Scarlett live webcams for YOU!

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43 thoughts on “Scarlett live webcams for YOU!

  1. A couple of days away for work shouldn't have you in pieces.

    Maybe mature a bit before your next relationship.

  2. It’s weird you’re insisting you know better than your partner here. No means no, she does not want your head in her crotch. Have you tried asking her what she likes instead?

  3. I am truly blessed to have good sized core of friends that most of us have been close for 15+ years many 25 or more. These people are like family and I don’t communicate with any of them like that. It’s damn inappropriate co-dependence if they were actually in a relationship.

  4. Look I know a shitty couple who got together after cheating for years.

    They would send each other “innocent” texts. But their real conversations where phone calls and found on social media platforms. They did it to throw both partners off and it worked.

  5. You’re neglectful and then buy another woman an expensive gift, then YOU leave? You’re lucky she didn’t leave you first. This is all on you bud.

  6. Yes, good advice. Tell her your overwhelmed in a polite way that won't offend her. And hopefully she's not the obsessed type, it should go well, good luck!

  7. I agree. It's one thing if she knew he was married and kept seeing him, but she had no clue. That's all on the husband for lying to both women. He's a scumbag.

  8. You dodged a tactical nuke here, now you are hurt but trust me you will be so grateful for this, nobody wants nasty STD riden d*ck. He is a f walking red flag bot the nice guy he faked being…

  9. Actual hockey player here. IDK where you are in the world. But in hockey I've never once been to rink that didn't have multiple locker rooms available or dedicated female locker rooms. This shit sounds giga fake.

  10. she should just submit? She is refusing to feed into his insulting paranoia, as is her right.

    Op can refuse him a test now, but it's not necceserily going to stop him from getting one. Once the baby is born, he can just do it himself, it's just a swab on the baby's cheek. Or if they split, he can ask for one through the courts.

    It might also mean the end of their marriage if she refuses one because he will take it as proof that she is cheating. If she agrees to take it now, it will reassure him that she isn't. If I were in her shoes, I would get it and probably insist on couples counseling, but it's ultimately up to her what she wants to do.

  11. The issue is not that you're a know-it-all, the issue is that you're convinced that you're right, even without proof, and when wrong, take it as no big deal despite the accusations to others that it was. You're a hypocritical jerk. That's the problem.

    I can see this has been explained to you several times over, and you keep arguing, so just try to listen and absorb okay?

    In the example you gave, you knew little to nothing about a topic, and she said something. So you accuse her of lying, rather than approaching it politely, or just asking for a minute to read up more on the topic. Then, when she tells you she is positive about this topic she obviously knows about that you don't, you still don't believe her, and make it about “fact”….that you knew nothing about. Then, when you were proven wrong….you just move on.

    So the issue is that when you're wrong, it's no big deal, but when she's wrong, you need to call it out, call her a liar, and make a big deal out of not believing her. That's the issue.

    When someone is tell you their perception of a fact, and they are wrong, they weren't lying. And I know you know that, because you know you weren't lying when you said you didn't think it was true.

    Further is that fact that you claim you want to change, but all you do is argue people about why you have no reason to, why you shouldn't, you claim you won't adjust the behaviour to friends and family, and you also seem to see nothing wrong with how you treated her, despite being told constantly.

    If you don't want to change, don't, and find someone who likes you the way you are. But you're rude. And a hypocrite. And a jerk. So either take the advice you're being given to heart, and learn to grow, or keep being out of luck in relationships.

  12. Your husband is right. You are convinced and you are lying to yourself if you think an affair wasn't on your mind when you asked that question.

  13. This is gonna get downvoted but I think this kind of behavior stems from a women's insecurity regarding aging. Like they want more social pressure against people dating young women because they see them as a threat. I was in my mid 20s working retail and 18, 19 , 20 year old women would ask me for my phone number if they thought I was cute. If I accepted I would face sneers and rude comments from older women I worked with. The men never cared.

  14. I don’t have any specific relationship advice and I’m sorry you’re going through this. If she is continually losing money through scams you may want to consider becoming a court appointed guardian or conservator.

