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40 thoughts on “sex_inthecloudslive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. For some people the label just isn't important at all. It seems like this is very important to you though, so you should talk to him about it instead of assuming he thinks of labels the same way you do.

  2. Really sorry you had to go though similar, but glad that you've managed to come out stronger! Hopefully I can do the same eventually.

  3. listen, anyone who tries to make you get rid of a pet is not the one. if he loved you, truly loved you, he’d suck it up and deal w the dogs if he doesn’t like them. you had them before him and you’ll have them after him too.

  4. Hate to be that guy but some men snap and kill literally everyone involved in circumstances like this. Considering he’s very young he may think he’s going to die and not react well. This is very bad. Advise her to do this in a public place away from her kids. I know how I’d react today in my 40s but 22 year old me? Yea that might not end well. Remind her she didn’t get to play the victim either, this is so the consequences of her own actions.

  5. If its indefinete im gonna let you know that your relationship is gonna end, you already resent your boyfriend and your parents are starting to not like him either, neither you nor you bf have a job and are not doing anything to get a place of your own, hes constantly arguing with you and being cold towards your parents, nothing about this sounds like a good situation. I sympathize with all parties here, your parents are being kind to you and your bf but because of liefstyle differences are being treated bad, your boyfriend is miserable because of the living situation, hates the constant smoke and loud noises, your stuck in the middle being peace keeper but also getting shit on for everything.

    Your in your parents house and they should be able to do whatever they want inside the house, i honestly hope your bf gets a job and a new place cause the living conditions would drive me insane just like him, ive been in his position and it sucks, you have to accept a poor lifestyle and you have no say outside of leaving.

    Maybe try organizing a family meeting and have everyone talk their, have them lay out everything but be prepared for your parents to kick bf out or for bf to leave and break up.

    You may need to put your business on hold if you want this relationship to work because i would say if you continue living with your parents that by March your gonna be single because of it, or dump bf now to save the heart ache and go after the business. Their is really no option outside of getting your own place that will satisfy everyone but then you risk being unhappy

  6. Hello /u/flidoia,

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  7. I can't speak to every situation ever, but lockers rooms aren't sexy, it's not a porno or a commercial where everyone's glistening just right and there's ripped 8 packs and 10 inch dicks everywhere.

    They're often pretty fuckin gross, they usually smell, you've just spent hours sweating and pushing your body, you're tired, sore and shooting the shit.

    I know it can be kinda weird if you're not used to that environment or hearing about it, because we're so used to associating nudity to sex, but it's really really not.

  8. Yea they need to grow up and start behaving more like a 30 year old independent adult and not a baby who relies on mammy to wake them up.

  9. Tell her you don't approve of a successful, smart and independent woman to date a loser 10 years older than her when she could find a great partner instead. Tell her you love her and will always be there for her, any time. Tell her you want to be part of her life but you don't want to associate with him. Tell her you understand if she's hurt and needs to put distance between the 2 of you but remind her that you will always be there for her even if she thinks too much time has elapsed. Tell her you know her relationship will end badly so she should not feel bad when she calls you for help. That you will never tell her “I told you so”.

    It's her life, if she fell for the love bombing, bad guy turned good trope then there's not much you can do. Guys like him go after younger women who are naive or vulnerable for a reason. All you can do is be there when she will need you and she will.

  10. It's suspicious. Are you the only person he messages? It doesn't add up.

    Since he won't tell you the truth, you can either try and find it for yourself or let him know his behaviour is too suspicious for you to feel safe and comfortable in the relationship.

  11. You are engaged after only dating 8 months?!?! And to someone who is 24 while you are 18??? En he pushes you to have sex when you have UTIs?

    UTI can become a chronic condition.

    He is manipulating you and the fact you are already engaged is fucking weird and creepy.

  12. IMHO, it's probably just the evil little voices in his head. You know the ones that we all have that mostly we don't even pay attention to, but when you're tired and they say things like, “She's going to be with her ex and you're not there… you know what he wants”, or “you're not good enough…” you hear it (metaphorically, not like schizophrenia voices).

    That said, I can't read his mind – my telepathy isn't that good. So ~90% chance it's all just his insecurities getting loud.

  13. Have you told both of them that theres this love lime going on? Tuat you have feelings for both of them, and they both have feelings for you?

    If so have you potentially had the conversation with them of dating them both?

    That'll probably be an unpopular suggestion, but if they both already know about the other guy, and know the other guy loves you too, and you love them both, it may be worth a shot.

  14. Ok so here's a question: after she's showered AND washed her hair… like, the same day.. does she still smell?

  15. She is keeping her options open. She knows what she is doing and manipulating all of you while she sees how things go. Keeping you all in the dark in various ways.

    Not relationship material.

  16. That's probably why you should have told her earlier. Like before you were going to even date him.

  17. Hey Op, as someone whose AuDHD, I can help shed some light on his insecurities around this big time.

    (Skip to the bottom about me addressing the verbal abuse part!)

