STALLION Thee SAVAGE online sex chats for YOU!

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71 thoughts on “STALLION Thee SAVAGE online sex chats for YOU!

  1. Thanks.

    I wish I would have ghosted her because it felt good but everyone suggested I was being immature so I sent her a simple text saying we weren't good for each other so it was a good time to end things, bye.

    I felt like she had really stabbed me in the back with some of her behavior and I think I would have gotten off on ghosting her.

  2. I used to not be like this, I used to take everything he was throwing at me and stay quiet about it, but I'm just so tired of not doing anything about it. So I fight back.

  3. She communicated pretty clearly what the issue was. Take this as a lesson and be more on top of things with the next person you date.

  4. They’re actually not usually transmitted sexually. You have to ingest the eggs that are laid by the rectum.

    Usually transmission is hand to mouth from eggs picked up from toilet seat, sheets, lack of hand washing, etc. I posted a link above from Mayo Clinic. It’s not considered an STI.

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  8. I basically asked “Hey, why is this done that way?”, and when they explained, I just said something along the lines “Ohh, I didn't know that, thanks”. Like, no judgement on it either way, I was just surprised because it was new to me. So, I don't see how they went from me being surprised to claiming I said “it was gross”.

  9. Well she really wanted you to come, I can't tell you how much it matters for. You yourself are not sure. Besides title is wrong. You are able to make it, you don't want to.

  10. This is a great idea. This way, when you do bring it up to him, he can confirm that you've been obsessively checking his followers for a long period of time instead of just a one-off thing.

  11. I mean your mom ruined your wedding and reception and you essentially took her side. Your wife definitely sounds like an emotional person, but this would be devastating to anyone getting married. And you constantly make her out to be unjustifiably angry, calling her hysterical and enraged when your mom has ruined a massive major life event for her. It’s totally unfair to ask you to cut off your family. But maybe you could have tried to compromise by agreeing to limit contact with your mom, who disrespected her and never stopped or apologized. I think your wife is right to want separation. I think there are definitely better options to your housing situation, but hey, it sounds like she’s desperate to get away from you. Try to understand why your wife is so angry instead of acting like she shouldn’t be.

  12. Hello /u/LadyBangarang,

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  16. This was NOT rape. He consented so she would quit bothering him. He could have easily left the room.

    His girlfriend may be a bitch. She may be too forward. She may be a creep. But she’s not a rapist based on this situation.

  17. Bob adds more value to her life. You should end it so she can go be with Bob. I don’t know if your girlfriend is delusional or mean spirited. She either really believes Bob adds more value or she said it to hurt you. Neither is acceptable. You should stop everything you’re doing as it is not appreciated.

  18. So…they told you that you are now infertile (key word “now), not that you have been infertile, which you obviously were not before. Pull yourself together. You got some “bad news”. This has nothing to do with your wife. If you want to leave her, then leave. Don't do THIS to her.

  19. Do you feel loved? Do you make your husband feel loved?

    Why don't you feel comfortable speaking with your doctor about your mental health issues? Nothing to be ashamed about, you need to help yourself.

    “There is no escape” – from what? Why do you think about escaping instead of thinking about doing some small changes in order to feel better.

  20. If this is something that is just how you are as a person and haven’t tried to change it/ don’t want to change it, then you guys probably don’t match up good.

  21. Tell him he has to be out by the end of the month. He can go live! with his Mom or his gf's parents. Don't let a racist live in your home any longer than legal necessary.

  22. I agree with this. He likely has a very warped and unhealthy sense of what sex is and what it really means to be intimate with another person.

  23. I guess that’s kinda my problem.

    I say I’m 50/50 because I don’t know for sure if I want them or not, but if she absolutely 100% doesn’t want them I could likely see myself happily passing on them to be with her.

    But then again, I have no way of knowing for sure how I’ll feel years from now.

  24. Sister needs therapy. So hi I’m a younger sister and my brother had a LDR for 2 years. I was fine with it because it wasn’t my relationship and none of my business. I would worry about him of course but our siblings should have people outside of us you know. Sounds like she’s having a hard time accepting growing up and having to find balance.

