Sensual-desire on-line sex cams for YOU!

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39 thoughts on “Sensual-desire on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. He's right. Don't bring a mentally ill addict into your home if your husband doesn't want he's there. It sounds like she needs Baker Acted, not the enabling you're doing.

    I'd leave my husband if he had anyone here against my wishes, and it might be time for him to consider same.

  2. No you weren't being racist. He's being oversensitive.

    Plus, you can both eat whatever you want, whenever you want.

  3. Hi. I'm 21 now, but my mom used to do this to me too. It wasn't until I was 19 that I realized this was abuse. I'm so sorry you are going through this. I managed to get my mom to stop with my younger sibling (15), but me and my other sibling (19) both developed eating disorders under her care, which she highly encouraged as well. I even went to the hospital for months for being so underweight at 13.

    I understand you might be in a bad place, and no longer trust the adults around you at school after you were reported. Please find a teacher you trust, a friend's parent, a therapist, anyone. Telling a teacher or therapist will trigger a report on your parents. They are abusing you. I have struggled with my eating disorder since 8 because of my mom. Please get out of there before they hurt you anymore. Reporting them is not your fault, nor does it mean you're betraying them. They need this wakeup call.

    If you need any advice or help, my DMs are open. I took my little siblings to get food my whole life behind my parents back. My heart aches that you don't have an older sister to do the same, but I want to help however I can.

    Please stay strong, even though it seems so very hot and far away now, 18 is coming. I kept a countdown timer on my phone since age 10 counting down the days. Just know you are beautiful, loved, and supported by more people in life than your parents.

  4. Let your coworker buy her own damn shoes wtf. I’d be pissed. And on top of that you neglect her at home? I hope she moves on from you for good.

  5. Thank you kind stranger! I'll be breaking up with her this evening when she comes home. I can't wait to be done eith her.

  6. Tell her you're sorry for the noises, you didn't realize she was as close as she was, but that it's no excuse to start yelling at you in your own home

  7. I feel you, I really do. Yet there is no gentle nor easy way to end a relationship. It's gonna hurt him either way. :/

  8. I feel you, I really do. Yet there is no gentle nor easy way to end a relationship. It's gonna hurt him either way. :/

  9. then ask her to imagine that the roles were reverse and you were swimming fully very hot with other woman, how would she feel about it?

    And if she's perfectly fine with this because her views on nudity are simply different than yours?

    You people just view this world in such a black and white lens, istg.

  10. It would be a huge deal if you flipped the genders and the guy was changing with a bunch of very hot women. The comment section is just full of white knights that think this will translate to a girl liking them.

  11. While I understand that she edited her post after you made your comment, she doesn't need to provide a reason. She has a reason. It literally doesn't matter the reason, the answer is, she doesn't want kids.

  12. You pay rent, yes? You're on the lease?

    Then it's your problem and your responsibility to solve it. Sitting in laps and kissing is not something I would personally be concerned over and I likewise come from a very conservative background (in my case Orthodox Jewish) where even touching between partners is not permitted before marriage.

    However your sensibilities are not their sensibilities.

    I might get some pushback on this but I firmly believe that if you are in this situation, and you cannot compromise, it's your right to on-line how you want to live in your house. That being said, you need to get your own place if this is non-negotiable. Simply put, put up with it as they are not breaking any laws or conditions of the lease, or find your own place with your spouse. That's reality.

    Best of luck to you.

  13. Do Americans really believe that once the child leaves, they're not entitled to help from the family? If she really needs the car to go to work, Disneyland be damned. Even more do if American public buses and stuff are really as awful as I often see in reddit.

    You take care of your family, not just to make them into individuals but to be a unit together. It's been many years since I grew up but if I ever needed this kind of help I know I'd get it from my mother or sister. And the same goes for them.

    Since when is it healthy to prioritize entertainment over actual neccesities, this is your daughter, your blood who came into this world at your behest. As long as there remains honest love and respect between each other you should be there for her. One should not go through the world being so lonely that not even their family will have their back when life begins to go sour.

