RunnaBaker online sex chats for YOU!

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54 thoughts on “RunnaBaker online sex chats for YOU!

  1. From the sound of it he likes both women fighting because of him ! If I was his fiancé I would leave his ass!!

  2. Plenty of young men would love to date you if you gave them a chance. Throw this crap right back in his face then leave his gaslighting ass.

  3. You say it's draining for you. he probably thinking you're draining. Why don't you just find a different boyfriend?

  4. OK start hiding money away. That's step one. Step two is telling a person you are VERY close to that this man calls you names, is cheating on you, and has said he isn't interested in you. Then, reach out to some women's aid charities – he is emotionally abusing you and they might be able to help you get away and onto your feet. He's already checked out of this relationship and domestic abuse rates skyrocket during and after a pregnancy.

  5. My husband told me on the first date. We're together for 10 years. Every situation is different. If you really feel confident this is the one, that's a good time to ask

  6. That is tough being so far away, and I don’t know the situation with her family but maybe it’s not time to panic just yet. Taking away her devices is fucked up when she relies on them but hopefully not permanent. She could just be having them confiscated for a couple of days. Don’t stress. She’s with her family and presumably not in terrible danger so maybe chill a bit and she’ll get in touch when she can.

    Or if you believe there’s deprivation of liberty happening you could call campus support services? If she’s 17 she’s in her parents care. They might not legally be able to force her to stay if she’s of age to make her own decisions and isn’t mentally unwell but I don’t know the laws on your state. Good luck buddy

  7. Don’t hold it against Lilly though. She will look up to you and think you’re amazing and be so proud to have a big sister.. with almost the same name!

    In the old days they used to do it quite a bit. Name siblings the same.

  8. I taught K for 14 years and I can tell you that kindergarteners get sick A LOT. There’s so many new germs and they are building their immune systems. I’ve had quite a few parents lose their jobs bc they needed to take off or leave early for their sick child. Honestly, it may be better to wait a year, especially if you can’t find a job with adequate time off.

  9. No she isn’t. She stole his credit card to buy it with and he can easily say she cheated and that’s why she stole it to buy plan b. She doesn’t need legal trouble on top of everything else she is dealing with.

  10. Hello /u/nickgalad,

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  11. I have so many questions, what if you fart at night? There's micro particles of poop even in your farts… what if you have discharge? And how often do you have to change your sheets then? If you sweat there's no clothes to catch the sweat it goes directly on the sheets

  12. Hello /u/nickgalad,

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    [##X][##X], [## X][## X], or [##-X][##-X] where ## is the age and X is the gender (currently M, F, T, A, NB, FTM, MTF but more can be added). You can have more than two ages/genders listed, but you must have at least two at the beginning of your title. Here is an example:

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  13. It depends. How much does he use and how often? What is he like when he does? I come from a place where weed is legal so honestly, to me it’s the same thing as drinking but less harmful because alcohol is a known carcinogen on par with tobacco. But even with weed, I think a little is fine but too much (in either quality or frequency) is indeed too much.

  14. this is probably from a girl that recently found out thru social media that he was messing around with you while he was screwing around with her. Either way, you might want to look more into it.

  15. You should end it man. There’s nothing she can do to change it and, in my experience, you’re not going to get over these feelings.

    End it before you two get more serious and it gets worse

  16. I see so many posts like this. Dude, ITS THE BABIES. Her body is still recovering. She’s exhausted. She’s touched out. She’s not feeling it.

    Instead of pestering her or fantasizing (or threatening) about cheating, just buckle in, accept that you’ve got three children and children change your life. This is your life right now. Pestering her is adding another burden on her. She’s got enough load to carry right now.

    Trust me, once the children are old enough to not constantly NEED you and her, she will be back to her old ways. In fact, many women experience a SURGE of sexual desire in their 40s. Be there for her, be her loving partner now, and you will reap the benefits in the future.

  17. I hate women like this. I’ve worked in a male dominated profession that includes having to travel for decades. Having to deal with these kind of wives sucks. They make it awkward and harder for me to be treated as an equal colleague. I don’t care about your husband or boyfriend! I care about MY CAREER!

  18. It is tough since I see the work he puts into his videos but he makes at least 5 to 10x the amount I make in year in a month so he is very well off plus the income from his brand and his music since he’s a artist now. He does give me credit always if he uses my art in his videos but that’s it so far

  19. Dump her. She’s going to make your life miserable. You should only have short term relationships until your in your mid 30s anyways

  20. Okay that was really weird behaviour and I can't think of any other reason apart from drugs for him to react like this. What was the previous incident you mentioned? That led you to suspect he was cheating?

