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34 thoughts on “NicoleArboleda live sex cams for YOU!

  1. But tbh I don’t think I can ever stop her because I don’t want to.

    Stop dating someone you are willing to practically assault because you 'don't wanna stop'.

    Your girlfriend is suffering and struggling with her competing needs of parents, religion, culture, love, and whatever the fuck all else, and YOU ARE NOT HELPING. Respect her and back off, or don't and break up.

    Start being a partner not a user. Your penis will recover, your relationship will not.

  2. You're right, you don't deserve this relationship.

    And neither does he. Fuck your own sense of self worth must be something

  3. You act like she had no choice in dating him, like he manipulated her into dating him. She admitted she knew he didn't want to get married and chose to date or continue to date him when he told her he doesn't want to get married.

    She could have walked away at any time. She held on hoping he'd change his mind and want to marry her. Now she's decided his reasons for not wanting to get married aren't good enough. She doesn't get to decide that. I'd say the same thing if this was they other way around and he wanted to get married and she didn't.

  4. Maybe ask him on his off day… But the guy is tired/stressed.. your a student,dude works construction… You're not physically as tired as he is… Get off TikTok

  5. This was his initial response:

    “We need to talk over this. Things changed. Client cancelled the job walk but they’ll be paying on the back end. She almost cancelled the trip because of it. It was very much not as much of a work trip as a a vacation trip but I didn’t realize until we just were about to leave. She made the excuse because she wanted to go on the trip too to justify it and is now saying it’s because of my 5 year anniversary “

  6. Dear God. I read the whole thing and it seems like a doozy when in reality is very simple.

    Why are you groveling for G when he can’t even give you an ounce of respite?

    I just cannot fathom being in the death spiral of a person who has such black and white views and not self-reflect that it’s hurting you. Neurodivergence is not an excuse to being a dick.

    He calls you names, insults you, guilts you, and you still play as “very valid”. Yeah. Ok. They’re both idiots for treating you like garbage for a mistake they made with each other.

    How much more can you apologize when he will continue to berate you for something he said he let go, but as YOU know, he obviously can’t?

    It seems to me like you are willing to set yourself on fire for him, when he can’t even meet you halfway. Set some boundaries. You ALREADY apologized. Any conversation in which he goes into his cycle, shut the door, leave. Give warning, I will not tolerate this. Mean it. For every single instance he “has to be right” you need to shut that shit down. He knows you appreciate him as a close and dear friend and HE IS ABUSING IT. Put a stop to his behavior by setting boundaries if you want the friendship to continue.

    Ren can also disappear. She obviously was saying things to rile up G, and didn’t give two shits about how you were standing in the middle.

  7. I see. What do you think about the other interpersonal scenarios I described? (The close friends, neighbor and strangers) I don’t think my cultural background plays much of a role here because I consider myself as mostly westernized.

  8. He lied to you for a year. It doesn't matter if it was about genitals or anything else for that matter. Just break it off already and find someone else. Hopefully he learns and doesn't make the same mistake in future relationships.

  9. It’s in her lease that they’re not allowed to smoke anywhere in the building, including the balcony, as it’s a fire hazard. If he had been caught, she would have been kicked out of her apartment. Even though OP knew this, he made the choice to do it not once, not twice, but THREE TIMES. Plus, it doesn’t matter anyway as OP promised her that he wouldn’t smoke in the apartment OR balcony. It’s not about the smoking, it’s about him violating her very reasonable boundaries multiple times and risking her being kicked out, all because he’s too lazy to leave the building to smoke.

  10. He perceives that you’re rapidly ascending to a level that will soon be out of his league, and he’s feeling very insecure about it.

  11. The dynamic of your job sounds very different from the flexibility of his job so he may not consider days off as important because he regularly gets them.

  12. I am nearly 50. I also partied plenty and had threesome and group situations. None of them (and some were amazing) compares at all to being in love with an amazing partner. You would be pretty stupid to try for this fantasy if you and she have a good relationship. If she never brings this topic up, she is probably not interested. She already knows that you are.

