NicolleStark is horny!just look at this sight

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57 thoughts on “NicolleStark is horny!just look at this sight

  1. Lol he liked been wanted and the centre of your world and now hates that you've found other shit to keep you occupied

  2. Sadly having been there I can tell you in my experience it gets worse not better. To me it seems to be a mixture of immaturity and insecurity. We lived about a mile apart and my ex got all sorts of angry when she didn't see me everyday, even the day I was at home with the norovirus filling up a bucket with vomit.

    A very boring way of helping the situation be less rubbish is get a joint diary and write in social events as far ahead as possible. There'll still be problems but I found it does take the sting out of their argument if they have known about it for weeks.

  3. i’m just stuck on the part where your husband had 1 lone friend that he stopped being friends with 13 years ago and never made another single friend in over a decade? this alone is a massive red flag to me.

  4. I have good news for you!

    You don't have to ask for a divorce. You can tell your husband that because he has not supported you in keeping your baby safe, you are divorcing him. Hand him the papers.

    If you don't feel safe or able to do that, write him a letter to go with the papers.

    His first care needs to be to his child and wife, not his parents. They aren't a defenceless baby.

  5. Yeast can be tricky. It just is.. EVERYONE INVOLVED should go ahead and treat, and like many fungal infections you should continue to treat for a week even after symptoms disappear. So please continue to treat and abstain from PiV sex for 14 days.

    Lotromin is very good for yeast infections on the penis.

    It can also be helpful to bleach or boil both parties underwear

    Yeast is kind of a bitch.. I battled thrush with my nursing kids and it was a pain to have treat our whole triad, sanitize anything that was in contact with their mouths or my nipples and try and make sure it didn't lead to genital yeast issues.

  6. Boy, Im not sure I have anything constructive to say being an atheist and all but from my perspective from being married almost 30 years is that there are way more serious issues in life to contend with than whose version of a fairytale is truer. That being said, I stem from an interfaith marrige where my parents were raised catholic and jewish; neither doctrine interfered with their relationship. Seems like its time for you to move on if these issues can not be resolved. Itll only cause more turmoil once children are involved. I sincerely hope for the best outcome. Good luck.

  7. if it makes him happy who cares,

    When you're in a relationship with him, you can feel free not to care.

  8. Dude she was someone's sugar baby kept it from you and then lied about it and you went ahead and married her anyway? That's nuts! You really believe there was nothing secual going on? You can't be that naive.

  9. You can't stay with him, he will continue to do this to you.

    Thank god she turned him down because he would of slept with her.. but there will always be someone else, walk away for your own sanity he is disgusting

  10. No, don't do this to yourself, OP. Stand up for yourself and end it. Walk away. He ghosted you….Block his ads. Go NC.

    Pick yourself up and start living. He has no respect for you. Don't accept his behavior. Hold him accountable.

  11. I don't see the part where you made him overdose.

    You're totally innocent and at the risk of downvotes, his actions were incredibly selfish. Don't blame yourself!

  12. Inform friend's wife your husband told you he cheated, if friend didn't cheat you'd get to know. Let the chips fall into place

  13. Eugh, you are perfectly within your rights to leave this disgusting creature. I don't care how many other good qualities he has! Respect yourself by leaving.

  14. This is a tough situation where it will be a huge part of your life once his brother moves in. Depending on the disability, (I’m not sure if you have to help feed him, clothe him, etc.) it is round the clock care, 24/7. Unless he is pretty independent and say has paralyses waist down but needs help with a few things. If it’s the first thing, you will be expected to be a caregiver as well, which is tiring. It will take a lot of room up in the relationship where instead of just having alone time you’ll have the brother to be concerned about.

    It is your life, and you decision to decide whether taking care of your partner’s brother is manageable, worth staying together, something you can envision the rest of your life. I understand this feels like an impossible decision. One where you lose a partner, AND feel guilty. You said yourself you don’t want this, you want to be a normal couple. That’s okay, and understandable. Don’t force yourself into a situation you don’t want to be in a relationship.

    If this isn’t something you’ve totally prepared for I could see it leading to fights and resentments.

    I would consider leaving if this is a huge incompatibility. Especially since you know no matter what his brother living with you is in your guy’s future.

  15. kinda like something a troll would say huh? have you fixed out that most of the posts in here are fake yet?

  16. Nah, it's a nasty road if you want to go down 'Not a real woman';

    'Not a real woman if you don't give birth', 'Not a real woman if you're not attractive to your husband,' 'Not a real woman if you don't find all the joy and contentment you need in life from making your husband a sandwich.'

