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47 thoughts on “Princess Consuela Banana Hammock the nude live sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. All I’m seeing is that you keep pushing her ‘no’. You guys don’t seem comparable and you don’t seem to respect her wants and needs. Do her a favour and just leave her alone

  2. “Some random stranger” “I spent a lot of my time online”. You need to set some limits for yourself. If there is a particular place on-line where you are engaging in these discussions it is best for you to leave it. You will never be able to change every single persons mind, and much less a strangers on the internet. You do not have a social responsibility to make the world a better place through the internet. If you see bigotry in real life and you get the chance to step in and speak up, take that chance. But don’t go looking for people who enjoy getting reactions out of others. This is clearly very damaging to your mental health. Life is not easy, has never been, and never will be. Neither is it fair. But don’t torture yourself by imagining all the plight a person could be going through. You’re fighting in the name of ideas that are in your head. I promise you that every person who has been a victim of bigotry has at least one person in their corner who has picked them back up. You seem like a kind person, be kind to yourself and remove this weight off your shoulders

  3. Well would it surprise you to know I never did that, and didn’t have my first orgasim until 15 and that was by accident and watching a porn video. I’ve had friends I was shocked to find out hadn’t or knew they could. I never scratched an itch either growing up or was rubbing against the couch etc lol.

  4. Be honest and firm. Don't let her guilt you. Tell her that it isn't working and that you're unhappy. That's it. She might get sad or angry – you don't care. Let it wash over you. tell her you'll always care about her and you wish her the best.

    Once it's done block her

  5. Instead of overly concerning yourself with being able to orgasm you might want to try just enjoying yourself and let it happen when it does. I believe your trying too nude so as to not disappoint your boyfriend and as such your ruining your chances of having an orgasm by stressing so much, relax.

  6. Hello /u/_remorsecode_,

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  7. I'm not sure what you are talking about here. Nothing your ex did was “indecent”. It's her right to change her mind, these things happen. It's her right to not keep you in her life, that's actually healthy. You need to loose this mindset that she wronged you and therefore owes you something. She didn't and she doesn't. Loosing a partner of 8 years is painful, but you need to loose the victim mentality.

  8. I would suggest your mom gets therapy and you marry who you want!!

    I know (from Reddit) Asian kids fall to the pressure of pleasing their parents, but F that!! End their cycle of toxic control!

    Give your mom actress of the year award and don't fall for it!

  9. OP if I was your sister I would NEVER forgive you for trying a throw a grenade into a happy relationship. What did you think this was going to accomplish? What good was going to come out of it? I think you want your sister’s man.

  10. I still don't get your point… So you're saying that OP, or his girlfriend are lying? He clearly says in the post:

    > “she said that they do have a changing room for women on coed teams, but she doesn't use it.”

    > “She even told me that the other woman on her team does use the separate locker room”

    So it's not what OP thinks it's like, I don't think OP knows what the situation is like. He can only go by what his GF tells him, and she says there are mens and womens locker rooms. I guess you're saying that because you play hockey, OP is a liar?

  11. Very selfish of you to go thru this pregnancy that obviously was an accident since its bern only 5 months since you’ve been together and the fact that you dnt have any housing alternative and are not able to hold a job? What do you expect your life to be like for that baby? I understand its painful as ive terminated pregnancy myself. Im a mom now but because i was sure i wouldnt have to survive with my child. very poor judgement. The child is not at fault for you being SO irresponsible

  12. You are severely downplaying the social pressure of the Mormon community and how much the family would be shunned. It really depends on how deep into the church the family is.

  13. This makes me feel icky lmao I definitely think he's an undiagnosed narcissist but now that you mention it, he did seem a bit odd towards me in general. I'm definitely going to distance myself

  14. See a lawyer first. They will be able to advise you what to do about his job. He should not be worried about his teaching license or job. He is a victim.

  15. So, OP, it turns out that, in fact you were not “… totally on the same page on this, full agreement.”

    That is the first problem. For whatever reason, your wife did not agree that you both should play to your full potential. And with good reason. You, an adult who plays chess and knows what a rating means, have never beaten your wife. On what planet would it make sense to subject a 10 year old to that.

    The second problem is that your wife, for reasons we don't get to know on Reddit, is unable to be honest with you about this. And therein lies the relationship problem. You need to accept this, and understand this. And be prepared for the answer. I don't know the dynamic in your household, but I can say this, you've screwed the pooch with your son ever wanting to play with you, which is not a huge deal. But you also clearly have a dynamic with your wife that indicates issues that are not resolvable by Reddit.

  16. She's probably telling the truth that she doesn't get anything sexual from the books, and that its about the stories. I'm an avid reader, and normally don't like spicy romance novels because so many are just boring. However there is one series that I really enjoy, and it's not because of the sex scenes. Even though those scenes are pretty detailed.

    It's the setting of the book, the intricate story, the twists and turns of the plot. I enjoy the characters, and their development throughout the books. To me it's no different than watching a movie, or TV show that has a sex scene and those never do anything for me in a sexual way.

