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My porn, y.o.
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So for iPhones you can set favorite contacts that will ring loud regardless of your volume or your do not disturb status. I think you can also set it so your flashlight blinks when you’re getting a call. Not sure if those are available on Samsungs, you can take a look
I think the Dr.s let him down.
This reminds me of when my husband and I JUST started dating. We were at a restaurant and I wanted to try some of his food, he lifted his fork with the tongs pointed toward me so I assumed he was trying to feed me so leaned over and ate it off his fork. He got all flustered and red and said “I meant for you to grab the fork.” So I guess some people pass forks tongs first?
That's what will happen with porn, if you like certain people, how they look, what they do, how they move, and what fetishes they satisfy, then you will tend to look for them again. It's a targeted search just like anything else you look for.
Says the child that was dating a grown man that still doesn’t pay rent, phone, or her own car as an adult. You are going to have to grow up at some point and take care of yourself. It’s his place so he’ll eventually come home. Just wait it out.
I believe it is illegal in Florida as others have been arrested for this. I’m not very clear and I don’t like asking about her status because it’s private..but she’s never said she’s undetectable, never mentions Dr appointments or anything.
I said I was sorry and I’d make it up to him, we could do anal
Stop. No. You’re not a fleshlight, and he’s not owed sex or an apology when you turn it down. You do not need to make anything up or offer something in return.
Do not let this slide. I am genuinely concerned for your safety. There was a post recently from a woman who refused to indulge in her husbands racist kink, so he played nice until he got her alone and raped her. Do not put it past this guy to initiate sex and stick it in your ass without warning, he told you to your face you “owe it” to him.
Fuck that comment, you've got this you stallion of life!
I agree with you OP. If he feels uncomfortable with it, he should take it up with his brother not you. What does he expect you to do, it was just as unexpected for you as it was for everyone else. You don't deserve to be treated like you are cheating/enabling the brother. He shouldn't be punishing you for this, like because you didn't want to be rude you're now untrustworthy. This is should be sorted out between them, don't get involved, don't start acting differently(cold) towards the brother on his behalf, maybe establish distance/boundaries between you and the brother if you feel like he is into you but yeah, this isn't your fault so just carry on as usual. Don't tolerate this behavior either.
He got a donkeys brain and probably missed one semester worth of biology class to come to that conclusion. Without paternity testing, physical features isn’t a reliable way of determining parentage.
He acts as if I’m punishing him whenever I ask him to come home at a more decent time or to watch our son when I want to head out for a while. And he’s definitely rude as hell whenever I ask him to do something he simply has no interest in doing. When he’s home he’s very helpful but if not what he feels like doing in that moment or at all, it’s a fight. I hope he wakes up soon and grows up because this is not something I’m willing to tolerate forever.
I was 16 it’s a 22 year old in the 1970s unfortunately got pregnant and married had three kids before I came to my senses and dumped his ass seriously I’m so glad that this is illegal now .. I would’ve had a completely different life if that guy hadn’t ruined it . he still is creepy AF all these years later
Why is it unfair? He told you he just couldnt controll himself and have on at the very least on one occation kept touching you after you repeatedly said no. What was his end goal there, do you think, if not to wear you down to just agree with it so he would stop pestering you? Even tho you said no repeatedly. He knew you didnt want him to, he didnt stop, he has said he cant control himself.
That's what I think too. It's just a pity cause we get along so well and we're always having a great time.
Idk if she realises that but it's definitely comparable. Not the tops so much, but certainly the bikini. The lower part literally covers next to nothing. The male equivalent would be me wearing swimwear that shows my testicles lol.
Wow. What an asshole. Doubly so because he ran to his mother! Wtf?
No, he’s been at this job for a long time and as far as I know he’s planning on moving up and staying at the job. Could he be a straight up manipulative psychopath? Or is he just experimenting to figure himself out and it got out of hand because I caught feelings?
Are you a man? Just curious.
When most women are cramping, they don’t want to be penetrated or fucked with beyond cuddles. Activity in general helps cramps and pain. Orgasms are more of a cramp preventative.
Also – most men (especially those who have never lived with a woman before) are afraid of giving head to a menstruating woman despite how clean she may be.
I’ve had period head before … it’s cool with me. ??♀️.
Accessory my bottom. If it's not a close person (a close friend or family member) I'd say nothing. I would also not be all judgy towards someone not close to me staying quiet if I was the one being cheated on. When I was younger, I was like you. Outing always. Had SO MUCH shit going my way for the way I acted. The absolute worst was when I almost got killed in front of my child, was dragged through court as a witness for years and was directly and indirectly blamed by a lot of people…just because I outed a cheater. Took me that bitter experience to realize how selfish I was, putting my feelings of righteousness and guilt and my selfish “morals” above my family's safety and peace of mind. So I learned to keep my mouth shut. Not my monkeys, not my circus is my moto when the love and sex life of adult people I don't know much about is in question. OP should do whatever she feels fine with doing and she shouldn't be guilt tripped into making a particular decision by the people who aren't in her shoes and who would bear zero responsibility if things turn ugly. In my country there's a nice term we're accustomed to: it's easy to beat nettles with someone else's cock.
