A/ Don’t generalize. Your guy is the one who’s expecting to buy your body for a dinner or a movie not every man out there. B/ If you continue thinking this is how men think you’ll only attract men like this. C/ Dump his ass. Grow a pair. Raise your standards.
They're all puffed up with their own self importance. I work with people that got scholarships and graduated from the top universities in the world and they know how to treat other people with respect. I'm talking about people who got first class honors in maths from Oxford etc. They know their worth is more than their IQ.
I don't know if this is an option for you where you on-line, but where I live there is a great option where, instead of buying a house as partners, you can buy a house as tenants in common and opted for a percentage value of ownership. I paid for the entire down payment on our house with my then boyfriend now husband, so I put that extra 20% in my name so I am 60% owner and he is 40% owner. Protected in case of separation and guaranteed to get all of my money back.
Start renting together in order to test living together. You get to know each other better. From what you said, she is not really a team player (she is ok to take, not to give) BUT we have only your side of the story here.
Yes, you told her you were going to treat her like an object and use her for your own gratification. You are the POS here dude. No matter what she did wrong, that doesn't justify you treating her like an object. Even if I agreed that what she did was shitty, and by your own definition here, it is really your bro who fucked up, by violating 'bro code' not her, that doesn't excuse your behaviour. You have chosen to be vindictive and petty and willfully cause harm to her (no matter what reason she has for putting up with it) so you can get your rocks off. That's the shittiest thing in this situation.
He definitely has a crush on her and is debating anti himself about exploring his feelings. He’s treading on very dangerous ground. Call him out on it directly and tell him what this looks like and what the end game of his infatuation will be if he continues down this path. Tell him what YOU will do if this continues. You can’t control his actions but you can control yours.
He's an asshole cuz he asks for it everytime. If she wished to do it, she would've done it. He is doing good things to her only to get blown? How is that making sense?
A maid won't solve your issue. He still not be an equal partner to you unless he changes. Best of luck. I hope you're prepared to leave because joy deserve a better husband and father than this guy is.
If you hate being deceived, do not stay with a pathological liar that he is. He could have make amends, not only tell you, but more than that. He can have excuse he didn't tell, because you would leave. However this does not excuse staying in cintact with those girls, and not going on therapy back then.
There is no hope for this, I am sorry, but fir your own goid, you need to break-up with him.
No. There’s a group of people i’ve been friends with since we were kids – and they’re all super nice, kind people that treat me with respect.
The other kids that were a bit mean growing up, that made fun of others – I knew they weren’t necessarily my friends back then. They’re former classmates that have probably matured by now, and i’d feel fine checking up on them nowadays.
But I’ve NEVER gone through what you’re describing. To this day, this guy doesn’t respect you as a person, and you still call him “friend” and it’s super sad. I mean read your post, bud! He’s done a lot of awful things, including making your self-esteem lower and your depression worse. Stop inviting him over, don’t do him “favors.”
Block his number and social media accounts and never see him again.
She's being manipulative by threatening you to break up. “She gets mad when I follow through with it” this statement itself proves my point. You work almost everyday and do the house chores as well. What's her input in this? Except for threatening she does nothing.
This woman is just using you for her comfort. This would've been a totally different story if there was “some” contribution from her side but there isn't. She's pointing at you to hide her flaws. She knows that you can be controlled and manipulated, all she needs to do is make you the villain.
The two of you haven't even tried the knot yet and this is what you're going through just contemplate your life after marriage. Can you fathom what your situation will be? I'm not saying that every relationship end with marriage but the way she's stuck in your life could possibly mean you're going down that road.
Let her go and you will witness the change in your behaviour, mood, personality and thinking. You will be more enthusiastic and productive at your workplace. All these tantrums definitely may have affected your performance at work.
I know you probably don't want to hurt him, but you need to break it off now. It's not fair to either one of you to continue this relationship. You will be able to find someone that is your forever and he can find someone who will love him like he deserves to be loved.
I dont date anyone who has exes or former hookups in their social circles. I don't care that they have a past, I just don't want to be friends or have them involved in my life in any way. Some people are cool with it, I'm not. I tried it once, and it was a disaster, and I'll never do that again. Same with some of my friends….well, they are not friends anymore because of the blowback. Life is hard enough without adding drama. To me, this always seems to add drama.
But now that you are in this position(and why did you ask about dick size? It's irrelevant, and actually, if I was the dude, I'd be pissed if my ex hookup was talking about my dick size to you. She needed to keep that to herself.) You need to either get some help (therapy)if you want to stay with her or let her go so you don't keep dragging her down into the hole your going down. She doesn't deserve that.
I’m hopeful you re-read what you wrote and advise your self the same way you would advise your closest friend. And…what work ethic do you even have in common. We clearly have a different idea of what “love” is!
I guess when things are new you can be uncomfortable with them. I don't think it's about a hard no it's about understanding your partners fantasies and appreciating him sharing that.
I will add that as I get older, I find it’s important in a relationship to be able to get upset with each other. Not fight, be upset and deal with it. How we handle conflict in a relationship is in many ways more important than what the good times are like.
Were you supposed to have read her mind? Therapy didn't fix things and this sounds very lopsided. One word answers are brush off answers. Everyone knows that. She's not been a mutually equal friend this past year. To an extent its expected but this beyond fair.