  21. OP, this right here!! A lot of people are saying really insightful things, but it boils down to “is your anniversary about celebrating your connection as a couple? Or about her followers?”

  22. OMG. The things people put up with never ceases to amaze me.

    You’re paying all the bills for this abusive c***. Why not just leave?

    When does it become our responsibility for the way we allow others to treat us?

  23. He’s just saying that so you’ll stop bringing it up. He’s immature and you’re the one supporting him financially lmao. Leave him.

  24. >And he sent me over 2 dozen screenshots of text conversations between him and other girls where he asks them “Did I fuck you good?” “Am I the best you've ever had?” “Is it the biggest dick you've ever seen?”

    Sounds like those conversations are made up. It's easy to fake conversations.

    >He won't take my polite no for an answer, so before I block him, does anyone have any advice on some kind of witty put down I could use?

    “I read the reviews. I give you 1 star. Good bye!”

    If he's trying to pull the “But I'm a nice guy. Me take good care of you” card, try posting the “screenshots” over at /r/niceguys and see what they say.

  25. Wife is probably a tik tok/wine addict on birth control with a terrible diet/exercise/sleep routine. All terrible.

  26. Sounds like your fiancé might act a whole lot different when he’s around jack and the rest of his friends

  27. No they’re not siblings. Atleast not yet. Also they got married first.

    Also let’s not pretend people’s opinions don’t matter. As cliche as it sounds, we still live in a society where we have to online harmoniously with other and follow the norms. Not everyone can go live in the woods and grow their own food and raise their kids like mogli. People have to form relationships with other people for social support, doing activities, to excel in their careers, to get help in times of need, for emotional support. If they decide to have kids their kids will also need friends so they don’t grow up isolated and grow up to be socially enemy, so they’ll have to make friends with other parents. These are just off the top of my head

    ‘People’s judgment’ is the mutually agreed upon and mutually beneficial terms that we live! by. This ain’t breaking bad or last of us

  28. They were told that their suggestion did not make sense and why.

    Their response was to make a statement asserting the same idea, except with information that was not relevant and did not affect the original refutation.

    In order to respond this way, the person has some problems with reading comprehension and literacy in general. They are having trouble engaging critically with very simple content. It's possible they're drunk or really high or something, but if they organically do not understand what is being discussed, they are not really functioning at an adult level — but it's also very unlikely that they are intellectually disabled, in which case it would be a dick move to say anything. Maybe there is a developmental problem, in which case I'd also feel bad — but I still don't think they should be making decisions that impact others.

    I have met quite a few people like this in real life. They react the same to verbal conversation.

    When I see someone behave this way live, and there is good evidence that they're not just a kid who doesn't fully understand what's going on, I am reminded of how many people like this there are and it's a bit frightening. Again, this was a very basic conversation. Someone who cannot keep up should not be in any kind of position where their decisions or judgment calls impact others. Unfortunately, based on my real life experiences, they very often are. There are some credentials that are not at all difficult to get, and many positions (especially in healthcare and elder care) that you'd think would require credentialing, but don't. But there are plenty of other jobs where the inability to think flexibly or understand what is being discussed can have a big impact that isn't as direct, too — that's just the most glaring example.

    I care about literacy (I've even worked in adult literacy!) and also care about the health of society. I care about things running smoothly, I care about reasoned and ethical choices being made. And more broadly, people who can think critically make better choices for themselves and others because they are able to evaluate the information they take in and synthesize ideas. Like I said, maybe this person was inebriated. Maybe this was a one-off. But the content of it and the information they seem to be missing/taking in incorrectly is pretty patterned in a way that generally is not a one-off.

    I wrote my initial response because I assumed the average person could read between the lines. I still think the average person can, for what it's worth.

  29. They were told that their suggestion did not make sense and why.

    Their response was to make a statement asserting the same idea, except with information that was not relevant and did not affect the original refutation.

    In order to respond this way, the person has some problems with reading comprehension and literacy in general. They are having trouble engaging critically with very simple content. It's possible they're drunk or really high or something, but if they organically do not understand what is being discussed, they are not really functioning at an adult level — but it's also very unlikely that they are intellectually disabled, in which case it would be a dick move to say anything. Maybe there is a developmental problem, in which case I'd also feel bad — but I still don't think they should be making decisions that impact others.

    I have met quite a few people like this in real life. They react the same to verbal conversation.

