Rajnar-nina live! sex chats for YOU!

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16 thoughts on “Rajnar-nina live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. Im working on it everyday. Trust me. I don’t need pity but I just don’t know what to do about the way my mom is acting towards me

  2. my bf is the most chill guy in the world, a male friend once picked me up and he wrapped my legs around him (he was TALL so I couldn’t just jump down), bf wasn’t mad at me but he was just slightly uncomfortable. I’d say if even the most chill guy in the world would think something of it then it’s deff worth mentioning to your gf 🙂

  3. Let me just say, if I say mean things about either of you, it’s not to actually be hurtful, I think I’m just stating facts about the situation. I’m not judging anyone’s motivations, just describing actions and their consequences.

    Both of us agree it would be better if we were able to meet regularly and I was physically in her life more often.

    I’m not sure what could possibly be better if you were there. You’re not a doctor and cannot treat her illness. You’re not able to provide money for treatment, in the US or Italy. You actually bring her more suffering because she generates additional intrusive thoughts. You suffer because she says these things about you and she makes you conform to her twisted view of reality by sitting alone for three hours because of a fiction.

    What exactly would be better? It seems like everything intensified when you were physically close, the good and the bad. In my opinion, the worst things are far worse than how good the best things can be.

    The problem would be the money to do that.

    How does being near her or married to her solve this problem? It doesn’t seem like proximity is the solution to money problems.

    It could be feasible if we were married and I could work there for months at a time, but we can't just get married based on the bet it might possibly get better in the future

    How does marriage make treating her illness feasible? It only seems like it would make your life far worse by being with a person who really lives in an alternate reality because of their illnesses.

    You don’t get married because you hope being together will make everything great in spite of everything telling you it will be terrible. You get married because you can see a reasonable path forward in life, share similar life goals, and can agree on working together to reach your shared vision of the future.

    From what you have described, I don’t see a path forward for the two of you that doesn’t involve unnecessary suffering. You may take responsibility for getting her help, but without the means to do it, it’s an empty promise and it’s wasteful of everyone’s happiness to make promises you cannot keep.

  4. also, she was overweight when they started dating. why would you even date someone if you don’t like their body? if you want them to change their body and they don’t, why would you go on to marry them? what a piece of shit

  5. I think if I were you I'd tell him to keep on trucking and he can pay 100% of his rent because you should move back home and spend this time with your mom.

  6. She’s being irrational which is sort of the definition of crazy. Your mom is an amazing example of resilience and being slightly overweight but active and eating healthy actually probably makes her healthier than a lot of thinner people who eat junk and aren’t as active. Weight is only one determinant of health. Smoking, exercise, what type of food you eat, genetics, finances etc etc all play a role. You need to be kind but firm with your wife that her demands are unreasonable and she is not allowed to keep your mom away from your child. Your wife needs help to deal with her own trauma.

  7. It's not abusive but it's incredibly passive aggressive. You're not communicating anything other than your anger to your partner. If you do it frequently enough then it definitely becomes emotionally abusive.

    Source: this was literally my childhood growing up with a passive aggressive mother.

    Just talk to your partner about what went wrong OP. Do you want to hurt them or do you want to fix the issue?

  8. What do you want? He has unrealistic expectations- not high as you describe but, unrealistic. You need to work on your self confidence and esteem. You aren’t a sex toy for this Joe Blow.

  9. I think your best bet to solve this amicably would be to contact the stadium and get their official policy on permitting medical supplies. If they have an actual policy against bringing supplies inside, then you might want to consider agreeing with your gf and not financially supporting such a venue. However, it’s more likely that they do allow such items inside, and showing your gf that policy might make her feel more comfortable with you going (especially since that wrong/asshole guard from before probably doesn’t even work there anymore).

    I do wonder though if she went to the right entrance gate on her previous visit? I know some venues have a specific gate for guests with medical/ADA requirements. At these stadiums, the bag checker at the other gates wouldn’t be authorized to allow those items inside, so they’d have to say no. Whereas the medical entrance gate would be able to permit access since they have different entry requirements. The last two stadiums I went to had a similar gate policy. Did she also check the stadium info beforehand to make sure her bag met the size requirements? If she got denied entry due to user error then it makes her “banning” you from going even more absurd.

  10. Okay so it was you.

    Damn girl you are rushing fast. I dont think you thoght though it and he is probably just giving in.

    Why do you want to get engaged with a person you barley know?

  11. By not taking the dog away, you’re responsible for Copper being abused. You’re almost as bad as if you’re beating the dog yourself.

    It’s only a matter of time until that anger is turned on you and your child. Get out and take the dog with you.

  12. I don’t understand people who sexually assault others while they’re sleeping. I’m guessing it’s because they’re vulnerable at the time, but like… it’s likely they’ll wake up. Regardless, it’s a disgusting and abusive thing to do, no matter how you chop it (unless it is a previously discussed and agreed upon kink).

  13. So she came into your marriage immediately cheating… she wronged you in so many ways.. why did she even go through with the wedding. Makes one wonder if she has cheated through most of your relationship.. has she had some kind of major life event that would make some sense to why she would do this to you… sounds as if you have dodged a bullet before you had kids and went into a lot of debt with her..

  14. I agree it sounds like she settled for him bc she wanted stability. Not healthy.

    But why shouldn’t she resent him for parenting this way? Just “barreling” through or forcing things, and being emotionally unavailable to their kids? That’s not just “father” stuff imo. He needs to try a bit harder.

    And on top of the bad hygiene, it also sounds like he’s not very emotionally available to her. This isn’t necessarily insta-breakup territory, but definitely needs to be addressed.

    Sounds more to me like she settled for him bc stability, but now is realizing what he lacks and expects more. Just bc he’s better than her previous partners doesn’t mean he’s without flaws or that she can’t have expectations for him.

  15. Dang looks like ur not gonna get any pootie tang anymore. Get her flowers. And a puppy. It’ll work. Trust me.


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