swetylovely on-line sex chats for YOU!

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Swetylovely in my office… shhhh

27 thoughts on “Swetylovely on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. I don't understand. Why would you want to hurt more? Rejection is indeed a part of dating, but it is never a good thing.

  2. Yes. Man do not let people hold you back. You're only young and responsibility free once! Do all the things! Before you're buried with bills and payments and mortgages and familial obligations. Please live! life!

  3. I know it hurts. And I know it's naked. There's no way to make it work like you would want to, that's why you were conditioned your whole life to obey your parents and brother. To do what they want without questioning anything. You aren't supposed to have needs and views, they have them for you. But… You made one of the hardest steps, you started therapy and you continue it. You have a supportive partner (from what I understand), so you aren't alone in this. But even without a partner you are strong enough to have a life you want.

  4. Oh my gosh. You called it exactly how it was. She was not joking. She was rude, defaming your relationship and criticizing your husband. She’s awful, don’t apologize. Your sisters are the only ones who get it. She deserved to be humiliated.

  5. Maybe. I suppose most women would. She's already taller than me.

    I know she really likes my husky build. She never liked skinny guys. So being thin isn't a plus for me. I don't like being thin and I'm sure she'd say she loves me as I am, but her preference has always been me thicker (I'd call it gorilla build)

  6. I mean she’s two years away from 18. Just was just a child 3 years ago.

    She is toxic and still has a lot of learning:growth to experience.

    I would just move on and count your lucky stars.

  7. Putting your hands through your boyfriend's hair has nothing to do with race and everything to do with intimacy.

    Either your bf didn't like it and silently tolerated it because of whatever else was going on, or he liked it. I suspect he liked it. It's a very intimate act. Now that he's an ex, it's time for him to rewrite history. Tell him you're as sorry you put your hands in his hair as you are that your lips touched his. Tell him your sorry your hands enjoyed his body, but now he doesn't need to worry, because you'll keep your hands on your new bf.

  8. Tell him that it isn't his decision to make. He doesn't get to just declare the both of you as being still in a relationship after you have already called things off. If he is being a buttface about it, you may need to consider taking steps to protect your safety in case he starts stalking or harrassing you. Cut contact with him if possible.

  9. It’s not overbearing to nudge or suggest ways for your partner to better themselves. Your partner has no ambition and is all talk, no action. It’s okay to leave that if it doesn’t materialize. There’s many redditors who think living w their folks playing video games and making enough to barely get by in your mid-early twenties is OK. There’s also people who are lawyers, nurses, doctors, IT specialists by that age too. The longer he stays in that position the less likely he will change.

  10. The old saying

    Fuck around; find out

    He didn’t want you meeting them for a reason but you just had to ignore your man and force the issue. Now he’s been completely imma sculpted in front of you and there’s a good chance the relationship with his parents is now worse

    Y’all fucked around; now you found out

  11. Ngl, you seem kinda resentful and I'm being hopeful and chalking it up to you being in the cool down period of a fight.

    Do you feel like the majority of your interactions with each other have become hostile? I know it's pretty much a cliché at this point but y'all need counseling in how to communicate openly and with love to each other.

  12. he called me last night to tell me that he was just joking about everything and just didn't understand why I was lying. I was trying to get a understanding on what was going on and try to talk about it but he's pretending like none of this happened and keeps changing the subject to something else.

    Jesus, this is some hardcore gaslighting and mind fuckery. I would stay away from him. He is incredibly manipulative and malicious.

  13. This is ridiculous. Pick up the gift, hand it to her, say ‘Happy 50th, here is your gift.’

    Do you usually sort of just wait for her to intuit what you want her to do?

  14. You are so freaking entitled it’s not funny. You want advice?

    Get a full time job/Second Job. Get your own car Fix your house out of your own pocket Profusely apologize to your daughter for the next few decades for genuinely never taking their interests to heart.

    They paid out of their own pocket to put in a bathroom? Do you think they really needed to live! with you? They have a hobby car and you have none? Who really has a sense of financial literacy between the two of you? You needed them and you abused and burnt this bridge yourself.

  15. You forced your daughter to give up her room, you forced your daughter to sleep on a couch for MONTHS, you tried to force her to give up her car (that she paid for) then wanted her to permanently remove everything she owned from the house. This is on you-your daughter didn’t act out in spite-she acted out based on your bad parenting and you still fail to see any wrong doing on your part. Your daughter will not and should not forgive you for how badly you’ve treated her. Get therapy-I’m strongly getting bpd or narcissism or something going on with you

  16. it’s easier to just pay for things than be someone’s therapist/social calendar.

    I think this might be insane. I am a woman. I have had an ex who didnt work and spent most of his days with his friends. I was at work, commuting multiple hours a day and working 10 hours. It isnt just “paying for things”, the money comes from somewhere.

    My current husband doesnt have many friends because his best friend was killed in a car accident and his other close friend moved to a different continent. It doesnt really bother me. I would take this 1000x over working while my partner doesn't.

  17. Not to you. But to the statements so I can also express myself. That's why I said I'm not trying to fight. I want to let it out so I know how unreasonable I might be. And if I don't express it, I wouldn't know from the advice of strangers because you don't know me, you also based it on my statements. So I just wanted to clearly express myself and see where my bad are.

    I appreciate your thoughts about this.

    I'm tired of giving compassion to people that don't deserve it.

    Maybe I'm really the bad person here but I'm just so tired. I'm so tired that I already gave my left hand but people are still asking for the right hand and the rest of my body. I guess I was drained with everything so I'm on defense mode all the time and I'm so tired of trying anymore. Maybe I'm losing the capacity to understand anymore and I'm already at my peak before this happens so I cannot give any compassion anymore.

    Thank you for telling me this, at least I probably see what's on his mind too that I don't understand. I just realized that people are really different and it's up to us with what we can tolerate or not.

    I'm tired of being disregarded. I'm tired of being the one that always understands while he doesn't even lift a finger to understand where I'm coming.

  18. You don't seem to be aligned, or even to like each other very much.

    There is nothing wrong with cutting your losses. What's the end game? He is not going to change – if he is blaming his ex-gfs, then he probably doesn't have the insight necessary to change.

    Just be careful that he doesn't stalk you wjen you break up.


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