PrissyMorrison live! sex chats for YOU!

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35 thoughts on “PrissyMorrison live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. Get your sh$t together. Seek therapy for your anxiety issues. You aren't a functioning person right now. You should be able to hold a conversation. How do you get through job interviews? How do you call a plumber? How do you talk to an auto mechanic? How do you communicate with classmates, instructors, and group project members? How do you talk to coworkers? How do you complete workplace performance reviews?

    It is more than reasonable that your BF expects you to be able to exchange pleasantries with his family. Put more effort into talking. They aren't judging youm they are just trying to get to know you a little bit.

    If he showed up at your family home and behaved like this it would be a huge problem. They would think that he's hiding something or worse.

  2. This is a major red flag ??????of his character: NOT DISCUSSING FUTURE PLANS. He should have sat down with you and explain what he wants to do. He can't just spring this up out of the blue and sit there like ITS NOW YOUR TURN TO MAKE A CHOICE. WHEN YOU LOVE SOMEONE, YOU DO THINGS TOGETHER, DISCUSS THINGS TOGETHER, MAKE PLANS TOGETHER.

    THIS was extremely unfair to you. He didn't think how extending his contract will affect you.

    Imagine being married to a guy who, out of the blue decided to lend 50k to his parents without discussing it with you? In the spur of the moment decided to go to Florida for his friends wedding knowing full well that you planned to see your parents in Vegas, TOGETHER AS A COUPLE for that same week.

    This is miscommunication at its finest and he showed how thoughtless he is.

    I have a brother who served. You are told WAY AHEAD OF TIME IF YOU WANT TO add more years to serve.

    Instead of feeling sad, I say BE PISSED OFF.

    You need to consider how his behavior will affect you in the long run.

  3. Prepared to get downvoted, but I do not care. This society is just sick!!! Women getting pregnant by strangers and having babies who grow up without knowing what family is ? I wish I did not have to on-line in 2022.

  4. Most people fear rejection. You’re not exactly crazy to have that feeling. But if you don’t ask, you’ve already been rejected.

    Someone might say no for a plethora of reasons. Everyone naturally assumes it’s because they’re not attractive. But dating and relationships are complex. You have no idea what they’re thinking. The assumption should just be that they don’t think you’re a fit for each other. Doesn’t mean you’re unattractive. Everyone has their own preferences.

    But we’re here assuming the worst. Maybe he says yes!

  5. Not being friends doesn't mean not being civil. Seemed pretty civil that she went on with her business and let you go on with yours.

  6. It sounds like you have been through a lot. I understand that heartbreak can be an incredibly painful experience, but engaging in such risky and potentially dangerous behaviors is not the best way to cope with it. Moving forward, I advise that you take time for yourself—whether through hobbies or therapy—to help process those experiences and emotions in the healthiest way possible. Additionally, seeking out social support from friends may also prove beneficial as well.

  7. She just told you this new information out if the blue? If so, prepare to learn as soon as she's decided to keep the baby that she had sex with him, multiple times and you're not the father

  8. Maybe she enjoyed it more with him because he was much “smaller” than you, if you know what I mean. Maybe you are too large and it is more comfortable for her with a smaller penis???

  9. I have t drank in 14 years, because every once in a while, almost unpredictably I get black out drunk, if I had to guess I’d say maybe 1/10 times if drink, but I was a single dad and my son’s mother had died and just decided that’s a risk not worth taking.

  10. Therapy is a good idea. You shouldn't move in until you're ready, and right now it sounds like you're looking for reasons you are not ready. That's OK, but forcing it isn't healthy.

  11. He didn’t want to be with you, is what he’s saying. It’s not unusual to want someone who shares your faith, not someone who’s willing to try and believe for your sake. Whole different dynamic.

  12. It’s not anger. It’s not mean. It’s truth. You said it isn’t hypocritical because it’s preference, and as a straight man, you wouldn’t be okay with your girlfriend fucking another man. She’s into women, though, just like you!, so that’s totally okay. She gets to watch you have sex with other women, but you won’t watch her have sex with other men. You get the fantasy of two women, but you wouldn’t let her have the fantasy of two men. It really is using her to benefit you, and it is hypocritical. Don’t want someone to do it for you if you wouldn’t do it for them, ie threesomes with the opposite gender.

  13. u/munclebieben, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  14. u/FlatMarionberry3798, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  15. hi! i did tell him i felt that me and him should talk and he refused and told me that he wanted to be alone again. I feel like i’m out of options here and my gut has been telling me that there’s something just isn’t right..

  16. You're hoping people who don't respect you for your nationality / mixed genetics + dietary choices to be present for your wedding? What?

    Also, why do you think he's lying? Generally speaking most men aren't as connected to their families as women are, we're more than capable of cutting ties with people who don't respect our choices..

    LOL imagine you doing everything you can just to make things up, invite them to your wedding, they actually come and your husband will get mad at you for forcing people who don't respect your lvoe to attend a day that's supposed to be celebrating your love!

  17. As someone who knew his ex-wife for 4 years before marriage I can say 2 years is absolutely not enough time for some folks. It wasn't for me and if I had known she was the cheating type (she hid this for quite some time) I would have never married her. If the OP isn't secure with being given an ultimatum then its time to end things and stop wasting his GF's time. Its an understandable point of view but 2 years is not enough time to suss out all of the ins and outs of any one potential marriage.

  18. Ended up cuddling? How does one end up doing that? It might not be cheating but it damn sure isn’t right. I’d never do that, my wife sure as shit better not. You messed up. You better own it. Before the friend outs you one day.

  19. nope, that was the full conversation. im kinda bummed about it. i wasnt even snarky or rude about it, i approached him in a calm manner.

  20. Yes, he's a cheater. He was putting effort into messaging someone romantically, was putting effort toward meeting up with them (even tho it was just secretly your friend, he still did it), AND he lied that he wasn't in a serious relationship.

    OP, take this very seriously. He showed you that he WILL cheat and lie if given the opportunity. He is a cheater. I recommend not staying with this man because he has shown that clearly doesn't value your relationship. He said he's “not in a serious relationship, and about to break up with you” to someone he was planning to cheat with, so you should just jump start his supposed plans to break up with you by you breaking up with him for good.

    You can find someone way better, trust me. Do not trust this man. Do not trust his words. Look at his actions. He has shown you what he has done and will do. Again, he is absolutely a cheater


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