Princess Tiara live! webcams for YOU!

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All very hot early in the morning lol

51 thoughts on “Princess Tiara live! webcams for YOU!

  1. My thoughts exactly. This screams anxious attachment to me. OP, it’s not very healthy to be so emotionally dependent on a person you’ve been with for 2 months. To be fair, even if you’d been together 2 years and you reacted that way it would be concerning. It’s not going to kill you to be away from someone for a few days.

  2. Yeah it’s definitely a cultural thing on top of personal preference. My brother and I slept with our parents til we were like 8-10 lol. We had our own rooms, just preferred sharing the bed. My kids sleep in their own beds now because I like having space, but my nephews are 6/8 and still sleep with their parents most nights. I agree with you that it’s not unhealthy. Ok for OP to not be ok with it, but that doesn’t mean it’s inherently wrong.

  3. You sound like an Idiot. I’m actually surprised you’re already a mother because the comments in this post read like a 16 year old girl.

  4. To be fair, you’re not going to see that yet, the inappropriateness of the age gap. It’s part of growing up.

    Regarding rent, it’s just kinda fucked up him being so much older to take rent from out your savings. Maybe that’s just me.

    Regarding his sister, just take the L, and frame this as a teachable moment where you’ve learned about yourself, how (adult) relationships are or rather should be (mainly with respect to respecting other peoples space), and that you might be a little nutty.

    Now considering you don’t have any siblings, and maybe it’s this whole step sibling incest fetish that seems to be going around in the zeitgeist adding to it, perhaps that makes it weird, but as someone with sisters, just no, please no ??

    All relationships between adults aren’t sexual.

  5. I dont know what I was thinking – im young and felt so weird starting an engaged life with secrets.

    But you're right it was the wrong thing to do and I learnt my lesson.

  6. Her rational side knows that she probably can't leave so is apologising. Her emotional side meant everything she said.

    She's having an emotional affair and wants to leave you for the guy in her inbox

  7. I would be worried if there is a bed in the office and only 2 workspaces…

    But well… Some pretend love being naive. You can now talk to her about your uncomfortable situation and eee what happens. This boss is hunting your gf.

    Or you run.

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  9. He should break up with you. His ex is the mother of his child, and will always be a part of his life. They have to co parent effectively. You tried to ruin that. Grow up.

  10. It's INSANELY toxic that you don't trust your girlfriend enough to trust that if her friend did have ulterior motives, she would turn him down. Since you clearly don't trust her, you need to leave her.

  11. She disrespected herself when she decided to let some guy she’s been dating for two months dictate who her friends should be and when she’s allowed to see them.

    She regained self respect when she remembered she’s an adult and doesn’t need permission to hang out with a friend.

  12. Just checked in with my boyfriend who plays on a coed beer league. He has never heard of women using the men’d locker room, and says that it would make all of the guys feel uncomfortable.

  13. This would be a deal breaker for me. She should not be seeing hot dudes period. I would tell her in no uncertain terms it must never happen again.

  14. Sounds like you’ve come to a good, reasoned decision. Your partner doesn’t deserve you. Go find someone who will help you shine, not wear you down

  15. Sometimes people just have different communication styles. In general I would say replying quickly is a sign of interest in the other party but The “did you block me thing” is kind of cringy.

    Maybe next time I would be upfront and say I’m not the kind of person who likes to text a lot, please don’t take my lack of communication as disinterest or I’m not on my phone much or something.

  16. If he hasn't done anything inappropriate and respects your relationship… I don't see much wrong with it. Different story if he's trying to pursue her. But it kinda sounds like it's just friendly banter, even you think so

  17. It’s likely that it’s the drinking and the pot tbh. I really think that getting cross faded has put a damper on my libido among other things. It probably is a mix of all the things he listed. I wouldn’t know in your friend’s specific instance but it could be worth a doctors visit if things were fine before and now they are not, it could be more than just stress and maybe even an underlying medical issue.

  18. I say this gently, your grandma may be getting dementia. My grandma started accusing us of taking things too, like her clothes etc. she was never like that before , but it progressively got worse. You just can’t take it personally.