Relationships were there are different libido styles will not survive dating. And if they do, they will turn into a marriage with a dead bedroom or a cheating spouse. It’s not possible. Syks may be 10% of the marriage or the relationship but it’s 90% of my relationships fail. Adult that are healthy, emotionally mentally most of the time one sexual contact.
If you were both asexual, we wouldn’t be here or talking about it. I suggest you guys in the relationship take a break and go date other people you’re more sexually suited to. Because chances are you’re gonna end up like that anyway.
Run…….. This would be an excruciating way to on-line. Say it gentle and straightforward, if he threatens to kill himself, it's definitely not on you and honestly, even if he threatens it once, that is the exact moment that you need to block him on every single avenue that he can reach you through. Once is one time too many.
I've worked since I was 14. My parents provided all the basics a kid could need, but nothing extra or extravagant. So I talked to my parents to ask their bosses if I could make any money helping out. Since 14, I've known what it means to want things, and have to earn them. My parents couldn't afford a PS2 or a Gameboy, so I'd work and earn it myself. I've been like that ever since.
Now, I'm the only person in my friend group or my wife's friend group that owns a house. We're the only 2 that don't on-line off credit cards or have mountains of debt. Sure this came after years of budget crunching and penny pinching, but now it feels like we've made it. Our modest life style wouldn't be close to possible if me and my wife werent like-minded when it comes to life goals and future planning. We're both naked workers, financially responsible, and have good work ethics. If I spent my time working 60-70 hr weeks and she was just sitting at home smoking weed and spending all our money, we would never have worked out.
This sounds like your situation. You're willing to do what it takes to have the life you want. Your bf just wants to be spoon-fed and has no desire to earn anything in life. I've had to cut people out of my life that are like that. I'm not helping anyone who won't try to help themselves.
To be honest and blunt OP, you need to find a bf that shares your good work ethic and has desires and goals in life.
Based on comments here and the other posts and how he isn't mentioning here that he brings it up and she gets “defensive” I'm gonna go out on limb and bet OP can't bag someone he finds more attractive but figures if he gets with a fat chick and she'll lose weight and then he will have a partner that is otherwise out of his league. I say break up with her now because she deserves better.
Yes during our talks he had said that it makes him feel like he has to “watch what he says now” and would feel like he is “walking on eggshells.” This seems to also shift to me, like what I am asking for is too much?
Don’t forget the wife and neighbour have been lying to OP for a minimum of 8 years and even after the first kid, continued the affair to have a second one 2 years later.
The condom doesn't mean he cheated. Plenty of men have used a condom to masturbate and maybe it helps him and is part of the fantasy. A lot of people here will say leave, cut your losses, he probably cheated, etc. But why would a person who has been faithful for all this time be so careless?
Sounds like he might have some mental health issues he should try to address which might help the relationship immensely. I know sometimes when I get really depressed I have got caught up in porn addiction and it can lead you to find yourself in some weird fantasies and porn genres.
Take it for what it's worth, but I would try addressing the root of the depression, porn addiction (30k photos), and him being withdrawn from you physically. It's probably not about you and more about him being disgusted with himself. Would probably help address your other marital issues and incompatibilities.
Whether you saw it that way or not, it was. Her not being there when you sent it doesn’t mean anything except that you tried to do this behind her back.
Just throw him and extra heart felt i love you during facetime. let your eyes show it as your mouth says it and let him know you can't wait for him to come home.
The angel on my left shoulder says: to fix your relationship you should communicate. Seek couples therapy and maybe a sex therapist. Find your true comfort zones so he can explore without going outside the relationship. You can be happy and allow him to be vulnerable and open with you without needing to get into things that are uncomfortable for you.
you're ex is a lying gaslighting asshole, it is not your fault he cheated, he cheated, he broke his promise to be monogamous, if he wanted to screw someone else he should have been a “person with values” and broke up with you first.
This guy is not worth your time, or energy, I don't know you, but you are worth way better then this man. You dodged a bullet not getting married.
I think it would be best if you rehomed the dog and give her to someone who will actually walk her. Then your problem would be solved, too, I guess, but I don't really care about that.
You know by being with a ADHD that when we got in on our hobby obsession moment we don’t realize what is going on around us. So don’t judge and condemn him like it was a normal partner who will neglecting you. When you will see you got his attention during dinner talk to him calmly and I’m sure he will try as he can to do something
It doesn’t matter what would Happen if the roles reversed. That’s not happening right now. You bailed on your commitment and didn’t offer to cancel the golf. She likely felt confident knowing you were going to drive her, then suddenly you pull the rug out, and she is left feeling like golf is more important than her, and instead of acknowledging that you gave her a bunch of options, maintaining that the golf trip is more important. And BTW maybe ladies don’t feel 100% safe in an Uber with a stranger that could just drive off with them. Men don’t have to really think about that.
my wife thinks I’m choosing golfing with my buddies over her and a promise I made to her.
U are. Whatever the first committment u made trumps. “Happy wife, Happy life” Ur relationship with her is more important. Tell ur dudes what u did, they should understand.
Am I that big of an asshole to rather go golfing??
With these series of events, yes. Men and women are opposites, so saying u would think this & do that, doesnt matter. Im a woman.
