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25 thoughts on “Ohmymiami on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. Stay strong. Don't contact her. She knows how to manipulate you and she's trying to drag you back into her bullshit. If you need help moving on, I recommend therapy and tinder.

  2. That's his right to not let you go through his phone or use it when he's not present, it's a boundary for him. You don't have to stay with him if going through a partners phone is something you need to do. It's been 2 years, you should know by now if you trust him or not. My partner and I have each other's passwords, use each other's phone whenever we need to. However neither of us has ever gone through the others phone. I've never looked at his messages or call log, I've never looked at his recently used apps, browsing history etc. Not sure why you get insecure over girls he went to high school with-I'm assuming you're quite a bit removed from HS at this point and having an online presence with people you went to school with is normal. If he's never been unfaithful then worrying about this is just getting in the way of your relationship.

  3. This is very common. Unfortunately the guy is going to find out how contingent marriage really is. I know of so many of these scenarios where the guy hasn’t done anything egregious and yet gets served with divorce papers. Him saying he will get a job is evidenced by him also demanding a higher salary because he feels that his income should be higher. That right there told me that how would he get to that point to make such a demand if he wasn’t looking for work?

    The OP is leaving a lot out of this post. She has probably already started the divorce process and this guy will be blindsided. I hope he can see the writing on the wall.

    For ladies asking why aren’t guys committing and getting married. Well here it is. This is why.

    Men like Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos did their empire building while single and living in their parents house not with their wives. It makes sense. This is why I never married.

  4. You are being abused,Your MIL and Wife are disgusting.They are isolating you from you family and now want to entrap you even further by telling you to quit your job.This is serious grounds for divorce,I'd take my son and get the heck out of there.

  5. Who the hell is telling you this is normal and do they look suspiciously like your boyfriend in a moustache and glasses?

  6. u/Icy_Parking_2390, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  7. She most likely found someone she wants to do this with or is already doing it. Sorry about this – def sucks. You do what is best for you and your kids.

  8. Hello /u/LowRecording9795,

    Your post was removed for the following reason(s):

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  9. Not uncommon to get contacted by an ex who feels awful about something they did but unfortunately time DOES matter in the timing of apologising for being an ass to someone. Is not an “I matured and I wanted to say sorry” it is a “Now I feel terrible (whatever reason, drinking, suffering the same thing or talking to someone you like and them telling you you were awful and needed to apologise) and I need SOMEONE to reassure me that I am good to go on with my life”

  10. Doomed if you do, doomed if you dont. The cat is out of the bag and your parents will never trust you.

    Discuss it with your siblings and tell them you would love to keep relationship with them but your parents have threatened to cut you off.

    Then be clear to your parents – this is your work and livelihood. You do not want to split up from them – but really that is their decision not yours.

    You seems to have a wonderful girlfriend and a future wife.Focus on her and build a new family. I am afraid your connection with your parents Can only be solved by them not by you.

    Be of all

  11. As someone who became disabled AND almost died from my pregnancy (at 23), thank you for pointing this out

    I'm so sorry and I'm so glad you're still here. All of my friends had wanted, planned babies…if their pregnancies were uneventful, their labor and deliveries were decidedly not. This guy made it to almost 60 still under the impression pregnancy is some magical time and not a health and medical condition.

  12. Since it sounds like friends paid for everything major in the wedding/reception/honeymoon, you need to be hanging out with those people and leaving this shitshow behind.

    Your fiance's brother doesn't want his brother to marry you, and is coming up with reasons to interrupt the wedding like he has done for all of your alone time with him. You will never have peace with just your fiancee.

  13. Yes I think that’s accurate , I think I’m insecure about the long term fit because I really want it to be and it seems like it will be.We share a lot of the same family values and she comes from a strong family and is everything I want in a partner and I’m scared she might get sucked into doing shit I won’t like and I’ll lose feelings.

    You were spot on thanks

  14. How should I react? He made me cry when he punched the wall and didn't even ask me if I'm ok. He slammed the doors and left the house for an hour and then texted me to ask if it's over.

    How should you react? Tell him that your relationship is over. If you don't feel safe saying it face to face, text him.

  15. As an African American, I don't know my family's true name but the name we bear has been with us for 150+ years.

  16. Lots of women have this problem too.

    Sounds like you need to learn better communication skills. So many tuings could be going on here.

  17. Where does one draw the line? She mentions almost every thing he does with other girls, when the conversation is not initially about that

  18. So you haven't really changed at all then have you? Still happy to lie so you can get your end away. This is why people DON'T want to date people like you, FYI.

  19. This is probably going to be a stupid question, but what is making you think you're pregnant if it's too early to test? That's just out of curiosity.

    Anyways, if he is pushing you away to test you to make sure you won't leave him when times get naked, despite him quite literally trying to leave you when things *might* be naked. That's just stupid and immature and not someone who actually has the lasting potential you're talking about.

  20. I’ve offered other suggestions, such as paying $100 of utilities and groceries or a flat monthly rate or anything he could think of. He says only him paying a proportionate share of utilities is fair cause that’s all he’s using. There’s no way he could save enough (even if living here for free) to make a substantial dent in my mortgage.


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