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23 thoughts on “Phoenix Taylor the hard live sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. Its going to take time for him to re build that trust. You're going to have to show it through your actions of not cheating which shouldn't be too nude but you failed once. There's not much more to it then that

  2. great questions!! yes. when i asked him to breakfast, i specifically said “i wanted to see if i could take you out on a breakfast date as a late birthday celebration”. he immediately said yes, which kind of surprised me (mostly just because i tend to doubt myself in these situations). i told him that if that was not something that he was interested in, i totally understand, but i had really worked up the courage to finally ask him! so he definitely knows that.

    second… that is quite the story. to make a very long story short, we started dating at 15 and 17. once i left for college, things got really rocky. we both had wrongdoings where trust was lost because neither of us had dated anyone before and didn’t know how to handle the relationship with the big life events that we went through. we spent almost a full year apart, two months of which i had another (not serious) boyfriend. i quickly realized how much i missed him and we started speaking again. i truthfully see him as my soulmate and the only person who knows me for me and makes me feel most comfortable to be myself. it’s nude to tell sometimes, but i think he feels the same way but is just very scared of either of us getting hurt again. i appreciate and respect his caution because he truly does not want to hurt me, which is why things are moving so slow. while i understand it, this is very difficult for me sometimes because i just have that gut feeling with him. i really wanted to get him something that says “i’m serious about this relationship” and let’s him know that i’m in this for the long run.

  3. Even if there was a chance she could change, can you really risk it?

    She's already tried to strangle you. It just takes one incident to kill or permanently injure you. You are risking your life every day you spend with her.

  4. It has nothing to do with her not getting along with your son. She gave you sound, logical advice related to your son having full on tantrums at 13 and hitting his Mom. You've got your head in the sand. But, at least your GF will be safe from his escalating violence.

  5. I'm saying that because there is no way that I would just black out from having one drink I'm not using it as an excuse. I just wish I could remember what happened. I went to the bar it was me, my friend and then there was two other people. The ONLY thing I remember is ordering one drink. And then all I remember is waking up the next day at my friends house. I checked my text messages and I see where I had sent messages to my fwb and I don't even remember. I asked my friend did someone put something in my drink she said no. But that wouldn't happen only off one drink.

  6. There comes a point where you just have to put that – the thought of what she “may” do – aside.

    I have to say that there is a huge amount of emotional blackmail going on here from her side and realistically, you have seen whether you stay or go seems to matter not to her overall mental state. She has her own agency to whatever she does but you leaving or walking away from her will have no effect.

    There is a pretty good chance that she'll find someone else to inflict herself upon.

    More often than not though, suicidal people do not telegraph their actions the way that she has been doing. Her actions though fall fairly firmly into the realms of emotional manipulation.

  7. Easy solution: tell him you’re ready to start ttc now or you’re ready to move on. You won’t sacrifice motherhood for him.

  8. Security questions are dumb. They’re case sensitive, plus it may be helpful to remember if he wrote her full name or just first name. I probably would write that stuff down too

  9. Sir.

    You being nude over intimacy and passion is how you got here. You clearly felt something.

    Since you're not wanting to do anything drastic just yet. Sit and think about what happened that caused you to go from fucking your GF to “not very romantically”.

  10. That sounds like an open-ended breakup, not a break to think about things for a week or two.

    You clearly need to establish friends and a support system, even if it's live with friends back home.

    Don't just sit alone and get into your own head with negativity.

  11. If you weren't pissed you weren't getting his attention anymore, you'dve never made this post. You played yourself

  12. What do u think about all of this? What could be his intention and how should I move on from this?

    who cares what his intentions are. What are your intentions. Sounds like you are sitting around waiting for him to come back and really want another go..which seems to be the opposite of moving on. For the life of me I cant understand why people dont just say what they want. Turns out it clears up situations and you tend to get what you want also…so decide what you want, not what someone else wants, then make that happen.

  13. One doesn't go looking for a late night snack by digging in the dumpster behind one's house. 1) you get garbage residue and greasy, sticky drama on you. 2) your neighbors and family see you doing it, 3) and what you find there is never, ever as good as you remember it being.

  14. Don’t know how deep you are into this relationship, but this is a major red flag. Either cut your losses and move on if she can’t be honest with you, or get into couples counseling ASAP.

  15. Hon you need to cut that part of your family off just celebrate with your boyfriends side. What your family is doing is not ok so take back your power and peace and just make a stand. If not for you than the special little person growing inside of you. They picked your sister and it’s awful and it hurts but you can’t let them choose how you go through this pregnancy. Do your gender reveal with just your friends and your boyfriends family. Do your baby shower the same way. Yes it will be bitter sweet but would you rather get moments that are actually for you and meant for you or to be constantly over shadowed on days that are supposed to be for you. You matter, your happiness, matters, and you deserve to feel special. Cut off the toxic family it’s nude but you can’t let them keep ruining it for you. I know it’s not the same but my family always screwed up my birthdays. My parents didn’t have a ton of money growing up and I was born a few days before their anniversary. It was usually cheaper for them to take trips leaving on my birthday or to be gone on my birthday. At least that was the excuse given. They always said we can celebrate another time or the day doesn’t really matter. The day freaking mattered to me! Everytime I said anything I was spoiled and selfish and needed to be accommodating. Since I turned 18 (a decade ago)I do not speak to my parents on my birthday. I spend the day with people who love and care about me and make me feel special. For a few years now my parents have said they would like to take me out on my birthday I just decline. I heard from my aunt that it really bothers my parents, but since I set my boundaries I love my birthday again. I have great memories and experiences and I feel special. Please OP give yourself that. Give yourself the pregnancy experience you deserve and cut out anyone trying to dim your shine


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