Alright! Might be late to the party, but thought I'd chime in anyway. Chap I dated in my early 20s had self diagnosed depression (I suspected more was going on but he refused to seek professional help). Saw it as my job to help him and stayed with him for way longer than I should have.
During this time fella told me the childhood abuse I'd been through was my fault, that he fancied his ex (theme?) Was my fault cause she was better than me. Everytime I tried to leave he'd whack out the suicide card and pull me back in.
Eventually I managed to leave him and move on. Got help for my mental health and am now married to a lovely, caring absolute god of a man. Been together for 15 years and couldn't be happier.
Just to add in here also, I have depression which has at times been pretty dire and I've managed not to take it out on my husband. His mental health can't be blamed for the way he's treating you and he should take ownership of his actions.
So finally, my advice from what I've learnt – GTFO and ditch this waste man. You and your daughter go and on-line an incredible life together and don't look back. Trust, give it a year or so and you'll be asking why you stayed with him. Kick that dick to the curb love!
Unconditional trust is great way to get taken advantage of. Sure there are couples, where such is genuinly warranted. Problem is you really shouldn't assume it is the case. People who get cheated on, also trusted their partners. Point is what we believe can be wrong, and it needs to be considered as possibility
Furthermore, trust is both earned, and maintsined by actions, and decisions. Doing things like going to strip club can easily damage such trust, albeit this obviously isn't the case for everyone.
I wonder if what you think of your country isn't a delusion. Just, because your social circle is accepting of it does not speak anything about the wider population. The issue of trust is universal.
Stop talking about your ex so much, for starters. Figure out what your gf likes to receive to remind her that she’s loved and give her that. If you love her, then make sure she knows that.
She probably was more so in love with the idea as opposed to the reality of any relationship with you. A fantasy, and yes, groomed you to entertain it and then threw you under the bus.
Do you in any way feel guilty because of your prior cheating? If yes, maybe it’s a subconscious stimuli to that because you have got back together with a partner that you cheated on.
I'm going to chalk this lapse in judgment up to the fact that you are really young and might not have the life experience yet to fully understand how toxic your boyfriend's “friendship” with this woman is.
I really don't think this woman wants to be your friend. She wants to be your bf's friend, and you're the person she tolerates so she can have a relationship with him. As for your bf, he treated you like a side piece while his “friend” got the girlfriend treatment for months. He used your history of mental illness to gaslight you into questioning your own boundaries. You KNOW his behavior was wrong. You KNOW his “friendship” with this woman is inappropriate. You KNOW you deserve to always be treated as a priority in a relationship. He had you 2nd guessing what you knew to be true.
IT IS NOT ON YOU TO FIX THIS. It is not your responsibility. Take a cue from your boyfriend, and start getting extra choosy about who deserves your time, space, and energy. Lay it out on the line for both boyfriend and this woman: If they want to be a part of your life, they are going to have to bend over backwards to prove it. I'm talking apologies, taking full accountability for the way they treated you, doing what needs to be done to repair your trust. Boyfriend needs to spend a lot of time reflecting on why he treated you like an afterthought and how he will remedy this. Friend needs to spend a lot of time reflecting on why she needs so much emotional energy from someone who is in a relationship, instead of going out and finding a partner of her own.
If that doesn't work, and I highly doubt it will, for your own self-respect, please consider ending your relationship with your boyfriend.
First a fall your nonchalance towards his discussion over no common interest just shows that you didn’t care whether or not you have similarities and would love him either ways.
Him bringing breaking up to the table before the conversation was even steered that way hints at the fact that breaking up is on his mind and he’s trying to rationalise it.
I for one would not want to be with someone completely similar to me in all aspects, it’d be like dating a mirror. So yes it doesn’t matter.
All in all, I think he wants to break up with you either way.
Try toys or hands to physically stretch beforehand. It can be just as important as stretching before any other physical activity. If it's gotten worse than it was or you suspect anything may be up, it may be worth a doctors visit because there's conditions where the vagina can't take much without extreme pain
So the first red dlag was that she actually replies to these DMs, second red flag is her not willing to unfollow/block them because it's “rude”.
And she broke up with you because she likely was cheating and wanted to get ahead of the game. She gave you every reason to not be trusting and she knows it. She didn't break up with you because you don't trust her she just didn't want to be humiliated by being outed.
I can't think of anything you COULD say if he doesn't already understand it. When he suggested this, was it just for himself, or were you going to be able to sleep with other guys too? I get the feeling he only thought about the end goal for himself and forgot there are ripples and consequences that lead up to and beyond his decision.
Ask him how he would feel coming home, and you are doing your best to break some guys' hips while he tries to make a sammich? It still won't be the same because he wants this, and you don't, but I get the feeling he wouldn't want YOU scrounging up loose pipe.
Stick to your guns and just wait to go your separate ways. He wants instant success and thinks he gets to suggest an open relationship to broaden his own horizons; skip the next 2 steps; come back to a devoted monogamous gf with new moves. I guess you're supposed to be sitting by window knitting a scarf while he's out prowling.
I think if it’s a one off or just sometimes it’s nothing to complain about, but if you consistently have to wake up before him, I think a little preplanning what you need in the morning won’t hurt anyone ??
