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Rada, 18 y.o.


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23 thoughts on “Rada the naked live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. So you said it yourself, he went young because he wants someone he can wear down. He’s the one that’s going to lose everything. Dudes like him and a dime a dozen, he’s trying to coerce you.

    If he cared about you he would listen, he would stop. He’s so excited to use you in a way you don’t want.

    Are you a toy? Do you have value? Are you worth more than this low life? You’re in the prime of your life and he’s just some perv happy to use you until you wake up and see him for what he is.

    You’ll regret it for the rest of your life, break up. Don’t believe him, he’s shown you who he is.

  2. I mean comparably it's much easier for a man to feel safe in these scenarios anyway.

    Regardless this is not the only way to show compassion or help others in need.

    Rude of him to disregard your traumatic experience.

    Sounds like you've always been down to help people, and now you help in different ways.

  3. This only means that crimes done to men by unknown people are worse than those done to women.

    WHO decides, what is “worse”?

    Careful when juggling with statistics!

    What they express depends on which filter you apply onto an underlying database and how you even out which kind of spike records to the one side and to the other side out of the equation!

    Just… don't.

  4. No. The user meant what the user said:

    You want more than you currently can afford.

    As your SO isn't able to add more money on his own.

    I would NO WAY have husband buy a house with the money of a third party.

    As long as the loan isn't paid back an outside person will always have an equal say in matters concerning your house.

    Or may even expect accomodation.

    No effing way I would agree to that. Rather downsize to what you corrently can afford.

    Or buy a house once he has saved up enough money.

    Until then you may have some couples work together, as your views regarding money seem to differ on a really crucial point:

    boyfriend sees no harm in borrowing. With all that implies with regards to ownership of goods bought with borrowed money.

    Which sounds a bit immature and careless.

    You like to be on the safe side and have money put aside.

    There is an incompatibilty here which could ruin everything for both of you in the long run if you can't work it out.

  5. When I said you skipped over it I meant in your retelling of events towards the end of your first paragraph. I suppose it's more accurate to say that it appears by not highlighting that her doing that was in fact not reasonable you are minimizing the wrongdoing on her part. Or at the very least saying “she hurt your feelings, you hurt her feelings, basically the same thing so no one is in the wrong” when what she said and her reasons for doing so were explicitly worse and she is being the asshole.

    But okay, so am I correct in assuming that in your direct addressment you are equating the two? That him being too tired after working 11 hours to engage in sex and wanting to go to sleep (something she encouraged him at the time to do) after he commented on her hair/make-up/lingerie (so it's not that he didn't notice) is the same or just as bad as…

    Her calling him boring and telling him again “any man would have fucked her” (a comment that, as I said in my previous reply, can ONLY be interpreted as her shaming him for not having sex with her). She didn't get mad and entitled because he didn't notice the effort she put into her appearance (I don't get why you assumed that when OP clearly says he did) , she got mad because in that moment she wanted sex and he didn't give it to her. She didn't call him oblivious or uncaring, she called him BORING.

    She wanted to be entertained and have fun, has some sexist notions that men are supposed to always be down for sex, and got rude because he didn't sleep with her. OP didn't hurt her feelings and wasn't setting out to. She was setting out to shame him and make him feel bad because she didn't get her way, her way being sex. That's wrong entitled behavior.

    She made an effort to show she was interested and he acknowledged it but after an exhausting day was too tired to have sex/not interested. That is well within his rights, NO ONE IS ENTITLED TO SEX. So if that is you addressing it I really need to know:

    Did you not read the part where he acknowledged her looks and efforts before going to sleep and assume that he didn't as the reason she got upset OR do you think OP not sleeping with her was him “not noticing” because he didn't reward her efforts with his body? She was the asshole who was upset she didn't get sex and insulted her partner. It's not a “you both need to apologize for hurting each other's feelings” situation, she was in the wrong. Plain and simple. She was the asshole, she needs to apologize, it was her own assumption that OP would just be down for sex anytime that made her hurt her own feelings, but she absolutely hurt his feelings as she set out to do, she was just being an entitled jerk.

