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74 thoughts on “Overoce , ♡ Fansly — https://fans.ly/r/overoce the naked on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. Honestly i cant see why its an issue for you. If you care about him so damned much, and can see being with him for a lot of your future, why piss all over it by not wanting to be his first? What if his first scars him so much that he doesnt want another relationship for a long time? What if his first is another soulmate and you never get another chance.

    Dont be stupid, if you think youve found the one, stop finding an excuse to avoid going for it. Which is exactly what you are doing.

  2. This is the answer.

    Me? I’d be like “welp, you should clean that up” and laugh at the situation after. ?

  3. To be honest, any time my family got together she was usually the missing person from it all. I think this trip was really about her wanting to come ski.

    Maybe, at that point I just wasn't having a great time or felt appreciated and I didn't think my time off was going to be well spent if I stayed and she wasn't talking or engaging with me.

  4. I was married for 15-20 years. Got divorced. Then I discovered how much I enjoy being alone. I have a gf that I see on weekends. 5 days a week, I'm alone and I L.O.V.E it.

    I doubt I would get married again. The freedom , no talking to someone etc is just amazing.

  5. If she is really great apart from this one instance of financial irresponsibility, give her ultimatum of few hours to think about 20k wedding. Otherwise dump her outright.

    Above is in jest of course, combination of vanity and selfishness sets me off.

    In seriousness, tell her ultimate is unnecessary and you can give her answer right away.

  6. Yeah for sure break it off

    She would still be doing this stuff if you hadn't snooped

    Leave her for the ex so he can have more fun with her before he dumps her as well

    Good chance she will start suffering major regret then


  7. So your wife is watching her mother slowly die a painful and heartbreaking death and you…..can’t go out with your mates??? Fuck off

  8. You did correctly. He should know that the person he considered a friend actually hates him. You saved your partner from a backstabbing, fake friend.

  9. Here is my input:

    1) that girl is not your friend and she does not value your friendship. If she did, she would see you are happy with your girlfriend and stop pursuing. Friends don't pursue the way this girl is and your girlfriend was right to block her. Secondly, if she doesn't care you are in a relationship and is still pursuing you, what makes you think she'd treat one with you any different? She clearly doesn't respect the title of a relationship

    2) You clearly care a lot about your girlfriend, but it's not fair that A) You unblocked this girl she made clear she wasn't comfortable with and B) you are considering breaking up with her over something like feeling desired. I've been in a 4 year long relationship and felt undesired. After talking it over with my partner, we found ways and tried things so I could feel that way again. For us, it was having him initiate sex more. I gave him a time frame (once a week) and said I would like you to initiate sex 1-2 times in that week, because it helps me feel wanted. But it could be 100 other things, like re-doing your first date.

    But I agree with what most people are saying. Don't break up with her for this girl.

  10. english is not my native langue so sorry for the grammar. i will try to help as much as I can. what is your job? what do you do? not like others Redditors I do judge both sides and try to find what are the missing things in the post.

    in my opinion, the fault is on the two of you. did you try to learn and help in the family business? from what I know about restaurants it is really unforgive and hot work over the first year. most of them can't handle the first year. so it makes sense what your husband is going through. it must be hell. when did they open?

    but after all that, his problem is that he doesn't know how to build boundaries, the irony is that he really needs to start to learn if he wants the business to succeed. he needs to start to find a way to balance his life with the business if he will put too much into that and it will not pay off he will lose his health. (from depression to even suicide) I saw it happen to a lot of people in the corona time. I believe that a family is a unit, not an individual so he needs to try and trust you and share with you as much as he can to help him with the restaurant. you need to find a way to learn about what is going on in the restaurant and by doing so maybe it will help him make more free time for you.

    but as for your problem and blame that I see from the post is that you want something from him that he can't give because you don't try to understand his pov. learn what he is doing and talk to him about that ask him to teach you as much as he can and that will help him make you a priority in his life.

  11. Yeah, I'd give that question a good think. The first time he called me one of these charming terms would be the last.