What did I just read? Your bf who is almost 30 is weirded out that you and your child have the same last name for convenience, and doesn't like it? If something so small is so BIG to him, you have more troubles on the horizon.
I mean it's not romantic or crazy, its just a drunk move. She was housed down, wanted some of that yum-yum, you're familiar, and we all do dumb shit under the influence….
But, does anyone else visualize this, seeing a 26 y/o grown ass woman, climbing up maybe a lattice fence in her clubbing skirt, hair getting caught, scraping her knees and stumbling onto this guys balcony? How many stories was this balcony? Let's take the amount of determination into consideration here….because it doesn't seem like you're really done with her if you're asking reddit…. Js I think it's kind of memorable and funny in a sad, demented way? They call women like her, a train wreck….
If she doesn't have a violent history, I would just laugh it off and say this isn't reverse 'Romeo and Juliet', “I have to work in the am, don't do shit like this again, I'm flattered that you'd go to such lengths, it wasn't as cute to me, as it was to you. Don't expect a response from me if you're under the influence” Also, reiterate that you'll go as far as to get an order of protection on her if she does anything else to disrupt your life with this kind of harassment. It is harassment btw. Call police and file a protective order where she won't even be allowed to call or text you. It's real easy, either you go to that measure, or you still want to see what happens with her. But to be a fly on the wall would probably make me laugh a little bit. She sounds absolutely thirsty, desperate and silly. It is borderline crazy, she's probably done this to other people, she might have abandonment issues, like BPD or bipolar.
Dude: yellow alert! Sharing interests with a colleague is fine. Drinks after work? That’s Soap Opera territory. I don’t mean to cast aspersions at your wife but like you said, she’s looking good & feeling good about herself. I wouldn’t make a fuss yet, but be mindful of her activities before & after work. If you see a pattern of late nights at the office, well you know what I’m getting at. Good luck!
This is what I think as well I also think with women nowadays sometimes making even more than men, marriage and relationship dynamics have also changed. I want to have a sit down with him and show him what we are currently each carrying and hopefully he changes his thought process. If not, I may have to rethink our future together. I find it unfair for me to have to pay 50% while doing most of the housework and management. I get so exhausted from coming home from work only to do more work and sometimes feel a little bit of resentment seeing him being able to relax on the couch. But I do it because if the cooking, cleaning, and laundry doesn’t get done, he will start making comment and they make me feel like I’m not being a good woman.
I get why you replied this. I didn't put in those details because I didn't want to bog down the post. I feel like I'm a very romantic caring partner. She had a mental heath crisis a few months ago and told her to take some time off work to recoup. I've been the main provider for that time and I still get her flowers and make romantic gestures. I don't think this is the problem but thanks for your input.
This screams schizotypal personality disorder, especially if you consider the delusions about being a psychic. I of course would never diagnose based on a Reddit post, but she needs help for sure.
I think that invitation stands up. You could always text the host and say “X invited me to lunch while we were at the party I just wanted to check with you since you're hosting it”. She will most likely say “yes”. It will be a good opportunity for you all to catch up. You haven't seen each other in a year so you all will have tons to talk about.
I used to hate our Greek cultural tradition of naming after a grandparent. It meant having a bunch of cousins and aunts and uncles with the same name lol. Now I see the benefit bc it is easy peasy and no one can ‘claim’ the name.
I wouldn't want to be with a cheater. Don't get back with this girl. Unless you are trying to swing a threesome I don't see any upside to getting back with this woman.
At this point, they're a package deal. If you've forgiven her and want her at your wedding, he's gonna have to be there. You can't forgive one of them but not the other for the same offence. And if it comes down to it, your sister's betrayal was worse. Personally, I wouldn't want either of them there, but it's neither of them or both of them.
Sounds like you're the side bit and he has another GF, or he wants to play the field and not make it look like he has a gf.
While I wouldn't go posting a new relationship after just 2 months myself, I wouldn't get iffy about being tagged by someone.
It's been 2 months, perhaps cut and run.
This is so true
A/ Don’t generalize. Your guy is the one who’s expecting to buy your body for a dinner or a movie not every man out there. B/ If you continue thinking this is how men think you’ll only attract men like this. C/ Dump his ass. Grow a pair. Raise your standards.
They're all puffed up with their own self importance. I work with people that got scholarships and graduated from the top universities in the world and they know how to treat other people with respect. I'm talking about people who got first class honors in maths from Oxford etc. They know their worth is more than their IQ.
It’s not easy to dump her I really love her ?
Well luckily there was a second option ?
I don't know if this is an option for you where you on-line, but where I live there is a great option where, instead of buying a house as partners, you can buy a house as tenants in common and opted for a percentage value of ownership. I paid for the entire down payment on our house with my then boyfriend now husband, so I put that extra 20% in my name so I am 60% owner and he is 40% owner. Protected in case of separation and guaranteed to get all of my money back.
Start renting together in order to test living together. You get to know each other better. From what you said, she is not really a team player (she is ok to take, not to give) BUT we have only your side of the story here.
Honestly it sounds like he's using you financially so he can become a legal resident. How exactly has he changed your life for the better?