    So with ASD, It’s about structure and routine. He might be upset at the routine being disrupted and he could feel like the pushing is coming off like a parent-child approach, instead of two equals. Like he feels you don’t trust him to do it himself, when he’s ready.

    He could financially not be in a good spot right now and hasn’t voiced this out of fear of embarrassment.

    People who have ASD, depending on Well they handle difficult conversations and if they’e been to therapy to work on regulating their emotions, he could not be recognizing when he’s reaching breaking points in conversations, getting overwhelmed, then blowing up.

    One thing to do is if he’s unable to, but you notice, check in with him if his voice starts to go up in anger, pause ask him if he wants to break on this for a moment come back in a bit to discuss.

    Reason is if he doesn’t have the self awareness to recognizing his emotions due to alexithymia, the inability to read and understand emotions, he could be completely & utterly clueless he’s actually getting angry till it’s long after he’s already blown up.




    And I’ll say this it’s more common in ASD men who aren’t emotionally regulated, who haven’t had any therapy, who tend to have the worst outbursts by verbally harming you the most.

    Doesn’t excuse their behavior. However, even women with ASD tend to avoid ASD men who display misogynistic behavior and language because even in the ASD Reddit groups this is a frequent issue we keep seeing and pointing out why they struggle to meet women, maintain relationships romantically, why they gotta stop fixating on PUA or misogynistic Youtubers to learn how to deal with women. Many, but not ALL, haven’t learned how to treat women like human beings.

    So I completely understand why you want to exit this sh-t show and fully support it ASAP!

    If anything, dump him now, block his number, then delete it if you are ready. Block him everywhere live, clean break!

    You deserve to be happy and mentally free this antagonistic excuse of a human being.

    ASD doesn’t give someone a right to bully their partner!

  18. Uh ya dude, you’re in denial. Your GF constantly cheats on you, you forgive her, she cheats again, and around and around you go. Does it really matter what anyone here says? Kinda seems like you’re just going to wait around for her to stop fucking this other guy.

    She asked why you would believe the word of a random friend over her. Your answer is because she constantly lies to you. Even when you call her out on her lies, she keeps lying.

    What advice do you want exactly? You know what’s happening and you’re putting up with it. Either break up with her and find your self respect or keep committing yourself to a woman who has no intention of committing herself to you.

  19. She’s purposely disrespecting you and aiming to make you insecure.

    No matter how many feelings you have for her, your only good option for your own happiness is to dump her and find a better chick.

  20. The most recent examples of me telling him no and his response include:

    Asking me to go out with him and his friends Saturday night: I told him I couldn't because I (1) had plans for Easter with my family the next morning and didn't want to be tired/hung-over, and (2) already expressed my need for alone time. It basically turned into an hour-long back and forth of him asking me to come regardless and saying that I just need to tell my parents to push our Easter plans back for later in the day. He wants to go on a trip this summer (out of the country) and decided to book everything after I (1) told him I needed to discuss taking time off with my boss first, and (2) the fact I'm saving money for law school — so I'm not sure whether or not I can even afford to go. It was another back and forth situation where I had to explain to him I can't just take time off whenever and him expressing his disappointment. This happened Friday night and he's still asking about it.

    He never gets outright angry, but he pushes the issue instead of trying to understand my perspective. It comes across as selfish at times, as if I need to change my plans for him.

    I think I'll have another talk with him about it and decide where to go from there. There's probably a cumulation of issues.

  21. Save the post from the guys instagram. File for full custody and use that as evidence of her being an unfit parent.

    She will come to regret her decision when she realised that she gave up a happy, healthy relationship and family for a criminal with zero life prospects and no where to go. Don’t be waiting for her when she comes to the realisation

  22. My company. We legit have a two -days company party mid week / semi business related in the morning, fun starting afternoon till late. This way people don’t have to travel on Friday.

  23. But it's not “Every lonely child” it's basically OP's niece who they've known for much of her life. I can't imagine sending one of my nieces to foster care if my family died. That's unthinkable.

  24. Forgive yourself. What kind of moron takes up skating without an understanding that it is inherently risky behavior? You did absolutely nothing wrong. At this point, she’s being toxic to you and it’s time to let the friend go. She’s got no reason to blame you and isn’t being a good friend at all. You can ghost her, or you can tell her off. Either is acceptable.

  25. Girl I feel for you!!! I used date not one, but two guys like this!!! One was a band dude that had hair that smelled gross and I’d even say, “how bout a shower together?” but he’s say he was “good”. The other guy had bad breath and I even suggested we go to the dentist together. Nope, he was “good”. GROSS! Had to dump both of them. For me personally, bad smells/poor hygiene/not listening to your partners feedback on said hygiene is a dealbreaker. Especially the latter. If your stank is so bad I’m forced to bring it up and you still don’t fix it? This is just too gross and not self aware enough for me. I guess in the end you have to decide how important having a clean smelling partner is to you, but in my humble opinion, if he knows it’s a problem and hasn’t fixed it, it may be time to go.


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