  12. Hello /u/MobbCheap,

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  13. Crazy thing is, is he blocked me and refuses to talk to me. This is also a pattern. Hopefully this time he’s gone for good as right now I have to admit I would probably still accept a call from him 🙁

  14. Oh wow I am so sorry to hear all of that.

    You guys have been together for 2 years. It’s hot but open up to her and tell her why at least. Any girl who truly loves you won’t care about different color skin or spotty hair.

    Not to mention the fact that most dicks are ugly to begin with – we don’t expect it to look pretty. Haha.

  15. Firstly. I am so sorry you've gone through this and are dealing with this. I'm sorry your friend isn't more supportive and that people are trying to defend him.

    This sexual assault. 100%. I personally, would want to report it and frankly might even want a restraining order. It could feel extreme but he clearly has no respect for your boundaries. What would've happened if it was just the two of you and not a group?! And the friends mom???? Super gross for standing up for him and acting like she doesn't fucking know better. Absolutely grotesque. Twll your friend exactly what happened including the possible jerking off. You don't owe that guy anything. He chose this path and chose to be a pervert. Dont let him get away with it bc he will keep trying on your or others.

  16. We all know to some level that he doesn't have long. We're from a south Asian country so I'm not really sure how open they would be to counselling. We are all here except for one sibling who ill try to bring here too. I just don't want to put it into words, and make it real

  17. I guess in my case, I'm lucky cause I'm married to another know-it-all who likes to learn. Neither of us get upset – we just fact check each other ? Maybe that's the answer – find yourself another know it all!

  18. I had a hangover the first time I met my ex husbands parents and after a 3 hour drive I went to say hello at the front door and as k opened my mouth I just knew. I managed to say ‘bathroom’, his dad was ex military so knew what was about to go down and took me by the shoulders and marched me to the bathroom so I could throw up. I came out 30 mins later absolutely mortified thinking I’d have to leave. Instead they gave me a standing ovation, a clean shirt and some toast. God I miss those guys.

  19. A week every now and then isn’t enough to know someone enough to marry them. And of course all Muslims love converts but if they don’t even know about him yet it’s nothing serious

  20. 1) Stop calling her your friend cuz that's a fan in disguise…she low key wants to be you lol.

    2) I'd make sure your bf blocks her b/c that's hella inappropriate, text her and call her out (don't talk on the phone cuz we already know it's gonna be some bs), then block her on EVERYTHING. Call her out then ghost her ass. If you have to hang out in a group setting, ignore her OR be honest with everyone in the friend group and tell them why you don't eff with her.

    3) If you wanna sprinkle some extra pettiness in there, then tell the rest of the friend group and then be like “Idk I just don't feel comfortable with her around my bf if she's sending stuff like this…you better watch your back”

  21. Your gf has so many red flags. My guy, this isn’t something you can fix, she’s got some really bad toxic behaviors, that most likely only therapy and years of it could fix. One, the fact that things go badly when you bring up concerns, that’s defensiveness. Google defensiveness in relationships to understand how that messes shit up. Solutions for it are learning better conflict resolution skills, validation skills, and emotional support skills (all of which can be googled and sounds like you have and she doesn’t).

    Two, when you don’t like one thing she does, she doesn’t self sabotage, she manipulates you with threats. Don’t have sex once when she wants it? Well then she won’t ever ask for it again. Dude, that’s a threat. She saying give me sex when I want it or else I’ll never ask or show interest again. Dude, fuck that. She needs to learn that she’s not always going to get her way and she needs to stop trying to threaten you into doing what she wants but ask and negotiate for it. Here again learning conflict resolution skills would be useful for her.

    And three, another issue is, when she wants something, even before you say no, rather than ask and negotiate for it, she criticizes you. And it works, every time she criticizes you that you’re not doing enough you sacrifice more and do what she wants. Problem is doing it her way builds resentment or depression in a partner and will kill the relationship and often becomes abusive, if it’s not already. What might help here is again her learning conflict resolution skills, specifically how to turn complaints into requests (which also can be googled) and also familiarize herself with the magic relationship ratio (also easy to google) which you seem to already understand.

