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33 thoughts on “Sexysistter live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. No it's not just that he asks if she's eaten enough, it's the whole situation that feels weird. OP didn't even know he knew this person, and it turns out they have a very deep relationship. And he was weird about it when she brought it up to him. He's just not on the up and up with it, that's what stinks.

  2. Why not JUST focus on school/work if it's that time consuming that you can't commit to anyone?

    Somehow I don't think we're talking about the same thing. Yes, there clearly are people out there who're only looking for a fwb type situation or ONS…but there are just as many who are looking for relationships.

  3. Cycle of relationship destruction here. You know the relationship is over if you both still want a monogamous one. If you wanted an open on the you’re off to a good start. ?

  4. It does seem like he's doing it for him more than her. But reading about drafts and paragraphs, being so obtuse or stubborn. Maybe OP is also on the spectrum and not noticing irl clues

  5. The “I actually do not care at all about my partner's needs in bed” dynamic? Unless you're deep in a degradation-focused BDSM dynamic, that sucks for almost anyone

  6. Children would rather come from a broken home rather than live in one. Your children are watching how he treats you and it will affect them.

  7. Girl, he is abusing you and it will not change. What if it was a friend or sister in your position, what would you say to her? Leave his lame ass behind and go live in peace.

  8. I think it’s possible that she hasn’t even picked up your interested if this is all you’ve done. I literally do what your doing with family on social media, so she might not be thinking too much of it. I think if you send a message to ask how she’s doing, see if she responds and go from there it’s no biggie. If she doesn’t respond, then you got your answer. You don’t have to keep messaging if she doesn’t respond.

  9. If he can’t legally get a gun then you could get in big trouble for getting him one. Maybe time to move on from this guy

  10. I think your marriage was bad but I don't think jumping into another relationship that was built that quickly is what I would have done. I would have taken the easy flirting and affair as a sign that my relationship was over but not necessarily as a sign that I needed to be with this new person. I would have been divorced first and then I would have given the new relationship time to form.

  11. Seems like a coping mechanism for dealing with his anger. You're probably safe, but this also probably isn't healthy for him in the long run. Not a doctor tho, so grain of salt.

  12. I have no idea why you're putting up with all of this and assuming he will change. He won't and you need to grow a spine to dump his ass. You don't deserve this.

  13. I really got to hear the outcome on this one. As a mom I’m embarrassed for this lady. I say lady because she’s definitely it a mom.

  14. Just generally speaking, people in committed relationships shouldn't be going to clubs to mingle with single people. Your either in or out. If someone isn't ready for commitment fine… but don't fake that you want to be committed.

    In your scenario she showed you major disrespect and manipulation. You did the right thing since she wasn't committed to you.

    As for her crying like a 4 year old and sending messages… tell her to enjoy her life clubbing and leave you alone or the police will be involved.

  15. It's fully normal for people to change their minds after the first child and should be expected. You don't know what you're saying until you've experienced it quite frankly. Anyone who takes these things at face value prior to that person having a child for the first time is not being reasonable.

  16. That's fantastic and I'm happy for you, I think you're doing very good. What games do you play? Also keep going, I'm glad you also start to see it from a different perspective since from when you posted.

  17. Both of those jobs can be done anywhere and there's lots of work available all over. Maybe the solution is to start somewhere completely new, or at a halfway point.

  18. So you gave away all of your furniture / stuff instead of paying a small monthly amount for a storage unit that you can clearly afford if you make $100,000+/mnth and he is paying for all your daily needs. He won't marry you because he doesn't want to make a speech (yeah right). He says he wants kids but you are having to drag him in that direction. He is stalling on purchasing a house together. You won't buy your own house because you could get a better house if only he – the guy who won't marry you and has to be dragged towards having kids – would stop stalling and get onboard.

    Are you hearing yourself? Like, at all? Get rid of all your stuff, he calls the shots in his house, won't marry you, won't buy a house with you and is dragging his feet on the kids thing. He doesn't exactly sound like he's all in here.

  19. I mean that you're acting as if your ex-girlfriend's concerns are the only ones that matters and thereby also the only thing that determines the future of any potential reconciliation between the two of you.

    It's great that you want to be considerate of her feelings, but your feelings matter just as much as hers. You're essentially walking on eggshells with her because you worry how she may or may not react to your advances, but what about your own feelings?

    You sent her flowers as a gesture of love and she didn't react the way you expected. That's too bad, but your mind immediately jumps to the conclusion that that must be because you did something wrong somehow.

  20. Well, I want to add that today i was mad and i was fighting. I told him he was insensitive,rude and he doesn’t understand what’s going on, he jumps to conclusions and stuff like that. When he was acting passive aggressive, i told him that this exactly was I expected, and he never disappoints in disappointing. Was that disrespectful? I mean think i’m just stating the obvious but he felt so disrespected i was shocked ( he told me that i treat him like an animal and he wants me to treat him like a human and not talk to him) i understand i can be harsh maybe or I might’ve overwhelmed him, but disrespect? I just wanted to give a fuller picture of what went down

  21. I agree, this is the answer. We’re all very diverse people with even more complex opinions and interests.

    @ OP, that being said, there is also likely someone out there that also isn’t as interested in sex for the relationship, even asexual people too!

  22. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    My gf's birthday is next month and I got her TS tickets as gift. She was very happy but then she asked me what is my favorite TS song? I said I dont have one as I am not much into music. And then we somehow got into an argument about live sports vs live! music performances (I am into sports). And in the heat of the moment I told her that I would rather watch pain dry than go to a TS concert and that they are a snoozefest. My gf is a big TS fan and she was really hurt by my comments. So now she is thinking about breaking up with me and I dont know what to do. Its true that I dont like to go to music concerts but I was going because it would make her happy. We have been dating for 8 months now and we never had a fight like this. Reddit please help me in putting out the fire with my gf.


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