    Maybe we should just use our genders as descriptors rather than a sort of prescription of moral worth.

  17. I would suggest taking a break and trying to live day to day with brother at his own home and seeing what his needs are that are being taken care of. You will then know what he needs to have done and discuss what needs doing.

    This change for your boyfriend is a huge life changing situation, so I can see why he has given you an out.

    But I don't think he has thought this through yet, finances, children, partners etc. Even thinking it is the normal way can change in time. You are also being asked to share your life with an extra man and possibly be his carer, strange that he never mentioned it before really.

    I would give him some time to experience what life is going to be like on his own with his brother and then you will know what your choices are.

  18. I would also add, she does this kind of things with other gifts you gave her?, she wants not expensive items each time? She really understands the meaning of this ring? What is going to happen with your weeding ring?, why she doesn't help with the changes on the ring if she is so unsatisfied?

    This could be a red flag OP, ask yourself these questions and try to be honest with the answers.

  19. You can't seriously expect him to leave his job? Just ignore him and get on with your life – what he does doesn't matter.

  20. Have you been to couples' counseling? Seriously, this is the bread and butter for those therapists.

    It sounds like he's made a serious commitment to clean up his act, but your misgivings are totally justified. A mediator would probably do you a lot of good.

  21. Okay you and your wife are purposely bringing people like this into your relationship and then cry when stuff happens. What? No offense, but play with fire and get burned. I don't have any other advice for you except stop what ever debauchery you are doing and live a normal life. Maybe then normalcy will crawl back…

  22. I think I'd ask why she reacted that way to get a better understanding of her perspective.

    The second thing is I would have the same reaction as her if my partner said to feel free to comment on my relationships with people of the opposite sex. It is a little controlling just because it seems to be more like a lack of trust / place of insecurity if someone feels threatened or just comments on a friendship of the opposite sex. So from your perspective you might have honest, good intentions, most of the time it's actually inviting someone to project their insecurities on you.

    I'm someone who likes both men and women, so I tell my partner if they take issue with me being friends with anyone. This is just illustrate the point of being with someone of the opposite sex or having platonic closeness doesn't mean it's romantic.

  23. Well, who knows if she is a cheater, but she's definitely a liar and I would not be able to trust her after this. Will you be able to trust her in the future? If not, you know what you need to do. Updateme!

  24. All of this has happened in the last 60 days? Sounds like you have some personal work that needs to be done before you're able to have a healthy relationship.. What happened before you is irrelevant right now, she chose you man. Unless she has given you a legitimate reason for concern, you are way overstepping right now.

  25. Those all sound like things to discuss in marriage counseling. Other than that, I’d suggest some more honest 1 on 1s and open conversation. Be careful if she starts to trickle truth you.

  26. You cannot allow yourself to think that there was anything loving about this relationship. You miss something that didn’t exist. His whole plan was about manipulation and control. Do not backpedal. That type of thinking is what your friends were talking about. That was never a good relationship. That was outright abuse!

  27. Not all that interested in speculation. It just shows a basic lack of respect for something her bf loves to do with some of his free time.

  28. My husband's stepsister was with a sweet guy for ten years. He came to all the family get-togethers, Christmas, Thanksgiving, etc. We all loved him, and they parted amicably. After they broke up he still came to family stuff, and we were all happy to see him. That lasted another two years.

    Then he met his new girlfriend, who was seriously uncomfortable with him coming to visit. She put her foot down. He's now married to her, my sister-in-law is married to someone else, and we still haven't seen him. We all miss him terribly.The only communication we are allowed are email blasts for his band.

    OP, you need to let go of this. Get to know the guy. This doesn't have to be a zero sum game.

  29. It sounds like she’s very aware of the concept of equity. You are asking her to help pay back this “gift”. When your parents die you’ll receive all that money back from them, including the part she helped pay back. It will also be in a form that is legally yours alone as in most places an inheritance isn’t considered a marital asset. You are double-dipping here dude and now you’re upset you got called on it.

  30. If you didn’t go to the hospital, there’s no way to definitively tell you’ve had a heart attack. Only a blood test, ECG, & angiogram would confirm that.

  31. Look at where you are in your life… what you have accomplished and are working towards and goals… hobbies and morals…

    Are his the same? Are you on the same level mentally, emotionally, and financially?

    My Ama married her 2nd husband when she was 44 and he was 28. They were married 30 years happily bc they were all those things until Cancer took her… he stayed by her side till the end… 4 years have passed and he still refers to her as the love of his life and best friend.

