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One thought on “SamanthaSunny online sex cams for YOU!

  1. Been there recently. These feelings will continue to be reinforced by his actions as you stay together.

    How does he react when you try and communicate your needs in the relationship? Does he interpret it as an attack or criticism of himself? Does that derail the conversation so it gets twisted and he starts demanding his needs be met instead?

    Do you look back and realise you’ve been the one doing things that make the relationship easier for him to be in? You are now beginning to resent this and lose respect for him because the effort is going one way.

    Selfish people end up in relationships with people who give them the love and attention they believe they are entitled to. This dynamic means they don’t need to “try harder” to get what they want, and therefore dismiss their partner’s needs and wants as unimportant factors to their own wellbeing. They don’t see it as a partnership, the relationship is there to serve them. If the partner stays long-term, this dynamic becomes the status quo. When the partner tries to communicate their needs and wants, it is interpreted as a challenge to the selfish partner’s sense of security and they will react by fighting the “threat” and restoring the power balance that serves them.

    Does this sound familiar?


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