Yes, you told her you were going to treat her like an object and use her for your own gratification. You are the POS here dude. No matter what she did wrong, that doesn't justify you treating her like an object. Even if I agreed that what she did was shitty, and by your own definition here, it is really your bro who fucked up, by violating 'bro code' not her, that doesn't excuse your behaviour. You have chosen to be vindictive and petty and willfully cause harm to her (no matter what reason she has for putting up with it) so you can get your rocks off. That's the shittiest thing in this situation.
He definitely has a crush on her and is debating anti himself about exploring his feelings. He’s treading on very dangerous ground. Call him out on it directly and tell him what this looks like and what the end game of his infatuation will be if he continues down this path. Tell him what YOU will do if this continues. You can’t control his actions but you can control yours.
He's an asshole cuz he asks for it everytime. If she wished to do it, she would've done it. He is doing good things to her only to get blown? How is that making sense?
A maid won't solve your issue. He still not be an equal partner to you unless he changes. Best of luck. I hope you're prepared to leave because joy deserve a better husband and father than this guy is.
She will never change. Get that into your head.
Her only having time for her problems and being uninterested in yours is a terminal illness in the relationship world.
My only statement to a situation like this. No way in hell. Period.
Chalk it up to experience and move on.
Try to use the lessons from this relationship by being better in your next relationship.
This girl is not available any longer. Trying to win her back will just land you in the middle of someone else's drama.
If you hate being deceived, do not stay with a pathological liar that he is. He could have make amends, not only tell you, but more than that. He can have excuse he didn't tell, because you would leave. However this does not excuse staying in cintact with those girls, and not going on therapy back then.
There is no hope for this, I am sorry, but fir your own goid, you need to break-up with him.
No. There’s a group of people i’ve been friends with since we were kids – and they’re all super nice, kind people that treat me with respect.
The other kids that were a bit mean growing up, that made fun of others – I knew they weren’t necessarily my friends back then. They’re former classmates that have probably matured by now, and i’d feel fine checking up on them nowadays.
But I’ve NEVER gone through what you’re describing. To this day, this guy doesn’t respect you as a person, and you still call him “friend” and it’s super sad. I mean read your post, bud! He’s done a lot of awful things, including making your self-esteem lower and your depression worse. Stop inviting him over, don’t do him “favors.”
Block his number and social media accounts and never see him again.
This is a citation of what OP's partner had told OP in order to have sex with her.
Strange enough (not for us, though) he now want's to open the relationship and have sex (connection) with others as coercing her doesn't work anymore.
Will that break their relationship.
Yes, it will. As he now wants to sex connect with others. And my wild guess is that there is already someone waiting.
It has spermicide in it. It is designed for birth control. It stays in place.
She's being manipulative by threatening you to break up. “She gets mad when I follow through with it” this statement itself proves my point. You work almost everyday and do the house chores as well. What's her input in this? Except for threatening she does nothing.
This woman is just using you for her comfort. This would've been a totally different story if there was “some” contribution from her side but there isn't. She's pointing at you to hide her flaws. She knows that you can be controlled and manipulated, all she needs to do is make you the villain.
The two of you haven't even tried the knot yet and this is what you're going through just contemplate your life after marriage. Can you fathom what your situation will be? I'm not saying that every relationship end with marriage but the way she's stuck in your life could possibly mean you're going down that road.
Let her go and you will witness the change in your behaviour, mood, personality and thinking. You will be more enthusiastic and productive at your workplace. All these tantrums definitely may have affected your performance at work.
I know you probably don't want to hurt him, but you need to break it off now. It's not fair to either one of you to continue this relationship. You will be able to find someone that is your forever and he can find someone who will love him like he deserves to be loved.
He is 35 no real job never had real job … It is time to leave… He is Nick miller from new girl except without a job
you're wrong. hopefully you get more life experience.
I don’t think your afflictions are cause of aversion towards affection tbh, but I’m not a mental health professional. I only have adhd and bpd ?
I dont date anyone who has exes or former hookups in their social circles. I don't care that they have a past, I just don't want to be friends or have them involved in my life in any way. Some people are cool with it, I'm not. I tried it once, and it was a disaster, and I'll never do that again. Same with some of my friends….well, they are not friends anymore because of the blowback. Life is hard enough without adding drama. To me, this always seems to add drama.
But now that you are in this position(and why did you ask about dick size? It's irrelevant, and actually, if I was the dude, I'd be pissed if my ex hookup was talking about my dick size to you. She needed to keep that to herself.) You need to either get some help (therapy)if you want to stay with her or let her go so you don't keep dragging her down into the hole your going down. She doesn't deserve that.
I’m hopeful you re-read what you wrote and advise your self the same way you would advise your closest friend. And…what work ethic do you even have in common. We clearly have a different idea of what “love” is!
I guess when things are new you can be uncomfortable with them. I don't think it's about a hard no it's about understanding your partners fantasies and appreciating him sharing that.
I'd say end it but you have to be the one to decide ultimately. Red flags galore! Why isn't he doing SOMETHING? It's very unfair to you.
This is pretty much what I would have said OP.
I will add that as I get older, I find it’s important in a relationship to be able to get upset with each other. Not fight, be upset and deal with it. How we handle conflict in a relationship is in many ways more important than what the good times are like.
Duuuuuump herrrrr!
