PurpleAriel online webcams for YOU!

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3 thoughts on “PurpleAriel online webcams for YOU!

  1. Eh. My sister is 4.5 years younger than me. While we weren't close for over a decade, by the time I made 25ish, I grew up and realised she wasn't just the “annoying brat” (my thoughts) with whom I had nothing in common.

    I get that I don't have a twin and that family dynamics are always different. But blaming sibling hostility on a four-year age gap is shaky ground in your mid-to-late twenties.

    I have no advice for OP other than fuck 'em. The more she pushes, the more they'll shut her out. OP, don't go nuclear/NC, but have your siblings drop several rungs down your social priority list. They won't care, but once you're in the swing of things, neither will you.

  2. Like not even a full month ago, you made a post where you wrote that “getting help is the first step” but you don’t have insurance. And while you say “therapy is for people who need others to hold their hand” you’ve said that you are so dependent on your bf and his affection, that he’s “healing” for you and your goal would is to be a SAHM. Not hating on that, but that is literal dependency on another person, which is hand holding. It’s just not by a professional. Try not to take these comments as insulting, I think people can see here, that this mentally is kinda unhealthy at the end of the day. And you’re own comments are proving it. Hopefully all works out for you OP, good luck.


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