    I mean no disrespect, I understand ours are very different cultures. But I really do believe in what I've said

  14. You should really get out of this situation. This is how women die. And you don't want to endanger your child

  15. That’s pretty weird, man. I mean not necessarily that they’re so close, but being so close that they sleep in the same bed at that age. That’d weird me out, too. If you don’t think you can deal, you need to let her go, because as long as they remain that way, that feeling is never going to go away.

  16. The doctor told you that she shouldn’t stop smoking pot to not harm the baby or she said the doctor said that?

  17. They would tell her to not come to work on her day off. They might send a general email to everyone reminding them of sexual harassment policies/dating policies if they have any.

    The co worker who messaged him might be spoken to about it.

    Your love life is not work related. It doesn't actually belong at work.

  18. Yeah. Romantic relationship takes time and effort.

    From the sounds of it he is constantly at work while ignoring his gf and even when he goes on date with her he is probably absent or annoyed.

    It feels like those two are just not compatible. His gf wants relationship with dates and spending time with her boyfriend while OP sound like workoholic.

  19. This is maybe the most disturbing post I have read in this subreddit. You are in danger. Its very hot for you to see how bad the situation is because you slowly got used to your husband's increasingly abusive and bad behaviors but please listen to everyone here who see your husband for what he is, an abusive and very dangerous man.

    Looking for an apology is not the right action. Getting to safety and divorcing this man is.

  20. I’m not really sure when it comes to him. It feels like a financial thing sometimes (he’s oddly secretive about his financials. I’m not sure why). He’s never said anything about our sex life lately. Sometimes it’s just out of nowhere with his stress. I could say almost anything that could make him upset sometimes.

  21. Wow I really appreciate the nuance of your response. It actually made me stop and think because I actually honestly don’t know the answers to the majority of your questions. It’s helping me take a step back and remember that I need to understand all of those things about him before I can even make any sort of informed decision about if he is “right” for me (whatever that means). I have no clue if he even does chores! I have a lot to think about now

  22. The ways he used to be cute with you, flirt with you, start doing that to him. He stuck around when you friend zoned him. There’s a good chance he’s still into you. He’s just respecting your boundaries so he’s not pursuing it. But he gives you his time and energy.

    Listen. Maybe he’s moved on and that time has passed. It happens. But you need to take the chance. It’s ok to be rejected. Men deal with it all the time. This guy did. Start to flirt. Compliment. Compliment his looks. Make cute little sexy jokes. Ask him out. Say you really want to thank him for being there that night, can you take him out. Pick somewhere a little nice, and you pay. While out, break the touch barrier, touch his arm while you are laughing at a joke, or talking about something fun. Smile at him. Tell him you are in a better place now and thinking about starting to date. And ask him if he’s still interested.

    Take the risk.

  23. It sounds like she not willing to engage in your hobbies b.c she has no interest. I think that's fine and healthy to have your own hobbies. But she should still support your hobbies in a positive way.

  24. You're a “not all men” type of guy. You're not listening to what I'm saying as a response to your question. You aren't looking at the situation from the woman's point of view, which would help you to sympathise and correct what's causing these women to not want to meet.

  25. Why don't you agree to disagree? At the end of the day his opinion is as valid as yours.

    Also, if he comes from a culture where being trans is not the norm, I understand his position more

  26. Cause there are weirdos like yourself that have accounts dedicated to posting critical relationship advice replies to make themselves feel good. Someone like the person you responded to actually put thought into their reply. I only want those kind of replies, not yours.

  27. Sure, but the answer isn’t to take any another person’s consent in creating a life that doesn’t yet exist.

  28. 1) get a new therapist.

    2) you cannot control what they do or how they act.

    3) you can only do what YOU can do.

    Cutting them out is the right choice. They haven't respected you or your mother all this time and giving you their engagement as a present! That's beyond cruel. I would suggest contacting the police and filing a restraining order as well as sending them a cease and desist letter. You don't owe them anything. Tell the police the truth upfront before they make up some lies to get the cops to do some sort of “wellness” check on you.

    As for your wife. Validate her side in this, appreciate her support actively. Let her know you are on her side too.

    If possible MOVE, but that's a lot to think about.


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