    When I see someone behave this way live, and there is good evidence that they're not just a kid who doesn't fully understand what's going on, I am reminded of how many people like this there are and it's a bit frightening. Again, this was a very basic conversation. Someone who cannot keep up should not be in any kind of position where their decisions or judgment calls impact others. Unfortunately, based on my real life experiences, they very often are. There are some credentials that are not at all difficult to get, and many positions (especially in healthcare and elder care) that you'd think would require credentialing, but don't. But there are plenty of other jobs where the inability to think flexibly or understand what is being discussed can have a big impact that isn't as direct, too — that's just the most glaring example.

    I care about literacy (I've even worked in adult literacy!) and also care about the health of society. I care about things running smoothly, I care about reasoned and ethical choices being made. And more broadly, people who can think critically make better choices for themselves and others because they are able to evaluate the information they take in and synthesize ideas. Like I said, maybe this person was inebriated. Maybe this was a one-off. But the content of it and the information they seem to be missing/taking in incorrectly is pretty patterned in a way that generally is not a one-off.

    I wrote my initial response because I assumed the average person could read between the lines. I still think the average person can, for what it's worth.

  30. – he cheated, unremorseful, delusional, projecting, disrespectful & many more ……

    time to pack up & leave & binoculars up for new men

  31. i was 19F, my first relationship was with a 33M. girl, fucking run. and i’d like to kick all those people who said “age is just a number” ?

  32. There are a lot of things everyone would appreciate. Like winning the lottery, or not being catcalled, or not having drunk guys pick fights outside bars. Thing is, we might appreciate them, but if we realise that we don't have that within our control and don't have a plan that relies on something super unrealistic – I don't know, an emotionally immature man/boy suddenly being mature – then we can move forward into a better place.

  33. Um. Considering the situation which is mainly because of him.

    You’re acting like he’s perfect.

  34. Absolutely, that is exactly my impression as well. It seems pretty clear from the evidence. She shows every sign of trying to dodge inappropriate advances from her neighbor's husband while preserving her son's friendship with their kid. How can people not see that? Blaming her for his behavior with zero evidence she has done anything wrong. Why not put that energy into confronting her husband rather than disrupting that nude working exhausted single mother's dinner with her son? Also totally inappropriate to discuss in front of her kid

  35. Look up 'sunk cost fallacy'. You are going to wake up 20 years from now and realize that you have spent 20+ years in a dead end relationship. The sooner you leave, the faster you can work on having a GOOD relationship.

    His behavior is manipulation – pure and simple. “pretends and packs a bag and goes and sits in a McDonald’s car park then scuttles home when he realises I’m not going to call and beg for him back. He then comes back and tells me he didn’t mean anything he said and he’s so sorry and he’ll do better next time

    The pushing and shoving – that's abuse.

    If you have kids – guess who else gets pushed and shoved? Guess who else gets to see this type of manipulation? The kids.

    Just because someone was abused doesn't mean they have the right to abuse others.

    Just because someone had trauma in their life doesn't mean they get to inflict trauma on thers.

    Which is what he is doing.

    No, he is never sorry. If he was 'sorry' he would stop. He keeps doing it because you let him. The 'bad' him is the real him. When someone shows you who they are, believe them. You keep making excuses for who he really is. You know he's a snake. Don't get upset when he bites you

    YOU need counseling to learn how to have strong boundaries around to learn that you deserve better.

  36. Ideally, your contribution added to what he currently pays would take care of the new mortgage amount. So,why would be need to pull out crypto?

    Also, this is a terrible time to buy unless you're a cash buyer. Interest rates are quite high and, thus, monthly mortgage payments are quite high. If so we're him I'd sit tight on that house for at least 3-5 years.

    Did you own your place that you had before you moved in with him? If not, you can't accept his offer to love into his place and then pressure him to sell it. That's selfish and unfair. You knew what his place offered when you accepted and you knew the limitations of it, too.

  37. You did the right thing because you did what's best for you. He's being a little self-absorbed at the moment, and there's no reason why want he wants should come first. A clean break is usually best and helps him realise what he's missing.

  38. Nope that's an abusive red flag and gaslighting to boot!

    3 months is way to soon for a giant red flag like this. Take it for what it is and run.

  39. You have stuck by your job this entire time he’s changed his multiple times! I would hire you 10x faster than I would hire him! So, go get your job with your awesome résumé! He won’t go far with his. Managers look for people who stay. We put big X’s on applications that have job after job listed, with no length of time with company. They are most likely unreliable! I get he was fired for something he didn’t do, but did he fight back at all, or kinda say oh well? He’s been way too willing to move on, over and over. You’ve worked nude and this is something you’ve EARNED! That is the difference!!!

  40. Your friend is insane and you shouldn’t bring your child around her… you don’t know who deep her anger/jealousy might go


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