  32. You have done nothing wrong, at all

    Sounds like your mom is mentally ill and your dad is grooming you

    I hope you can gtfo of this house soon and find peace

  33. Don’t let someone tell you twice that they don’t want you. You deserve better. She was honest – time to move on to someone who’s 10000% invested in you.

  34. Nah, she's just trying to be randomly informative about her location…

    This reminds me of that scene from It's a Wonderful Life, where they're just coming back from the pool…

  35. Hm, you know, marriage does not need ti be that big of a deal. Law varies between countries, but I assume you can divorce someone in India, and you can make some legal agreements to make sure you won't suffer that much should it come to that. Perhaps marry her in order to be together, and divorce her if it fails?

  36. Yes, but it's never been this bad before. It's not every single day. Probably every 4 months he'll explode like this. He kicked down the door in our last place. He also has threatened me multiple times and I have video evidence. He's never hit me or thrown anything at me. He's never attempted suicide before this. After everytime he feels extremely guilty and says that he is so sorry and that he didn't mean any of it. That he just wanted a reaction from me. I used to react hugely and get judt as mad, but I stopped fighting because I've realized its futile.

    Talking about it afterwords is also completely useless because he'll bulldoze me with “They were just words. You should be over this by now. I just want to move past this and get things back to normal”.

  37. Yeah it definitely doesn’t sit right with me. My phone has a password, my fiancé knows my password because if I’m driving and I need to send a text, I can just have him do it. Or if I’m driving and want to listen to music, i ask him to grab my phone and put music on. He’s never really expressed much interest in seeing what I’ve said to other people. However, if he did I would have no problem with him doing so because there’s nothing in there that I wouldn’t want him to see… if there’s nothing to hide, why hide it?

  38. You are not dumb. Manipulative, violent people are good at hiding what they are—really good. Otherwise, everyone would know what they were immediately and they’d be shunned by society. His bad behavior is not a reflection of you.

    You’ll be OK, OP. Please take up some of these commenters on the resources for SA and domestic violence survivors they’re offering. It will take you some time to heal, but please don’t blame yourself. My heart hurts for you, and I wish you all the best.

  39. Ok so different perspective here… I'm a recovering insecure trainwreck. I'm guessing this isn't the only mountain he's made out of an imaginary molehill. Maybe some passive aggressive remarks here and there? Pattern recognition combined with trauma/mental illness is a bitch. I'm not a cheater, never have been, but I managed to convince myself that I wasn't good enough for loyalty. (Enter past trauma.) Most of my past is full of dudes that fulfilled that prophecy. I even married someone that I wasn't attracted to, who wasn't attractive to women, and wasn't attracted to women (or men) just to not have to fucking deal with infidelity anymore. 8 years of a sexless marriage later & I couldn't hang and needed to be passionate with someone again. (Enter current hubs.) I started my insecure shit with him, which made him hide things, which made me think he was hiding things and constantly analyze his motives and intentions. Trust on both sides was disappearing quickly. I got solo counseling and we did couples therapy. I was never open to it, but I'm so glad I did. It's a work in progress, but it's so much easier now for both of us. We have a real kind of timeless connection and he knows how to speak to my core,. He's called me out, reassured me, is learning to validate, but most of all has been patient. That in turn has increased my compassion for him and he more patient with his things.”

    TLDR – don't lose hope: get counseling

  40. What types of plans has he made before for special events? (Like your last birthday, valentines day or anniversary etc)

  41. I don’t have an answer for you but I wonder if the both of you went into the relationship suspecting it might not work out because of the distance so maybe never fully committed? It can be convenient to break up with someone when something else bad is happening because she has your sympathy. And you still want to be friends. That means you don’t get to be fully present to find someone IRL that might be more realistic to experience a life with. I think just ending amicably is best. Then if it ever made sense to revisit you can but it would hold you back right now I think.

  42. Personally speaking, I wouldn't end a close friendship for a 4 month relationship. But if he was ready to cut her out of his life for you at 4 months, it's a little odd that he's willing to dismiss your feelings now and reconnect with her after already dating you for however long you've been dating since.

    Facetimes, calls and hangouts happen naturally when you want them to happen. So the question you need to ask him is, why doesn't he want to see you as much as you want to see him, or as much as he wants to see his friends?

    If you think something's changed in your relationship, trust your gut. Have an open conversation. If his response is vague/unsatisfactory, it's better to move on. Good luck.

  43. There’s a common belief that abusers “lose control.” It’s more that they just give themselves permission to say/do the thing.

    Would he have called her a bad mother if someone else was around to witness it? Probably not. He is okay with calling her a “bad mother” in private, which means he has some awareness and sense of self-control but actively chose to say this to her. Likely to get into her head and influence her actions in the future.


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