  25. Arguing is like dancing, you have to learn how to do it. Arguing is a good thing in a relationship because it shows you care enough to take sides and butt heads.

  26. She's totally gaslighting you and that was not the app she was talking about. Your reaction is completely normal.

  27. I’m not sure if you are being sarcastic? I don’t mind pets in general it’s the principle of me saying what I did and her doing it.

  28. That’s called having a child not a BF.

    Fuck if I ever dated a woman who actually would pay half of rent I’d cry. Last relationship I had to work 3 jobs to pay rent my car payment and pay for her food and alcohol all the time.

    Your bf is a loser sorry to say- 27 yr old man getting high playing video games and not even paying for his own food is just the epitome of sad sack of shit.

  29. As someone who has trauma dumped on multiple people in the course of my life “that's hard” probably just means he cant relate to your struggles. that or he just doesnt care and is just killing time with you for funsies. maybe bluff your parents and ask them if they really want you to move in with the guy they dont like?

  30. I keep saying it over and over because 10 different people have asked me the question and I have answered it. :/

  31. Well you were doing nothing but talking, nit dating, not having sex, she was honest with you. Were you hoping for more with her, shit or get off the pot, no reason to be mad at her for living her life.

  32. Thats true. To be fair, he didn’t plan to have the baby to help with his citizenship, because I had been told by two different doctors that I was infertile so there was no chance. We were both surprised, but I admit that, planned or not, it does help hubs.

  33. So, let me get this straight.

    You last 30 seconds or less

    You've been with this woman for 8 years

    You approached her, with a serious face, sat her down and told her “you know I just realized I'm a textbook premature ejaculator”

    Man .. I'm sorry but that's like asking someone to sit down to tell them the sky is blue. I don't think she was laughing at you or your issue. I think she was laughing at the absurdity of you bringing up something obvious with such gravitas. I get it's a sore point, but…it's really not news to her.

  34. There’s nothing you can do man. You either stay in the relationship and be cool with it or leave and find someone who shares your values.

    You could also consider this relationship to be more casual. Don’t invest so much, don’t look at her as your future wife. Just be young and have fun, whatever happens, happens.

  35. Thank you, that’s exactly what I was bothered about. When he first asked me for sex, I said no and that I would never do anything outside of a committed relationship as a way to tell him there’s no chance at all, but he took that to mean that I wanted him to ask me out. So he started talking about how because of what he feels about his parent’s passing, he can’t be in a relationship. Yet he feels well enough for sex. Now that I think hard about it, he grosses me out, and I don’t want to tell him over text but I also really don’t want to ever see him again.

  36. He did it because he has something to hide. He said that to her so he could warn her you were listening. Red flag. Red flag. Red flag.

  37. I dont know what train ran means… but no its not her its the guys… and ofc shell drink… and she hasnt been with other guys before when she was drunk… except me… soo ya … and if u think that i dont trust her … maybe thats why my gf things as well… thats where i need help … like how do i handle this situation

  38. Literally take what you said here and tell her how you feel. That you dont see a future with her. Theres no easy way to go about it. She will get hurt. You do more harm by wasting both of your time. You dont love her the way she thinks you do so its best you have a sit down with her and just be honest.

  39. He's not genuinely interested in you.

    This is typical behavior of men who use you for their own gain and toss you aside once you've given yourself to them.

    He's an asshole, and you should probably pack your things and leave. There's no reason for him to look at other girls if he would have loved you as he claimed he did.

    This is making you feel unattractive and unwanted. And you dont want to feel that way in any relationship. Not to mention he then gaslights you and tells you YOU are the one being at fault and that you are controlling.

    Yeah, no.

  40. Well, if you are monogamous then your relationship is over. She obviously is not. If you say no, she will resent you. If you say no, she will cheat anyway because she wants sex with other men. If you are not into sharing your GF with other men, then it's time to cut her free to screw all the men she wants. This will absolutely DESTROY you if you give into this.