  15. Wow. This is incredibly toxic. You both need help before getting into any relationship. She tried to cut herself with glass. You actually used the words.. I have been way more lenient… which is not okay. Address your trust issues. Neither one of you should be in this relationship.

  16. Wow this comment section is crazy. You clearly are bitter towards your dad here and missing the fact that you actually have a sister? Using words like bastard wth…You need to shut up and not ruin your family and rob your sister a relationship with her dad. Yes telling your mum is right, but what good would it do? What’s happened in the past can’t change. Part of the burden of poking your nose is finding out something you don’t want to.

    Don’t try to come off righteous here by telling your Mum that’s just selfish. It doesn’t even look like your family is dysfunctional at the moment but you wanna ruin it. you don’t even know the conversations your dad have had with your mum about this. Everyone would just dislike you secretly cos you’ll have ruined the family. You’re not the one who didn’t grow up with a dad after all in this situation.

    Just move on. You’ll grow up one day to be a father and you’ll realize life isn’t black or white.

  17. So I reiterated again just now that he needs to delete this if im to delete mine – same reasons as you mention above. And NOW his response is “you can keep them”. Im baffled. Over this one supposedly so insignificant photo? Im now spiraling questioning everythibg

  18. Oh sweetie. Internet mom here. Okay. You have to break it off with the girl. The ldr. It’s not fair to allow her to believe something that isn’t true. You don’t plan on creating a life with her. Of course you don’t. You can’t see her in person and you’re really young. You can’t fix her and you aren’t qualified to be her only emotional support. Urge her to seek counseling at school.

  19. I definitely agree with the conditioning part. I was taught very young to help care for my mom. She had a ton of health issues and I was given the impression that eventually I would be caring for her full time.

  20. I don't see it mentioned but maybe she should go to the doctor. It could be something like a hormone imbalance affecting her libido.

  21. As a rule of thumb: If you pressure your partner into cutting ties with old flames and friends you are the bad guy in that relationship. And the only outcome it will have is what you experience right now. Your behaviour is controlling.

    You won't prevent your partner from having contact with an ex ever. Learn to deal with your insecurities or find someone that obeys your demands and will resent you in silence for it.

  22. My head knows that you are right but my heart has hopes he will own up to it. I feel like breaking up is the route I will take. Thank you.

  23. You should dump him.

    Just a warning tho – women your age are significantly more left wing on average than men your age.

    So if you want a man that agrees with you politically, you are competing against a lot of other women over a minority of men.

  24. That’s coz they are wanting to see if they can do anything more. I think you might be loving the attention they are giving more so. Things happen in these kind of situation and mistakes get made, and you’ll be label as cheater later on. Why walk that kind of path.

  25. I don’t want her to hurt herself

    So you'd rather she hurt you?

    She is not your responsibility

    Leave this abusive relationship OP

  26. Okay then we are talking. Regardless, at the airport he was fully hiding from me and totally apart from his friends….

  27. I think it would have been important to tell you about such a thing when being together for a few months.

    I always make sure to let people know from the beginning who's in my life. Because otherwise, you get situations like this.

    As there is no single reason to hide anything if there's nothing fishy about it.

  28. All of this needs to be thoroughly communicated before moving in.

    And yes he does sound naked to please.

    Sounds like my ex. Never happy. To this day no matter what I did. He still wasnt happy.

  29. The answer is no, and be clear there’s nothing he can say or do to convince you. Tell him that you will help him learn how to budget his money so that he can afford whatever car he wants in a couple years, but you are not using your savings on this car.

  30. At the worst its a civil matter anyways, call your lawyer is a more accurate threat. But she has prove so that wobt go far.

  31. Only?

    I'm sure there are instances where the man makes more and financial matters are still the cause of divorce.

  32. I would report the car stolen if it's in your name.

    She can go anywhere she wants at any time unfortunately.

    Has she had any mental health issues?

  33. I would end things with the girl being immature and playing games. See how it goes with this new girl.


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