Rose Waters on-line sex chats for YOU!

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14 thoughts on “Rose Waters on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. Can you hear yourself? You didn’t stand up to your friends as they sexually assaulted your girlfriend because you were afraid they might assault you to? Why the hell are these people your “friends”?

  2. Yup a whole fkn year. And waited intentionally to tell me until I was in a situation with pretty intense commitments so he knew I wouldn’t just take off, which I what I would have done prior, he knows it and admitted as much. It’s all around some bitch ass behavior and I don’t want anything to do with it

  3. It is in her post history. She also “joked” that they had broken up 77 times in less than two years.

  4. Yes! You can’t explain to your abuser that you don’t like being abused. He doesn’t care because he enjoys it.

  5. What the actual…… bless her for not having to deal with endometriosis herself. Don’t force yourself you’re in pain if she loves you sex can wait. Because you two are what’s important, sex is just the cherry on the cake.

  6. You are right in not liking ultimatums. Your fiance doesn't like you to have male friends? Your fiance doesn't care what you think about your ex, he just wants him gone? Doesn't seem he respects you very much. If you can't sit down with your fiance and have serious talk, and another, and another, about how you and him want your lives to be, and if you can't make them compatible, then you shouldn't be marrying this man.

    Others may be right that your relationship with your ex may be a problem to a lot of men, but if he is truly that important to you, then you just need to find someone who is fine with it.

  7. So he knows what he wants to commit to for the future, which is spending a week or two every year at this ashram.

    He's not sure whether he wants to commit to you for the future.

    Hear what he's saying here, not what it want to hear.

  8. This “friend” refuses to accept OP’s sexuality. She’s constantly asked OP over and over to re-affirm her sexuality and is trying to create confusion so maybe OP will experiment with her once so the friend can get what she really wants.

    That’s not a “friend” worth keeping. This “friend” has one agenda and one agenda only.


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