    And you, not to get down on you, but you sound like a people pleaser, doing what ever it takes to keep the other person happy, regardless of it’s impact to you. And as much as it works at times, it makes you an easy target to manipulate and be taken advantage of. For you, you need to recognize that your needs are just as important as everyone else’s, and anyone who treats you other wise like your gf, isn’t someone you want in your life. You need to assert you needs are of equal importance and if she can’t respect that, then walk. Or else you’re just allowing someone to use, manipulate and abuse you.

  22. 100% agree with that statement. As long as they get laid by the end of the night. I normally wouldn’t be concerned but I do see a future with this girl and finding a good girl now days is quite impossible

  23. We can't possibly know what's going on without any context. We can only speculate. When he can't finish, has he been drinking at all? More than likely, I'd assume it's because he had masturbated recently in order to specifically last longer, but he might have desensitized himself to the point of not being able to finish.

    Finishing super early could just be what's natural to him with no other factors. I wouldn't suggest it's necessarily a problem, but if that doesn't work for you, then you need to talk about it and figure out ways to improve things. Maybe there's more foreplay involved? Maybe he does in fact masturbate beforehand. Maybe it becomes a “this one's for you, next one's for me” scenario where you have sex immediately following, once he's ready to go again.

    Either way, communication is key. If this is a problem for you, then it's a problem for you. We can't decide that for you. You're here for a reason. If you say nothing and nothing changes, then you'll continue to be unhappy. Good luck.

  24. Pretty sure she indicated that sex was not involved.

    But then again, it's written poorly, so it's difficult to understand.

  25. She wasn’t asking for a truthful answer. She was asking for reassurance. She wanted to know that you think she’s the most important thing to you. Asking for reassurance isn’t something men do, so it’s very hot to learn that when someone asks a question, they’re looking for something other than a truthful reply. Learn to recognize when she wants reassurance and when she wants the truth. Obviously, she also needs to learn when not to ask questions she doesn’t want a truthful reply to. Good luck, dude.

  26. Its called healthy communication. Just bc you think or talk about something doesnt mean you will actually do it. Pretty sure if someone was gonna cheat on their spouse they wouldnt straight up tell them about it..

  27. Yeah, she definitely sounds like she has BPD. And not someone who's in a good condition to be in a relationship TBH. Don't keep putting yourself this emotional roller coaster. It's going to keep happening. Find someone more stable. Sorry.

  28. Do yourself a favor, google “sunk cost fallacy relationships”

    And then decide if your present relationship and the potential future is how you want to spend your life and your energy.

    Don’t stay in something bad for you just because you’ve been in it for so long.

  29. True, that’s shitty of him. But they just aren’t sexually compatible. If he’s not comfortable with his SO having done that then they need to break up

  30. Oh, honey. There’s nothing wrong with you.

    I suggest considering why you feel you are the flawed one. Because you aren’t.

    Different life goals is not a flaw. It just is..

  31. I’m confused as to why you immediately felt she was manipulating you and not that she had a wine-induced revelation about her dreams of traveling and having kids not quite aligning. I interpreted that as she was hit with the reality of “one or the other” finally dawning in her, not that she was purposefully misleading you. If that’s the case, I don’t know if you can come back from what you said.

  32. Strongly disagree. Partners don’t keep secrets from each other. If you’re not an open book to your partner, you’re doing it wrong.

  33. There is nothing about the story that lends itself to being real. Has anyone ever in the history of the world use the word doting to describe themselves? Better yet has anyone ever heard anyone say the word doting? I think that's a word that exclusively lives in crappy novels and terrible creative writing exercises.

  34. Wanting to stay by your family is not the same ask as asking your significant other to leave their family and move just because your “bored and don’t like the weather”

  35. Hahaha yes you did. I honestly was laughing at myself since you help me realize how hot I am on myself at times.

  36. Oh, so she steered you away from nonmonogamy, because she wanted to secure her situation even while abusing it.

  37. “Realities not being circumcised can cause” here in Europe it’s extremely uncommon to be circumcised. Even statistics that claim countries like Germany or the UK have like 10%-15% rates are due to the high Muslim population.