I really have to wonder what you qualify as cheating, and if your partners flirting with other people is okay with you then good for you and you relationships.
But not everyone has those same boundaries. For many having their partner flirt with other people isn't something they are cool with, and OP's husband deserves to know she did that. It's not about being a prude, it's about respect. Lying to him about this is disrespectful. And again if it's not a big deal/something everyone does then what is the harm in telling him so she can get it off her shoulders?
the thing is he didnt ask her if she felt that, he told her i seemed possessive
If your wife thinks you are monogamous that is definitely cheating. I wouldn’t want to fuck someone that was unfaithful to me either.
A child has never, in the history of all time, made a bad relationship better
I would recommend that you don't ask again. It sounds like they were friends and going out with friends, and then he made a move and she turned him down and decided not to talk to him anymore. Just let it be. It's been 3 years
No, it can't. The whole point is the lack of respect and feminism. Stop being so naive lol. Just leave the dude and start dating a proper guy, or continue your sugar business.
Btw, no sugar daddy is going to be a good person. They are doing this because they can't get women the proper way. Why is that? Did you gave it a thought?
'I just want sex'
Try that and next time don't spend time with someone's parents, or if you knew the parents first, don't shag their daughter.
She did discard you and has moved on and you have to learn accept that. Perhaps it was a one sided relationship of mostly you keeping it going. Also if you read through some of the posts in this sub you’ll see that anytime someone asks for a break means they already have their eye set on someone new, sorry bud.
No, don't do this. I'm on her side.
No, don't tell him. Why hurt him even more?
$400k for them to gaslight me and dismiss my symptoms??
So let me get this straight. She got pregnant by a dude and didn't give the kids his last name because she was planning on leaving him.
Now she's gotten pregnant by you and doesn't want to give the kids your last names because …
Sounds like she see's you as temporary mate. Honestly it's crazy that you're paying all of her bills and she's treating you the same way she treated the Ex she was planning on leaving. You don't really have much of a choice in the matter, and I think you should start of emotionally prepare for what ever she may decide to do next.
Nothing about this relationship is “fair”.
You cheated on him, then thought that giving him a hall pass would absolve you of all guilt, he then took you up on that offer and now you're mad that he's taking advantage of it.
Break up and work on yourself. You're not ready for a mature relationship.
The bottom line is that it's just really very hot to “feel loved” in an LDR where you've never actually met the person. If she's recently started college it makes sense that she has less time for you. On top of that it's only been four months. You're probably just expecting too much out of what is a very tenuous situation. Bet if you can temper your expectations and make them more in line with the reality of this you'll feel better.
Court ordered assessment was my bet
You need to very firmly tell him you thought about it, and will not be having surgery no matter what, and see what his reaction is. People DIE sometimes having cosmetic surgeries. Ask him why he would be willing to lose you over something so trivial. Then ask him if he wants to be a single parent. Tell him you've made up your mind and he is free to leave if he's so disappointed eiyt your body (you need to know if he will leave you over this. You can always change your mind later if you really are crazy enough to do this for him. But don't you wanna know he won't leave over this first?)
Then tell him it's making you consider not allowing him into the birthing room because you're concerned he will want you sew up your vagina too. Tell him this is a big deal to you and that he needs to shut up and apologize because it's making you question his love for you.
I see three possibilities: a) he saw some awful porn and thought you might be into that. b) It's his kink. c) He hates women. Or d) all of the above.
If it's a) or b), he was wrong not to discuss it with you first. (And by “wrong” I mean “seriously fucked up”). If he's truly sorry, and you're assured it won't happen again, then fine. Otherwise, I'm going with c).
You told her you're not comfortable with it. She told you she is not going to change her behavior. End of story.
You can't make her change her behavior. You can only control your own behavior. So, if you're not okay with her continuing that behavior, you have to end the relationship.
If you choose to continue the relationship anyway, you have no right to ask her to change that behavior. You will have to change your idea of what is acceptable to you.
Is it really a problem, or are you two just not on the same page? If it’s a serious issue then you should be talking to a doctor. But if you’re nitpicking about each other, just break up and spare yourselves the back and forth.
Quotation marks??
I’d be annoyed by you too
Why do you think that?
id love to but my family online 200 miles away and she always black mails me and i have no money
Leave him at home, there is a time and a place for everything, a wedding is not the pace for a superhero.
factually not true. obesity is sometimes a symptom of other things — insulin resistance, childhood trauma, depression, disability, etc. don’t speak in absolutes if you’re gonna speak outta your ass.
Hahaha didn’t find out about the cheating until years into our marriage
Just a shot in the dark here, but are you bi, or could she maybe think that for some reason? Sometimes this is what biphobia looks like
loool wow