    Also, just because the men in her books seem more “manly” than you think you are DOES NOT mean that's actually what she would want in real life. Obviously what she actually truely wants is you. I think you are getting way too in your head about her books. They are a fantasy world, much like movies and TV shows are.

  17. Tru! We’ve become good friends so ig I’m just not sure what to do with him but I’ll probably just stop talking to him as much

  18. the legality of infidelity only applies to marriage.

    however, i believe, and this is only the state where i come from (an experimental state, oregon, where all the laws are wonky to see how society reacts or something 😐 ), that if she contracted something from your previous partner, it is indeed rape and a misdemeanor because you lied and she was physically suffering.

    her feelings are hurt, thats not illegal. what is illegal is telling everyone that you're a rapist. don't forget to document everything! ♡

  19. He has never stayed the night. But we have stayed at hotels a few times when we went to a holiday event or something

  20. You don’t resent her for being a hoe. You resent her because she acts irresponsibly, doesn’t learn from past mistakes, constantly brings you into personal dramas and uses you as a personal therapist to unload her shit onto while pretending to ask for advice but never use it. This isn’t a healthy relationship at all. For a lot kind of healthy relationship you need to give and take but after reading your post all I see is give but no take.

    For your sake, leave the friendship

  21. I think you can be perfectly capable of giving him important suggestions!

    I'm also fairly inexperienced, especially in romance, but I would focus on three elements

    First, sexual health, so of course protection, but you might also want to teach him what girl go through for the period, and how is it to take the hormonal pill, why girls might take it. Even if you didn't personally take it you still have more clues to understand it, and a lot of guys know very little about these things. You might also assert that high sexual activity doesn't necessarily relate with bad sexual health.

    Second, emotional health in a relationship or friendship. Remind him that what he feels is important, and that he should be able to have safe discussion with his partners and mates, without getting attacked and judged. And also the reverse, that he should listen to others when they speak out their feelings, and of something bothers him he should address that in a healthy way, separately, not right away avoiding to face the others' feelings.

    Third, reality of intercourse. Hetero sex doesn't have to be centered around penetration, which requires both wetness and stiffness. Rather, it's important to listen to the bodies and to communicate. There's not one standard way to have the best sex, and it's not important to have skills, rather it's important to take the needed time and be curious about what feels how. This of course is true also in gay sex i guess, but it's not my field.

  22. You already did explain it to him. He doesn’t care.

    I went through this with my husband for about 9 years. No matter how many hoops I jumped through, no matter how much I had to embarrassingly beg for help for him to be an equal participant in our marriage, he just never cared enough about my feelings or what hurt me to make any meaningful changes. Sometimes when I told him I was going to leave, he’d be on his best behavior for a few days, but it always slips. I am telling you that having to manage him as a person and having to constantly “remind him” and “explain to him” why your feelings matter will burn you out.

    If you want to learn more about this exact phenomenon, there are a lot of articles and videos on YouTube and TikTok on “the mental load” and “weaponized incompetence” that may help.

  23. Oh how the tables have turned…

    All of a sudden, Bob is being the “little girl”. You’ve done nothing wrong or inappropriate. He’s showing his true cowardly colors. Relish it, sir. Fate sometimes has a funny way of circling back around to finish the job

  24. STD from an on-line affair with a guy several states over? I don't think you understand how STD's are transmitted ??

  25. I gave a guy like this a second chance after he did the same thing. Didn't drink frequently enough to “qualify” as an alcoholic is what I told myself.

    He drank too much one night and ended up almost killing me. I had to run for my life with my dog and my suitcase in arms at 3 am. Get out NOW. Please. Before you get hurt.

  26. Sorry but your fiance sounds like a proper helmet. Not only is he selfish he also has a pretty fucked up set of beliefs. There's nothing you've written that gives any indication he'll keep his word and everything screams he won't. I wish you luck and I hope I'm wrong but I see nothing but misery for you in your future

  27. Yeah my friend was explaining that she was shocked that her boyfriend saw it as a dealbreaker.

    She says that maybe in 5 years she will want kids but she really wants to travel. Maybe she can adopt she says.

    I really think her boyfriend is very much like me. He wants a family kids and be happy in that way.

  28. Either porn is a deal-breaker or it isn't. It's up to you to decide. If you don't want to leave him, then don't.

  29. Usually when young women post nude like that is because they've been traumatized. They think their sexuality is their only value. Not saying your fiance is the one who traumatized her, but if her parents were ok with their relationship, I'm going to guess they did. Which means he took advantage of a traumatized girl. And make no mistake, 18 is a girl, not a woman.

  30. That’s absolutely untrue. Once a cheater always a cheater is not necessarily true. It all depends on the circumstances and situations.

  31. Red flags all over the place with her. Definitely sounds like there's a solid chance she was messing around on you. Either way I know I wouldn't trust her after that kind of behavior.

  32. jesus just have and open, honest and vulnerable convo about it. reddit won't give you the answers because we can read his mind just as much as you. don't be mean, entitled or accusatory just tell him honestly how you feel and why.


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