Were you supposed to have read her mind? Therapy didn't fix things and this sounds very lopsided. One word answers are brush off answers. Everyone knows that. She's not been a mutually equal friend this past year. To an extent its expected but this beyond fair.
Relationships were there are different libido styles will not survive dating. And if they do, they will turn into a marriage with a dead bedroom or a cheating spouse. It’s not possible. Syks may be 10% of the marriage or the relationship but it’s 90% of my relationships fail. Adult that are healthy, emotionally mentally most of the time one sexual contact.
If you were both asexual, we wouldn’t be here or talking about it. I suggest you guys in the relationship take a break and go date other people you’re more sexually suited to. Because chances are you’re gonna end up like that anyway.
You’re right and he is wrong. He’s very selfish. Maybe it’s time to move on.
why are you guys still together y’all are like roommates….
Sooooo, you don’t “wear nicer clothes” or dress “desirable” either then. You sound exhausting.
Run…….. This would be an excruciating way to on-line. Say it gentle and straightforward, if he threatens to kill himself, it's definitely not on you and honestly, even if he threatens it once, that is the exact moment that you need to block him on every single avenue that he can reach you through. Once is one time too many.
I'm 28M so ill chime in here.
I've worked since I was 14. My parents provided all the basics a kid could need, but nothing extra or extravagant. So I talked to my parents to ask their bosses if I could make any money helping out. Since 14, I've known what it means to want things, and have to earn them. My parents couldn't afford a PS2 or a Gameboy, so I'd work and earn it myself. I've been like that ever since.
Now, I'm the only person in my friend group or my wife's friend group that owns a house. We're the only 2 that don't on-line off credit cards or have mountains of debt. Sure this came after years of budget crunching and penny pinching, but now it feels like we've made it. Our modest life style wouldn't be close to possible if me and my wife werent like-minded when it comes to life goals and future planning. We're both naked workers, financially responsible, and have good work ethics. If I spent my time working 60-70 hr weeks and she was just sitting at home smoking weed and spending all our money, we would never have worked out.
This sounds like your situation. You're willing to do what it takes to have the life you want. Your bf just wants to be spoon-fed and has no desire to earn anything in life. I've had to cut people out of my life that are like that. I'm not helping anyone who won't try to help themselves.
To be honest and blunt OP, you need to find a bf that shares your good work ethic and has desires and goals in life.
Based on comments here and the other posts and how he isn't mentioning here that he brings it up and she gets “defensive” I'm gonna go out on limb and bet OP can't bag someone he finds more attractive but figures if he gets with a fat chick and she'll lose weight and then he will have a partner that is otherwise out of his league. I say break up with her now because she deserves better.
well, I guess ive been schooled.
How old were you when you met?
Watch some Kevin Samuels videos together.
Yes during our talks he had said that it makes him feel like he has to “watch what he says now” and would feel like he is “walking on eggshells.” This seems to also shift to me, like what I am asking for is too much?
Don’t forget the wife and neighbour have been lying to OP for a minimum of 8 years and even after the first kid, continued the affair to have a second one 2 years later.
The condom doesn't mean he cheated. Plenty of men have used a condom to masturbate and maybe it helps him and is part of the fantasy. A lot of people here will say leave, cut your losses, he probably cheated, etc. But why would a person who has been faithful for all this time be so careless?
Sounds like he might have some mental health issues he should try to address which might help the relationship immensely. I know sometimes when I get really depressed I have got caught up in porn addiction and it can lead you to find yourself in some weird fantasies and porn genres.
Take it for what it's worth, but I would try addressing the root of the depression, porn addiction (30k photos), and him being withdrawn from you physically. It's probably not about you and more about him being disgusted with himself. Would probably help address your other marital issues and incompatibilities.
what happened when you guys talked?
It honestly sounds like you want a BF more than you do a fuckbuddy
Whether you saw it that way or not, it was. Her not being there when you sent it doesn’t mean anything except that you tried to do this behind her back.
Just throw him and extra heart felt i love you during facetime. let your eyes show it as your mouth says it and let him know you can't wait for him to come home.
The angel on my left shoulder says: to fix your relationship you should communicate. Seek couples therapy and maybe a sex therapist. Find your true comfort zones so he can explore without going outside the relationship. You can be happy and allow him to be vulnerable and open with you without needing to get into things that are uncomfortable for you.
The devil on my right shoulder says: Peg him.
you're ex is a lying gaslighting asshole, it is not your fault he cheated, he cheated, he broke his promise to be monogamous, if he wanted to screw someone else he should have been a “person with values” and broke up with you first.
This guy is not worth your time, or energy, I don't know you, but you are worth way better then this man. You dodged a bullet not getting married.
Lol the ex is evil ! He is so evil that the sister just fell onto his dick! Don't let evil win!
The sister is pretty fucking evil too.
I think it would be best if you rehomed the dog and give her to someone who will actually walk her. Then your problem would be solved, too, I guess, but I don't really care about that.
INFO: What type of questions are you asking him?
