It sounds like you might need to look into some individual and/or couples counseling. Your early 20s is a really pivotal big change point in your life where you take your first big steps into figuring out who you are and what you want in your life.
You can’t serve from an empty cup. You need to figure out why you are on a short fuse lately before you can try to fix what is going on with your relationship.
But mostly, don’t leave what sounds like a pretty excellent partner in the dark. Even if you don’t have the answers yet try to communicate in some way, even if you have to write it out.
It's not creating friction in my marriage rather their behavior is kinda irritating to both of us. According to her it is out of character for them. So I'm trying to figure out a gentle approach on this.
Seriously??? I’m so confused why this grown ass women is more worried about this dude respecting her then possibly having an STD. “Do you like you?” Is the real question OP.
Good luck with this. The good news (if any) is that if you do decide to end it, she's already halfway there in terms of being shocked or surprised. These are REALLY hot when you know the person will be gobsmacked. Trust me on this!
Also, one final idea. You've probably done this, but if you have a close trusted friend or sib, talk to them about all of this. Sometimes friends see things we don't.
Meanwhile you are telling your partner that his feelings and sense of safety in his home means diddly squat to you.. There has to be some recognition from you that his feelings are valid.
Friend your situation smells of financial abuse. Don’t do that. I’m not saying that a person who makes more than you has to spend all their money on you, but paying half of everything when you make significantly less in a marriage means you have a huge disadvantage and if you need to leave you have no way to save up the funds to do so. A good husband would not want you eating expiring today deli meat while he eats steak.
Definitely not. Next time you find out she's sleeping over, invite yourself to sleep over as well. If there's nothing going on, it shouldn't be a problem!
Bro, leave. She’s THIRTY SEVEN and telling other men that there’s sexual tension between them. If she was the woman for you the two of you guys would be so in love it would make her sick to think about sex with someone else. You need to be looking for a life partner and she ain’t it.
Are they still there?
It sounds like you might need to look into some individual and/or couples counseling. Your early 20s is a really pivotal big change point in your life where you take your first big steps into figuring out who you are and what you want in your life.
You can’t serve from an empty cup. You need to figure out why you are on a short fuse lately before you can try to fix what is going on with your relationship.
But mostly, don’t leave what sounds like a pretty excellent partner in the dark. Even if you don’t have the answers yet try to communicate in some way, even if you have to write it out.
It's not creating friction in my marriage rather their behavior is kinda irritating to both of us. According to her it is out of character for them. So I'm trying to figure out a gentle approach on this.
Seriously??? I’m so confused why this grown ass women is more worried about this dude respecting her then possibly having an STD. “Do you like you?” Is the real question OP.
Its almost like kids are their own person with free will and not just an extension of their parents
We were all drunk and I tried speaking with him but it was like talking to q wall, that s when I got angry…
Good luck with this. The good news (if any) is that if you do decide to end it, she's already halfway there in terms of being shocked or surprised. These are REALLY hot when you know the person will be gobsmacked. Trust me on this!
Also, one final idea. You've probably done this, but if you have a close trusted friend or sib, talk to them about all of this. Sometimes friends see things we don't.
Meanwhile you are telling your partner that his feelings and sense of safety in his home means diddly squat to you.. There has to be some recognition from you that his feelings are valid.
People cry. Men, women, children, EVERYONE. And anyone who doesn’t is denying their emotions. Zero need to be embarrassed about this.
Friend your situation smells of financial abuse. Don’t do that. I’m not saying that a person who makes more than you has to spend all their money on you, but paying half of everything when you make significantly less in a marriage means you have a huge disadvantage and if you need to leave you have no way to save up the funds to do so. A good husband would not want you eating expiring today deli meat while he eats steak.
Definitely not. Next time you find out she's sleeping over, invite yourself to sleep over as well. If there's nothing going on, it shouldn't be a problem!
Bro, leave. She’s THIRTY SEVEN and telling other men that there’s sexual tension between them. If she was the woman for you the two of you guys would be so in love it would make her sick to think about sex with someone else. You need to be looking for a life partner and she ain’t it.
How was I being smug?