  41. I didn't see where she'd actually make him one?

    I should clarify; I don't think she's a monster and that she probably had good intentions. Her being vocally upset about it was likely a byproduct of feeling blindsided that the BLT request was real and that she did something many feel quite self conscious about, and was rejected.

    I think her feeling upset is valid, and her knee jerk reaction of being mortified and upset makes sense given the context. I think he also likely was flabbergasted. Tbh I think neither is an AH at all, they were both just caught off guard and were put in a sensitive situation that escalated. I am not the jUsT ComMuNiCaTe brigader because imo on many subs, that advice is used for things wayyy more serious, but this seems like a “kiss and make up, explain yourself and be empathetic to how they felt and their interpretation of the situation” kind of deal.

  42. I have been thinking about it for 2 weeks now. I guess in my heart I always knew the answer but was scared to admit it to myself, hence the post.

  43. Another post with a ten year age gap. Why can’t these people just ducking read previous similar posts before typing anything? So stupid.

  44. I think 10 years in either direction is not a big deal. Your stipulation is just a cultural bias. I think in the current culture here in the states, in most cases, under 25 is two young to marry.

    Have fun, but don't get serious or put someone on a pedestal.

    The older you get, the less an age difference on that level matters.

    I have 4 adult children all over that age. All my children attended university and have established careers.

    They all have compatible partners atm. The oldest 36 is only now considering marriage to a wonderful woman in her late 20's.

    If you want to see weird look in the mirror.

  45. Definitely talk to her friends to get interested or have them take care her to try on rings. luckily for me I’ve always wanted to try them on and ended up loving a style completely different from the one I originally wanted. It’s a fun and very romantic experience to do with your partner

  46. I’m really sorry girl, but I think you know what’s going on here. The number is the exact same number from the advertisement. The text mentioning if the person was free for 1 hour was very specific. You have connected the dots really well because like you said, why would he text an unsaved number when he already has his friend as a contact. It’s not a prank. He is trying to cover up by lying to you.

    Also, I highly recommend getting tested for STD’s. This may not be the first time that he’s hooking up with a prostitute. There is a possibility that he could have gotten it from someone and give it to you. Take care, I’m hoping for an update on the situation.

  47. Everyone is piling on you for doing a bad thing, so I’m going to actually answer your question. How do you fix it?

    First you have to talk to your husband and find out if it can be fixed. That means he would need to work to get to a place where he doesn’t resent you and can trust you again. He may not be able to or want to do that, which is fair given what you did. If that is the case, you have to accept that your past relationship is over and you can either resign yourself to the emotionless co-partnering relationship you have now, or divorce.

    So to answer your question, there is nothing more YOU can do to fix it unless he wants to fix it as well. Get an honest answer out of him and move in from there.

  48. We're not in high school or middle school, though these situations have made me feel like I've been taken back in time..

    What exactly do you mean by giving her an opportunity for growth? As in, what do you suggest I say to her that would give her that opportunity? About including me in the conversations?

  49. Thinking on all of the times I've had to take antibiotics in my 37 years of life (or just in the past 5 years!), your comment hits the nail on the head. There's no way that they had chlamydia since birth and didn't knock it out with antibiotics somewhere.

  50. Different women want different things. So it may just be that what you're offering to a specific woman isn't what they want. If that makes sense? Try figuring out what it is that you want to offer a partner and then work with that. Don't try to change what you have to accommodate someone else. You're the common denominator in all your relationships, so the only thing you can do is focus on yourself and what you ultimately want

  51. Well done!! Stay safe, and stay strong. You are in charge of your life and you get to make the choices for yourself. Keep it up ❤️

  52. It's a shame you still married him.

    And it's a shame you just had a baby.

    But this man is literally just as bad as your monster-in-law. He's refusing to take accountability for any of his actions, refusing to do therapy and put in the work in, and is telling you to suck it up and get over it.

    Honey, NOTHING has changed except your zip code.


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