You know by being with a ADHD that when we got in on our hobby obsession moment we don’t realize what is going on around us. So don’t judge and condemn him like it was a normal partner who will neglecting you. When you will see you got his attention during dinner talk to him calmly and I’m sure he will try as he can to do something
It doesn’t matter what would Happen if the roles reversed. That’s not happening right now. You bailed on your commitment and didn’t offer to cancel the golf. She likely felt confident knowing you were going to drive her, then suddenly you pull the rug out, and she is left feeling like golf is more important than her, and instead of acknowledging that you gave her a bunch of options, maintaining that the golf trip is more important. And BTW maybe ladies don’t feel 100% safe in an Uber with a stranger that could just drive off with them. Men don’t have to really think about that.
my wife thinks I’m choosing golfing with my buddies over her and a promise I made to her.
U are. Whatever the first committment u made trumps. “Happy wife, Happy life” Ur relationship with her is more important. Tell ur dudes what u did, they should understand.
Am I that big of an asshole to rather go golfing??
With these series of events, yes. Men and women are opposites, so saying u would think this & do that, doesnt matter. Im a woman.
Alright! Might be late to the party, but thought I'd chime in anyway. Chap I dated in my early 20s had self diagnosed depression (I suspected more was going on but he refused to seek professional help). Saw it as my job to help him and stayed with him for way longer than I should have.
During this time fella told me the childhood abuse I'd been through was my fault, that he fancied his ex (theme?) Was my fault cause she was better than me. Everytime I tried to leave he'd whack out the suicide card and pull me back in.
Eventually I managed to leave him and move on. Got help for my mental health and am now married to a lovely, caring absolute god of a man. Been together for 15 years and couldn't be happier.
Just to add in here also, I have depression which has at times been pretty dire and I've managed not to take it out on my husband. His mental health can't be blamed for the way he's treating you and he should take ownership of his actions.
So finally, my advice from what I've learnt – GTFO and ditch this waste man. You and your daughter go and on-line an incredible life together and don't look back. Trust, give it a year or so and you'll be asking why you stayed with him. Kick that dick to the curb love!
Unconditional trust is great way to get taken advantage of. Sure there are couples, where such is genuinly warranted. Problem is you really shouldn't assume it is the case. People who get cheated on, also trusted their partners. Point is what we believe can be wrong, and it needs to be considered as possibility
Furthermore, trust is both earned, and maintsined by actions, and decisions. Doing things like going to strip club can easily damage such trust, albeit this obviously isn't the case for everyone.
I wonder if what you think of your country isn't a delusion. Just, because your social circle is accepting of it does not speak anything about the wider population. The issue of trust is universal.
Stop talking about your ex so much, for starters. Figure out what your gf likes to receive to remind her that she’s loved and give her that. If you love her, then make sure she knows that.
She probably was more so in love with the idea as opposed to the reality of any relationship with you. A fantasy, and yes, groomed you to entertain it and then threw you under the bus.
Do you in any way feel guilty because of your prior cheating? If yes, maybe it’s a subconscious stimuli to that because you have got back together with a partner that you cheated on.
Lmao spoken like someone who wants to be divorced
Why would this be a dealbreaker? What is wrong with a holiday while in a committed relationship,
I'm going to chalk this lapse in judgment up to the fact that you are really young and might not have the life experience yet to fully understand how toxic your boyfriend's “friendship” with this woman is.
I really don't think this woman wants to be your friend. She wants to be your bf's friend, and you're the person she tolerates so she can have a relationship with him. As for your bf, he treated you like a side piece while his “friend” got the girlfriend treatment for months. He used your history of mental illness to gaslight you into questioning your own boundaries. You KNOW his behavior was wrong. You KNOW his “friendship” with this woman is inappropriate. You KNOW you deserve to always be treated as a priority in a relationship. He had you 2nd guessing what you knew to be true.
IT IS NOT ON YOU TO FIX THIS. It is not your responsibility. Take a cue from your boyfriend, and start getting extra choosy about who deserves your time, space, and energy. Lay it out on the line for both boyfriend and this woman: If they want to be a part of your life, they are going to have to bend over backwards to prove it. I'm talking apologies, taking full accountability for the way they treated you, doing what needs to be done to repair your trust. Boyfriend needs to spend a lot of time reflecting on why he treated you like an afterthought and how he will remedy this. Friend needs to spend a lot of time reflecting on why she needs so much emotional energy from someone who is in a relationship, instead of going out and finding a partner of her own.
If that doesn't work, and I highly doubt it will, for your own self-respect, please consider ending your relationship with your boyfriend.
First a fall your nonchalance towards his discussion over no common interest just shows that you didn’t care whether or not you have similarities and would love him either ways.
Him bringing breaking up to the table before the conversation was even steered that way hints at the fact that breaking up is on his mind and he’s trying to rationalise it.
I for one would not want to be with someone completely similar to me in all aspects, it’d be like dating a mirror. So yes it doesn’t matter.
All in all, I think he wants to break up with you either way.
it is the paranoid delusion she need medicine
Try toys or hands to physically stretch beforehand. It can be just as important as stretching before any other physical activity. If it's gotten worse than it was or you suspect anything may be up, it may be worth a doctors visit because there's conditions where the vagina can't take much without extreme pain
Take your time. It took a month before I could bottom out my girl out when we 1st met.
So the first red dlag was that she actually replies to these DMs, second red flag is her not willing to unfollow/block them because it's “rude”.