  19. I'm 43 and I'm pretty sure I know why OP keeps this manchild around.

    But it can't be good enough to justify all this.

  20. You do not trust him, he gaslights you. Dump him. He is not worth your time and his controlling tendencies will only get worse.

  21. I assume if you’re taking a pregnancy test now, this wasn’t something that just happened last night? (and if it is a pregnancy test is not going to be accurate yet, but you’re still in the window for Plan B and go get some this minute!!!)

  22. Regardless of whether he is emotionally abusing you or not, he is gaslighting you and being a worthless partner. Your life will improve dramatically when you dump him. Si his reaction to being told you feel emotionally abused is to check out of the relationship?

    No, this guy doesn't give a shit about you or the relationship. Fuck that. You deserve better.

  23. Why are you letting your dad dictate so much of your life? He sounds like a controlling bully and you'd probably benefit from allowing him less influence over you.

  24. So she lied to you for three years, and is still lying to you even now.

    So maybe ask her when the lying stops and the rebuilding of trust begins.

  25. Thank you. He's completely breadcrumbing me. Every now and then, I get a text message saying “I miss you, I'm thinking of you” and then ignored. He doesn't miss anything and the behavior this weekend has completely changed my opinion on him. Didn't hear anything apart from those 2 text messages. Think it's time to move on.

  26. Honestly thank you for your insight !!!! It makes sooo much sense now. Why his looking for work elsewhere he must be so worried the bank will find out about his addiction.

    It’s ended for good. I’m just happy I got out of there

  27. You’re not a jerk, sorry you’re going through this.

    You kind of have to decide if you will 1) stay with someone you are unattracted to or 2) leave and find better. There’s not really a 3rd option. There’s a slim chance she will get better with her diet and lose weight but food addiction is a naked one to beat.

    Before you give up though maybe float the idea of weight loss surgery. She is past the point of diet and exercise now.

    I’m not married and I think when you take vows saying “in sickness and in health” you should mean it. BUT it takes two. One person can’t give up on themselves and marriage isn’t an death sentence, you shouldn’t have to online in misery.

  28. The money lending and co-signing is crossing a line. And so is him saying he’d have endless love for her when they’re no longer together….BUT why are you going through his texts when you’ve only been together 5 months??!! If you’ve gone that far then is there really a way back to trusting him??

  29. I can't imagine asking my partner who doesn't online with me to chip in at all, even if they made 9 times what I do.

  30. We do not online together. Which, at this point in our relationship, is a whole other post on this website waiting to happen.

  31. I don't believe that's the case. There are various ways you can prove that you are, or were, in a relationship. Such as having joint accounts (bank, vehicles, phones, rental properties etc). The burden would then be on the other person to prove that a relation ship did not exist.

  32. For the most part, the age gap isn't really a big deal. I mean, my wife's 12 years older, so I'm speaking from my own personal bias. What normally is the kiss of death for any relationship is a lack of common/shared values. That's the bedrock in my opinion and far too often people try to “reshape” their partner after the fact which doesn't end well from what I've seen. So if it works for you two, God Bless.

  33. Highly advise you consider beating his ass.

    To be real I only read this so far as to understand that he’s going without you. What an absolute bitch.

  34. Anything besides a resounding and enthusiastic “Yes!” is rape. You didn't want tea, and he served it to you anyways.

  35. Sexuality isn’t black and white, it’s a very fluid spectrum. I think, at your age especially, it’s something you find out about yourself over a period of time

  36. I disagree. I think it is fine to say “I feel uncomfortable about friend A”, but then you need to sit down and explore together, what about friend A is the problem. You shouldn’t end the friendship, as that is ridiculous and controlling. Your boyfriend is essentially asking you to fix his issues, by limiting your friend group, so he doesn’t have to work on himself. He is making his internal problem, your problem. That is a big red flag.

  37. It's not uncommon that a young man at 23 doesn't want to think about marriage yet. It certainly doesn't mean he doesn't want you in his future. He's just clinging to his last shred of youth.

    Maybe you can't commit to 5 more years with him and no talk of marriage, but maybe you can commit to 1 and see where things stand at that time.


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