  13. Another man got to experience her in ways you probably never will. It’s okay to feel how you’re feeling

  14. Damn, didn’t know toddlers could be 40. In all seriousness cut your losses and save your money to treat yourself m.

  15. Yea and I kind of got upset about him and his behavior it was so confusing. I know I ruined my chances with him. I just felt like he wasn’t attracted enough to me so that’s why he couldn’t decide. He couldn’t even commit to just catching up.

    Kind of think I won’t find one at all at this age…

  16. I’ve gotten into the habit of giving my bf “alone days” especially after a super stressful day at work and just let him have the house to himself to watch shows I don’t like or just sit around and do nothing and I just stay at my moms house. I don’t really care for it as I love being around him and when I’m stressed he’s my comfort but I understand that this is what’s helping him through whatever is going on with him

  17. For me the bigger issue for OP should be the uneducated bipolar disorder. That shit can be dangerous and ruin lives.

  18. If you tell it how it is she’s not going to listen because she won’t want to hear it. She wants you to validate her behaviour.

    So I wouldn’t bother getting involved. Whatever you say unless it’s “he’s a dick and you’re right” is going to make her sulk.

    She’s a random work colleague not a friend so just tell her you can’t help. Stay away from her immature drama.

    And stop going drinking with her if you know what she’s like, she sounds dirty.

  19. Female, and had trouble with this same thing he’s got going on. It made me sad to think of my partner with other people. This has taken a lot of personal work, acceptance, talking it through with him, and therapy too. It takes work, but I wanted to work through it for both of us. I hope that he can seek some professional help to help yalls relationship.

  20. News flash he loves you. He's also afraid either you don't love him or his loving you is going to scare you away… I'm guessing you have some issues based on the post alone.

  21. My bf had the same worries before I brought him home. Honestly, I think it’s just he’s a good guy and wants the gf’s parents to see in him what she sees because he really cares about her and wants to be with her nervousness.

  22. I guess I just don't know how to approach this because there's no compromise. Either he's devastated that he's got to watch the wedding he envisioned get cancelled even though we 100% could've afforded it, or I'm deeply unhappy about spending so much of my own money on a wedding I wanted to be half the price.

    Selfishly, he cares a lot less about some of the other details of wedding planning that are costing us money. The only other catering options at our venue are a crappy but cheap wedding caterer and a really good one that is more expensive. I feel like it would be such a waste if we spent so much money on an overpriced fancy venue only to feed our guests messy, bad food to save like $2k…but I also am not sure I can come to him asking about contributing more financially when he'd serve the cheap food in a heartbeat.

  23. Well I guess that is fine, as long as you are upfront about your boundaries you will only get into a relationship with someone accepting or even sharing your views.

    As for alcohol, I agree this can enable behaviour otherwise unthinkable from someone. This is however something that can be addressed with your partner, regarding when, where and with whom it is acceptable to get drunk.

    I find little difference between someone being willing to cheat on me given opportunity, and someone that has already cheated on me. Both are detestable, and I do not want to be with either. I also do not want to find it out, many years into relationship or marriage. It is much better to not try to stop someone from having the opportunity to cheat on you, as long as it isn't generally disrespectful behaviour to a partner. I imagine we wouldn't agree what disrespectful behaviour is. For me, it is when a partner does with someone other than me something you would do with a love interest, not a platonic friend. In addition, any behaviour that would enable an affair if it was the case is problematic, but this very much case by case thing.

    I had a female friend living in me in the same room for 6 months. Yes, she was in a relationship, but was suddenly without a place to live, and her boyfriend was locked into a lease in place she could not live with him. Nothing between us have happened. Crazy, I know.

    Even more crazy is that some people face being in a long distance relationship for a few years, yet remain faithful to each other. It is almost like opportunity does not create a cheater, but only enables one.

  24. I mean find someone who knows what they want and is comfortable with who you are as person.

    I can’t tell if you’re actually staying because you like the relationship or you feel obligated to do it/ it’s not for a healthy reason


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