    Circumcision is not the fix for this. Worst case scenario is frenulumplasty which is what OP is suggesting or otherwise stretching it works if it’s not s bad case.

    I can’t imagine this is why he was childless lol ?

  38. How long have they worked together? Did he know you were her bf when he made that comment in the bar?

  39. I think the commentor you're responding to is WAY unnecessarily harsh. With that said –

    His wife is not just randomly running away to the other side of the country, she's moving to where her parents and family live so she can have a support network (OP posted it in the comments).

    I definitely think they should have talked about it more. I suspect that OPs wife believes she cannot handle being a parent to this child, but really does not want OP to abandon him, and is afraid that if she presents this as a conversation/negotiation that OP will choose his marriage over this child.

  40. Honestly, just from this he is either very very clueless or not interested. You have given him ample opportunity to talk, make a move, or offer to take you out. He has passed up every one. I would just leave it alone, if he still tried to talk then I would consider him interested.

    Either that or You ask HIM out.

  41. My thoughts exactly. That’s the way I interpreted the conversation & if I was asked that question, I wouldn’t assume he’s in a full blown relationship. I don’t feel like my Dad ever needed to tell me every time he went on a first date, and I certainly didn’t tell him every time I did!

    I suspect that given how the SO & Dad feel the need to shelter OP, that Dad may be more independent than OP wants to admit, and her ‘caring’ for him so much is a crutch that she uses to deal with her grief. But I’m no psychologist.

  42. If he wasn't embarassed for being an insensible jerk willingly over and again physically hurting her during sex warm up it he would be even worse an arsshat, say!

  43. She may never, ever reach out to you and you should not expect her to. I don’t speak to most of my exes. You also shouldn’t keep hanging out with her parents—it’s very strange and indicates they don’t have much respect for her.

  44. If you go back to him, the abuse is just going to continue at best. At worst, it gets worse. You absolutely need to move out or kick him out because you cannot truly leave him if you still live together

  45. Yeah! Totally but she said she is porn addict and it’s a mental health problem. She said.. she doesn’t think having multiple partners is cool with her rational mind. She said she has similar values and She denies she is hedonistic. I don’t know if she’s gaslighting

  46. That’s what I had thought. When he gives consent and doesn’t seem into it I ask if he’s sure. Will bring this up in our discussion tonight

  47. It's simple – either you want to fix things in your marriage and will make active plans for individual and couples therapy, possibly even sex therapy for when your wife returns, and are completely transparent to her with your issues within the marriage.

    Or you ask her for a divorce so you can pursue other women.

    It depends if you want to salvage the marriage and if you are willing to put in the work.

  48. I always had a problem the first time I was with someone ireally liked. But after the first time jidders are over, everything worked fine. ive never heard of your BF's self described problem.

  49. I mean you literally said it yourself…. “I’ve honestly never gotten super excited with him even though he’s attractive.” It’s pretty easy to tell when someone isn’t super excited to fuck.

    He definitely sucks for phrasing it like that, and if he’s always harsh like that maybe that’s the reason you’ve never been able to be super excited in bed.

  50. He can go home. Let his mother care for him. You are not his mother and he's not a homeless dog you are kicking out.

  51. Our first meeting was 8 months ago, we’ve known eachother for almost 2 years and starting taking things more seriously around a year ago. We’ve been trying to meet up every 2 months for atleast a week :). Just clearing that up. He gets excited about meeting up with me, and when we do he does not really play. I just get so sad that when we’re in long distance, it seems like the game (and his friends on it) are his top priority.

  52. It’s a huge red flag she may have a serious mental break down going on – and she needs help. It was the one time in over two years.

    My god this is why none of you last long in relationships, you never try to understand the other person.

  53. Again. Just because her husband used their child to chase someone else does not make it right for op to use her child in the same manner. Doest matter if the daughter is there or not. DO NOT USE YOUR CHILDREN AS BAIT still stands. Never said anything about a solution because I don't know them but I know bad advice when I see it and will always call it out.


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