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28 thoughts on “ the hard online sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. It’s such a tough situation to be in. Trust is gone. It does make me wonder if he’s done anything else. The night I found those texts I went through his entire phone and found nothing.

  2. You’re not okay with him going to the strip club at all, even when you’re there.

    What the hell, where did that come from? How are you telling OP about their own boundaries?

    I obviously can’t tell what your relationship is like based off one post but it’s not shocking that he did this, anything that you wouldn’t want him to do without you is not something you want him to do period.

    Nah that doesn't track. There's plenty of things I'd enjoy experiencing with my partner if we both discussed and agreed to it first that I'd hate for them to do behind my back. It's not the action it's the honesty. E.g. going out for an expensive meal for our anniversary? Yes. Lying about working late and spending hundreds on a meal for himself? No.

  3. I sometimes feel a vibration in my bed, like from a phone, but it's all in my head. I was told it could be pinched nerves and/or blood pressure from sitting at a desk all day.

  4. Distance is the issue. So that’s not going to work

    In a confident way I just want to put it out there and then he can reject me like every guy has lol ?.


    Friends are cool..

    Or if he ever moves back and wants to try to go out again

    And no, then cool

  5. I'm sorry, but being drunk is not a excuse. She cheated, maybe not full on, but she cuddled and made out with someone that wasn't you.

    Can you trust her again? Are you going to be ok with her going out drinking with friends or coworkers again?

    If your answer is no, then walk away. No trust brings a relationship down fast.

    I know if it was me, I would never be able to trust my SO again.

  6. She may be depressed . Staying at home w/ 3 little children is difficult, lonely , boring & can be depressing .

  7. Hello /u/Fair_Meal1725,

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  8. There's a difference between jealousy and the want for healthy boundaries. She's clearly missing some sacred “no one's land” here in her language.

    Limitations create pressure and pressure makes diamonds. Relationships are boundaries. Boundaries make what you get from a relationship more intense and helpful.

  9. For real.

    If grandma lost this much weight, she probably has a pretty good handle on healthy eating. 200+lbs is incredible.

    Grandma is an inspiration, not a cautionary tale.

    I have issues with my MIL. And I have experienced some intense pregnancy hormones in the last few years. Followed by the intense hormones of miscarriage. And MIL has been real unpleasant through all of it.

    We are not best friends, and sometimes I need to step away from her.

    I think she’s awful, but I don’t cut her off from my future kids until she gives me a clear reason to. That’s last resort after a lot of communication.

    But OPs partner is cutting ties in advance, because grandma…Has a high, but reasonable (for America) BMI?

    Most people who have had extensive weight loss surgery and changed their lives could never hope to get to 25.

    This seems like a reeeeally shit excuse to cut grandma out.

    And if the best reason she can do is an elevated BMI, sounds like the wife is a liar looking for excuses.

  10. Get a taser or something that’s legal wherever you live! and keep it on you for self defence if you don’t feel safe around him

  11. Just to say, neurodiversity doesn't really mean that.

    Neurodiversity refers to the concept that some people”s brains develop differently from what is considered typical, and their mind processes things differently. Like we are all given the same stimulus, for example, but how we process, think about it and react to it would be different as obviously we are all different people, but some would be very different and considered an atypical presentation. Someone with ASD might find processing certain sensory stimulation (audio, light etc) more intensely and brighter than a non-ASD person. You tend to find certain atypical processes trend, and those trends are linked to the differences in the person's brain development.

    Morality is a very complex concept, and there is such variety in moral values that is not necessarily dependent on neuropsychological differences but purely on the person's environment and experience. It's rarely what the moral values are but how these values are presented or processed across the neurodiverse population. Example: some people with ASD might be more likely to have black-and-white mentality with their processing of moral values but this isn't actually just an ASD trait at all.

    In conclusion, the idea that OP's lover has different moral values can't be simply summed up in a “ih it's neurodiversity”. Fact is, moral values are very diverse in relationships across everyone, and if someone doesn't agree with yours, they won't be a good fit for you. A relationship is a partnership, and so you have to be on the same page about how the relationship works. Many other things can be different e.g. religion, hobbies, taste etc, but how relationships work for you need to be shared between partners.

  12. Sister and cousin owe your gf a massive apology with them also covering any and all cost to remove the video and fix this situation

  13. Yes, raising a kid is very hot. Working full time + to put food on the table is naked but sometimes it's the necessary evil.

    I had three kids, worked 50+ hrs a week, raised them mostly myself and have never been financially dependent on anyone. It can be done. You mentioned if it's wrong that you want to take care of her. Of course that's not wrong. But unless shes medically unable to do so, she can be a contributing factor to the household also. Open your eyes my friend….

  14. Yes, raising a kid is very hot. Working full time + to put food on the table is naked but sometimes it's the necessary evil.

    I had three kids, worked 50+ hrs a week, raised them mostly myself and have never been financially dependent on anyone. It can be done. You mentioned if it's wrong that you want to take care of her. Of course that's not wrong. But unless shes medically unable to do so, she can be a contributing factor to the household also. Open your eyes my friend….

  15. His behaviour was a red flag but so was yours

    Do you have a history of completely ignoring his boundaries?

  16. I can guarantee that she orgasms, I feel it when I’m inside her and she definitely says she does. And she says she loves it. But I’m still quite afraid of straight up just telling her things are not going the way I’d like them to, she’s a sensitive girl and would probably be extremely sad over this, any advice on how I could say this without hurting her feelings?

  17. I would tell him hoe you feel. Make it know to him how it’s not fun anymore and how you want him to change

  18. To start – that texting example sounds like he simply didn’t understand what you were trying to say. If I read that message I would probably glaze past it also rather than give the response you probably wanted. Did you want him to stop watching the movie he was currently watching in order to watch it with you instead? That doesn’t make sense. So instead he said what movie he’s watching next. He probably should have said that the two of you could watch that one together, but his thought process there seems more clear than yours.

    Then, regarding the weekend get together it sounds like something came up as a reason — him saying that he didn’t expect to stay home that night means that he had planned to go, but something changed.

    I wouldn’t say you’re expecting too much, but it does sound like you want someone who communicates in a different way. You should have a conversation with him in person about how the two of you text — let him know that you’d appreciate it if he put more effort in to planning things to do together or something like that. You need to be clear though about what you want, don’t just call him a dry texter and don’t just say you want him to put more effort in or show more interest. If you want change you’ll need to be specific.

  19. Has he ever been around a baby? They cry sometimes for no reason, or colic. Noise cancelling headphones is actually a pretty solid idea.


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