  6. Usually I'd say no, but since he is famous and has money I'd say lean into that shit. Get on some good birth control and enjoy the ride. Let his fame accelerate your model career and enjoy the time with him and then when it is time to leave just dip.

    I know this is probably a shitty thing to do but I see this as an opportunity of you play your cards right.

  7. These are choices for her to make, not you. Your choices begin when her choices end. Don't try to control, don't try to set a narrative. Keep mindful of what is currently going on, not what “could be”. Trying to head this off or control will only add fuel. Just sit back and be in control of all that you can be, your reactions.

    It's tough, but it's the best way.

  8. Depending on your countries laws, living with someone over so many years will be considered a de facto relationship. So you would be entitled to half the equity, and debt. Especially if you are contributing more than rent, such as doing, or paying for repairs.

  9. I've been in a very similar position before. My best friend throughout high school and my early adult life was suspected of a heinous crime and pretty much everyone cut ties with them because of it. I stayed their friend because I felt obligated to and felt it was what a good friend would do. It wasn't until my other friends sat me down and made me realize the toll it was taking on me to be there for that person that I realized I had to end the friendship with them. All it took was a bit of grey rocking and they were gone. They were later found guilty of the crime they were suspected of and are currently serving time for it.

    There's give and take in every relationship, romantic or otherwise. It's important to know when your needs aren't being met. From the sounds of it here, yours aren't and it's becoming an active detriment having her in your life.

    You have to choose whether you want to keep struggling to stay afloat with her dragging you down and run the risk of drowning yourself. Or whether you cut her loose for your own sake. Who knows? Perhaps the idea of losing you will light a fire under her.

  10. Your post title is confusing, and you are not asking for relationship advice on a specific situation between two or more people, which is required for this subreddit.

  11. There is no indication in post she has 2. Just said herpes. Neither goes away. Its not different by severity, its per person how the symptoms are or if present at all. Many have for yrs with no symptoms.

  12. I’m assuming you’re not the same religion as him? If that’s correct, I’d hazard the guess that, although he hasn’t told you yet, he’s broken up with you. He’s blocked you basically everywhere and isn’t responding on the one platform where he hasn’t blocked you.

    He also told you he wasn’t sure “the relationship was doing good for him.” He’s ghosting you. He also wants you to “officially” break up with him to assuage him of guilt.

    While I could be wrong, I don’t believe I am. I wish you luck; break up with him.

  13. He's going to make the decision when, where and for how long you can see your family?

    That's controlling. His boundary seems to be that you are to do what he tells you to do.

    You want to on-line like that?

    Save him the trouble & break it off

  14. Yikes, my dude.

    This is not okay. Your girlfriend betrayed a massive amount of privacy and trust. Now she's throwing everything in your face? This reads like the beginning of an abusive relationship. I can't speak to everything, obviously, I don't know either of you from Adam and Eve, but what you've revealed is some gaslighting, noxious stuff.

    If you've moved so far to be with her and you don't have a support network, well… that's also a bad sign. Manipulators and abusers rely on their victims not being able to leave/fend for themselves.

    I know this is a serious Reddit Moment, but dude, you need to consider leaving her. There are red flags galore in this post!

  15. She has told you that she has no interest in a future romantic relationship. That is what she wants.

    You aren't listening to her. She has already told you that she is no longer interested in you as a romantic partner. Do not “broach the subject”. Stop trying to “understand what she wants”. She's told you what she doesn't want. You refuse to believe her.

    She probably does enjoy your company without all the romantic BS.

    Don't get better for her. Get better for yourself. Get better so you can be a better partner to the next girl you meet. And you should try to meet the next girl instead of hanging your hope on the impossible.

  16. Currently it’s great but we have had hard times too. Communication is crucial. The husband is not trusting the wife in her communications and that seems to be rooted in insecurity since she is no longer stuck in the house with small children. This, to me, still seems like a him issue.


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