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33 thoughts on “Sapphire Storm live! webcams for YOU!

  1. They aren't married so she's not getting anything. She only gets child support. Her cheating doesn't affect this.

    In most places, even if he's not the Father of any of their kids, he'll still have to pay because he's legally their Father. He's on their birth certificates.

    The time to contest paternity is long passed for at least two of them. You have a small window of time to do this. Three kids by 22 and 23 is nuts.

  2. They can share it, he can do what ever he wants, I don't want to go along with it, while he wants me to, that's our problem.

    I never said he can't promote it himself, I just don't want to go along with it.

  3. I'd wait until she initiates if I were you. Would you be okay with losing a friendship if it turns out she's not actually interested?

  4. Thank you, I have anxiety and whenever I see an asshole post with the slightest bit of similarity to me I start comparing!

  5. Every time I read about all the shit that birth control does it makes me so sad. Or like, how horrible it is getting an IUD.

    How the hell do we have brain surgery but we can't figure this shit out yet?!

  6. “Ex” boyfriend. You don’t stay with someone after this. Please trust that you will find someone else who is even more wonderful and won’t lie and deceive you. But you don’t continue dating someone after this. Just don’t. No chance it ends well and will be worse down the road. Cut your losses now and move on. Please.

  7. If he was assigned female at birth, has a vagina and is on testosterone, he would be referred to as FTM, just for your information (if it wasn’t a typo).

    Sounds like very acute situational anxiety at a minimum. Are you otherwise attracted to him? Is there a degree of sexual/romantic activity that you are comfortable with, before the idea overwhelms you? Are you interested in sex in general, or does it seem too intimidating even in abstract?

    Ideally you should sit down with him and discuss your uncertainty surrounding the mechanics pleasuring him, and his individual interest and boundaries, but I think before that, you should answer the above questions for yourself.

    As a baseline rule of thumb, though: Don’t ever have sex unless you want to, and are enthused by both the act itself and the partner involved.

  8. Then you’re on to asking her why she feels insecure. Not the bit about who paid what for the house down payment, but why she’s insecure about her contributions.

    Second thought, is she transactional by nature? Always accounting who contributed what and how? Transactional people often miss far bigger pictures as they go thru life one transaction / exchange at a time. The last sale does not impact the next or the one before it..

  9. I would think you'd contact the bank that's attached to the “card” not Google. Although if he explains what happened they probably won't refund him without a police report.

  10. Why do you want to be married to someone with anger issues who thinks you should finish the fights she starts?

  11. So they urged and pressed you into a new pet you weren't sure about then refused to do anything to help raise and look after the pet and even started to resent and mock the pet because it didn't fulfil what I assume was a fantasy of how easy puppies are to deal with. The pet likely picks up on that energy too, which would be a nasty feedback loop.

    And yeah. Your partner is absolutely naive or just outright vile and likely both. People like that are why there are so many puppies that have to be rehomed which really jerks them around, let alone the reality your partner has proven horrifically unreliable and kind of just petty and cruel in general.

    Be real about how that reflects on a future with them. How quickly they dumped that naked potato on you is genuinely frustrating.

  12. Did you ever have a try at “Cdrama” called TV series (Netflix or Youtube have those in Mandarin with english subtitles).

    I doooo love those. Though being German with no link to China or chinese people. Which I regret very much.

  13. OP, the relationship you have and the relationship you want are two entirely different things.

    I think she never wanted kids and agreed with you before the marriage just to get married. She knew the right things to say to get you to marry her. Now that you are married, she has not reason to keep up with the pretenses.

    It is likely going to be very difficult and may take a lot of work and therapy for her and you to break your patterns. This makes me think that it is unlikely that you’ll see the relationship that you want.

    You are not wrong for wanting a child and she’s not wrong for not wanting a child. It’s just that these two wants are mutually exclusive. It’s perfectly okay to have this as your dealbreaker And the reason for the divorce.

    There are a couple of things I’d like to caution you about: First of all, if and when you serve her with the divorce papers, the hell is going to break loose. She probably thinks that you won’t be taking any drastic actions and feels comfortable in the current lifestyle that she has. Once she see’s the divorce papers, she’d likely realize that all of that’s going to go away. After that, she may again say all that she needs to say to get you to stay. she may say, that she’d change and want to try to have kids. The problem is, I’m not sure how you can trust her words at this point. For all you know, she may be using different forms of birth control behind your back while making ‘earnest attempts’ to have a child. So, what I’m saying is that if she says or does something that goes against all her behavior you‘ve seen so far over the years, then that’s a red flag and you need to watch out for the problems.

    The other issue is that at your age, you are likely settled with a good career and in a good age range. This is the age when you can go and look for people who date with intention who really want to have a child. I think right now is the time for you to go out and date intentionally. This will help you find someone who’s on the same wavelength as you are. Your wife certainly isn’t. My worry is that once she knows about your plans, she may do anything and everything she can to keep you to stay and may even continue lying to you by saying that she’ll try for a child. I read it somewhere in the comments where you said that counseling was a wasted effort and I agree. At this point, I think it’s in your best interests to separate yourself. The sooner you don’t have her in your life, the sooner you can make space in your life for someone who has similar life goals.

  14. Correct. I agree with you completely.

    I don’t know how much time would you give for a response? We don’t on-line near each other so it’s not like he needs to or has to respond urgently.

  15. Someone once said that if they start off being violent with objects, you should take it as a warning — they’re showing you how they’ll treat you soon enough, when the anger has nowhere else to go. Good, healthy relationships are not full of violence. Once is too many.

  16. I’m sorry but I really don’t know how you thought there would be any way to hide your boyfriends views.

    And to be quite honest it’s really not fair that you expect him to be anything other than himself wether it be around your family or god himself. Asking him to pretend to act like he’s not super this side or that side is putting him in a bad position.

  17. You and this guy deserve each other, frankly. This is such a ridiculous and out of line way to respond to someone who is correctly pointing out that you are also at fault here.

  18. We do make our own porn… pics.. everything cuz I’m addicted to sex. So if he needed alone time.. he could have asked and looked at us but no.

  19. That good morning sounds like he's pretending to be at your front door every day. Block him. Don't let him come over. If she asks tell her you already have a boyfriend and don't want two. If he asks tell him to get away from you. Maybe through his struggle to contact you she'll see his true colors.

  20. Thankful that I saw the comment that mentioned your post history. Your relationship died years ago. You've been cheating on her as per your OnlineAffairs subreddit activity which is sad. It really puts your post in a different light. Emotional cheating is still cheating and that is never okay. Tell her now, there's no use is dragging this out any further

  21. No point putting energy into him anymore. I'd focus on moving forward.

    And FWIW, I wouldn't take his comment/tweet too personally.

  22. You don't need him as a BF or a more attractive BF. You need to be on your own, valuing you, go to therapy, heal, etc. Think about why you think you only deserve shitty men.

  23. Nothing you have described is illegal. He's just trying to scare you into letting him stay. Besides, if he doesn't even have enough money to pay his rent, how is he going to hire a lawyer? Get him out, now. Call the police and have him trespassed. Tell them he's threatened you and is refusing to leave and you want him removed. Do it now before he starts long enough to establish residency!

  24. Does he praise you constantly? If yes, he likes you

    Is he stuck in a relationship? Then make it clear you want more and leave the ball in his court

    What you don't do is make things super awkward by forcing the issue. Do enough so that he realises that as long as both of you are free, you are ready to date him.


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