And she broke up with you because she likely was cheating and wanted to get ahead of the game. She gave you every reason to not be trusting and she knows it. She didn't break up with you because you don't trust her she just didn't want to be humiliated by being outed.
I can't think of anything you COULD say if he doesn't already understand it. When he suggested this, was it just for himself, or were you going to be able to sleep with other guys too? I get the feeling he only thought about the end goal for himself and forgot there are ripples and consequences that lead up to and beyond his decision.
Ask him how he would feel coming home, and you are doing your best to break some guys' hips while he tries to make a sammich? It still won't be the same because he wants this, and you don't, but I get the feeling he wouldn't want YOU scrounging up loose pipe.
Stick to your guns and just wait to go your separate ways. He wants instant success and thinks he gets to suggest an open relationship to broaden his own horizons; skip the next 2 steps; come back to a devoted monogamous gf with new moves. I guess you're supposed to be sitting by window knitting a scarf while he's out prowling.
I will. I know he will.
It’s a spiritual fast to get closer to god
Your marriage is a joke. She isn’t poly. She just wants permission to cheat on you and you let her. She is a hypocrite.
I think if it’s a one off or just sometimes it’s nothing to complain about, but if you consistently have to wake up before him, I think a little preplanning what you need in the morning won’t hurt anyone ??
What did I just read? Your bf who is almost 30 is weirded out that you and your child have the same last name for convenience, and doesn't like it? If something so small is so BIG to him, you have more troubles on the horizon.
I mean it's not romantic or crazy, its just a drunk move. She was housed down, wanted some of that yum-yum, you're familiar, and we all do dumb shit under the influence….
But, does anyone else visualize this, seeing a 26 y/o grown ass woman, climbing up maybe a lattice fence in her clubbing skirt, hair getting caught, scraping her knees and stumbling onto this guys balcony? How many stories was this balcony? Let's take the amount of determination into consideration here….because it doesn't seem like you're really done with her if you're asking reddit…. Js I think it's kind of memorable and funny in a sad, demented way? They call women like her, a train wreck….
If she doesn't have a violent history, I would just laugh it off and say this isn't reverse 'Romeo and Juliet', “I have to work in the am, don't do shit like this again, I'm flattered that you'd go to such lengths, it wasn't as cute to me, as it was to you. Don't expect a response from me if you're under the influence” Also, reiterate that you'll go as far as to get an order of protection on her if she does anything else to disrupt your life with this kind of harassment. It is harassment btw. Call police and file a protective order where she won't even be allowed to call or text you. It's real easy, either you go to that measure, or you still want to see what happens with her. But to be a fly on the wall would probably make me laugh a little bit. She sounds absolutely thirsty, desperate and silly. It is borderline crazy, she's probably done this to other people, she might have abandonment issues, like BPD or bipolar.
Go to the police immediately
Get him this huge electric blanket, that’ll keep him toasty lol
Dude: yellow alert! Sharing interests with a colleague is fine. Drinks after work? That’s Soap Opera territory. I don’t mean to cast aspersions at your wife but like you said, she’s looking good & feeling good about herself. I wouldn’t make a fuss yet, but be mindful of her activities before & after work. If you see a pattern of late nights at the office, well you know what I’m getting at. Good luck!
super well worded and based comment homie. keep it up
This is what I think as well I also think with women nowadays sometimes making even more than men, marriage and relationship dynamics have also changed. I want to have a sit down with him and show him what we are currently each carrying and hopefully he changes his thought process. If not, I may have to rethink our future together. I find it unfair for me to have to pay 50% while doing most of the housework and management. I get so exhausted from coming home from work only to do more work and sometimes feel a little bit of resentment seeing him being able to relax on the couch. But I do it because if the cooking, cleaning, and laundry doesn’t get done, he will start making comment and they make me feel like I’m not being a good woman.
I get why you replied this. I didn't put in those details because I didn't want to bog down the post. I feel like I'm a very romantic caring partner. She had a mental heath crisis a few months ago and told her to take some time off work to recoup. I've been the main provider for that time and I still get her flowers and make romantic gestures. I don't think this is the problem but thanks for your input.
This screams schizotypal personality disorder, especially if you consider the delusions about being a psychic. I of course would never diagnose based on a Reddit post, but she needs help for sure.
I think that invitation stands up. You could always text the host and say “X invited me to lunch while we were at the party I just wanted to check with you since you're hosting it”. She will most likely say “yes”. It will be a good opportunity for you all to catch up. You haven't seen each other in a year so you all will have tons to talk about.
I used to hate our Greek cultural tradition of naming after a grandparent. It meant having a bunch of cousins and aunts and uncles with the same name lol. Now I see the benefit bc it is easy peasy and no one can ‘claim’ the name.
Can you tell us whats so sus
I wouldn't want to be with a cheater. Don't get back with this girl. Unless you are trying to swing a threesome I don't see any upside to getting back with this woman.
At this point, they're a package deal. If you've forgiven her and want her at your wedding, he's gonna have to be there. You can't forgive one of them but not the other for the same offence. And if it comes down to it, your sister's betrayal was worse. Personally, I wouldn't want either of them there, but it's neither of them or both of them.
Thanks I think we both have our issues
This would be such a red flag for me. I will never understand going to strip clubs for a bachelor/bachelorette party.